Spectrum Controls 140 EHC 204 00sc User Manual

Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Cat. No. Quantum Automation Series 140 EHC 204 00sc - 4 Channel
140 EHC 208 00sc - 8 Channel
Installation Instructions
Owners Guide 0300185-01 Rev. A
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
What this Guide Covers ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Who Should Use This Guide ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Manual Contents................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Related Documentation ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Conventions Used in This Manual ....................................................................................................................................... 7
General Description.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Meter Input Modes .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Module Features ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Hardware Features.............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Counter Mode................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Diagnostic LEDs ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Recommended Cables ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Compliance with Safety Standards..................................................................................................................................... 14
UL and CUL Safety Standards ...................................................................................................................................... 14
EMC Directive............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Low Voltage Directive ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Power Requirements........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Installation Considerations ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge................................................................................................................................ 15
Reducing Noise ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Selecting a Location ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Protecting Circuit Boards from Contamination............................................................................................................. 16
Wiring ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Module Installation............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Installing the Terminal Block ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Inserting the Module in the PLC Rack .......................................................................................................................... 18
Removing the Module ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Field Wiring........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Removing and Replacing the Terminal Block............................................................................................................... 19
Wiring the Terminal Block ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Wiring the Module for Inputs ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Module Addressing............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Setting Up the Configuration Software .............................................................................................................................. 25
Setting Up ModSoft....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Setting Zoom Registers Using ModSoft....................................................................................................................... 26
Setting Up Concept........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Setting Zoom Registers Using Concept ........................................................................................................................ 27
Setting Up SCIOCFG Software..................................................................................................................................... 28
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Making Bit Settings for Zoom Registers............................................................................................................................ 28
Zoom Register Layout ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Input Range, Bits 15 and 16 ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Count Mode, Bits 13 and 14......................................................................................................................................... 29
Uni-Directional............................................................................................................................................................. 29
Bi-Directional ............................................................................................................................................................... 30
X1 Quadrature Encoder................................................................................................................................................. 30
X4 Quadrature Encoder................................................................................................................................................. 30
30 kHz Filter, Bit 12...................................................................................................................................................... 30
15 kHz Filter, Bit 11...................................................................................................................................................... 30
Count Size, Bit 10.......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Rate Scale, Bit 9 ............................................................................................................................................................ 31
Bits 8 through 1 - Not Used.......................................................................................................................................... 31
Making Bit Settings for 4X Registers................................................................................................................................. 31
Bank/Data Format Select: Bits 15-16............................................................................................................................ 32
Data Delivery Mode Select: Bit 14................................................................................................................................ 33
Multiplexing Control: Bit 13 ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Parameter Definition: Bits 10- 12.................................................................................................................................. 33
Not Used - Bit 9............................................................................................................................................................. 34
Channel Number for scale/limit word: Bits 6-8 ............................................................................................................ 34
Not Used : Bits 4-5 ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
Disable Scaling : Bit 3 ................................................................................................................................................... 34
Program EEPROM : Bit 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 34
Enable Scale/Limit Word: Bit 1..................................................................................................................................... 34
Layout for 4X+1 Register................................................................................................................................................... 34
Layout for 4X+2 and 4X+9 Registers ................................................................................................................................ 36
Counter Enable, Bit 16 .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Preset, Bit 15 ................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Reset Counter, Bit 14..................................................................................................................................................... 36
Gate Enable, Bit 13........................................................................................................................................................ 37
Count Direction, Bit 12 ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Reset Flags, Bit 11......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Stop on Zero, Bit 10 ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
Stop on Limit, Bit 9 ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
Rate Mode, Bit 8........................................................................................................................................................... 38
Roll over to, Bit 7 .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Roll under to, Bit 6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 38
Unused, Bits 5-1 ............................................................................................................................................................ 38
