Sony RM-VL900T, RM-AV2100T User Manual

Integrated Remote Commander
Operating Instructions Gebruiksaanwijzing
© 2000 Sony Corporation
The RM-AV2100T Remote Commander provides centralised control of all your AV components from a single remote commander and saves the trouble of operating different AV components with different remote control devices. The following are its main features.
Centralised control of Sony AV components with this one remote commander
This Commander is preset at the factory to operate Sony brand components, so you can use it out of the box as a control centre for your Sony AV components.
Remote control signals for non-Sony components are also preset
This Commander is preset for most major brands components including Sony. You can remote control your components by setting their code numbers (page 8).
Learning function for programming other remote control signals you need
This Commander has a learning function, to learn remote control signals to operate non-preset components or functions (page 16). In addition, the Commander can learn remote control signals (infrared signals only) of non-Audio Visual components such as air-conditioners, lights, etc. (some specific appliances or functions may not be available) (page 38).
Reassigning new components
You can assign other Component Select Buttons to freely operate other components. This is useful when you have more than two of the same kind of AV components (page
System Control function allows one-touch operation to execute a series of commands
You can programme up to 16 consecutive operation steps to execute a series of operations by pressing a single button (page 23).
Data can be transferred between remote commanders
You can transfer data such as learned signals, series of commands assigned to SYSTEM CONTROL buttons and other settings between this commander and another Sony RM-VL900T* or RM-AV2100T remote commanders.
Easy-to-operate touch key LCD with blue back light
This Commander has a touch key LCD that changes the key display according to the selected component. The Commander is easy to operate as only the keys necessary to operate the selected component are displayed. The display backlight allows operation even in the dark.
* When transferring data between this commander and another Sony RM-VL900T
remote commander, some functions may not be able to be transferred (e.g. system control function).
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Installing the Batteries ......................................................................................................... 6
When to replace the batteries.............................................................................................. 6
Location and Function of Controls ....................................................................................... 7
Basic Operations
Setting the Code for Preset Audio and Visual Components ................................................. 8
Setting a component code ................................................................................................... 8
Checking if the code number works ................................................................................ 10
Finding a component code with the Search function.................................................... 11
Operating Your Components with the Remote Commander .............................................. 13
To control the volume ........................................................................................................ 14
Notes on operating your components ............................................................................. 15
Using Non-Preset Remote Control Operations — Learning Function ................................ 16
For accurate learning ......................................................................................................... 20
Changing or erasing the function of a taught key or button ....................................... 20
Advanced Features
Controlling the Volume of Visual Components Connected to an Audio System................. 22
Executing a Series of Commands — System Control Functions......................................... 23
Programming a series of commands to the SYSTEM CONTROL buttons ................ 24
Notes on System Control Operations .............................................................................. 27
Programming a series of commands to the Component Select buttons..................... 28
Changing the interval between operation steps ............................................................ 30
Adding an Extra Function to the Component Select Buttons .............................................31
Programming the Power-On command of the selected component
(for Sony components only) ........................................................................................... 31
Adding a command that is required when selecting a component ............................ 32
Turning Off the Power of All Components with the Touch of a Single Button
— System Power-Off Function (for Sony Components only) ........................................... 34
Assigning Other Components to the Component Select Buttons ...................................... 35
Copying the settings of a Component Select button to another button ..................... 37
Programming a Frequently Used Key Operation for SYSTEM CONTROL Buttons ............... 38
Notes on learning the signals of an air-conditioner ...................................................... 40
Transferring Data between Remote Commanders.............................................................. 41
Transferring data ................................................................................................................ 41
Receiving the data ..............................................................................................................43
Using Other Functions
Locking the Controls — Hold Function............................................................................... 45
Protecting your settings — Preset Lock Function .............................................................. 46
Changing the Auto Power-Off Time of the Commander ..................................................... 47
Adjusting the Backlight of the Display Window................................................................. 48
Setting the Key-Touch Beep ................................................................................................49
Changing the Touch-Key Display......................................................................................... 50
Additional Information
Precautions ......................................................................................................................... 52
Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 52
Specifications...................................................................................................................... 52
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................. 53
Table of Preset Functions.................................................................................................... 56
TV.......................................................................................................................................... 56
VCR 1, 2, 3............................................................................................................................ 57
DVD...................................................................................................................................... 57
VD (Video disc player)....................................................................................................... 58
CBL (Cable box) .................................................................................................................. 58
SAT (Satellite tuner) ...........................................................................................................59
AMP (Amplifier).................................................................................................................59
CD ......................................................................................................................................... 60
MD ........................................................................................................................................ 61
DAT....................................................................................................................................... 61
DECK B/A (Tape deck) ..................................................................................................... 62
FM/AM (TUNER) (FM/AM tuner) ................................................................................ 62
DSP (Digital Surround Processor) .................................................................................... 63
Quick Reference of Operations...........................................................................................64
Index ................................................................................................................................... 66
Getting Started
Installing the Batteries
Slide open the battery compartment lid and insert four R6 (size AA) batteries (not supplied). Be sure to line up the + and – on the batteries with the + and – on the battery compartment.
