Cristina Bachmann, Heiko Bischoff, Christina Kaboth, Insa Mingers, Sabine Pfeifer,
Benjamin Schütte
This PDF provides improved access for vision-impaired users. Please note that due to the
complexity and number of images in this document, it is not possible to include text descriptions
of images.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. The software described by
this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media except
as specifically allowed in the License Agreement. No part of this publication may be copied,
reproduced, or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written
permission by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Registered licensees of the product
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All product and company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective holders. For more
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33Command Bars
34Status Bar
36Context Menus
36Time Ruler and Level Ruler
42Value Editing
42Drag Operations
44Undoing and Redoing
52Managing Tabs
55Saving a Picture of the Active Window
57File Operations
57Recently Used Files
57Save and Save As
64File Renaming
65Deleting Files
65Special Menu
66Temporary Files
67Work Folders vs. Document Folders
69Setting the Focus on the Current File
70About Workspaces
70Elements of a Workspace
71Audio Files Workspace
71Audio Montage Workspace
72Podcast Workspace
72Opening Files in a Workspace
72Organizing Workspace Windows
73About Tool Windows
77Transport Bar
92Playing Back Only One Channel
92Starting Playback From the Ruler
93Using the Play Tool
93Playback Scrubbing
94Scroll During Playback
95About Playback in the Audio Montage
97Audio File Editing
97Wave Window
101File Handling in the Audio Files Workspace
123Changing the Audio Properties
127Silence Generator Dialog
129Waveform Restoration with the Pen Tool
155Basic Terminology
156Montage Window
158Signal Flow in the Audio Montage
159Creating a New Audio Montage
160Creating an Audio Montage from an Audio File
160Import Options for Audio Montages
161Missing Files in Audio Montage Dialog
162Assembling the Audio Montage
167Rearranging Clips
169Clips Editing
178Track Activity Indicator
179Envelopes for Clips
183Fades and Crossfades in the Audio Montage
188Effects for Tracks, Clips, and the Master Output
198About the CD Window
201About Cloning Audio Montages
202Mixing Down - The Render Function
202Loudness Meta Normalizer
204Notes Window
205 Recording
205Setting Up the Recording Dialog
206Dropping Markers During Recording
207Recording Dialog
236Marker Types
237Markers Window
240About Creating Markers
243Deleting Markers
244Moving Markers
244Navigating to Markers
244Hiding Markers of a Certain Type
245Renaming Markers
245About Selecting Markers
246Selecting the Audio Between Markers
247Binding Markers to Clips in the Audio Montage
247How Marker Information is Stored
248 Metering
248Metering Window
248About Meter Settings
249Resetting the Meters
249Level Meter
254 Writing Operations
254Write Audio CD Dialog
256Erase Optical Media Dialog
257About Writing Audio Montages
260Data CD/DVD Projects
263About Audio CD Formats
284Import Audio CD Dialog
288Importing Audio CD Tracks
289Searching Track Names on the internet
290About Ultra-Safe Mode
290Converting Audio CD Tracks to an Audio
291 Podcasts
291Podcast Workspace
296Global Podcast Options
297Creating a Podcast
297Setting Up a FTP for Podcast Publishing
298Publishing a Podcast
298FTP Site Dialog
300Checking the Podcast
The detailed help system of WaveLab Elements makes it easy to look
up interface features and get information from within the program.
Three main types of help are available:
•The help provides detailed information on the features and
functionality of WaveLab Elements. You can set bookmarks, and
use the search function and index to quickly find information.
•“What’s This” tooltips give detailed information on the functionality
of a specific user interface element.
•The status bar at the bottom of each workspace window gives
detailed information on menu items when moving the mouse over
an item.
•In the Audio Montage workspace, the status bar shows what kind
of editing can be performed when using the mouse and modifier
Accessing the Help System
There are several ways of accessing the help system.
•To open the WaveLab Elements help, select Help > Contents.
•To open the manual in PDF format, browse to the installation
folder. The documents are located in the Documentation folder.
•To show tooltips, move the mouse over an interface icon.
•To open the help for the active dialog, click the question mark icon
on the title bar (Windows) or in the dialog (Mac OS) to show the
Help button, and then click the Help button, or press [F1]
(Windows) or [Command]-[?] (Mac OS).