Bit Settings for 3X Registers .............................................................................................................................................. 41
Enable Start/Stop Echo: Bit 16...................................................................................................................................... 42
Counter Preset Flag: Bit 15 ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Gate Enable Echo: Bit 14 .............................................................................................................................................. 42
Counter Invert Echo: Bit 13........................................................................................................................................... 42
Counter Input State: Bit 12............................................................................................................................................ 42
Quadrature Direction State: Bit 11 ................................................................................................................................ 43
Count Size Selection Echo: Bit 10 ................................................................................................................................ 43
Counter Max Flag: Bit 9:............................................................................................................................................... 43
Counter Limit Flag: Bit 8 .............................................................................................................................................. 43
Counter Zero Flag: Bit 7................................................................................................................................................ 43
Over Rate Flag: Bit 6 ..................................................................................................................................................... 43
Rate Limit: Bit 5 ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
Rate Zero Flag: Bit 4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
K & M Factor Set Flag: Bit 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 44
R Factor Set Flag: Bit 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 44
Configuration Error Flag: Bit 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 44
Registers Description.......................................................................................................................................................... 46
General Programming Examples........................................................................................................................................ 50
Example 1: Loading Scaling Factors............................................................................................................................ 50
Sample Configuration Simple Bi-Directional Ring Counter: ....................................................................................... 56
Sample Configuration Using the Meter Proving Inputs ................................................................................................ 57
Indicator Lights ............................................................................................................................................................. 59
Activ ating Devices ............................................................................................................................................................. 59
Standing Clear of the Equipment ....................................................................................................................................... 60
Program Alteration ............................................................................................................................................................. 60
Safety Circuits .................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Preventive Maintenance...................................................................................................................................................... 60
Maintaining Printed Circuit Boards................................................................................................................................ 60
Inspecting Terminal Connections .................................................................................................................................. 60
Internal Diagnostics......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Startup Testing ................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Physical Inspection........................................................................................................................................................ 62
Health Status Test (ModSoft) ............................................................................................................................................. 62
Health Status Test (Concept) .............................................................................................................................................. 63
Register Operation Test ...................................................................................................................................................... 63
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Ready LED Does Not Illuminate .................................................................................................................................. 63
Active LED Does Not Illuminate .................................................................................................................................. 64
Fault LED Does Not Illuminate..................................................................................................................................... 64
Fault LED Blinking Red................................................................................................................................................ 64
Module Not Recognized by Rack (ModSoft) ............................................................................................................... 65
Environmental Specifications............................................................................................................................................. 76
Electrical Specifications ..................................................................................................................................................... 77
Standards Compliance ........................................................................................................................................................ 78
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Read this preface to familiarize yourself with the rest of the manual. This preface covers the following topics:
What this guide covers
Who should use this guide
Contents of the guide
Related publications
Conventions used in this guide
What this Guide Covers
This guide describes the hardware and firmware included in the 4- and 8-channel Quantum™ Counter/Flow Meter modules for the Schneider Automation Series Quantum PLC. The document contains the information required to install and wire, configure, use, and troubleshoot the modules.
Who Should Use This Guide
Use this guide if you install, configure, or maintain a control system that uses the module with a PLC. You should have a basic understanding of Quantum products. Additionally, you should understand electronic process control and the ladder program instructions required to generate the electronic control signals for the PLC. If you do not have these prerequisites, contact your local Schneider Alliance representative for the proper training before using this product.
Manual Contents
The table below lists the contents of this guide.
Table 1 Contents of this Guide
Chapter Description
Chapter 1 An overview of the module Chapter 2 Installation and wiring guidelines Chapter 3 Instructions for configuring the module Chapter 4 Programming instructions Chapter 5 Information on module diagnostics and troubleshooting Appendix A Specifications for the module
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Related Documentation
The table below lists a number of reference documents that provide information to assist you when working with one of the Quantum counter modules.
Table 2 Related Documents
Document Title Publication
Modicon Modsoft Programmer User ManualSchneider Electronics, 890 USE 115 00 Modicon TSX Quantum Automation Series Hardware Reference Guide Schneider Electronics, 840 USE 100 00 Guide for the Installation of Electrical Noise Inputs to Controllers from External Sources IEEE Std. 518- 1977 Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems IEEE Std. 142- 1982 Noise Reduction T echniques in Electronic Systems Henry W . Ott; published by Wiley-Interscience of New Y ork, 1976
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
Bulleted lists (like this one) provide information, not procedural steps.
Numbered lists provide sequential steps or hierarchical information.
Text in Courier type face indicates words or phrases you should type.
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
This chapter describes the 4- or 8-channel Quantum Counter/Flow Meter input module (called Quantum counter module in this document). It also explains how the Schneider Automation Series Quantum PLC reads input data from a Quantum counter module.
