Sony AIT-SDX460, SDX-460V/P, SDX-460V/RP Product Specifications Manual

SDX-460V/P SDX-460V/RP
Product Specification Manual Version 1.0
Sep. 2004
Copyright © 2004, Sony Corporation. All right reserved.
This Product Specification Manual is applicable for AIT-1 Turbo ATAPI I/F drive.
This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated to another language without prior written consent of Sony. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
SONY MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT. Sony shall not be liable for errors contained herein, or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this document.
© Copyright 2004, by Sony Corporation
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SDX-460V Series Ver. 1.0 SEPTEMBER, 2004 (RELEASE)
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SDX-460V series Ver.1.0 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introducin 1-1
1.1. About This Product Specification Manual 1-1
1.2. Introducing the Sony AIT Technology 1-1
1.3. Features of the Drive 1-2
1.4. Reference 1-2
1.4.1. How to get ECMA-222, 246, 291 Standard Document 1-2
2. Specifications 2-1
2.1. Specifications 2-1
2.1.1. Dimensions 2-1 Mounting Holes 2-2
2.1.2. Weight 2-4
2.1.3. Connectors 2-4 IDE Cables 2-4
2.2. Environmental Specifications 2-4
2.2.1. Temperature and Humidity Range 2-4
2.2.2. Altitude 2-5
2.2.3. Suspended Particulate 2-5
2.2.4. Vibration 2-5
2.2.5. Shock 2-5
2.2.6. Acoustic Noise 2-5
2.2.7. ESD 2-5
2.2.8. EMI 2-5
2.2.9. Orientation 2-6
2.3. Performance Specification 2-6
2.3.1. Data Capacity 2-7
2.3.2. Data transfer Rate 2-7 Sustained Data Transfer Rate to and from Tape 2-7 Burst Transfer Rate to and from the IDE Bus 2-7
2.3.3. Initialize Time 2-7
2.3.4. Load Time 2-7
2.3.5. Unload Time 2-8
2.3.6. Search Time 2-8
2.3.7. Rewind Time 2-8
2.3.8. Error Rate 2-8
2.3.9. Retry Limits on Rewrites 2-8
2.3.10. Definition of Failure 2-8
2.3.11. Mean Time Between Failures 2-8
2.3.12. Mean Time to Repair 2-8
2.3.13. Component Life 2-9
2.3.14. Durability 2-9
2.4. Safety 2-9
2.4.1. Conditions of Acceptability 2-9
2.5. Installation Requirements 2-9
2.5.1. Power Requirements 2-9
2.6. Data Compression 2-10
3. Installation 3-1
3.1. Installation Guide 3-1
3.1.1. Data Compression ON Switch 3-2
3.1.2. Power Connector 3-2
3.1.3. IDE Interface Connector 3-2
3.1.4. Jumper Connector 3-3
3.1.5. Attaching and Removing the Dust Cover 3-4 Attaching the Dust Cover 3-4 Removing the Dust Cover 3-5
SDX-460V series Ver.1.0 Table of Contents
4. Operation 4-1
4.1. Summary of LED Indications 4-1
4.2. Operator Action 4-2
4.2.1. Powering Up the SDX-460V 4-2
4.2.2. Inserting Cassettes 4-2
4.2.3. Removing Cassettes 4-2
4.2.4. Hard Reset Hole 4-2
4.2.5. Write-Protecting Cassettes 4-2
4.3. Internal Function 4-3
4.3.1. The Load Sequence (Effective for SDX-T3N, TAITE-20N and TAIT1-40N) Refer to
14.2.1 Fast Media Load/Unload (Effective for SDX1-25C, SDX1-35C and TAIT1-40C, MIC cassette) 4-3
4.3.2. The Unload Sequence (Effective for SDX-T3N, TAITE-20N and TAIT1-40N) Refer to
14.2.1 Fast Media Load/Unload (Effective for SDX1-25C, SDX1-35C and TAIT1-40C, MIC cassette) 4-3
4.3.3. Power-Fail Handling 4-3
4.3.4. Diagnostic and Normal Status Displays 4-4 Diagnostic Status Display 4-4 Normal Status Display 4-4
4.4. Tape Format 4-5
4.4.1. Tape Partitions 4-5 Formatting Partitions 4-5
4.5. Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Service 4-6
4.5.1. Head Cleaning 4-6 Message When Cleaning Cassette is Necessary 4-6 The Condition of Cleaning Request 4-6 Usage of Cleaning Cassette 4-6
4.5.2. Troubleshooting Guide 4-6 Operational Problems 4-6 Read/Write Problems 4-9 Replace Tape 4-9 Media Warning 4-9
4.5.3. Clearance for Service 4-9
4.5.4. Packaging for Return to Sony 4-9
5. ATA/ATAPI Interface 5-1