About the Program Versions
•To use the menu help, move the mouse over a menu item. The help
text is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the workspace
•To see information on what kind of editing can be performed when
using the mouse and modifier keys in the audio montage window,
move the mouse over the montage window. The help text is
displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the workspace
•To activate/deactivate the help texts on the status bar, select
Options (WaveLab menu on Mac) > Global preferences >
Display tab, and in the Workspaces section, select Display
status bar.
To open the “What’s This” help, you have the following possibilities:
•In any workspace, press [Shift]-[F1], and move the mouse over an
interface item, or select Help > What is this?.
•In a dialog, select the question mark icon on any title bar
(Windows) or in the dialog (Mac OS), and move the mouse over
an interface item or a menu option.
•Some “What’s this” tooltips have a different background color to
indicate that a dedicated help topic is available in the WaveLab
Elements help. Click the link in the tooltip to open the
corresponding information in the help.
About the Program Versions
The documentation covers two different operating systems, Windows
and Mac OS X. Some features and settings are specific to one of the
operation systems.
This is clearly stated in the applicable cases. If nothing else is said, all
descriptions and procedures in the documentation are valid for all
WaveLab Elements versions for both Windows and Mac OS X.
The screenshots are taken from the English Windows version of
WaveLab Elements.
Typographical Conventions
Typographical Conventions
Many of the default key commands in WaveLab Elements use modifier
keys, some of which are different depending on the operating system.
For example, the default key command for Undo is [Ctrl]-[Z] on
Windows and [Command]-[Z] on Mac OS X.
When key commands with modifier keys are described in this manual,
they are shown with the Windows modifier key first, in the following way:
•[Win modifier key]/[Mac modifier key]-[key]
For example, [Ctrl]/[Command]-[Z] means “press [Ctrl] on Windows or
[Command] on Mac OS X, then press [Z]”.
Similarly, [Alt]/[Option]-[X] means “press [Alt] on Windows or [Option]
on Mac OS X, then press [X]”.
This manual often refers to right-clicking, for example, to open context
menus. If you are using a Mac with a single-button mouse, hold down
[Ctrl] and click.
How You Can Reach Us
On the Help menu in WaveLab Elements, you find items linking to
additional information.
The menu contains links to various Steinberg web pages. Selecting a
menu item automatically launches your browser and opens the page. On
these pages, you can find support and compatibility information,
answers to frequently asked questions, information about updates and
other Steinberg products, etc. This requires that you have a web
browser installed on your computer, and a working internet connection.
Setting Up Your System
Before you start working, you need to make some settings.
Make sure that all equipment is turned off before making any
Connecting Audio
Your system setup depends on many different factors, for example, the
kind of project that you want to create, the external equipment that you
want to use, or the computer hardware available to you.
About Audio Cards and Background
When you activate playback or recording in WaveLab Elements, other
applications cannot access the audio card. Likewise, if another
application uses the audio card, WaveLab Elements is unable to play
back. The Windows MME driver is an exception from this.
You can run WaveLab Elements together with other applications and
always give the active application access to the audio card.
To do so, select Options > VST Audio Connections, and on the
Options tab, activate Release driver when WaveLab is in
Setting Up Your System
About Latency
About Latency
Latency is the delay between when audio is sent from the program and
when you actually hear it. While a very low latency can be crucial in a
real-time DAW application such as Steinberg Nuendo or Cubase, this
is not strictly the case with WaveLab Elements.
When working with WaveLab Elements, the important issues are
optimum and stable playback and editing precision. You should not try
to reach the lowest possible latency figures.
The latency in an audio system depends on the audio hardware, its
vers, and settings. In case of dropouts, crackles, or glitches during
playback, raise the Buffer Number setting on the VST Audio Connections dialog, or increase the buffer size in the ASIO control
panel, specific to the audio card.
Defining VST Audio Connections
To be able to play back and record audio in WaveLab Elements, you
must specify how the internal input and output channels in WaveLab
Elements are connected to your sound card and which device you
intend to use for audio playback and recording.
You can define the buffer settings for your device as well as set up
connections to external gear, such as external effects units. You should
select at least two channels for stereo playback and recording.
If you have no third-party audio card, you can select the Win
driver or Built-in Audio (Mac) options. You can also use MME with most
third party audio cards, with the advantage that you can record and play
at different sample rates. However, Windows MME drivers do not allow
audio monitoring in the Recording dialog or multichannel operation, and
other drivers generally offer better sound quality and performance.
