1. Please read all the information in this owner’s guide before installin g the
2. The information in this owner's guide applies to hardware Series A and firmware
version 1.00 or later.
3. This guide assumes that the reader has a full working knowledge of the relevant
The products and services described in this owner's guide are useful in a wide variety of
applications. Therefore, the user and others responsible for applying the products and
services described herein are responsible for determining their acceptability for each
application. While efforts have been made to provide accurate information within this
owner's guide, Spectrum Controls assumes no responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of the information herein.
Under no circumstances will Spectrum Controls be responsible or liable for any damages
or losses, including indirect or consequential damages or losses, arising out of either the
use of any information within this owner's guide or the use of any product or service
referenced herein.
No patent liability is assumed by Spectrum Controls with respect to the use of any of the
information, products, circuits, programming, or services referenced herein.
The information in this owner's guide is subject to change without notice.
Limited Warranty
Spectrum Controls warrants that its products are free from defects in material and
workmanship under normal use and service, as described in Spectrum Controls literature
covering this product, for a period of 1 year. The obligations of Spectrum Controls under
this warranty are limited to replacing or repairing, at its optio n, at its factory or facility,
any product which shall, in the applicable period after shipment, be returned to the
Spectrum Controls facility, transportation charges p r epaid, and which after examination
is determined, to the satisfaction of Spectrum Controls, to be thus defective.
This warranty shall not apply to any such equipment which shall have been repaired or
altered except by Spectrum Controls or which shall have been subject to misuse, neglect,
or accident. In no case shall the liability of Spectrum Controls exceed the purchase price.
The aforementioned provisions do not extend the original warranty period of any product
which has either been repaired or replaced by Spectrum Controls.
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Table of Contents
IMPORTANT NOTES ............................................................................................................................................... II
NOTICE .................................................................................................................................................................. II
LIMITED WARRANTY .............................................................................................................................................. II
PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................................. VII
1.1.1 Thermocouple/mV Inputs and Ranges ..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 Data Formats ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.4 Hardware Features ................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.5 General Diagnostic Features .................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.1 System Operation ..................................................................................................................................... 1-4
CHAPTER 2 QUICK START FOR EXPERIENCED USERS ........................................................................................... 2-1
SECTION 2.1BEFORE YOU BEGIN .................................................................................................................................. 2-1
SECTION 2.2REQUIRED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................. 2-1
SECTION 2.3WHAT YOU NEED TO DO ........................................................................................................................... 2-2
CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION AND WIRING ............................................................................................................. 3-1
SECTION 3.1COMPLIANCE TO EUROPEAN UNION DIRECTIVES ............................................................................................. 3-1
4.2.3 Enabling or Disabling a Channel (Bit 15) .................................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.4 Selecting Data Formats (Bits 12 through 14) ........................................................................................... 4-4
DATA FORMAT .............................................................................................................................. ......................... 4-4
Raw/Proportional Data ................................................................................................................................................... 4-4
Engineering Units x1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Engineering Units x10 ..................................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Scaled for PID .................................................................................................................................................................. 4-5
Percent Range ................................................................................................................................................................. 4-5
4.2.5 Selecting Input Type (Bits 8 through 11) .................................................................................................. 4-5
4.2.6 Selecting Temperature Units (Bit 7) ......................................................................................................... 4-5
4.2.7 Determining Open-Circuit Response (Bits 6 and 5) .................................................................................. 4-6
4.2.8 Display CJC Data (Bit 4) ............................................................................................................................ 4-6