Shipped with your module is an MS-DOS formatted floppy disk titled Quantum Runtime Files, Spectrum Controls, Inc. The disk contains runtime files that are required to use all versions of this module. Files include an ID file, parameter screen software, and multiplexing software examples for 4X and 3X register use.
NOTE The module is used with a field wiring terminal block, Modicon 140 XTS 002 00 or 140
CFA040 00 40-pin cablefast. Either of these must be ordered separately.
Included in this chapter is information about:
General description
Hardware features
Overview of module
System operation
General Description
The Quantum counter module is designed for general-purpose counter and flow meter applications that require a large number of input channels and high accuracy. It supports both AC and DC input signals from counter and flow meter encoders (both normal and quadrature). The module conditions the inputs to standard digital levels. It stores the converted data in its image table for retrieval by any Quantum PLC.
The module communicates with the PLC and receives its power through the PLC backplane from the +5VDC rack power supplies. No external power supply is required.
Your Quantum counter module supports connections from any combination of counter and flow meter devices, with different input voltage ranges. Each channel is individually configurable via software for a specific input device and provides rate and limit detection. Count mode and input range are configured in two channel groups.
Meter Input Modes
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
The modules flow meter mode is compatible with a variable reluctance AC input, which counts AC zero crossing signals from 50 mV to 75V AC peak.
Count input modes include uni-directional, bi-directional and quadrature. Bi-directional and quadrature inputs require the use of two inputs, with up to four counters of this type being supported.
The module accepts +5 to +45 V gating (enable) pulses for standard meter proving applications. To accommodate these pulses, the module uses a pulse-to-enable converter circuit that can be enabled and disabled with software. Note that this module does not perform pulse interpolation for meter proving.
The module also has external inhibit/trigger lines using a 5V discrete pulse to regulate activity.
Module Features
The Quantum counter module features:
Eight input channels
Support for four quadrature encoders
Eight external enable inputs
Input voltage ranges: AC (50 mV to 75V peak), 5VDC, 12VDC, 24VDC
Eight 24V gating (enable) pulses for meter proving
Input filter frequency 50 kHz max., AC or DC
Maximum count value 65 K or 16 M
Programmable scaling, K, M, and R factors
Channel update time 4 ms/channel
Rate output
Counter logic level state
Programmable counter functions: start, stop, reset, preset, max limit
Programmable counter alarm flags and zero flags in internal counter and rate operating modes
Two software-selectable filters: 30 or 50 kHz digital, 15 kHz analog
Channel-to-backplane isolation 1000VDC
Channel-to-channel isolation 0 V
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Hardware Features
The Quantum counter module contains a removable Modicon 40-pin terminal block providing connections for up to eight input devices. The illustration below shows the hardware features of the module.
For quadrature operation, the module configures channels into quadrature encoding pairs. Both channels in a pair must be configured for quadrature mode. Quadrature encoding reports the same quadrature count value on the output of each channel.
The module supports these input types:
AC (50 mV to 75V peak)
Both rate and count data are simultaneously available to the user. User selectable instantaneous or average rate modes are supported.
For improved noise reduction, the module has a digital filter that is selectable between 50 kHz and 30 kHz. A selectable analog 15 kHz single-pole filter is also available for low speed applications.
Module configuration is stored in the PLC memory. Normally configuration uses ModSoft, Concept, and ProWorks programming software. Details are provided in chapter 3, Module Configuration.
Counter Mode
The counter functions of the module include programmable control of the counter, including start, stop, reset, and preset control and user-defined flags. The module makes the state of input counter levels available to the PLC, allowing any channel to be used as a discrete input.
Counter inputs can be configured in pairs for quadrature encoding. A total of four quadrature inputs can be supported to detect up and down count signals. The module has an onboard timer that converts counter inputs into a rate output. Both counter total and calculated input rate are made available to the PLC at the same time. The maximum filter frequency for an input signal is 50 kHz.
