SONY Ericsson GM47r5, GM48r5 User Manual

Integrator’s Manual
The GM47r5 described in this manual conforms to the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) directive 99/5/EC with requirements covering EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage directive 73/23/EEC. The product fulfils the requirements according to 3GPP TS 51.010-1, EN 301 489-7 and EN60950.
FCC ID: PY76220511-BV
IC: 4170B-6220511
The GM48R5 described in this manual conforms to the Federal Communications Commission, FCC Rules Parts 22.901d and 24 E and PTCRB NAPRD.03_TC version: V.2.7.2, 3GPP TS 51.010 Version: 3GPP TS 51.010-1 V.5.6.0
SAR statement: This product is intended to be used with the antenna or other radiating element at least 20 cm away from any part of the human body.
The information contained in this document is the proprietary information of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications International. The contents are confidential and any disclosure to
persons other than the officers, employees, agents or subcontractors of the owner or licensee of this document, without the prior written consent of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications International, is strictly prohibited. Further, no portion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written consent of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications International, the copyright holder.
First edition (December 2004)
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications International publishes this manual without making any warranty as to the content contained herein. Further Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications International reserves the right to make modifications, additions and deletions to this manual due to typographical errors, inaccurate information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment at any time and without notice. Such changes will, nevertheless be incorporated into new editions of this manual.
All rights reserved.
© Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications International, 2004 Publication number: LZT 123 8020 R1A
Printed in UK
1 Introduction ........................................................................................6
1.1 Target Users..............................................................................................6
1.2 Prerequisites .............................................................................................6
1.3 Manual Structure .......................................................................................6
2 GM47r5/GM48r5 Radio Devices ..........................................................7
2.1 About the GM47r5/GM48r5 Family............................................................7
2.2 Radio Devices in a Communication System..............................................7
2.3 Features ....................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Types of Mobile Station .................................................................9
2.3.2 Short Message Service................................................................10
2.3.3 Voice Calls...................................................................................10
2.3.4 Data .............................................................................................11
2.3.5 SIM Card......................................................................................11
2.3.6 Power Consumption.....................................................................11
2.3.7 Other Features.............................................................................12
2.4 Service and Support ................................................................................12
2.4.1 Web Pages ..................................................................................12
2.4.2 Extranet .......................................................................................12
2.4.3 Integrator’s Manual ......................................................................12
2.4.4 AT Commands Manual ................................................................12
2.4.5 M2mpower Application Guide ......................................................13
2.4.6 Developer’s Kit.............................................................................13
2.5 Precautions .............................................................................................13
2.6 Customer support contact details ............................................................13
3 Abbreviations ...................................................................................15
4 Mechanical Description .................................................................... 17
4.1 Interface Description................................................................................17
4.2 Physical Dimensions ...............................................................................18
5 System Connector Interface ............................................................. 20
5.1 Overview .................................................................................................20
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5.2 General Electrical and Logical Characteristics ........................................23
5.2.1 General Protection Requirements................................................24
5.3 Grounds...................................................................................................24
5.3.1 Analogue Ground - AGND ...........................................................24
5.3.2 Digital Ground - DGND ................................................................25
5.4 VCC - Regulated Power Supply Input .....................................................25
5.5 Battery Charging Input (CHG_IN)(Reserved for future use) ....................26
5.6 Turning the Radio Device ON/OFF and the External Power Signal.........27
5.6.1 VIO - 2.75V Supply ......................................................................29
5.7 Analogue Audio .......................................................................................30
5.7.1 Audio To Mobile Station - ATMS..................................................30
5.7.2 Audio From Mobile Station - AFMS .............................................31
5.7.3 Microphone Signals .....................................................................32
5.7.4 Speaker Signals...........................................................................33
5.8 PCM Digital Audio ...................................................................................34
5.8.1 PCM Data Format........................................................................35
5.9 Serial Data Interfaces ..............................................................................37
5.9.1 UART1 (RS232) - RD, TD, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD and RI .38
5.9.2 Serial Data Signals - RD, TD .......................................................38
5.9.3 Control Signals - RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI.......................39
5.9.4 UART2 - TD2, RD2......................................................................40
5.9.5 UART3 - TD3, RD3......................................................................41