5.1. Introduction 5-1
5.2. Overview of Interface 5-1
5.2.1. Device Registers 5-2
5.2.2. Interrupts 5-4
6. ATA COMMAND Specification 6-1
6.1. Check Power Mode (E5h) 6-2
6.2. Device Reset (08h) 6-4
6.3. Execute Device Diagnostics (90h) 6-5
6.4. Identify Device (ECh) 6-7
6.5. Identify Packet Device (A1h) 6-8
6.6. Idle Immediate (E1h) 6-16
6.7. NOP (00h) 6-18
6.8. Packet (A0h) 6-19
6.9. Read Sectors (20h) 6-23
6.10. Set Features (EFh) 6-24
6.11. Sleep (E6h) 6-26
6.12. Standby Immediate (E0h) 6-28
SDX-460V series Ver.1.0 Table of Contents
7. ATAPI Packet Command Specification 7-1
7.1. ERASE 19h 7-2
7.2. INQUIRY 12h 7-3
7.3. LOAD/UNLOAD 1Bh 7-7
7.4. LOCATE 2Bh 7-8
7.5. LOG SELECT 4Ch 7-9
7.6. LOG SENSE 4Dh 7-12
7.6.1. The Log Page Descriptor 7-13
7.6.2. The Log Parameter Descriptor 7-14
7.6.3. Supported Pages 7-16
7.6.4. Write and Read Error Counter Pages Code 02h & 03h 7-17
7.6.5. Last N Error Events List Page Code 07h 7-17
7.6.6. Tape Log Page (Sony Unique) Page Code 30h 7-18
7.6.7. Tape Capacity Log Page 7-19
7.6.8. Drive Usage Log Page (Sony Unique) Code 33h 7-20
7.6.9. Read and Write Frame Error Counter Page Codes 34h, 35h 7-21
7.6.10. Data Compression Transfer Log Page Code 39h 7-22
7.6.11. AIT Log Page Code 3Ch 7-23
7.6.12. MIC Fixed Length Information Log Page Code 3Dh 7-24
7.6.13. MIC Variable Length Information Log Page Code 3Eh 7-28
7.7. MODE SELECT 15h 7-30
7.8. MODE SENSE 1Ah 7-32
7.8.1. Disconnect-Reconnect Page 02h 7-34
7.8.2. Data Compression Control Page 0Fh 7-34
7.8.3. Device Configuration Page 10h 7-36
7.8.4. Medium Partition Page 11h 7-38
7.8.5. Medium Partition Page 11h (for multi-partitioned tapes) 7-40
7.8.6. Informational Exceptions Control Page 1Ch 7-42
7.8.7. AIT Device Configuration Page 31h 7-43
7.8.8. Append Partition Page 32h 7-45
7.8.9. Delete Partition Page 33h 7-46
7.8.10. Capabilities and Mechanical Status Page 2Ah 7-46
7.10. READ 08h 7-49
7.11. READ BLOCK LIMITS 05h 7-51
7.12. READ BUFFER 3Ch 7-52
7.13. READ POSITION 34h 7-54
7.15. RELEASE UNIT 17h 7-58
7.17. REQUEST SENSE 03h 7-60
7.18. RESERVE UNIT 16h 7-68
7.19. REWIND 01h 7-69
7.20. SEEK BLOCK 0Ch 7-70
7.21. SEND DIAGNOSTIC 1Dh 7-71
7.22. SPACE 11h 7-73
7.23. TEST UNIT READY 00h 7-76
7.24. VERIFY 13h 7-77
7.25. WRITE 0Ah 7-79
7.26. WRITE BUFFER 3Bh 7-80
7.27. WRITE FILEMARK 10h 7-82
SDX-460V series Ver.1.0 Table of Contents
8. Drive Diagnostics 8-1
8.1. Overview 8-1
8.2. Diagnostic Test 8-1
8.2.1. Power-on Self Test 8-1
8.2.2. SEND DIAGNOSTIC Command - Self Test 8-2
8.2.3. SEND DIAGNOSTIC Command - Individual Test 8-2
8.2.4. Diagnostic Test Number Summary 8-4
8.2.6. Diagnostics Results Reference 8-6
8.2.7. Diagnostic Tests Requiring Additional Parameters 8-7
9. APPENDIX A: ASC & ASCQ Alphabetic Order 9-1
10. APPENDIX B: ASC & ASCQ Numeric Order 10-1
11. APPENDIX C: ATA Commands (Op Code Order) 11-1
12. APPENDIX D: ATAPI Commands (Op Code Order) 12-1
13. APPENDIX E: ASC & ASCQ for AIT (Sony Unique) 13-1
14. APPENDIX F: introduction to AIT-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo contact type MIC 14-1
14.1. MIC Data Structures 14-1
14.1.1. MIC Header 14-1
14.1.2. System Log 14-1
14.1.3. User Volume Note & User Partition Note 14-2
14.1.4. Super High Speed Search Map 14-2
14.1.5. Example of Usage 14-2
14.2. Functional Benefits 14-3
14.2.1. Fast Media Load/Unload 14-3
14.2.2. Super High Speed Search 14-4
14.2.3 Data Integrity/Media Management 14-5 Sample Application for MIC 14-5
15. APPENDIX G: Miscellaneous notes to AIT-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo contact type MIC 15-1
15.1. Partition Numbering in the DDS Emulation Mode 15-1
15.2. AIT Log Sense 15-1
15.3. Write Protection Tab on SDX2 cassette 15-1
15.4. Unique Serial Number in MIC 15-1
15.5. AIT Cassette Manufacturer ID in MIC 15-1
