Revision and Quality Control:
Cristina Bachmann, Heiko Bischoff, Marion Bröer, Sabine Pfeifer
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Release Date: January 30, 2008
© Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, 2008.
All rights reserved.
5 Remote controlling Cubase Essential
6 About this manual
6 Setting Up
7 Operations
8 The Generic Remote device
10 The supported remote control devices
16 Index
Table of Contents
About this manual
It is possible to control Cubase Essential via MIDI. A large
number of MIDI control devices is supported. This manual
describes how to set up Cubase Essential for remote control, and lists the supported devices.
• There is also a Generic Remote Device option, allowing
you to use any MIDI controller to remote control Cubase
How to set this up is described in the section “The Generic Remote de-
vice” on page 8.
Setting Up
Connecting the remote device
Connect the MIDI Out on the remote unit to a MIDI In on
your MIDI interface. Depending on the remote unit model,
you may also need to connect a MIDI Out on the interface
to a MIDI In on the remote unit (this is necessary if the remote unit features “feedback devices” such as indicators,
motorized faders, etc.).
If you will be recording MIDI tracks, you don’t want any
MIDI data from the remote unit to accidentally be recorded
as well. To avoid this, you should also make the following
1. Open the Device Setup dialog from the Devices menu.
2. Select “MIDI Port Setup” in the list to the left.
3. Check the table to the right and locate the MIDI input
to which you have connected the MIDI remote unit.
4. Deactivate the check box in the “In ’All MIDI Inputs’”
column for that input, so that the State column reads “Inactive”.
5. Click OK to close the Device Setup dialog.
Now you have removed the remote unit input from the “All
MIDI Inputs” group. This means that you can record MIDI
tracks with the “All MIDI Inputs” port selected without risking to record the data from the remote unit at the same time.
Selecting a remote device
1. Pull down the Devices menu and select Device Setup.
A dialog window opens with a list of device categories and devices shown
in the left part of the window.
2. If you can’t find the remote device you are looking for,
click on the plus sign in the top left corner and select the
device from the pop-up that appears.
The selected device is added to the Devices list.
• Note that it is possible to select more than one remote
device of the same type.
If you have more than one remote device of the same type, these will be
numbered in the Devices list. For example, to be able to use a Mackie
Control Extender, you must install a second Mackie control device.
3. Now select your MIDI control device model from the
Devices list.
Depending on the selected device, either a list of programmable function
commands or a blank panel is shown in the right half of the dialog window.
A Yamaha 01x selected as remote control device.
4. Select the correct MIDI input from the pop-up menu.
If necessary, select the correct MIDI output from the pop-up menu.
Remote controlling Cubase Essential