When to replace the batteries
Batteries for remote control operation and backlight (four R6 (size AA) batteries)
Under normal conditions, batteries will last up to 5 months. If the Commander does not operate properly, batteries might be worn out and E is displayed on the LCD touch panel. When the display dims or the backlight for the touch keys grows dim, replace the batteries with new ones.
Do not take more than one day to replace the batteries; otherwise, your setting of the code numbers (page 8) and learned remote control signals (page 16) will be erased.
Notes on batteries
•Do not mix old batteries with new ones or mix different types of batteries together.
•If the electrolyte inside the battery should leak, wipe the contaminated area of the battery compartment with a cloth and replace the old batteries with new ones. To prevent the electrolyte from leaking, remove the batteries when you plan not to use the Commander for a long period of time.
Location and Function of Controls
1 Component display area
Displays the name of the component selected.
2 LCD touch key display (page 11)
The keys used for operating each component are displayed.
Do not press the touch keys using sharp objects such as pins or ball-point pens.
3 SYSTEM CONTROL buttons (page
You can programme up to 16 consecutive key operations to each of the three SYSTEM CONTROL buttons. You can automatically carry out the entire programme by pressing one button.
4 button (page 48)
Used to light up the LCD display in the dark. Press the button once to turn on the light, and once again to turn it off. You can also set the backlight to go off automatically after a certain period of time.
Turns the power of the Commander off.
6 Component Select buttons
Selects the component to control.
7 2 +/– buttons* (page 14, 22)
Adjust the volume.
8 % button* (page 14, 22)
Mutes the audio. Press the button once again to resume at the previous volume.
9 PROGRAM +/– buttons
Select the programme.
* Note on the 2 +/– and % buttons
The Commander controls or mutes the TV’s volume when you select a visual component. The Commander controls or mutes the amplifier’s volume when you select an audio component. You can change this setting also (page 22).
Note on the power on and off of the Remote Commander
To turn on the power, press any button except the COMMANDER OFF button. To turn off, press COMMANDER OFF, or if you don’t use the Commander, it automatically turns off after 10 minutes. This interval can also be changed (page 47).
Basic Operations
Setting the Code for Preset Audio and Visual Components
The Commander is preset at the factory to operate Sony brand AV components (see the table below). If you are using the Commander with a factory-set Sony components, skip the following procedures. You can use the Commander with other preset AV components also. To use with other AV components, you need to follow the procedures to set the correct codes for each component.
Compo­nent Select Button
* Analog audio compact cassette deck
Preset component(s)
DVD player (DVD)/LD player (VD)
Satellite tuner (SAT)/Cable box (CBL)
Amplifier CD player MD deck/DAT
deck Cassette deck*
FM/AM tuner
Surround processor
Factory setting
Sony TV
Sony 8mm VCR (VTR2)
Sony Beta VCR (VTR1)
Sony DVD player
Sony satellite tuner (SAT)
Sony amplifier Sony CD player Sony MD deck
Sony cassette deck
Sony FM/AM tuner
Sony digital surround processor
See “Table of Preset Functions” (page 56) for the functions of keys and buttons as for each component.