15.6. AIT Cassette Secondary ID in MIC 15-2
15.7. Unreadable MIC 15-2
15.8. Example SCSI Command Sequence for MIC 15-2
15.8.1. How to create User Notes in AIT-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo MIC 15-2 Procedure for Writing User Data on MIC using LOG SELECT Command 15-4
15.8.2. User Data Length: 380 byte 15-5 Procedure of Reading User Data on MIC using LOG SENSE Command 15-5
15.8.3. How to Update the User Volume Note 15-6
15.8.4. How to Update the User Partiton Note 15-7
15.8.5. How to Expand or Shrink the User Volume Note 15-8
15.8.6. How to Expand or Shrink the User Partiton Note 15-8
15.8.7. User Notes Hints 15-8
SDX-460V series Ver.1.0 Table of Contents
16. APPENDIX H: MIC (SCSI Interface Specification for AIT Multiple Partitioning) 16-1
16.1. MIC Features 16-1
16.2. The Default Mode for Drive 16-1
16.3. Cassette has a Mode 16-1
16.4. Re-Using Cassettes 16-1
16.6. Application Notes 16-3
16.6.1. Backup Techniques with MIC Cassettes 16-3
16.6.2. How to Change Active Partition 16-3
16.6.3. Retention 16-3
SDX-460V series Ver.1.0 Table of Contents
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1. Introduction
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
1. Introduction
1.1. About this Product Specification Manual
This Product Specification Manual is applicable for AIT-1 Turbo drive. This manual provides information about the Sony SDX-460V series Advanced Intelligent Tape Drives which is
necessary to integrate the drives into OEM products. This manual describes the specifications, ATA/ATAPI Interface, diagnostics, operation and installation of the Sony SDX-460V Drives.
The Sony SDX-460V drive uses data compression to achieve high capacity and high transfer rates. Actual capacity and transfer rate depends on the source file type. The capacity ratings listed in the next subsection are based on a 186 meter tape AIT-1 Turbo cassette. The Sony SDX-460V drive is a high capacity data storage device using Advanced intelligent tape (AIT) technology. The Sony SDX-460V drive achieves high data integrity through read-after-write, an additional level of Error Correction Code, and other features.
The Sony SDX-460V drives provide MIC technology that automatically enhance reliability and performance. The Sony SDX-460V drives provide read and write capability for MIC user data area.
1.2. Introducing the Sony AIT Technology
While magnetic storage technologies continue to push the envelope of recording density and provide higher capacities and transfer rates every 18 to 24 months, improvements in time to access this data have become very limited. Since 1990, tape recording densities have increased up to ten fold, while the time to access this data has increased less than two fold, creating a large mismatch between the amount of stored data and the ability to access it.
This large “gap” between data access latency and areal density has created a dilemma in application development and limited the potential to implement truly cost-effective tertiary storage solutions. Many applications compensated for this deficiency by incorporating multiple redundant tape drives, at higher cost, to achieve an acceptable level of service for their users. Sony’s new Advanced Intelligent Tape design has recognized this need and provided an innovative approach to solving the data latency problem while increasing capacity and data transfer rates.
Traditional, older tape technologies relied mostly on conventional mechanical means, such as faster search speeds or an on-tape index to improve access to stored data. While improvements in electronics and magnetics have been the main enablers of increased capacity and transfer rates, rarely have these same technologies been employed to significantly improve access to data.