Selecting an ASIO Driver
dows MME
Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO) is a computer device driver protocol
for digital audio specified by Steinberg. It provides a low-latency and
Setting Up Your System
Defining VST Audio Connections
high fidelity interface between a software application and the soundcard
of a computer.
1.In any workspace, except the Podcast workspace, select Options > VST Audio Connections.
2.From the Audio Device menu, select your ASIO driver.
The ASIO plug-ins tab and the Control panel button are activated.
3.Optional: Click the Control panel button and make your settings.
4.On the ASIO plug-ins tab, select the audio ports that are used for
recording and monitor input of the ASIO plug-ins.
5.Click OK.
Selecting a Windows MME Driver
1.In any workspace, except the Podcast workspace, select Options
> VST Audio Connections.
2.From the Audio Device menu, select the Windows MME driver.
3.On the Playback tab, select the audio ports that are used for
4.On the Recording tab, select the audio ports that used for
recording and monitor input.
5.Click OK.
VST Audio Connections Dialog
This dialog allows you to specify how the internal input and output
channels in WaveLab Elements are connected to your sound card and
which device you want to use for audio playback and recording.
In any workspace, except the Podcast workspace, select Options > VST Audio Connections.
Global Settings
Audio device
Here, select the audio device that you want to use for playback and
recording audio. If you do not have a third-party audio card, you
Setting Up Your System
Defining VST Audio Connections
Control panel
Playback Tab
can select the Windows MME driver or Built-in Audio (Mac)
When you select an ASIO driver, the Control panel button is
activated. Click the button to open the settings application of your
sound card, which is usually installed with the sound card.
Depending on your sound card and driver, this provides settings
for buffer size, digital formats, additional I/O connections, etc.
This button causes audio devices to be evaluated again to reflect
device changes.
This tab allows you to select and name audio ports that are used for
Recording Tab
This tab allows you to select and name your audio ports that are used
for recording and input monitoring. The inputs that you define here are
then available in the Recording dialog.
Options Tab
This tab allows you to specify the number of buffers and the control
driver functionality.
Buffer Number
Increasing this value improves the elasticity of audio str
avoid dropouts.
MME Specific - Buffer size
Increasing this value improves the elasticity of audio streaming to
avoid dropouts. This is only available when an MME driver is
eaming to
Setting Up Your System
CD/DVD Recorders
Initialize streaming engine at first use
Initializes the audio streaming engine when playback or recording
are used for the first time. If this option is deactivated, the audio
streaming engine is initialized at program startup.
Reset driver when changing sample rate
Resets the driver when sample rate is changed. When playback or
recording must be set to a new sample rate, certain audio device
drivers must be fully reset to work properly. This operation takes
some time.
Perform short fade-in/out when starting/stopping playback
Performs a short fade-in when starting playback and a short
fade-out when stopping playback. This avoids clicks that are
caused by waveforms that are not starting on a zero-crossing
Release driver when WaveLab Elements is in background
Closes the audio device when WaveLab Elements is no longer the
front application. This allows other audio applications to use the
same audio device.
CD/DVD Recorders
For general instructions on installing internal or connecting external
recorders via USB or Firewire, please refer to the instruction manual for
your computer or your recorder.
Make sure to have the latest firmware version installed on your recorder
unit. For CD recorders, the existing firmware must support disc-at-once
mode. In addition, running a unit with older firmware can prevent you
from writing sub-inde
x markers into the tracks, for example.
Remote Devices
You can use remote devices to remote-control WaveLab Elements.
Several commands can be controlled with knobs and sliders of your
remote control device.
Setting Up Your System
Remote Devices
Remote Devices Dialog
This dialog allows you to select a device to remote-control WaveLab
Elements, and see the control map of MIDI control devices.
In any workspace, except the Podcast workspace, select Options > Remote devices.
Device Editing Tab
This tab lets you select a MIDI control device and see the control map.
Activates the selected device and scans the MIDI ports.
Select the MIDI input/output ports of the device
Lets you enter a map name.
Expands/collapses the folder tree of the control map.
WaveLab Elements action list
This folder tree lists the parameters that you can remote-control.