5.10 SIM Card Related Signals .......................................................................41
5.10.1 SIM Detection - SIMPRESENCE .................................................42
5.11 Service/Programming ..............................................................................43
5.12 Buzzer .....................................................................................................43
5.13 LED 43
5.14 General Purpose Digital I/O Ports ...........................................................44
5.15 Extended I/O capabilities.........................................................................45
5.15.1 LED/IO6 Capabilities....................................................................45
5.15.2 I#/O#............................................................................................45
5.15.3 UART3/IO# ..................................................................................46
5.15.4 IO#/ADC# ....................................................................................46
5.16 General Purpose Analogue I/O Ports ......................................................46
5.16.1 Digital to Analogue Converter - DAC ...........................................46
5.16.2 Analogue to Digital Converters 1, 2 and 3 - ADCx.......................47
5.16.3 Analogue to Digital Converters 4 and 5 - IOx/ADCx ....................48
5.17 External I 2C Serial Control Bus...............................................................49
5.18 TX_ON - Burst Transmission...................................................................50
5.19 Real Time Clock ......................................................................................50
6 Antenna Connector........................................................................... 52
7 Hints for Integrating the Radio Device ............................................. 53
7.1 Safety Advice and Precautions................................................................53
7.1.1 General ........................................................................................53
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7.1.2 SIM Card......................................................................................54
7.1.3 Antenna .......................................................................................54
7.2 Installation of the Radio Device ...............................................................55
7.2.1 Where to Install the Radio Device................................................55
7.2.2 How to Install the Radio Device ...................................................56
7.3 Antenna ...................................................................................................57
7.3.1 General ........................................................................................57
7.3.2 Antenna Type ..............................................................................57
7.3.3 Antenna Placement .....................................................................58
7.3.4 The Antenna Cable......................................................................58
7.3.5 Possible Communication Disturbances........................................58
8 TCP/IP Stack ..................................................................................... 60
8.1 Implementation........................................................................................60
9 Technical Data .................................................................................. 61
10 Declaration of Conformity ................................................................ 63
11 Introduction to the Universal Developer’s Kit .................................. 64
11.1 Contents of the Kit...................................................................................64
11.2 Assembling the Developer's Board..........................................................65
11.3 Mounting a GX-47/48 ..............................................................................66
11.4 Assembly instructions:.............................................................................66
11.5 System Requirements .............................................................................67
11.6 GX-47/48 Family; Connection .................................................................67
12 Using the Universal Developer's Kit................................................. 69
12.1 Gx-47/48 Setup .......................................................................................69
12.2 Operation Mode.......................................................................................72
12.3 Serial interface.........................................................................................73
12.4 Engine Application Port - 40-Pin Connector (X600).................................75
12.5 RF Interface.............................................................................................77
12.6 Audio Interface ........................................................................................77
12.7 Keypad Connector (X410) .......................................................................78
12.8 Flashing Firmware ...................................................................................78
12.9 Operation.................................................................................................79
12.10 Flow Control ............................................................................................79
12.11 Power Down ............................................................................................79
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1 Introduction
1.1 Target Users
The GM47r5 and GM48r5 radio devices are designed to be integrated into machine-to-machine or man-to-machine communications applications. They are intended to be used by manufacturers, system integrators, applications developers and developers of wireless communications equipment.
1.2 Prerequisites
It is assumed that the person integrating the radio device into an application has a basic understanding of the following:
GSM networking;
Wireless communication and antennas (aerials);
AT commands;
ITU-T standard V.24/V.28;
Micro controllers and programming;
Electronic hardware design.
1.3 Manual Structure
The manual is composed of three parts:
Part 1- Overview
This section provides a broad overview of the GM47r5/GM48r5 family and includes a list of abbreviations used in the manual.
Part 2 - Integrating the Radio Device
This section describes each of the signals available on the GM47r5/GM48r5 radio devices, along with mechanical information. The section also provides you with design guidelines and explains what is needed to commercialise an application from a regulatory point of view.
Part 3 - Developer’s Kit
This section lists the contents of the Developer’s Kit and provides the information to setup and use the equipment.
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2 GM47r5/GM48r5 Radio Devices
2.1 About the GM47r5/GM48r5 Family
Two radio devices make up the family; GM47r5 and GM48r5, for use in the E-GSM900/GSM1800 and GSM850/GSM1900 bands respectively.
Note! This manual refers to the GM47r5 and GM48r5 as radio
devices. If there is a difference in the functionality of the radio devices the GM47r5 and GM48r5 information will be listed separately.