Sony’s Advanced Intelligent Tape (AIT) architecture has deviated from conventional designs and employed electronic enhancements to significantly improve access to stored data, using a captive, non-volatile memory chip contained within the magnetic data cartridge. Known as Memory-In-Cassette, or MIC, this memory chip provides a direct and immediate connection to the tape drive’s on-board processors to enable quick media load, fast access to user files and provide a wealth of data about the history and current state of the data cartridge.
1. Introduction
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
1.3. Features of the Drive
Major features of the Sony SDX-460V include:
• Capacity 20 Gbyte typical when using 98 meter tape AIT-E Turbo cassette (TAITE-20N)
-52 Gbyte with 2.6:1 data compression ratio.
25 Gbyte typical when using 170 meter tape AIT-1 cassette (SDX1-25C)
-65 Gbyte with 2.6:1 data compression ratio.
35 Gbyte typical when using 230 meter tape AIT-1 cassette (SDX1-35C)
-91Gbyte with 2.6:1 data compression ratio.
40 Gbyte typical when using 186 meter tape AIT-1 Turbo cassette (TAIT1-40N or TAIT1-40C)
-104 Gbyte with 2.6:1 data compression ratio.
• Sustained transfer rate - 6Mbyte/sec when using AIT-E Turbo and AIT-1 Turbo cassette.
• Sustained transfer rate - 4Mbyte/sec when using AIT-1 cassette.
• Supported Format: AIT-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo and AIT-1
• Not compatible with the DDS and EXABYTE format tapes
• Burst transfer rate
100 Mbyte/sec Ultra DMA (mode 5)
• Large 12 MB Buffer Memory
• 3.5” Standard Height, 5.25” Half Height
• ATA/ATAPI-6 Interface
• Supports Variable or Fixed record length
• Read After Write (RAW) On and Off capability
• Read Retry On and Off capability
• Frame rewrite function
• Three levels of Error Correction Code (ECC)
• High Speed search (120 times nominal Read/Write speed)
• Random read, Append write
• MIC Support (Automatic reliability and performance enhancement.)
• MIC Support (Read and write capability for MIC user data area.)
1.4. Reference
Please refer to the following documents for additional information:
• Information Technology -AT Attachment with Packet Interface -6 (ATA/ATAPI-6) ANSI INCITS 361-2002
• ALDC - Adaptive Loss less Data Compression (ALDC) Algorithm;
ECMA-222, available through
• 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - AIT-1 Format;
ECMA-246, available through ECMA.
• 8 mm Wide Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange - Helical Scan Recording - AIT-1 with MIC
Format; ECMA-291, available through ECMA.
1.4.1. How to get ECMA-222, 246, 291 Standard Document
You can get these ECMA Standard Document file from the following URL.
ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association)
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
2. Specifications
Physical, environmental and performance specifications for the SDX-460V/P and SDX-460V/RP.
2.1. Specifications
2.1.1. Dimensions
The SDX-460V/P
Height 41.2 mm (1.62 in) ± 0.5 mm (0.02 in)
Width 101.6 mm (4.00 in) ± 0.5 mm (0.02 in) Depth 155.0 mm (6.10 in) ± 0.5 mm (0.02 in)
The SDX-460V/RP
Height 41.2 mm (1.62 in) ± 0.5 mm (0.02 in)
Width 146.0 mm (5.75 in) ± 0.5 mm (0.02 in) Depth 155.0 mm (6.10 in) ± 0.5 mm (0.02 in)
Note : The above dimensions do not include the front panel thickness, eject button and IDE connector.
Figure 2-1: Dimensions (SDX-460V)
Height 41.2 0.5mm [1.62" 0.02"]
Width 101.6 0.5mm [4.00" 0.02"]
Depth 155.0 0.5mm [6.10" 0.02"]
[0.30" 0.02"]
7.4 0.6mm [0.29" 0.02"]
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
2-2 Mounting Holes
Figure 2-2a gives details of the mounting holes for the Sony SDX-460V/P and figure 2-2b for the Sony SDX-460V/RP.
155.0 0.5mm [6.10" 0.02"]
90.0 0.3mm [3.54" 0.01"]
60.0 0.3mm [2.36" 0.01"]
70.0 0.3mm [2.76" 0.01"]
31.0 0.3mm [1.22" 0.01"]
21.0 0.3mm [0.83" 0.01"]
41.2 0.5mm
[1.62" 0.02"]
4.8 0.5mm
[0.19" 0.02"]
6-M3 (depth 2.5mm [0.10"] max.)
6-M3 (depth 2.5mm [0.10"] max.)