The top folder represent contexts. The related parameters can only
be controlled if the context is active. For example,
that you want to
if an audio file is
A remote control can be used in several contexts if these are
exclusive. For example, parameters that can be used for an active
audio file or an active audio montage.
Setting Up Your System
Remote Devices
Options Tab
The Global folder contain the parameters that can always be
This tab lets you use the MIDI Learn function to assign a control of a
MIDI remote control device to a function.
Emulate mouse wheel
If this option is activated, the AI knob acts as a mouse wheel in the
WaveLab Elements user interface, except for plug-ins.
Edit focused numeric field
If this option is activated, the AI knob can be used to edit the
focused numeric field that you find in many WaveLab Elements
windows and dialogs.
CC121 Advanced Integration Controller
You can use Steinberg's CC121 Advanced Integration Controller to
control WaveLab Elements.
This section describes the WaveLab Elements factory preset for the
CC121. For detailed information on how to use the controller, refer to
the manual that came with the CC121. Note that the CC121 was
originally designed for Cubase. The following mapping combines the
WaveLab Elements functionality with the CC121 controls. The controls
that are not listed in the following paragraph are not assigned to a
Channel Section
You can use all controls of the CC121 channel section, except the
fader, to control the elements of the selected track in a WaveLab
Elements audio montage. You can use the fader for the Master Section.
Controls the Master Section fader.
PAN knob
Controls the gain of the selected track.
Mutes/unmutes the selected track.
Activates/deactivates solo for the selected track.
Setting Up Your System
Remote Devices
EQ Section
Selects the previous/next track in the audio montage.
To move the cursor to the previous/next clip edge in the audio
montage, hold [Alt]/[Option]. To move the cursor to the
previous/next region edge, hold [Shift]. To move the cursor to the
previous/next marker in the Audio Files workspace, hold
With the EQ section you can easily control the Steinberg Studio EQ
If the EQ TYPE button is activated on the CC121, you can adjust the
parameters of the focused Studio-EQ. All necessary EQ parameters,
such as Q/F/G of each band, EQ TYPE selection, and ALL BYPASS
on/off can be set. You can switch to WaveLab Elements navigation
mode by turning off the EQ TYPE button. In WaveLab Elements
navigation mode, you get access to alternative functions, such as
scrolling, zooming, and switching between workspaces.
EQ Type activated:
Bandwidth knobs (Q)
Adjusts the Q (bandwidth) of each EQ band.
Frequency knobs (F)
Adjusts the center frequency of each EQ band.
Gain knobs (G)
Adjusts the gain of each EQ band
Activates/deactivates the EQ bands.
Activates/deactivates bypass for all plug-ins in the Master Section.
EQ Type deactivated:
Opens the Audio Files workspace.
Opens the Audio Montage workspace.
Opens the Batch Processor workspace.
Setting Up Your System
Remote Devices
Opens the Control Window.
EQ-1 knob for the EQ Gain (G)
Scrolls left/right on the timeline.
EQ-2 knob for the EQ Gain (G)
Adjusts the horizontal zoom on the timeline.
EQ-3 knob for the EQ Gain (G)
Adjusts the vertical zoom on the timeline.
EQ-4 knob for the EQ Gain (G)
Scrolls tracks on the Audio Montage workspace or scrolls
vertically on the Audio Files workspace.
EQ-1 knob for the EQ Frequency (F)
Scrolls left/right on the overview timeline of the Audio Files
EQ-2 knob for the EQ Frequency (F)
EQ-3 knob for the EQ Frequency (F)
EQ-4 knob for the EQ Frequency (F)
Transport Section
In this section you can control the transport functions of WaveLab
Previous button
Rewind button
Horizontally zooms in/out on the overview timeline of the Audio
Files workspace.
Vertically zooms in/out on the overview timeline of the Audio Files
Vertically scrolls on the overview timeline of the Audio Files
Moves the cursor position to the beginning of the project.
Forward button
Next button
Moves the cursor position to the end of the project.
Setting Up Your System
Remote Devices
Function Section
Cycle button
Activates/deactivates Cycle mode.
Stop button
Stops playback. Press again to move the cursor to the previous
start position. Press a third time to move the cursor to the
beginning of the project.
Play button
Starts playback.
Record button
Press once to open the Recording window. Press again to start
the recording. Press a third time to stop recording. The recorded
file opens in the Audio Files workspace.
In this section, you can adjust certain functions, such as fades and
envelope level, by using the VALUE knob.