When a counter reaches its preset limit value or counts down to zero, it sets a limit or zero flag. The counter supports the following input K, M, R scale factors:
K used for range scaling; programmable for each channel. ( Count = Raw count / K )
M used for meter calibration. ( Count = raw count * M / 10,000, Rate = raw rate * M/10,000 )
R used to scale the rate output. ( Rate = Raw Rate / R * M/10,000 )
In counter mode, the module updates normal encoder and quadrature outputs at <1.5 ms/channel. The counter accumulator output is available in two ranges. The maximum count total for the noraml range is 65 K. The extended range uses two data words per channel and counts up to 16 M.
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Hardware Description
Door (removable) Covers the terminal block and includes an identification label for terminals. Door label Permits easy terminal identification. LED indicators Display operating and fault status of module.
Details are provided in Diagnostic LEDs”. Side label (nameplate) Provides module identification. Self-locking tabs Secure module in rack slot. Terminal block Used for field wiring the module.
Diagnostic LEDs
The module supports the LEDs listed in table1-1 . These LEDs help you identify the source of problems that can occur during power-up or during normal operation. Power-up and operation diagnostics are explained in chapter 5, Maintenance and Diagnostics.
Table 1-1 Module LEDs
LED Name Color State State Description
Ready (Module Status) Green On Module powered up and functioning normally .
Off Module is not powered up.
Active Green On Bus communication is established between module and PLC.
Off No bus communication.
Fault Red On Module self-test error or fatal hardware error. LED blinks to
indicate type of self-test error .
Blinking Type of self-test error. Count the number of blinks before a
pause to determine the error code. Possible codes are listed in the table below .
Channel Status (8 LEDs) Green On Channel is enabled and a valid input signal is present. The
LED indicates the state of the counter enable bit. It does not indicate the state of an external hardware gate. See description of the counter enable bit in chapter 3, Module Configuration.
Table 1-2 Channel LEDs
Code (Number of Blinks) Error Type
On Solid No Faults 1 Frequency Limit Out of Range. 2 Counter Limit Out of Range. 3 Counter Preset Out Of Range. 4 Channel Pair Gate Enable Configuration Mismatch. 5 Quadrature Pair Configuration Mismatch. 6 Both Stop on 0 and Stop on Limit selected (Mutually exclusive). 7 Both Roll Over to Preset and Roll Under to Preset (Mutually exclusive). 8 Unrecognized parameter type.
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Table 1-3 Blink Codes for Fault LED
Code (Number of Blinks) Error Type
Off No Faults 1 Dual Port RAM fault. 2 FPGA init fault. 3 FPGA1 program fault. 4 FPGA2 program fault. 5 FPGA1 fault. 6 FPGA2 Fault. 7 Watchdog Fault. 8 ROM CRC fault. 9 EEPROM fault. 10 Both Speed mode and Autosequence mode selected
(Mutually exclusive)
Recommended Cables
To minimize interference from radiated electrical noise, we recommend twisted-pair and shielded cables.
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Installation and Wiring
This chapter includes information about:
Module compliance with safety standards
Power requirements
Installation considerations, such as prevention of electrostatic discharge
Installing the module
Field wiring of the module and analog input devices
Compliance with Safety Standards
The module is compliant with the safety standards described in this section. It is intended for use in an industrial environment. The product has been approved for installation within the European Union and EEA regions.
UL and CUL Safety Standards
The module complies with UL and CSA safety requirements and is certified to the applicable standards, as described in appendix A.
EMC Directive
The module has been tested to meet Council Directive 89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and the following standards, in whole or in part, documented in a technical construction file:
EN 50081-2
EMC - Generic Emission Standard, Part 2 - Industrial Environment
EN 50082-2
EMC - Generic Immunity Standard, Part 2 - Industrial Environment
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Low Voltage Directive
This product is tested to meet Council Directive 73/23/EEC Low Voltage, since it operates with inputs under 75 VDC and 50VAC rms. It applies the safety requirements of EN 61131-2 Programmable Controllers, Part 2  Equipment Requirements and Tests. For specific information required by EN 61131-2, see the appropriate sections in this publication.
Power Requirements
The module receives power through the PLC backplane from the +5VDC power supply. The maximum current drawn for the 8 channel module is 670mA and the 4 channel module is 470mA.