42.0 0.3mm [1.65" 0.01"]
94.0 0.5mm [3.70" 0.02"]
101.6 0.5mm [4.00" 0.02"]
7.4 0.6mm [0.29" 0.02"]
9.8 0.6mm [0.39" 0.02"]
Figure 2-2a: SDX-460V/P Mounting Holes
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
79.2 0.3mm [3.12" 0.01"]
79.2 0.3mm [3.12" 0.01"]
47.5 0.3mm [1.87" 0.01"]
79.2 0.3mm [3.12" 0.01"]
47.5 0.3mm [1.87" 0.01"]
94.0 0.5mm [3.70" 0.02"]
21.8 0.5mm
[0.86" 0.02"]
41.2 0.5mm
[1.62" 0.02"]
9.9 0.5mm
[0.39" 0.02"]
139.6 0.5mm [5.50" 0.02"]
146.0 0.5mm [5.75" 0.02"]
149.0 0.5mm [5.87" 0.02"]
155.0 0.5mm [6.10" 0.02"]
7.6mm [0.3"]
70.0 0.3mm [2.76" 0.01"]
31.0 0.3mm [1.22" 0.01"]
42.0 0.3mm [1.65" 0.01"]
7.0 0.5mm [0.28" 0.02"]
7.4 0.6mm [0.29" 0.02"]
9.8 0.6mm [0.39" 0.02"]
Figure 2-2b: SDX-460V/RP Mounting Holes
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
2.1.2. Weight
SDX-460V/P 740 grams, without a cassette and a front bezel. SDX-460V/RP 970 grams, without a cassette and a front bezel.
2.1.3. Connectors
The SDX-460V has a IDE connector with a power connector and Jumpers at the positions shown in Figure 2-3. All other connectors are for use by Sony’s manufacturing and service facilities only.
Figure 2-3: Connector Positions IDE Cables
ATA/ATAPI-6 configuration are supported by SDX-460V. The hardware specification of this interface can be found in Annex A connectors and cable assemblies of the ANSI INCITS 361-2002.
2.2. Environmental Specifications
The specifications which apply when media is present may be different than these.
2.2.1. Temperature and Humidity Range
Operating 5 °C to 40 °C (T < 10 °C/h) Non-Operating (mech.) -40 °C to 70 °C (T < 20 °C/h) Non-Operating (tape) -40 °C to 45 °C (T < 20 °C/h)
Operating 20 to 80% RH, non-condensing
Maximum wet bulb temperature: 26 °C
Non-operating (mech.) 5 to 95%RH (RH<30%/h)
Maximum wet bulb temperature: 45 °C
Non-operating (tape) 20 to 80%RH (∆RH<30%/h)
Note: Please keep cool the drive's heatsink.
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
2.2.2. Altitude
Operating 0 to 10,000 feet
2.2.3. Suspended Particulate
Less than 150 microgram/m
Based Sampling period 24 hours
2.2.4. Vibration
Operating Swept Sine 5 to 500Hz, @0.25G Peak 1 Octave/min.
3 axis, 3 directions
Non-operating Swept Sine 5 to 500Hz, @ 0.5G Peak 1 Octave/min.
3 axis, 3 directions
2.2.5. Shock
Operating No Data Loss
Half Sine Performance
5 G Peak 3 ms 3 axes, 3 directions *Interval 10 seconds
Non-operating No Device Damage
Half Sine 90 G Peak 3 ms (30 G Peak 11 ms) 3 axes, 3 directions
Interval 10 seconds
2.2.6. Acoustic Noise
The ambient noise level is no greater than 25 dB (A). The sound-meter on (A) scale is located 1m in front of the center of the drive front panel. (A): A curve weight
Streaming Write/Read 35dB (A) Insert/Eject 60dB (A)
2.2.7. ESD
Front Panel Only, Integrated product
Discharge Voltage Less than 15kV: No operation failure Less than 20kV: No drive damage
2.2.8. EMI
Radiated Emissions/ Conducted noise Emissions
EN55022/98 class B
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
2.2.9. Orientation
The SDX-460V can be installed in three different mounting positions as shown in the figure below. Each position has a maximum tolerance of ± 10 degrees.
Figure 2-4: Mounting Attitude and Tolerance
2.3. Performance Specification
The data capacity, data transfer rate and data reliability specifications this chapter require the media to conform to the AIT-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo and AIT-1 Media Specification and also require the drive and media to remain within their respective operating and non-operating environmental specifications. The specifications below also assume that the C3 ECC frame is generated on writing and used as necessary on reading, and further assumes that read-after-write rewrites are used as necessary on writing.
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
2.3.1. Data Capacity
The SDX-460V includes a data compression capability. When data compression is enabled the drive capacity can increase from 2 times to 3 times. The efficiency of the data compression depends on the actual data that is being compressed and cannot be predicted precisely prior to compression.