Setting a component code
Example: To set up a Philips’ TV
1 See the tables in the supplied
“Component Code Numbers”, and find the three-digit code number for the desired component.
If more than one code number is listed, use the number that is listed first. For example, to set up a Philips’ TV, you would use the code number 011.
2 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press %.
All the component names in the display flash.
Note on the DVD and SAT/CBL buttons
When you set the component code of the DVD or SAT/CBL button, press repeatedly until the desired component is displayed (“DVD” or “VD”, “CBL” or “SAT”).
Note on the DECK B/A button
You have to set one component code each for DECK A and DECK B. Press the DECK B/A button repeatedly until the desired deck is displayed (“DECK A” or “DECK B”), and set a component code for it.
4 Press the three-digit component
code number followed by the ENTER key on the touch-key display.
3 Press the Component Select
button for the desired component.
The selected component remains displayed, and the 0 – 9, ENTER and DISPLAY keys flash.
A beep sounds, and the code number and “ENTER” appear twice.
5 If you want to set a code for
another component, repeat Steps 3 and 4.
Setting the Code for Preset Audio and Visual Components (continued)
•If you press a component code number that is not on the table in the supplied “Component Code Numbers”, the Commander beeps and “NG” flashes after you press the ENTER key. If this happens, check the component code number, and try setting again.
•If you don’t input anything into the Commander for over two minutes between each step, the setup procedure will be canceled. To set the code, you must again press % while pressing COMMANDER OFF.
To check which code number is set
Press the DISPLAY key in Step 3 to 5. The code number and “ENTER” appear twice.
Checking if the code number works
1 Press the corresponding
Component Select button for the component you have set up.
The Commander turns on and the touch-keys appear on the display.
2 Power on the component with its
power switch.
3 Aim the Commander at the
component and press the 1 key in the touch-key display.
When the remote control signal is sent, is displayed on the display.
The component should power off.
4 If you have succeeded, check that
the Commander is operating the other functions of your component, such as programme and volume control.
See page 13 for details.
If the Commander does not seem to be working
Try repeating these setup procedures using the other codes listed for your components (page 8).
Notes on keys which have “learned” a remote control signal already
If another signal has already been programmed on that key or button by the learning function (page 16), that “learned” signal will work even after you set the component code number. To use it as a preset component key or button, first erase its learned signal (page 20).
Note on the touch-key display
When you set a component code number, only the keys that have been preset with the signals for the desired component will be displayed. Preset signal of each key varies according to the brand. By using the learning function, you can programme remote control signals to both the displayed keys and keys that are not displayed (page 16). You can also choose either the full­function display or the basic-function display (page 50).
Finding a component code with the Search function
You can find a code number available for a component that doesn’t have one in the supplied “Component Code Numbers”.
Before starting the Search function
Set each component to the following status to enable the Search function. TV: Power-on VCR, DVD, SAT, CBL, AMP: Power-off VD, CD, MD, TAPE: Power-on with a playback source (disc, cassette tape, etc.)
Setting the Code for Preset Audio and Visual Components (continued)
1 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press %.
All the component names on the display flash.
2 Press the Component Select
button for the desired component.
4 Aim the Commander at the
component and press the 1 key.
When the remote control signal is sent, is displayed on the display.
If it successfully works (power-off for TV, power-on for VCR, DVD, SAT, CBL, AMP, and playback for VD, CD, MD, TAPE), go to Step 5. If it doesn’t, repeat Steps 3 and 4.
5 Press the ENTER key.
A beep sounds, and the code number and “ENTER” appear twice.
It is recommended to write down the code number.
3 Press PROGRAM + or
Press PROGRAM + to go to the next code number. Press PROGRAM – to go back to the previous code number.
To check which code number is set
Press the DISPLAY key in Step 2 and 5. The code number and “ENTER” appear twice. Be sure to press the DISPLAY key after you have pressed the ENTER key to set the code number. If you press the DISPLAY key before the code number is set, it returns back to the first number at which you started searching.