Installation Considerations
This section describes several considerations to keep in mind when installing the module in a PLC system. The following documents contain information that might help you as you install and wire the module:
National Electrical Code, published by the National Fire Protection Association, Boston, MA
IEEE Standard 518-1977, Guide for the Installation of Electrical Equipment to Minimize Electrical
Noise Inputs to Controllers from External Sources
IEEE Standard 142-1982, Recommended Practices for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power
Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, by Henry W. Ott; published by Wiley-Interscience,
New York, 1976
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge
CAUTION: Electrostatic discharge can damage integrated circuits or semiconductors if you
touch module bus connector pins. Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class 1, Division 2.
To prevent electrostatic discharge, follow these guidelines when you handle the module:
Touch a grounded object to discharge static potential.
Wear an approved wrist strap grounding device.
Do not touch the backplane connector or connector pins.
Do not touch circuit components inside the module.
If available, use a static-safe work station.
When it is not in use, keep the module in its static-shield box.
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Reducing Noise
Most applications require installation in an industrial enclosure to reduce the effects of electrical interference. Electrical noise, to which analog inputs and outputs are highly susceptible, will reduce the performance (accuracy) of the module.
Selecting a Location
WARNING EXPLOSION HAZARD This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division
2, Groups A, B, C, D or nonhazardous locations only. Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2. Do not replace, connect, or disconnect components unless power has been switched off or the area is known to be nonhazardous. This product must be installed in an enclosure. All wiring must comply with N.E.C. article 501-4(b).
Two factors determine where to install the module in the PLC rack: ambient temperature and electrical noise. Place the module:
In any slot but slot 0 (reserved for the processor).
Close to the bottom of the enclosure to take advantage of cooler air.
Away from modules that generate significant heat, such as 32-point I/ O modules.
In a slot away from AC or high-voltage DC modules, hard contact switches, relays, and AC motor
Away from the rack power supply (if installing a modular controller system).
Protecting Circuit Boards from Contamination
The printed circuit boards of the module must be protected from dirt, oil, moisture, and other airborne contaminants. Ensure that the module is kept in an enclosure at all times. The interior of the enclosure should be kept clean and the enclosure door should be kept closed whenever possible.
For UL and CUL compliance, power and input/output wiring must be in accordance with Class 1,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4(b) of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Channels are isolated from one another.
Route field wiring away from any other wiring and as far as possible from sources of electrical noise,
such as motors, transformers, contactors, and ac devices. As a general rule, allow at least 15.2 cm (6 in.) of separation for every 120V of power.
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Routing field wiring in a grounded conduit can reduce electrical noise.
If field wiring must cross AC or power cables, ensure that they cross at right angles.
If multiple power supplies are used with analog inputs, the power supply commons must be connected.
To ensure optimal accuracy, limit overall cable impedance by keeping a cable as short as possible.
Locate the module as close to input devices as the application permits.
Tighten terminal screws with care. Excessive tightening can strip a screw.
The module is generally mounted to a well grounded mounting surface, such as a metal panel.
Additional grounding connections from the module’s mounting tabs or DIN rail (if used) are not required unless the mounting surface cannot be grounded. Keep shield connection to ground as short as possible.
Under normal conditions, the drain wire and shield junction should be connected to earth ground, via a
panel or mounting screw at the module end. Refer to IEEE Std. 518, Section or contact the sensor manufacturer for additional details.
For field wiring, use shielded, twisted-pair cable, and ground each cable’s shield wire at one end only.
At the opposite end of each cable, tape the exposed shield wire to insulate it from electrical contact. A good shield wire ground is a rack assembly mounting bolt or stud.
In the process of wiring the modules, route all signal wires as far as possible from potential sources of
electrical noise, such as motors, transformers, etc. (especially AC devices).
If noise persists for a device, try grounding the opposite end of the cable. (You can only ground one
end at a time.)
Module Installation
This section tells how to insert the module in the PLC rack and remove it as needed. The Quantum counter module is suitable for use in an industrial environment when installed in accordance with these instructions. Specifically, this equipment is intended for use in clean, dry environments (Pollution Degree 2) and for circuits not exceeding Over Voltage Category II (IEC 60664-1).