4.2.9 Selecting Input Filter Frequency (Bits 0 through 2) .................................................................................. 4-6
Effects of Filter Frequency on Noise Rejection ............................................................................................................... 4-7
Cut-Off Frequency ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-7
SECTION 4.4INPUT DATA FILE .................................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.4.1 Input Data Values ................................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.4.2 General Status Bits (S0 to S7) ................................................................................................................. 4-10
4.4.3 Open-Circuit Flag Bits (OC0 to OC7) ....................................................................................................... 4-11
4.4.4 Over-Range Flag Bits (O0 to O7) ............................................................................................................ 4-11
4.4.5 Under Range Flag Bits (U0 to U7) .......................................................................................................... 4-11
CHAPTER 5 DIAGNOSTICS AND TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Stand Clear of Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.3 Program Alteration .................................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.4.2 Over or Under Range Detection ............................................................................................................... 5-3
5.4.3 Open Circuit Detection ............................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.6.1 Module Error Field .................................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.6.2 Extended Error Information Field ............................................................................................................. 5-4
SECTION 5.8MODULE INHIBIT FUNCTION ....................................................................................................................... 5-6
APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................. A-1
APPENDIX B USING THERMOCOUPLE JUNCTIONS ............................................................................................... B-1
SECTION B.1USING A GROUNDED JUNCTION THERMOCOUPLE ........................................................................................... B-1
SECTION B.2USING AN UNGROUNDED (ISOLATED)JUNCTION THERMOCOUPLE ..................................................................... B-2
SECTION B.3USING AN EXPOSED JUNCTION THERMOCOUPLE ............................................................................................. B-3
APPENDIX C MODULE CONFIGURATION USING MICROLOGIX 1500 AND RSLOGIX 500 ....................................... C-1
SECTION D.4CONFIGURING A 1769SC-IT6IISOLATED THERMOCOUPLE MODULE .................................................................. D-5
SECTION E.5CONFIGURING THE 1769SC-IT6I ................................................................................................................. E-3
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
vi Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Who Should
Use This Manual
Read this preface to familiarize yourself with the rest of the manual. This preface covers
the following topics:
• Who should use this manual
• How to use this manual
• Related publications
• Conventions used in this manual
• Rockwell Automation support
Use this manual if you are responsible for designing, installing, programming, or
troubleshooting control systems that use Allen-Bradley I/O and/or compatible controllers,
such as the MicroLogix 1500 and the CompactLogix system.
How to Use
This Manual
As much as possible, we organized this manual to explain, in a task-by-task manner, how
to install, configure, program, operate and troubleshoot a control system using the
The table below provides a listing of publications that contain important information
about Allen-Bradley PLC systems.
Document Title Document Number
MicroLogix™ 1500 User Manual1764-UM001A-US-P
1769 Compact Discrete Input/Output Modules
Product Data
MicroLogix™ 1500 System Overview1764-SO001B-EN-P
Compact™ I/O System Overview1769-SO001A-EN-P
CompactLogix User Manual1769-UM007B-EN-P
Allen-Bradley Programmable Controller
Grounding and Wiring Guidelines
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
viii Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
Used in This
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
• Bulleted lists (like this one) provide information not procedural steps.
• Numbered lists provide sequential steps or hierarchical information.
• Italic type is used for emphasis
• Bold type identifies headings and sub-headings
Are used to identify critical information to the reader
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Section 1.1
Chapter 1
This chapter describes the 1769sc-IT6I Isolated Thermocouple/mV Input Module and
explains how the module reads thermocouple or millivolt analog input data. Included is
information about:
• The module’s hardware and diagnostic features
• An overview of system and module operation
• Compatibility
The isolated thermocouple/mV input module supports thermocouple and millivolt signal
measurement. It digitally converts and stores thermocouple and/or millivolt analog data
from any combination of up to six thermocouple or millivolt analog sensors. Each input
channel is individually configurable via software for a specific input device, data format
and filter frequency, and provides open-circuit, over-range and under-range detection and
1.1.1 Thermocouple/mV Inputs and Ranges
The table below defines thermocouple types and their associated full-scale temperature
ranges. The second table lists the millivolt analog inp ut si gnal ranges that each channel
will support. To determine the practical temperature range your thermocouple supports,
see the specifications in Appendix A.