Operating Y our Components with the Remote Commander
When you operate a non-Sony component, make sure you set the component code first (page 8).
Example: To play a CD player
1 Press the desired Component
Select button.
The Commander comes on and the keys for operating the selected component are displayed.
Operating Your Components with the Remote Commander (continued)
2 Press the desired key in the
touch-key display.
When the remote control signal is sent, is displayed on the display.
You may also use the 2 +/– buttons, the % button and the PROGRAM +/– buttons if necessary. See “Table of Preset Functions” (page
56) for the functions of keys and buttons for each component.
3 When you are done using the
Commander, press COMMANDER OFF to power off the Commander.
The remote control signals may be different for some components or functions. In this case, programme the remote control signals with the learning function (page 16). Note, however, that components and functions that do not support the remote control of infrared signals will not work with this Commander.
To control the volume
Press the 2 +/– buttons to control the volume, and the % button to mute. When you select a visual component, the TV’s volume will be controlled, and when you select an audio component, the amplifier’s volume will be controlled. You can change this setting also (page
•If you have programmed any signal for the 2 or % button for any component using the learning function (page 16), that signal will be transmitted instead of controlling the volume of the TV or amplifier once you select that component.
•If you have programmed any signal for the 2 or % button of TV or AMP using the learning function, that signal will be transmitted only after you select TV or AMP. When you select another components, the preset volume control signals for TV or AMP will be transmitted at that time.
•If you have assigned another component to the TV or AMP button (page 35), the volume of the TV or amplifier cannot be controlled even when you select other components.
Notes on operating your components
When you use a double cassette deck
You need to select deck A or B before operating. To select the deck, press DECK B/A to switch the display between “DECK A” and “DECK B”. Be sure that you have set a component code each for DECK A and DECK B (page 8). However, if you have assigned a cassette deck to another Component Select button (page 35), you can only select either DECK A or DECK B.
About the input select of a TV
Each time the INPUT key is pressed, the input is changed in order. It is also possible to select directly as follows when you are connecting more than two VCRs. “INPUT” + “0”: TV tuner “INPUT” + “1”: VIDEO1 “INPUT” + “2”: VIDEO2 “INPUT” + “3”: VIDEO3 “INPUT” + “4”: VIDEO4 “INPUT” + “5”: VIDEO5 “INPUT” + “6”: VIDEO6 If the above operations do not work, programme the remote control signals of your component on the Commander using the learning function (page 16).
About the input select of a VCR
Each time the INPUT key is pressed, the input is changed in order. It is also possible to select directly as follows. “INPUT” + “0”: Tuner “INPUT” + “1”: LINE1 “INPUT” + “2”: LINE2 “INPUT” + “3”: LINE3 “INPUT” + “4”: LINE4 “INPUT” + “5”: DV When you use a Sony VCR, the above commands are preset. For other brands, it is possible to “teach” the above double­key operations using the learning function (page 16).
Using Non-Preset Remote Control Operations
— Learning Function
To operate non-preset components or functions, use the following “learning” procedure to “teach” any of the programmable buttons and keys to operate the functions of another remote control. You can also use the learning function to change the signal of individual keys and buttons after setting the component code number (page 8). It is useful if you make a memo of the learned key functions in the LCD touch key display table (Refer to the separate volume of “Component code numbers.”).
Some specific remote control signals may not be learned.
Example: To programme the N (Play) signal of your component to the VCR1 N (Play) key of the Commander
1 Place the RM-AV2100T head to
head with your component’s remote control.
Remote control for your component
about 5 – 10 cm (2 – 4 inches) away
2 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press the Component Select button for the component whose signals are to be learned.
“LEARN” appears and all the learnable keys flash.
Display for PROGRAM, 2 and % buttons
The “P+ P- V+ V- MU” display indicates if PROGRAM +/–, 2 +/– and % buttons are learnable or not.
Note on the flashing display
The keys or buttons that are already preset for that component flash twice while those that are not preset flash once.
3 Press the key or button on the
Commander you want to “teach”.
“LEARN” flashes and the only pressed key remains on the dislplay.