Installing the Terminal Block
To install the terminal block:
1. Gently insert the terminal block into the module housing.
2. Install the upper and lower retaining screws, using 0.46 Nm (4.1 in-lb) torque.
3. Use the write-on label located on the door of the module to identify the module location and type.
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Inserting the Module in the PLC Rack
Do the following to place the module in the PLC rack:
1. Ensure that the rack is properly grounded and installed in a NEMA-rated enclosure.
2. Disconnect all power to the module, and disconnect it from any connected devices. See  Removing Power.
WARNING Installation or removal of the module with power applied can cause an electrical
arc. An arc can cause personal injury or property damage by sending an erroneous signal to your system’s field devices. This signal can result in unintended machine motion, an explosion in a hazardous environment, or excessive wear to contacts on both the module and its mating connector (possibly leading to premature failure).
3. Align the module with the top of the rack. slot.
4. Slide the module into the slot until both top and bottom are secure.
5. Apply firm, even pressure to the module to attach its backplane connector to the PLC bus connector.
Never force the module into the slot.
6. Tighten the module screws that hold the module to the rack..
7. Align the terminal block to the module in gently press until it is properly seated.
Removing the Module
To remove the module from the PLC rack:
1. Disconnect all power to the module, and disconnect it from any connected devices. See Removing Power.
2. Gently slide the module out of the rack slot. WARNING Installation or removal of the module with power applied can cause an electrical
arc. An arc can cause personal injury or property damage by sending an erroneous signal to your system’s field devices. This signal can result in unintended machine motion, an explosion in a hazardous environment, or excessive wear to contacts on both the module and its mating connector (possibly leading to premature failure).
Field Wiring
This section provides instructions for field wiring the installed module. You will need:
A small flat-head screwdriver
Belden 8761 (shielded, twisted pair) cable or equivalent
Wiring for wiring guidelines to keep in mind during field wiring of the module.
See 
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Removing and Replacing the Terminal Block
When wiring the module, it is not necessary to remove the terminal block. However, if necessary, you can use this procedure for removal and replacement.
1. Loosen the upper and lower retaining screws, alternating between screws. The terminal block backs
away from the module as you remove the screws.
2. Carefully pry the terminal block loose.
3. When ready to replace the terminal block, insert and tighten the retaining screws. Torque the retaining
screws to 0.46 Nm (4.1 in-lb).
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Wiring the Terminal Block
The module terminal block has eight shield terminals provided as frame ground connections for input wire shielding. It also provides eight external encoder disable pins used to externally gate each input. A low input allows each channel (or channel pair) to operate. There are also 8 counter enable lines that are compatible with 5, 12, and 24 VDC inputs. If pulled high with one of these inputs, a channel (or channel pair) is disabled.
Channel 2 Hi Pin 2 Channel 2 Lo Pin 4
Channel 2 Shield Pin 6
Channel 2 Enable Pin 8
Channel 2 Gate Pin 10
Channel 4 Hi Pin 12
Channel 4 Lo Pin 14
Channel 4 Shield Pin 16
Channel 4 Enable Pin 18
Channel 4 Gate Pin 20
Channel 6 Hi P in 22 Channel 6 Lo Pin 24
Channel 6 Shield Pin 26
Channel 6 Enable Pin 28
Channel 6 Gate Pin 30
Channel 8 Hi Pin 32
Pin 1 Channel 1 Hi Pin 3 Channel 1 Lo Pin 5 Channel 1 Shield Pin 7 Channel 1 Enable
Pin 9 Channel 1 Gate Pin 11 Channel 3 Hi
Pin 13 Ch a nnel 3 Lo Pin 15 Ch a nnel 3 Sh ield
Pin 17 Ch a nnel 3 En ab le Pin 19 Ch a nnel 3 Ga te
Pin 21 Channel 5 Hi Pin 23 Ch a nnel 5 Lo
Pin 25 Ch a nnel 5 Sh ield Pin 27 Ch a nnel 5 En ab le Pin 29 Ch a nnel 5 Ga te Pin 31 Ch a nnel 7 Hi Pin 33 Channel 7 Lo
+ -T
Meter Input
1- On 0 - Off
Off On Off
pica l Q uadratur e
T Encoder Input
A input Common
B input
Channel 8 Lo Pin 34
Channel 8 Shield Pin 36
Channel 8 Enable Pin 38
Channel 8 Gate Pin 40
Pin 35 Channel 7 Shield P in 37 C ha nn el 7 Enab le Pin 39 Channel 7 Gate
Each terminal accepts up to two wires, with the restrictions noted in the following table (for shielded, twisted-pair cable).