Format AIT-E Turbo Standard Format Native
20.0 Gbyte typical When using 98 meter tape AIT-E Turbo cassette (TAITE-20N)
Format AIT-1 Standard Format
25.0 Gbyte typical When using 170 meter tape AIT-1 cassette (SDX1-25C)
Native Capacity
35.0 Gbyte typical When using 230 meter tape AIT-1 cassette (SDX1-35C)
Format AIT-1 Turbo Standard Format Native
40.0 Gbyte typical
When using 186 meter tape AIT-1 Turbo cassette (TAIT1-40N and TAIT1-40C)
2.3.2. Data transfer Rate Sustained Data Transfer Rate to and from Tape
The sustained transfer rate to and from the tape is 6 Mbyte per second with AIT-E Turbo and AIT-1 Turbo cassette. 4 Mbyte per second with AIT-1 cassette. For this sustained rate to be achieved, the drive must be streaming. There may be some dependency on the host and application softwares for this to be achieved. Burst Transfer Rate to and from the IDE Bus
The SDX-460V will transmit and receive data bursts to and from the IDE bus at a maximum burst rate of 100 Mbyte per second, using Ultra DMA (mode 5) transfer.
2.3.3. Initialize Time
Initialize Time means the period from the time the drive is powered on to the time when the drive is ready and waiting for a ATA/ATAPI command such as INQUIRY or TEST UNIT READY. Initialize Time is less than 5 seconds.
The drive will respond with BUSY status until the completion of the Initialize Time. The Initialize Time does not include the time necessary for drive diagnostics to complete and the drive to become ready for tape insertion.
2.3.4. Load Time
Load Time means the period from the time when the operator inserts a cassette into the drive to the time when the drive is ready. The data in the below table represents the average time for SDX-460V. The time it may take for retrying is not reflected here.
TAITE-20N (98m) SDX1-25C (170m) SDX1-35C (230m) TAIT1-40N (186m) TAIT1-40C (186m)
Load Time 25 sec 14 sec 14 sec 25 sec 14 sec
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
2.3.5. Unload Time
Unload Time means the period from the beginning of the unload sequence caused by Unload Command or Eject button to the time when a cassette is ejected from the slot. Unload Time does not include Rewind time. The data in the below table represents the average time for SDX-460V. The time it may take for retrying is not reflected here.
TAITE-20N (98m) SDX1-25C (170m) SDX1-35C (230m) TAIT1-40N (186m) TAIT1-40C (186m)
Unload Time 30 sec 20 sec 20 sec 30 sec 20 sec
2.3.6. Search Time
Search Time means the period for the drive to find the position that is required by a command. This time also depends on the tape length and the position of the head along the tape. The data in the below table represents the average time for SDX-460V. The time it may take for retrying is not reflected here.
TAITE-20N (98m) SDX1-25C (170m) SDX1-35C (230m) TAIT1-40N (186m) TAIT1-40C (186m)
Search Time 70 sec 85 sec 120 sec 120 sec 90 sec
2.3.7. Rewind Time
Rewind Time means the period from the beginning to the end of rewinding sequence. This value depends on the tape length and the position of the head along the tape. The data in the below table represents the average time for SDX-460V. The time it may take for retrying is not reflected here.
TAITE-20N (98m) SDX1-25C (170m) SDX1-35C (230m) TAIT1-40N (186m) TAIT1-40C (186m)
Rewind Time 60 sec 80 sec 105 sec 90 sec 90 sec
2.3.8. Error Rate
The un-correctable bit error rate is expected to be less than 1 in 10 to the 17th.
2.3.9. Retry Limits on Rewrites
For Read-after-Write error correction, each frame can be rewritten up to a maximum of 63 times giving 64 writes of the frame.
2.3.10. Definition of Failure
A failure is defined as any permanent manufacture of the drive that prevents the user from retrieving data from tape. This includes failure to power up, failure to unload or eject a cassette, or failure to write and read data to and from the tape, providing that both the drive and tape are being used within specification.
Faults are not considered failures when they are related to operator error mishandling and abuse, system-related faults (cabling problems unsupported systems, operating software and so on) no trouble found, and transportation damage.
2.3.11. Mean Time Between Failures
The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) for the SDX-460V is 300,000 power-on hours, assuming a duty cycle of 100%, where:
2.3.12. Mean Time to Repair
The Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) of the SDX-460V is 30 minutes. Since at the field level the entire drive is considered a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) the time to replace the drive with a new one is less that 30 minutes.
utyCycle = ×100
Tape Motion Time
owerOn Time
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
2.3.13. Component Life
The specified life of the SDX-460V is 5 years average.