Thermocouple Type
J -210 to 1200 -346 to 2192
K -270 to 1370 -454 to 2498
T -270 to 400 -454 to 752
E -270 to 1000 -454 to 1832
R 0 to 1768 32 to 3214
S 0 to 1768 32 to 3214
B 300 to 1820 572 to 3308
N -210 to 1300 -346 to 2372
C 0 to 2315 32 to 4199
L -200 to 900 -328 to 1652
Millivolt Input Type Range
± 50mV -50 to 50 mV
± 100mV -100 to 100 mV
Temperature Range (°C) Temperature Range (°F)
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
1-2 Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
1.1.2 Data Formats
The data can be configured on board each module as:
• Engineeri ng uni ts x 1
• Engineeri ng uni ts x 10
• Scaled-for-PID
• Percent of full-scale
• Raw/proportional data
1.1.3 Filter Frequencies
The module uses a digital filter that provides high frequency noise rej ection for the input
signals. The filter is programmable, allowing you to select from six different filter
frequencies for each channel:
• 4.17 Hz
• 10 Hz
• 16.7 Hz
• 19.6 Hz
• 62 Hz
• 470 Hz
1.1.4 Hardware Features
The module contains a removable terminal block. Channels are wired as differential
inputs. Two cold junction compensation (CJC) sensors are attached to the terminal block
to enable accurate readings from each channel. These sensors compensate for offset
voltages introduced into the input signal as a result of the cold-junction where the
thermocouple wires are connected to the module.
Module configuration is normally done via the controller’s programming software. In
addition, some controllers support configuration via the user program. In either case, the
module configuration is stored in the memory of the controller. Refer to your controller’s
user manual for more information.
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Chapter 1: Module Overview 1-3
The illustration below shows the module’s hard ware features.
Item Description
1 Bus lever
2a Upper panel mounting tab
2b Lower panel mounting tab
3 Module status LED
4 Module door with terminal identification label
5a Movable bus connector (bus interface) with female pins
5b Stationary bus connector (bus interface) with male pins
6 Nameplate label
7a Upper tongue-and-groove slots
7b Lower tongue-and-groove slots
8a Upper DIN rail latch
8b Lower DIN rail latch
9 Write-on label for user identification tags
10 Removable terminal block (R TB) with finge r-safe cove r
10a RTB upper retaining screw
10b RTB lower retaining screw
11 CJC sensors
1.1.5 General Diagnostic Features
The module contains a diagnostic LED that helps you identify the source of problems that
may occur during power-up or during normal channel operation. The LED indicates both
status and power. Power-up and channel diagnostics are explained in Chapter 5,
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.
Section 1.2
System Overview
The modules communicate to the controller through the bus interface. The modules also
receive 5 and 24V dc power thr ough the bus interface.
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
1-4 Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
1.2.1 System Operation
At power-up, the module performs a check of its internal circuits, memory, and basic
functions. During this time, the module status LED remains off. If no faults are found
during power-up diagnostics, the module status LED is turned on.
After power-up checks are complete, the module waits for valid channel configuratio n
data. If an invalid configuration is detected, the module generates a configuration error.
Once a channel is properly configured and enabled, it continuously converts the
thermocouple or millivolt input to a value within the range selected for that channel.
Each time a channel is read by the input module, that data value is tested by the module
for an over-range, under-range, open-circuit, or “input data not valid” condition. If such
a condition is detected, a unique bit is set in the channel status word. The channel status
word is described in Input Data File on page 4-10.
Using the module image table, the controller reads the two’s complement binary
converted thermocouple or millivolt data from the module. This typically occurs at the
end of the program scan or when commanded by the control program. If the controller
and the module determine that the data transfer has been made without error, the data is
used in the control program.
1.2.2 Module Operation
When the module receives a differential input from an analog device, the module’s
circuitry multiplexes the input into an A/D converter. The converter reads the si gnal and
converts it as required for the type of input. The module also continuously samples the
CJC sensors and compensates for temperature changes at the terminal block cold
junction, between the thermocouple wire and the input channel. See the block diagram
Each channel can receive input signals from a thermocouple or millivolt analog input
device, depending upon how you configured the channel.
When configured for thermocouple input types, the module converts the analog input
voltages into cold-junction compensated and linearized digita l temperature readings. The
module uses the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ITS-90 standard
for linearization for all thermocouple types (J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, C, L).
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Chapter 1: Module Overview 1-5
When configured for millivolt inputs, the module converts the analog values directly into
digital counts.
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
1-6 Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Section 2.1
Before You
Chapter 2
Quick Start for
Experienced Users
This chapter can help you to get started using the 1769sc-IT6I Isolated
Thermocouple/mV Input Module. We base the procedures here on the assumption that
you have an understanding of Allen-Bradley controllers. You should understand
electronic process control and be able to interpret the ladder logic instructio ns req uired to
generate the electronic signals that control your application.