VALUE knob/button
FUNCTION button 1
FUNCTION button 2
FUNCTION button 3
FUNCTION button 4
AI Knob Section
Rotate this knob to adjust the assigned function. Press the knob to
reset the parameter to its default value.
Adjusts the fade-in settings of the focused clip.
Adjusts the fade-out settings of the focused clip.
Adjusts the envelope level of the focused clip.
The element clicked last on the Edit > Nudge menu in the Audio
Montage workspace is assigned to this
WaveLab Elements can be controlled with the AI knob of Steinberg’s
CC121, CI2+, and CMC-AI controllers. With the AI knob, you can
control the parameter that the mouse points to.
The AI knob only works on parameters that are automatable.
In this section you can control parameters via the AI knob.
Setting Up Your System
Remote Devices
Controls the VST 3plug-in parameters, emulates the mouse wheel,
for example, for scrolling, and lets you edit a focused numeric field.
To control a parameter with the AI knob, move the mouse cursor
over the parameter that you want to control, and move the AI knob.
You can activate/deactivate the emulation of the mouse wheel and
the editing of the focused numeric field in the Options tab.
When the mouse cursor points to a parameter, press LOCK to
control this parameter regardless of the position of the mouse
The CUBASE READY indicator has no function in WaveLab Elements.
Foot Switch Section
The foot switch has the same function as [Shift]. Press and hold the foot
switch while turning the AI knob to fine tune parameters.
WaveLab Elements Concepts
This chapter describes general concepts that you will use when
working with WaveLab Elements. Getting accustomed with these
procedures allows you to work more effectively with the program.
General Editing Rules
The common editing operations can be used in any Steinberg product.
•To select and move interface items, and to select ranges, click and
drag with the mouse.
•Use the keys of your computer keyboard to enter numeric values
and text, to navigate lists and other selectable interface items, and
to control the transport functions.
•Common operations like cut, copy, paste, or the selection of
multiple items can be performed using standard keyboard
The behavior of your product is also governed by your preference
“Global Preferences Dialog” on page 322
WaveLab Elements Concepts
Basic Window Handling
Basic Window Handling
WaveLab Elements follows the basic guidelines for the Windows/Mac
OS interface, which means that Windows/Mac OS standard
procedures apply.
Closing Windows
•To close a tabbed window, click the “X” button of the
corresponding tab or press [Ctrl]/[Command]-[W].
•To close a tabbed window without saving your changes, hold
[Ctrl]/[Command]-[Shift], and click the “X” button. This avoids
having to confirm a warning message whenever you want to close
an unsaved window.
•To close all tabbed windows at once, right-click a tab, and select
Close all.
•To close all tabbed windows but the selected tabbed window,
right-click a tab, and select Close all but this one.
•To individually select the tabbed windows that you want to close,
right-click a tab, and select Select files to close. This opens the
Files to close dialog, where you can select the files that you want
to close.
“Files to Close Dialog” on page 52
“Managing Tabs” on page 52
Switching Between Files
You can have multiple files open and switch between them.
•To bring a file to the front, click the corresponding tab.
•To cycle between all open files in a workspace, hold
[Ctrl]/[Command], and press [Tab] continuously.
•To cycle back and forth between the last two active files, press
[Ctrl]/[Command]-[Tab]. Between each step you have to release
all keys.
The window switchers let you easily switch between workspaces,
create new workspaces, or open existing projects. There are two types
of window switchers: The central switcher bar and the floating window
The floating window switcher behaves like the central switcher bar, but
takes less room and floats above other windows.
•To activate/deactivate the central switcher bar, in the Audio Files
workspace or the Audio Montage workspace, select Workspace > Command bars > Central switcher bar.
Using the Central Switcher Bar
You can use the central switcher bar to navigate through your
•To copy a file from one workspace to another, drag it to the button
of the workspace that you want to open, wait until the workspace
becomes active, and release the file where you want.
•To create a new file in any workspace, press [Ctrl]/[Command],
and click a workspace button.
•To open the Open window to select a file, press [Shift], and click
a workspace button.
•To display a menu listing the files that have recently been used in
a particular workspace, right-click any workspace icon.
•To create a new file or open a file, right-click any workspace icon,
and select New or Open. While left-clicking activates a
workspace, right-clicking does not activate a workspace.