The products belong to a new generation of Sony Ericsson radio devices, and are intended to be used in machine-to­machine applications and man-to-machine applications. They are used when there is a need to send and receive data (by SMS, CSD, HSCSD, or GPRS), and make voice calls over the GSM network.
The radio devices can either have applications embedded onto them or they can be used as the engine in an application created by the customer. The radio device can send and receive data when a script is executed, the script can be run internally from the radio device itself or from a micro-controller. A typical application, involves a micro-controller and a radio device, in which the micro-controller sends AT commands to the radio device via an RS232 communications link.
2.2 Radio Devices in a Communication System
Figures 2.1 and 2.2 illustrate the main blocks of a wireless communication system using the radio device. Figure 2.1 shows the communication system when the script is embedded on the radio device and figure 2.2 shows the communication system when a micro-controller is used. They also show the communication principles of the system and the interface between the radio device and the application. The definitions in the figures, as used elsewhere in this manual, are in accordance with the recommendations of GSM 07.07.
The MS (mobile station) represents the radio device and SIM card. The radio device excluding SIM card, is known as the ME (mobile equipment).
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The DTE (data terminal equipment) is the controlling application. This can be either an external host or an internal embedded application.
The DCE (data circuit terminating equipment) is the serial communication interface of the MS.
Figure 2.1 Main Blocks in a Wireless System (embedded application)
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Figure 2.2 Main Blocks in a Wireless System (external micro-
In accordance with the recommendations of ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunications Standardisation Sector) V.24, the TE communicates with the MS over a serial interface.
The functions of the radio device follow the recommendations provided by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and ITU-T.
ETSI specifies a set of AT commands for controlling the GSM element of the radio device; these commands are supplemented by Sony Ericsson specific commands.
To find out how to work with AT commands, see the AT Commands Manual.
2.3 Features
The radio device performs a set of telecom services (TS) according to GSM standard phase 2+, ETSI and ITU-T. The functions of the radio device are implemented by issuing AT commands over a serial interface.
2.3.1 Types of Mobile Station
GM47r5 and GM48r5 are dual band mobile stations with the characteristics shown in the tables below.
GM47r5 E-GSM 900 GSM 1800
Frequency Range (MHz) TX: 880-915
RX: 925-960
Channel spacing 200 kHz 200 kHz
Number of channels 174 carriers *8 time slots 374 carriers *8 time slots
Modulation GMSK GMSK
TX phase accuracy < 5º RMS phase error (burst) < 5º RMS phase error (burst)
TX: 1710-1785 RX: 1805-1880
Duplex spacing 45 MHz 95 MHz
Receiver sensitivity at antenna connector
Transmitter output power at antenna connector
Automatic hand-over between E-GSM 900 and GSM 1800
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< –102 dBm < –102 dBm
Class 4 2 W (33 dBm)
Class 1 1 W (30 dBm)
GM48r5 GSM 850 GSM 1900
Frequency Range (MHz) TX: 824-849
RX: 869-894
Channel spacing 200 kHz 200 kHz
Number of channels 124 carriers *8 time slots 299 carriers *8 time slots
Modulation GMSK GMSK
TX Phase Accuracy < 5º RMS phase error (burst) < 5º RMS phase error (burst)
Duplex spacing 45 MHz 80 MHz
Receiver sensitivity at antenna connector
Transmitter output power at antenna connector
Automatic hand-over between GSM 850 and GSM 1900
< –102 dBm < –102 dBm
Class 4 2W (33 dBm)
TX: 1850-1910 RX: 1930-1990
Class 1 1 W (30 dBm)
2.3.2 Short Message Service
The radio device supports the following SMS services:
Sending; MO (mobile-originated) with both PDU (protocol data unit) and text mode supported.
Receiving; MT (mobile-terminated) with both PDU and text mode supported.
CBM (cell broadcast message); a service in which a message is sent to all subscribers located in one or more specific cells in the GSM network (for example, traffic reports).
SMS STATUS REPORT according to GSM 03.40.
The maximum length of an SMS message is 160 characters when using 7-bit encoding. For 8-bit data, the maximum length is 140 characters. The radio device supports up to six concatenated messages to extend this function. Concatenation is disabled if CNMI 3,2 is set (See the AT Commands Manual for further details).