Because it is a start-up guide for experienced users, this chapter does not contain detailed
explanations about the procedures listed. It does, however, reference other chapters in
this book where you can get more information about applying the procedures described in
each step.
If you have any questions or are unfamiliar with the terms used or concepts pr esented in
the procedural steps, always read the referenced chapters and other recommended
documentation before trying to apply the information.
Section 2.2
Required Tools
and Equipment
Have the following tools and equipment ready:
• Medium blade or cross-head screwdriver
• Thermocouple or millivolt analog input device
• Shielded, twisted-pair cable for wiring (Belden™ 8761 or equivalent for
• Controller (for example, a MicroLogix™ 1500 or CompactLogix™ controller)
• Programming device and software (for example, RSLogix 500™ or RSLogix
millivolt inputs, or shielded thermocouple extension wire for thermocouple
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
2-2 Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
Section 2.3
What You
Need To Do
This chapter covers:
1) Ensuring that your power supply is adequate
2) Attaching and locking the module
3) Wiring the module
4) Configuring the module
5) Going through the startup procedure
6) Monitoring module operation
Step 1: Ensure that your 1769 system
power supply1 has sufficient current
output to support your system
Chapter 3
(Installation and Wiring)
The module’s maximum current draw is shown below.
5V dc 24V dc
150 mA 35 mA
Note: The module cannot be located more than 8 modules away from the system power
Step 2: Attach and lock the module. Reference
Chapter 3
(Installation and Wiring)
Note: The module can be panel or DIN rail mounted. Modules can be assembled
before or after mounting.
Remove power before removing or inserting this module. If you remove
or insert a module with power applied, an electrical arc may occur.
The system power supply could be a 1769-PA2, -PB2, -PA4, -PB4, or the internal supply of the MicroLogix 1500
packaged controller.
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Chapter 2: Quick Start for Experienced Users 2-3
1) Check that the bus lever of the module to be installed is in the unlocked (fully
right) position.
2) Use the upper and lower tongue-and-groove slots (1) to secure the modules
together (or to a controller).
3) Move the module back along the tongue-and-groove slots until the bus
connectors (2) line up with each other.
4) Push the bus lever back slightly to clear the positioning tab (3) . Use your finger s
or a small screwdriver.
5) To allow communication between the controller and module, move the bus lever
fully to the left (4) until it clicks. Ensure it is locked firmly in place.
When attaching I/O modules, it is very important that the bus
6) Attach an end cap terminator (5) to the last module in the system by using the
7) Lock the end cap bus terminator (6).
connectors are securely locked together to ensure proper electrical
tongue-and-groove slots as before.
A 1769-ECR or 1769-ECL right or left end cap respectively must be
used to terminate the end of the 1769 communication bus.
Step 3: Wire the module. Reference
Chapter 3
(Installation and Wiring)
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
2-4 Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
Follow the guidelines below when wiring the module.
•Power and input wiring must be in accordance with Class 1, Division 2 wiring
methods, Article 501-4(b) of the National Electric Code, NFPA 70, and in
accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
• Channels are isolated from one another by 500V dc maximum.
• Route field wiring away from any other wiring and keep it as far as possible
from sources of electrical noise, such as motors, transformers, contactors, and ac
devices. As a general rule, allow at least 15.2 cm (6 in.) of separation for every
120V of power.
• Routing field wiring in a grounded conduit can reduce electrical noise.
• If field wiring must cross ac or power cables, ensure that they cross at right
•If multiple power supplies are used with analog millivolt inputs, the power
supply commons must be connected.
Terminal Block
• Do not use the module’s NC terminals as connection points.
• Do not tamper with or remove the CJC sensors on the terminal block. Removal
of either one or both sensors will reduce accuracy.
to ensure proper operation and high immunity to electrical noise.
•For a thermocouple, use the shielded, twisted-pair thermocouple extension lead
wires specified by the thermocouple manufacturer. Using the incorrect type of
thermocouple extension wire or not following the correct polarity will cause
invalid readings.
•To ensure optimum accuracy, limit overall cable impedance by keeping a cable
as short as possible. Locate the module as close to input devices as the
application permits.