WaveLab Elements Concepts
Basic Window Handling
Customizing the Central Switcher Bar
You can customize the central switcher bar using the settings menu.
To open the settings menu, right-click an empty part of the central
switcher bar.
Hides the central switcher bar.
Minimizes the central switcher bar to a thin line. To unfold the bar,
click the thin line.
Left side/Top/Right side/Bottom
Determines the location of the central switcher bar.
Large/Medium/Small size
Determines the size of the central switcher bar.
Workspace buttons
Determines which workspace buttons are visible on the central
switcher bar.
WaveLab Elements Concepts
Selecting Audio
Selecting Audio
Almost all types of editing and processing that you perform in WaveLab
Elements operate on the audio selection. There are numerous ways to
make an audio selection.
Selecting a Range by Dragging
The standard way to select a range in a wave window is to click and
If you drag all the way to the left or right side of the window, it scrolls
automatically, allowing you to select larger sections than what can be
shown in the window. The speed of the scrolling depends on how far
from the window edge you are.
Audio Range Selection in an Audio File
You can edit, process, or play back selection of an audio file.
In the Audio Files workspace, select Edit > Select time range.
Selects the entire waveform.
Toggles the current audio selection on/off.
Extend to start of file
Extends the selection to the start of the audio file. If there is no
selection, a selection is created from the edit cursor position.
Extend to end of file
Extends the selection to the end of the audio file. If there is no
selection, a selection is created from the edit cursor position.
Extend to previous marker
Extends the left edge of the selection to the nearest marker to the
left or the start of the audio file. If there is no selection, a selection
is extended until the edit cursor position.
Extend to next marker
Extends the right edge of the selection to the nearest marker to the
right or the end of the audio file. If there is no selection, a selection
is extended until the next marker position.
WaveLab Elements Concepts
Selecting Audio
Extend to cursor
Extends the selection to the edit cursor position.
From start of file until cursor
Selects the range between the start of the audio file and the edit
cursor position.
From cursor to end of file
Selects the range between the edit cursor position and the end of
the audio file.
From cursor to previous marker
Selects the range between the edit cursor position and the nearest
marker to the left or the start of the audio file.
From cursor to next marker
Selects the range between the edit cursor position and the next
marker or the end of the audio file.
Playback position => Selection start
Creates a selection range from the playback position to the end of
the audio file. If no playback is taking place, the position of the edit
cursor is used.
Playback position => Selection end
Creates a selection range from the playback position to start of the
audio file. If no playback is taking place, the position of the edit
cursor is used.
Double length
Doubles the length of the current selection range.
Halve length
Halves the length of the current selection range.
Extend to all channels
Extends the current selection range to all channels.
Left channel only
Reduces the current selection range to the left channel only.
Right channel only
Reduces the current selection range to the right channel only.
Loop region
Selects the range between the two loop markers that encompass
the edit cursor.
WaveLab Elements Concepts
Selecting Audio
Generic region
Selects the range between the two generic markers that
encompass the edit cursor.
Selecting in Stereo Files
If you are working on stereo material in the Audio Files workspace, you
can apply an operation to one channel only or to the entire stereo
Which channel is selected when you click and drag in the wave window
depends on where you position the mouse cursor, as indicated by the
pointer shape. The pointer shape indicates which channel will be
The following pointer shapes are available:
Clicking in the upper half of the left channel selects the left
Clicking in the middle area between the left and the right channel
selects both channels.
Clicking in the lower half of the right channel selects the right
Switching the Selection Between Channels
You can switch the selection that you have made for a channel to all
channels or switch the selection to the other channel.
1.In the Audio Files workspace’s wave window, make a selection
2.Select Edit > Select time range, and select Extend to all channels, Left channel only, or Right channel only, or press
[Tab] to cycle between the different channel selections.
WaveLab Elements Concepts
Selecting Audio
Selecting in the Overview of the Audio Files Workspace
The selection ranges that you make in the overview of the Audio Files
workspace also apply to the main view.
•In the Audio Files workspace’s wave window, hold down
[Ctrl]/[Command], and click and drag in the overview.
Moving a Selection Range
If a selection range is the right length, but at the wrong position, you can
move it.
1.In the wave window, hold down [Ctrl]/[Command]-[Shift].
2.Click in the middle of the selection and drag to the left/right.