2.3.3 Voice Calls
The radio device offers the capability of MO (mobile originated) and MT (mobile terminated) voice calls, as well as supporting
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2.3.4 Data
emergency calls. Multiparty, call waiting and call divert features are available. Some of these features are network-operator specific.
For the inter-connection of audio, the radio device offers both single ended and balanced analogue input and output lines. Direct interface to the digital PCM (pulse code modulation) bus used within the radio device is available, thus by-passing the internal analogue circuitry.
The radio devices support HR, FR and EFR vocoders. The GM48R5 also supports the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) type of vocoder.
The radio device supports the following data protocols:
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) The radio devices are Class B terminals. The radio devices are GPRS 4+1 enabled, which are capable of receiving at a maximum of four timeslots per frame (down link), and transmitting in one timeslot per frame (up link).
CSD (Circuit Switched Data) The radio devices are capable of establishing a CSD communication at 9.6 kbps.
HSCSD (High Speed Circuit Switched Data). The radio devices support HSCSD communication, with one timeslot per frame capacity in the up link and two timeslots per frame capacity in the down link (2+1).
2.3.5 SIM Card
An external SIM card with 3 V or 5 V technology, can be connected to the radio device via its 60-pin system connector. The unit does not need any external components to enable this.
2.3.6 Power Consumption
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Idle Mode Transmit/Operation
Voice/CSD < 5 mA < 250 mA (< 2 A peak) GSM 850 and E-GSM 900
Data (GPRS 4+1) < 5 mA < 350 mA (< 2 A peak)
Voice/CSD < 5 mA < 250 mA (<1.75 A peak) GSM 1800 and GSM 1900
Data (GPRS 4+1) < 5 mA < 350 mA (<1.75 A peak)
Note! The power consumption during transmission is measured at
maximum transmitted power.
2.3.7 Other Features
These include:
07.10 multiplexing.
GPS interoperability.
SIM application tool kit, class 2 release 96 compliant.
Embedded application
On board TCP/IP stack
AMR (Supported by GM48R5)
2.4 Service and Support
2.4.1 Web Pages
Visit our web site for the following information:
where to buy radio devices or for recommendations concerning accessories and components;
the telephone number for customer support in your region;
FAQs (frequently asked questions).
The web site address is:
2.4.2 Extranet
The extranet contains all of the more in depth documentation, such as AT commands manual, software bulletins, etc. To gain access to the site please contact either your sales person or customer support.
2.4.3 Integrator’s Manual
This manual provides you with all of the information you need to integrate the radio device into your application.
2.4.4 AT Commands Manual
The AT Commands Manual provides you with all the AT commands you can use with your radio device. AT commands are in logical groups and contain the command, a description of its functionality and an example of use.
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2.4.5 M2mpower Application Guide
The M2mpower Application Guide provides you with all the information you need to build an application using the M2mpower support environment. This manual is supplied as part of the M2mpower package. There are also a number of application notes which accompany the guide showing how to use specific functionality.
2.4.6 Developer’s Kit
Sony Ericsson provides the developer’s kit to get you started quickly. The kit includes the necessary hardware required to begin the development of an application. It includes the following:
GSM radio device, GM47r5 or GM48r5;
This Integrator’s Manual;
Developer’s kit hardware;
Developer’s kit accessories;
Power supply
RS232 cable
All the user needs to provide, is a computer or micro-controller and the expertise to use AT commands.
2.5 Precautions
The radio devices are ESD protected up to 4KV contact and 8KV air discharge. It is recommended that you follow electronic device handling precautions when working with any electronic device system to ensure no damage occurs to the host or the radio device. In “Integrating the Radio Device”, page 16 you will find more information about safety and product care. Do not exceed the environmental and electrical limits as specified in Technical Data, page 61.
2.6 Customer support contact details
To contact customer support please use the details below.