2.3.14. Durability
The durability of the components in the SDX-460V will exceed the number of operations listed on the following table:
Start/Stop 400,000 times Reposition 3,000,000 times Thread/Unthread 100,000 times Load/Eject 100,000 times
2.4. Safety
The SDX-460V conforms to the following safety Standards:
• UL/cUL (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.)
UL 60950 3rd Edition/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-00 Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
EN 60950: 2000 Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
• CE Mark
2.4.1. Conditions of Acceptability
The SDX-460V is for use only in equipment where the suitability of the combination has been determined by an appropriate certification organization (for example, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. or the Canadian Standards Association in North America, and the British Standards Institution or Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker in Europe). Other considerations include the following:
1. An enclosure must be supplied to limit the operator’s access to live parts, to provide system stability, and to furnish the drive with the necessary grounding integrity.
2. The necessary voltage supplies must be provided. These supplies are Extra Low Voltage SEC for UL and CSA, or Safety Extra Low Voltage for BSI, VDE, and so on, of +5V and +12V DC.
2.5. Installation Requirements
Note: Do not move the drive while it is operating. It may cause malfunction.
2.5.1. Power Requirements
Voltage Max Ripple
Typical Maximum
5V ± 5% 100 mV p-p 0.9A 1.2A
12V ± 10% 150 mV p-p 0.3A 1.2A
2. Specification
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
4.75V T
-300 ms <
T < 300 ms
Figure 2-5: Power-up Sequence
Note: Voltage has to increase constantly during Power-up until Maximum is reached.
Do not turn off the drive while the tape is in the drive.
2.6. Data Compression
The tape capacity is increased by compressing data prior to writing it to the tape. Data compression is a well established technology for reducing the number of bits used to represent data in order to improve data transfer rate as well as reduce the amount of storage space consumed by the data. The compression ratio depends on the source file type. The SDX-460V uses the ALDC Data Compression algorithm. ALDC is ECMA standard data compression algorithm. (ECMA-222) The Data Compression control page allows the host computer to enable data compression and decompression and also configure the way in which the drive responds to compressed/uncompressed data boundaries on the tape. The AIT-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo and AIT-1 Format allows both compressed and uncompressed data to reside on the same tape.
The Sony SDX-460V has a DIP switch to disable the Data Compression/ Decompression. After power-on reset with this DIP switch set, both data compression and data decompression are disabled However, a MODE SELECT command can override the setting of this DIP switch. After power-on reset without this DIP switch set, both data compression and data decompression are enabled. (See clause 3.1.5)
3. Installation
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
3. Installation
3.1. Installation Guide
This Product Specification Manual is applicable for SDX-460V drive.
Dip switch
Figure 3-1: DIP switch
1 Drive Mode-1 2 Drive Mode-2 3 Drive Mode-3 4 Drive Mode-4 5 Reserved (OFF) 6 Periodic Cleaning Req (ON) 7 DC Control-1 (ON) 8 DC Control-2 (OFF)
Figure 3-2: DIP Switch positions
Table 3-1: Drive Mode
DIP SW 1 2 3 4 MODE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3. Installation
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
Table 3-2: Periodic Cleaning Request (Refer to
DIP SW 6 Definition
OFF Disable Periodic Cleaning Request
ON Enable Periodic Cleaning Request
3.1.1. Data Compression ON Switch
Data compression can be selected by DIP switch.
DC Control-1 DC Control-2 Definition
OFF OFF Compression disabled at power-on. The host is allowed to control
OFF ON Compression disabled at power-on. The host is not allowed to control
ON OFF Compression enabled at power-on. The host is allowed to control
ON ON Compression enabled at power-on. The host is not allowed to control
Figure 3-3: Data Compression Switches
3.1.2. Power Connector
The power connector is illustrated as Figure 3-4.
4 3 2 1
Figure 3-4: Power Connector
3.1.3. IDE Interface Connector
Figure 3-5 illustrates IDE 40 pin connector and table 3-3 shows the assignments for the pins of the connector.
Figure 3-5: IDE Device Connector
Pos 39 Pos 1
Pos 40
Pos 20 (Pin removed)
Pos 2
3. Installation
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
Table 3-3: 40 pin connector interface signals
Signal Name Cable Conductor Number Signal Name
RESET- 1 2 Ground
DD7 3 4 DD8 DD6 5 6 DD9 DD5 7 8 DD10 DD4 9 10 DD11 DD3 11 12 DD12 DD2 13 14 DD13 DD1 15 16 DD14 DD0 17 18 DD15
Ground 19 20 (keypin)
DMARQ 21 22 Ground
DIOW-:STOP 23 24 Ground
25 26 Ground
27 28 CSEL
DMACK- 29 30 Ground
INTRQ 31 32 Obsolete (see note)
DA1 33 34 PDIAG-:CBLID­DA0 35 36 DA2
CS0- 37 38 CS1-
DASP- 39 40 Ground
NOTE-Pin 32 was defined as IOCS in ATA-E Turbo, AIT-1 Turbo, ANSI X3.279-1996.