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Specification Value
Wire Type Stranded, Cu-90°C (194°F) Wire Size 16 to 22 AWG Terminal Screw T orque 0.68 Nm (6 in-lb) Retaining Screw Torque 0.46 Nm (4.1 in-lb)
To wire the terminal block:
1. Determine the length of cable you need to connect a channel to its field device. Remember to include
additional cable to route the drain wire and foil shield to their ground points.
2. If you need to remove the terminal block cover, insert a screwdriver into one of the square wiring holes,
and gently pry the cover off. Be sure to replace the cover before proceeding.
3. Loosen the terminal screw to be wired.
4. Route the wire under the terminal pressure plate.
5. Connect only one end of the shield to the module. You can use the bare wire or a spade lug. The
terminals accept a 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) spade lug.
6. Tighten the terminal screw, making sure the pressure plate secures the wire.
7. A removable write-on label (ID tag) is provided with the terminal block. Remove the label from the
door, mark the identification of each terminal with permanent ink, and slide the label back into the door. The ID tag is visible when the module door is closed.
Wiring the Module for Inputs
After the terminal block is wired, use the procedure in this section to connect the inputs to the terminal block. To ensure proper operation and high immunity to electrical noise, always use Belden 8761 shielded, twisted-pair wire, or equivalent.
CAUTION - To prevent shock hazard, take care when wiring the module to analog signal sources. Before wiring, disconnect power from the system power supply and from any other source.
CAUTION - When wiring an analog input, take care to avoid connecting a voltage source to a channel configured for current input. Improper module operation or damage to the voltage source can occur.
1. At each end of the first cable, strip some casing to expose the individual wires.
2. On each end of the cable, separate the wires and trim the signal wires to 5.08 cm (2 in.) lengths. Strip
about 4.76 mm (.18 in.) of insulation to expose the end of each wire. Be sure to not cut the wires too short.
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
CAUTION - Be careful when stripping wires. Wire fragments that fall into a module could cause damage at startup.
3. At the module end of the cable, cut the drain wire and foil shield.
4. Check the signal wires to ensure that they are the correct length to connect to the terminal block.
5. At the input device end of the cable, twist the drain wire and foil shield together. Under normal
circumstances, you will connect the drain wire and shield to earth ground, via a panel or DIN rail mounting screw at the end of the module. Keep the length of the drain wire as short as possible.
6. Connect the cable to the input device as required.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the other cables.
8. Configure the module as described in chapter 3, Module Configuration.
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Module Configuration
This chapter includes information on the following:
Module addressing
Setting up the PLC configuration software (ModSoft, Concept, and SCIOCFG)
Making bit settings for zoom (parameter) registers
Making bit settings for 4X configuration (output) registers
Making bit settings for 3X data and status registers
Some configuration can be performed using the ModSoft, Concept, and SCIOCFG configuration programs. However, many configuration steps require ladder logic to be prepared for your PLC. For these cases, module addressing details and bit settings are provided in this chapter, while programming details are included in chapter 4, Programming.
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Module Addressing
The module uses sixteen zoom (parameter) registers, nine 4X (output) registers for configuration words, and eight 3X (input) registers for data and status words.
Table 3-1 Module Registers
Register Function
Zoom+0..7 Basic Configuration data (4ch - 0..3 / 8ch - 0..7) Zoom+8**** Bank Switch Period in Autosequence Mode 4X Module Configuration Word 4X+1 Scale Factor / Count Limit Word 4X+2 Channel 1 Control Word 4X+3 Channel 2 Control Word 4X+4 Channel 3 Control Word 4X+5 Channel 4 Control Word 4X+6* Channel 5 Control Word 4X+7* Channel 6 Control Word 4X+8* Channel 7 Control Word 4X+9* Channel 8 Control Word 3X Module Status 3X+1*** Count Data LSW Chan 2*N-1 3X+2*** Count Data MSW 2*N-1 3X+3*** Count Data LSW Chan 2*N 3X+4*** Count Data MSW 2*N 3X+5*** Rate Data 2*N-1 3X+6*** Rate Data 2*N 3X+7*** Status Data 2*N-1 3X+8*** Status Data 2*N
Note X=bank number
*These registers only apply to the 8 channel counter (140 EHC 208 00).