Customer Support Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications (UK) Ltd M2MCom
LZT 123 8020 R1B
1 Lakeside Road Systems Union House Aerospace Park Farnborough Hampshire UK GU14 6XP
E mail :
LZT 123 8020 R1B
3 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Explanations
AMR Adaptive Multi Rate
ATMS Audio to Mobile Station
AFMS Audio from Mobile Station
CBM Cell Broadcast Message
CBS Cell Broadcast Service
CSD Circuit Switched Data


DCE Data Circuit Terminating Equipment
DK Developer’s Kit
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency
EA Embedded Application
EFR Enhanced Full Rate
EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute
FR Full Rate
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
HR Half Rate
HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data
IDE Integrated Development Environment
IP Internet Protocol
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunications
Standardisation Sector
M2mpower Sony Ericsson’s powerful support environment
ME Mobile Equipment
MMCX Micro Miniature Coax
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MO Mobile Originated
MS Mobile Station
MT Mobile Terminated
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PDU Protocol Data Unit
RF Radio Frequency
RFU Reserved for Future Use
RLP Radio Link Protocol
RTC Real Time Clock
SDP Service Discovery Protocol
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SMS Short Message Service
TCP Transport Control Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
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4 Mechanical Description
4.1 Interface Description
The pictures below show the mechanical design of the radio device along with the positions of the different connectors and mounting holes. The radio device is protected with AISI 304 stainless steel covers that meet the environmental and EMC requirements.
  
 
 
Figure 4.1 Radio Device viewed from below
Figure 4.2 Radio Device, viewed from above
Please note the following:
Mounting holes positioned at the corners make it possible to securely bolt the radio device into your application.
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Keypad, display, microphone, speaker and battery are not part of the radio device.
The SIM card is mounted in your application, external to the radio device.
The System Connector is a 60-pin, standard 0.05 in (1.27 mm) pitch type. The pins and their electrical characteristics are described in 5 System Connector Interface, page 20.
Information about the Antenna Connector is found in 6 Antenna Connector page 52.
4.2 Physical Dimensions
2.20 (4x)
7.15 2.90
Figure 4.2 Dimensions of the Radio Device
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Measurements are given in millimetres. See also Technical Data page 61.
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5 System Connector Interface
5.1 Overview
Electrical connections to the radio device (except the antenna), are made through the System Connector Interface. The system connector is a 60pin, standard 0.05 in (1.27 mm) pitch device.
The system connector allows both board-to-board and board-to­cable connections to be made. Use a board-board connector to connect the radio device directly to a PCB, and a board-cable connector to connect the radio device via a cable.
Figure 5.1 below shows the numbering of the connector pins.
A ground connection is provided at the mounting hole next to the RF connector on the radio device as shown below. Connect this ground point to the DGND pins of the radio device by the shortest, low-impedance path possible. The purpose of this connection is to allow any antenna ESD strikes to bypass the radio device’s internal ground path.
Ground connection
Pin 59 Pin 1
Pin 60 Pin 2
Figure 5.1 Radio Device, viewed from underneath
The following table gives the pin assignments for the system connector interface and a short description for each signal.
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Note! Under the heading “Dir” in the table, radio device input and
output signals are indicated by the letters I and O respectively.
Pin Signal Name Dir Signal Type Description
1 VCC - Supply Power supply
2 DGND - - Digital ground
3 VCC - Supply Power supply
4 DGND - - Digital ground
5 VCC - Supply Power supply
6 DGND - - Digital ground
7 VCC - Supply Power supply
8 DGND - - Digital ground
9 VCC - Supply Power supply
10 DGND - - Digital ground
11 CHG_IN (RFU) - Battery charge
12 DGND - - Digital ground
13 IO5
14 ON/OFF I Internal pull
15 SIMVCC - Digital 3 V/5 V SIM card power supply. Power output from
16 SIMPRESENCE I Internal pull
17 SIMRST O Digital 3 V/5 V SIM card reset
18 SIMDATA I/O Digital 3 V/5 V SIM card data
19 SIMCLK O Digital 3 V/5 V SIM card clock
I/0 I Digital 2.75V
up, open drain
up, open drain
Battery charging
General purpose input/output 5 Analogue to digital converter 4
Turns the radio device on and off.