A dash character (-) at the end of a signal name indicates the signal is low active signal.
3.1.4. Jumper Connector
The DEVICE number of SDX-460V is selected by jumpers. Below figure shows the jumper configuration.
Master Slave CSEL No connection
Jumper Drive Setting
Cable Select
3. Installation
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
3.1.5. Attaching and Removing the Dust Cover Attaching the Dust Cover
(1) Align the dust cover’s hinge clips (one on each side) with the pins of the drive bezel.
• The dust cover should be positioned so that the six magnets on the cover’s back face the drive bezel.
• Holding the dust cover at an angle as shown in the figure below, set the hinge clips on top of the bezel pins, positioning them so that they bracket the pins.
(2) Press down at an angle on each side in turn until you hear the hinge clips click into place.
Do not press the dust cover in horizontally from the side. Doing so could cause the dust cover to break.
(3) Close the dust cover. This completes attachment of the dust cover.
3. Installation
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
3-5 Removing the Dust Cover
(1) Open the dust cover. (2) Holding the dust cover at both corners, carefully raise the dust cover.
The dust cover hinge clips and drive bezel pins uncouple.
3. Installation
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
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4. Operation
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
4. Operation
4.1. Summary of LED Indications
The SDX-460V have 3 LEDs. Each LED shows "Tape Motion", "Cleaning Request", and "Replace Tape" as defined. "Tape Motion" to show the tape motion in the drive. "Cleaning Request" to be on, when CLEANING is required. "Replace Tape" to be on, when the tape needs to be replaced. It should be on when a medium error occurred. All of three LEDs flash fast simultaneously, when the drive is in malfunction.
The following table shows the meaning of each LED indications:
Table 4-1: Meaning of each LED indications
LED Tape Motion Cleaning Request Replace Tape
Off No Tape Cleaning is Not Necessary No Media Error Occurred On Tape Loaded Cleaning Request Media Error Occurred Flash Slowly Tape Access in Progress
Cleaning is Not Completed
Flash Fast Tape Access in Progress
All LED Flash Fast H/w Error Occurred
Flash Fast (0.3sec on/ 0.3sec off)
0.3 sec
Flash Slowly (0.9sec on/ 0.3sec off)
0.9sec 0.3sec
4. Operation
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
4.2. Operator Action
4.2.1. Powering Up the SDX-460V
After the initial installation of the SDX-460V has been verified, power can be applied to the unit. The +12V and +5V power must be applied simultaneously. (See Figure 2-5) The SDX-460V will execute a power-up diagnostic and then comes ready.
Once the tape has been loaded the SDX-460V sends a CHECK CONDITION response on receipt of the next ATA/ATAPI command from the host. The UNIT ATTENTION key is set in the returned REQUEST SENSE data to indicate that the tape may have been changed. (Sense Key/ASC/ASCQ = 06/28/00)
4.2.2. Inserting Cassettes
The operator inserts a cassette into the slot on the front panel. As the cassette is inserted, the drive takes it and automatically loads it into the drive mechanism. The SDX-460V performs a tape load sequence as described in clause 4.3.1
4.2.3. Removing Cassettes
The cassette can be removed from the SDX-460V either in response to a ATA/ATAPI UNLOAD command, or by pressing the Eject button. The operator uses the Eject button to initiate the unload sequence (see clause 4.3.2). The mechanism winds the tape to Beginning of Media (BOM), unthreads it, and ejects the cassette from the slot.
Operation of the Eject button is disabled if the host has previously sent an ATA/ATAPI PREVENT ALLOW MEDIA REMOVAL command with prevent bit set to one. In this case, pressing the Eject button has no effect, and does not initiate an Unload sequence. The Eject button returns to normal operation following receipt of an PREVENT ALLOW MEDIA REMOVAL command with prevent bit clear.
4.2.4. Hard Reset Hole
In case of emergency, you can immediately reset the drive itself by pushing the switch in the “Hard Reset Hole” with the tip of a pin. However, there is a risk of losing data upon execution of this operation in the Write or Read mode. The hardware reset operation is only for manufacturing and repair purposes.
4.2.5. Write-Protecting Cassettes
Cassettes can be write-protected by sliding the tab on the back of the cassette open. In this state, data can be read from the tape but not written to it.
Hard reset hole
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