Extending and Reducing the Selection
You can resize a selection range in the wave window without having to
make a new one.
There are several ways to extend/reduce the selection:
•Make a selection range, [Shift]-click outside the selection range,
and drag to the left/right, or click and drag the edges of the
selection range to the left/right.
•To extend the selection to the previous/next boundary (marker or
start/end of file), press [Shift] and double-click the non-selected
area between the boundaries.
Extending and Reducing the Selection Using the Cursor Keys
•To move the start/end of a selection in the wave window to the
left/right, hold down [Shift] and press the left/right cursor keys. To
move it in bigger steps, press the Page Up/Page Down keys.
•To extend a selection to the previous/next boundary in the wave
window (marker or start/end of the audio file), hold down
[Ctrl]/[Command]+[Shift] and press the left/right cursor keys.
WaveLab Elements Concepts
Deleting Selections
There are several options for deleting a selected time range.
Audio Files Workspace
The following options can be found on the Edit menu:
Removes the data outside the selection.
Removes the selection. The audio to the right of the selection is
moved to the left to fill the gap.
At various places in WaveLab Elements, slider controls are available to
change parameters. There are a number of ways to change the value of
a slider.
•Position the mouse over the slider and use the mouse wheel (no
click is required). Hold [Ctrl]/[Command] while using the mouse
wheel to scroll faster. This modifier also applies to the zoom
wheels. To move the button of a slider, click and drag it.
•To move the slider handle direct
any position.
•To move the slider handle in smaller steps, right-click or below the
handle. Keep the mouse button pressed to automatically step to
the next value.
•To reset the slider to the default value, if available,
[Ctrl]/[Command]-click the slider, or click using the third mouse
button, or double-click the handle.
ly to a position, click the slider at
WaveLab Elements Concepts
Renaming Items in Tables
Renaming Items in Tables
You can rename items in tables in the Markers window, and in the CD
•To rename an item, double-click it or select it, and press [Return],
and enter the new name.
•To rename the previous/next item, press arrow up or down instead
of [Return]. This way you move the focus on the previous/next item,
while staying in the edit mode.
File Browser
The File Browser window in the Audio Files workspace and the Audio
Montage workspace allows you to browse files directly from within
WaveLab Elements. It can be very useful in speeding up the process of
auditioning sound files.
The File Browser window provides you with all the standard browsing
functions as well as additional controls to audition audio files and any
marker defined regions. You can use it to open or insert files or regions
of files by dragging them onto an open workspace.
You can also choose to only view certain types of files.
File Browser Window
In this window, you can browse files and open them in WaveLab
In the Audio Files workspace or the Audio Montage workspace, select
Workspace > Specific tool windows > File Browser.
WaveLab Elements Concepts
File Browser
You can add your favorite folders to the left pane by dragging them from
the middle pane.
The following options are available in the File Browser windows:
Look in
Lets you select a file location to browse and lists the recently used
Back/Forward/Parent Directory
Let you navigate through the list and file hierarchy.
List View
Shows only the file name in the file list.
Detail View
Shows the file name, size, type, and modification date in the file list.
File name
Shows the file name of the selected file.
File format list
Lets you select which file format to display.
The following options are only available in the File Browser window in
the Audio Montage workspace:
Select Audio Files
Shows only audio files.
Select Audio Montages
Shows only audio montages.
Auto-Play mode
Starts playback automatically for the selected file.
Play selected audio file
Plays the selected audio file.
WaveLab Elements Concepts
Tab Groups
Tab Groups
With tab groups, you can view the content of different files and meters
at the same time, without having to navigate through different windows.
2 empty tab groups in the Audio Montage workspace
You can have two tab groups. Each tab group has its own content and
title bar. In the Audio Files workspace, each tab contains an audio file.
In the Audio Montage workspace, each tab contains an audio montage.
2 tab groups with audio montages in the Audio Montage workspace
Using Tab Groups
Tabs are used differently depending on the type of window.
•To add a tab group, select Workspace > Add Tab Group at right
•To remove an empty tab group, activate the tab group, and select
•To use one of the tab group layout presets, select Workspace >
•To reorder tabs, drag the tab to a new position on the tab bar.
•To move a tab to another workspace, drag the tab to another
or Workspace > Add Tab Group below.
Workspace > Remove active Tab Group.
Tab Group shortcuts, and select a layout.
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