radio device for SIM Card
SIM Presence A “1” indicates that the SIM is missing; a “0” that it is inserted
20 DAC O Analogue Digital to analogue converter
21 IO1 I/O Digital 2.75V General purpose input/output 1
22 IO2
23 IO3 I/O Digital 2.75V General purpose input/output 3
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I/O I Digital 2.75V
General purpose input/output 2 Analogue to digital converter 5
24 IO4
I/O Digital 2.75V General purpose input/output 4
25 VRTC I Supply 1.8V Supply for real time clock
26 ADC1 I Analogue Analogue to digital converter 1
27 ADC2 I Analogue Analogue to digital converter 2
28 ADC3 I Analogue Analogue to digital converter 3
29 SDA I/O 2.75V, internal
I 2 C data
pull up
30 SCL O 2.75V, internal
I 2 C clock
pull up
31 BUZZER O Digital 2.75V Buzzer output from radio device
32 OUT3
33 LED
34 VIO O Power Out
O O Digital 2.75V General purpose output 3
Data set ready (UART1)
Digital 2.75V Flashing LED
General purpose I/O 6
Radio device power indication. VIO is a
2.75 V
2.75 V at 75 mA output supply that can be used to power external circuitry that interfaces to the radio device
35 TX_ON O Digital 2.75V This output indicates when the GSM radio
device is going to transmit the burst
36 RI
37 DTR
38 DCD
39 RTS
40 CTS
O O Digital 2.75V Ring Indicator (UART1)
General purpose output 2
Digital 2.75V Data Terminal Ready (UART1)
General purpose input 1
O O Digital 2.75V Data Carrier Detect (UART1)
General purpose output 1
Digital 2.75V Request To Send (UART1)
General purpose I/O 9
O O Digital 2.75V Clear To Send (UART1)
General purpose output 4
41 TD I Digital 2.75V Transmitted Data (UART1).
Data from DTE (host) to DCE (radio device).
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42 RD O Digital 2.75V Received Data (UART1).
Data from DCE (radio device) to DTE (host).
43 TD3
44 RD3
45 TD2 I Digital 2.75V Transmitted data (UART2).
46 RD2 O Digital 2.75V Received data (UART2).
47 PCMULD I Digital 2.75V DSP PCM digital audio input
48 PCMDLD O Digital 2.75V DSP PCM digital audio output
49 PCMO O Digital 2.75V Codec PCM digital audio output
50 PCMI I Digital 2.75V Codec PCM digital audio input
51 PCMSYNC O Digital 2.75V DSP PCM frame sync
52 PCMCLK O Digital 2.75V DSP PCM clock output
53 MICP I Analogue Microphone Input positive
54 MICN I Analogue Microphone Input negative
Digital 2.75V Transmitted data (UART3)
Digital 2.75V Received data (UART3)
General purpose I/O 7
General purpose I/O 8
Used for flashing the memory.
Used for flashing the memory.
55 BEARP O Analogue Speaker output positive
56 BEARN O Analogue Speaker output negative
57 AFMS O Analogue Audio output from radio device
58 SERVICE I 2.7V Flash programming voltage for the MS.
Enable logger information if not flashing.
59 ATMS I Analogue Audio input to radio device
60 AGND - Analogue Analogue ground
5.2 General Electrical and Logical Characteristics
Many of the signals, as indicated in the table above, are high­speed CMOS logic inputs or outputs powered from a 2.75V±5% internal voltage regulator, and are defined as Digital 2.75V. Whenever a signal is defined as Digital 2.75V, the following electrical characteristics apply.
Parameter Min. Max. Units
High Level Output Voltage (VOH), Io = –2mA 2.2 2.75 V
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Low Level Output Voltage (VOL), Io = 2mA 0 0.6 V
High Level Input Voltage (VIH) 1.93 2.75 V
Low Level Input voltage (VIL) 0 0.5 V
Note! Unused pins can be left floating.
5.2.1 General Protection Requirements
All 2.75 V digital inputs will continuously withstand and suffer no damage in the power-on or power-off condition when subjected to any voltage from - 0.5 V to 3.47 V (3.3 V + 5 %).
All 2.75 V digital outputs will continuously withstand a short circuit to any other voltage within the range 0 V to 3 V.
All analogue outputs will continuously withstand a short circuit to any voltage within the range 0 V to 3 V.
The SIM output signals and the SIMVCC supply will continuously withstand a short circuit to any voltage within the range 0 V to 4.1V.
Note! Although the unit should be able to withstand the higher
voltages the unit should not be driven at the levels as it will result in failures over time.
5.3 Grounds
Pin Signal Description
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 DGND Digital ground
60 AGND Analogue ground
There are two ground connections in the radio device, AGND (analogue ground) and DGND (digital ground). Pin assignments are shown in the table above.
Note! AGND and DGND are connected at a single point inside the
radio device. They must not be joined together in your application.
5.3.1 Analogue Ground - AGND
AGND is the return signal, or analogue audio reference, for ATMS (Audio To Mobile Station) and AFMS (Audio From Mobile Station). It is connected to the DGND inside the radio device only. The application must not connect DGND and AGND.
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