The possibility exists that a g r ounded or exposed thermocouple ca n
become shorted to a potential greater than that of the thermocouple
itself. Due to possible shock hazard, take care when wiring grounded or
exposed thermocouples. See Appendix B, Using Thermocouple
•This product is intended to be mounted to a well-grounded mounting surface
such as a metal panel. Additional grounding connections from the module’s
mounting tabs or DIN rail (if used) are not required unless the mounting surface
cannot be grounded.
•Keep cable shield connections to ground as short as possible.
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Chapter 2: Quick Start for Experienced Users 2-5
•Ground the shield drain wire at one end only. The preferred location is as
o For grounded thermocouples or millivolt sensors, this is at the sensor
o For insulated/ungrounded thermocouples, this is at the module end.
Contact your sensor manufacturer for additional de tails.
•Refer to Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, Allen-
Bradley publication 1770-4.1, for additional information.
The terminal connections with CJC sensors are shown below:
Step 4: Configure the module. Reference
Chapter 4
(Module Data, Status, and
Channel Configuration)
The configuration file is typically modified using the programming software compatible
with your controller. It can also be modified through the control program, if supported
by the controller. See Channel Configuration on page 4-3 for more information.
Step 5: Go through the startup
1) Apply power to the controller system.
2) Download your program, which contains the thermocouple module
configuration settings, to the controller.
Chapter 5(Diagnostics and
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
2-6 Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
3) Put the controller in Run mode. During a normal start-up, the module status
LED turns on.
Note: If the module status LED does not turn on, cycle power. If the condition
persists, contact yo ur local distributor or Spectrum Controls for assistance.
Step 6: Monitor the module status to
check if the module is operating
Module and channel configuration errors are reported to the controller. These errors are
typically reported in the controller’s I/O status file.
Channel status data is also reported in the module’ s input data table, so these bits can be
used in your control program to flag a channel error.
Chapter 5(Diagnostics and
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Section 3.1
Compliance to
European Union
Chapter 3
Installation and Wiring
This chapter tells you how to:
• Determine the power requirements for the modules
• Avoid electrostatic damage
• Install the module
• Wire the module’s terminal block
• Wire input devices
This product is approved for installation within the European Union and EEA regions. It
has been designed and tested to meet the following directives.
3.1.1 EMC Directive
The 1769sc-IT6I module is tested to meet Council Directive 89/336/EEC
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and the following standards, in whole or in part,
documented in a technical construction file:
• EN 50081-2EMC – Generic Emission Standard, Part 2 - Industrial Environment
• EN 50082-2EMC – Generic Immunity Standard, Part 2 - Industrial Environment
This product is intended for use in an industrial environment.
3.1.2 Low Voltage Directive
This product is tested to meet Council Directive 73/23/EEC Low Voltage, by applying
the safety requirements of EN 61131-2 Programmable Controllers, Part 2 – Equipment
Requirements and Tests.
For specific information required by EN61131-2, see the appropriate sections in this
publication, as well as the following Allen-Bradley publications:
•Industrial Automation, Wiring and Grounding Guideli nes for Noise Immunity,
publication 1770-4.1
•Automation Systems Catalog, publication B113
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
3-2 Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
Section 3.2
The module receives power through the bus interface from the +5V dc/+24V dc system
power supply. The maximum current drawn by the module is shown in the table below.
5V dc 24V dc
150 mA 35 mA
Section 3.3
Compact I/O is suitable for use in an industrial environment when installed in accordance
with these instructions. Specifically, this equipment is intended for use in clean, dry
environments (Pollut ion degree 2
(IEC 60664-1)4
) and to circuits not exceeding Over Voltage Category
3.3.1 Hazardous Location Considerations
This equipment is suitable for use in Cla ss I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D or nonhazardous locations only. Operating temperature code T5 is assumed. The following
WARNING statement applies to use in hazardous locations.
•EXPLOSION HAZARD Substitution of components may
impair suitability for Class I, Divisio n 2.
•Do not replace components or disconnect equipment unless
power has been switched off or the area is known to be nonhazardous.
•Do not connect or disconnect components unless power has
been switched off or the area is known to be non-hazardous.
• This product must be installed in an enclosure.
• All wiring must comply with N.E.C. article 501-4(b).