***Comprehensive Mode shown. Speed mode explained in Data retrieval and Module Configuration Word (4X+0
Register under the description for Multiplexing Mode and Bank Number.
****The default is that the module update as fast as possible. This register allows the user to set in milliseconds the
update rate. For example, a 60 in this register will cause each bank to be updated in 60miliseconds. Since there are four banks (in the 8 channel module) the total update time will be 240ms. In the four channel module the update time would be 120ms.
Counter / Flow Meter Input Module
Setting Up the Configuration Software
The module is compatible with several configuration software packages: ModSoft version 2.4 or later, Concept version 2.1 or later, and ProWorx NxT. Setup and configuration instructions for ModSoft and Concept are provided in this manual.
Included with the module is a 3.5-inch floppy disk. Install the disk files to update the configuration software so that you can properly configure your module. These files update the configuration software and include application programming examples.
Table 3-2 Module Files
File Name Installation Disk Directory Description
GCNFTCOP.SYS \MODSOFT\ ModSoft I/O map module definitions LMSFDT .SYS \MODSOFT\ ModSoft zoom screens QUANTUM.SYS \MODSOFT\ Quantum help screens for ModSoft
SCIOCFG.EXE \CONCEPT\ Spectrum utility that runs under Concept to provide help setting up configuration I/O files; this is a 32-bit Windows program requiring W indows 95/98/NT SPECTRUM.HLP \CONCEPT\ Spectrum I/O for Quantum module help file SPECTRUM.MDC \CONCEPT\ Spectrum I/O for Quantum module definition file
Setting Up ModSoft
For ModSoft (version 2.4) to recognize the Quantum counter module, you must update the software with the LMSFDT.SYS, GCNFTCOP.SYS, and QUANTUM.SYS files. You should also install the ModSoft example files at this time. See
To install the runtime files for ModSoft:
1. Identify the path in which ModSoft is installed, for example, C:\MODSOFT\.
2. Insert the installation disk in the drive (probably A:).
3. From MS-DOS on the PC, enter the following command (assuming installation from the A: drive):
4. Verify that the files have been copied to the C:\MODSOFT\RUNTIME\ directory.
5. Verify that the example files have been copied to the C:\MODSOFT\PROGRAMS\ directory.
Setting Up the Configuration Software.
Quantum Series 140 EHC 204 00sc 140 EHC 208 00sc
Setting Zoom Registers Using ModSoft
The procedure below tells how to enable the zoom registers and make configuration settings in ModSoft. Refer
Zoom Register Layout.
to 
1. Ensure that the ModSoft configuration software has been updated from the module installation disk, as
described in Setting Up ModSoft .
2. Open ModSoft, and access the I/O map screen.
3. Select the slot in which you have installed the module.
4. Now enter Shift+? to display a list of modules available for placement in the selected slot.
5. Choose your Quantum counter module from the list. For module-specific help, enter Alt+H.
6. Choose the first 3X and 4X registers to be used in the system for the module.
7. Now enter the zoom screens by highlighting the entry for your module and pressing Alt+Z. For zoom
screen operation, see Modicon’s ModSoft Programmer User Manual.
8. Select an input type for each group of two channels. The default is 5 volts.
9. For each group of two channels, select an input range that corresponds to the input type selected. See
Input Range, Bits 15 and 16.
10. Select a count mode for each group of two channels. See
11. Select a filter frequency for each channel. See
12. Select a filter frequency for each channel. See
13. Select a count size for each channel. See
30 kHz Filter, Bit 12.
15 kHz Filter, Bit 11.
Count Size, Bit 10.
Count Mode, Bit 13 and 14.
Setting Up Concept
For Concept to recognize the Quantum counter module, you must update the software with the files SPECTRUM.MDC and SPECTRUM.HLP. See
To install the runtime files for Concept:
1. Identify the path in which Concept is installed, for example, C:\CONCEPT\. You will probably use the A: drive for the installation disk.
2. Using your file manager copy the files SPECTRUM.MDC and SPECTRUM.HLP on the disk to the C:\CONCEPT directory.
3. Verify that the files have been copied to the C:\CONCEPT directory.
Setting Up the Configuration Software.
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