Pollution Degree 2 is an environment where, normally, only non-conductive pollution occurs except that
occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation shall be expected.
Over Voltage Category II is the load level section of the electrical distribution system. At this level transient
voltages are controlled and do not exceed the impulse voltage capability of the product’s insulation.
. Pollution Degree 2 and Over Voltage Category II are International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Chapter 3: Installation and Wiring 3-3
3.3.2 Prevent Electrical Discharge
Electrostatic discharge can damage integrated circuits or
semiconductors if you touch analog I/O module bus connector pins or
the terminal block on the input module. Follow these guidelines when
you handle the module:
• Touch a grounded object to discharge sta tic potential.
• Wear an approved wrist-strap g r ounding device.
• Do not touch the bus connector or connector pins.
• Do not touch circuit components inside the module.
• If available, use a static-safe work station.
• When it is not in use, keep the module in its static-shield bag.
3.3.3 Remove Power
Remove power before removing or inserting this module. When you
remove or insert a module with power applied, an electrical arc may
occur. An electrical arc can cause personal injury or property damage
•Sending an erroneous signal to your system’s field devices,
causing unintended machine motion
•Causing an explosion in a hazardous environment
Electrical arcing causes excessive wear to contacts on both the module
and its mating connector and may lead to premature failure.
3.3.4 Selecting a Location
Reducing Noise
Most applications require installation in an industrial enclosure to reduce the effects of
electrical interference. Analog inputs are highly susceptible to electrical noise. Electrical
noise coupled to the analog inputs will reduce the performance (accuracy) of the module.
Group your modules to minimize adverse effects from radiated electrical noise and heat.
Consider the following conditions when selecting a location for the analog module.
Position the module:
•Away from sources of electrical noise such as hard-contact switches, relays, and
AC motor drives
•Away from modules which generate significant radiated heat, such as the 1769-
IA16. Refer to the module’s heat dissipation specification.
In addition, route shielded, twisted-pair analog input wiring away from any high voltage
I/O wiring.
Power Supply Distance
You can install as many modules as your power supply can support. However, all 1769
I/O modules have a power supply distance ratings. The maximum I/O module rating is 8,
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
3-4 Compact™ IO Isolated Thermocouple Module
which means that a module may not be located more than 8 modules away from the
system power supply.
Section 3.4
System Assemb ly
The module can be attached to the controller or an adjacent I/O module before or after
mounting. For mounting instructions, see Panel Mou nting Using the Dimensional
Template on page 3-6, or DIN Rail Mounting on page 3-7. To work with a system that is
already mounted, see Replacing a Single Module within a System on page 3-7.
The following procedure shows you how to assemble the Compact I/O system.
1) Disconnect power.
2) Check that the bus lever of the module to be installed is in the unlocked (fully
right) position.
Note: If the module is being installed to the left of an existing module, check that the
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
Chapter 3: Installation and Wiring 3-5
right-side adjacent module’s bus lever is in the unlo ck ed (fully right) position.
3) Use the upper and lower tongue-and-groove slots (1) to secure the modules
together (or to a controller).
4) Move the module back along the tongue-and-groove slots until the bus
connectors (2) line up with each other.
5) Push the bus lever back slightly to clear the positioning tab (3) . Use your finger s
or a small screwdriver.
6) To allow communication between the controller and module, move the bus lever
fully to the left (4) until it clicks. Ensure it is locked firmly in place.
When attaching I/O modules, it is very important that the bus
7)Attach an end cap terminator (5) to the last module in the system by using the
connectors are securely locked together to ensure proper electrical
tongue-and-groove slots as before.
Section 3.5
8) Lock the end cap bus terminator (6).
A 1769-ECR or 1769-ECL right or left end cap respectively must be
used to terminate the end of the bus.
During panel or DIN rail mounting of all devices, be sure that all debris
(metal chips, wire strands, etc.) is kept from falling into the module.
Debris that falls into the module could cause damage at power up.
3.5.1 Minimum Spacing
Maintain spacing from enclosure walls, wireways, adjacent equipment, etc. Allow 50 mm
(2 in.) of space on all sides for adequate ventilation, as shown below:
User’s Manual Pub. 0300244-01 Rev. A
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