To teach on the PROGRAM +/–, 2 +/– or % buttons
Press the corresponding button. “LEARN” flashes, and only the pressed button remains indicated on the display (“P+,” “P–,” “V+,” “V–,” or “MU”).
Example: When pressing the 2 + button
To change the function display of the key
Follow the procedure on page 19.
4 Press and hold down the button
on the other remote control until you hear a beep.
(If you release the button before you hear a beep, the signal may not be learned correctly.)
“LEARN” stops flashing and stays lit. When the command has been learned successfully, the learned keys stay lit and the other learnable keys flash.
If “NG” flashes on the display
Learning did not succeed. Try Steps 3 and 4 again.
5 Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to teach
functions to other kyes or buttons.
To learn another component’s remote control signal
After positioning the two remote commanders as in Step 1 on page 16, press the corresponding Component Select button, and then follow Steps 3 and 4 on the left to perform learning.
Using Non-Preset Remote Control Operations — Learning Function(continued)
•If you do not perform learning steps within two minutes, learning mode ends.
•If you do not perform Step 4 within 10 seconds after Step 3, the display turns back to the display in Step 2. (All the learnable keys flash.) In this case, perform Step 3 again while the display is flashing,
•If “NG” appears while learning, the memory is full. To free memory, clear learned functions from keys that you do not use often (page 20). Then continue the learning steps.
•If you touch a key by mistake in step 4, while pressing the RESET key, press the mistaken key. Then repeat from Step 3 to continue learning.
If the Commander does not seem to be working
If the learned key or button does not operate properly, teach once again. (For example, if the volume becomes very loud after pressing the 2 + button only once, noise may have interfered during the learning procedure.)
If you set a component code after learning a signal
If you have programmed any signal for a key or button using the learning function, that signal will remain assigned to that key or button even after you set a component code.
When you teach the signals for a double cassette deck
Press DECK B/A to select deck A or B.
When you teach the REC (record) signal
If you have to press two buttons at the same time (for example, REC and B) to start recording on your cassette deck or VCR, teach the REC signal in one of the following ways.
To operate with two keys on the Commander
In Step 3 (page 17), while pressing the REC key, press the B key to display both keys. Then press the two buttons on your component’s remote control in Step 4.
To operate with one key on the Commander
In Step 3 (page 17), press only the REC key. Then press the two buttons on your component’s remote control in Step 4.
When you teach signals to the 2 or % buttons
•If you have programmed any signal on the 2 or % button for components other than TV and AMP using the learning function, that signal will be transmitted only when you select that component.
•If you have programmed any signal on the 2 or % button for TV or AMP using the learning function, that signal will be transmitted only when you select TV or AMP. When you select other components, the preset volume control signals for TV or AMP will be transmitted (for the difference between visual components and audio components, see page 22). To use the learned signal, you need to programme the 2 or % button for each component using the learning function.
When you teach the signals of an air-conditioner
See the notes on page 39.
To display only the frequently used keys
You can hide keys you do not use. This makes operations even easier to understand, when the components have many keys.
After Step 2 on page 16, while pressing the RESET key, press the key you want to hide (flashing). The pressed key changes to slower flashing and will no longer be displayed during remote control operations. To display it again, perform the same procedure again.
You can not hide a key which has “learned” any signal.
To change the function display of a key
When you programme a signal for a key, you can select the most suitable function display among all the displays the key has, and set it to the key.
1 After Step 2 (page 16), while
pressing the Component Select button (VCR1), press the key you want to teach repeatedly.
Each time the key is pressed, the display is changed in order.
2 When the desired display
appears, release the Component Select button.
3 Then follow Steps 4 to 6 (page
• You can change the display of a key only when you programme it using the learning function. If you want to change the display of the key that has learned a signal, clear the signal first (page 20). Then teach the key again using the above procedure to change its display.
• If you don’t change the display of a key, the default display is used.
• You cannot change the display of the keys that are not framed with keys 0 to 9, +10 and ENTER).
(the numeric
Using Non-Preset Remote Control Operations — Learning Function (continued)
For accurate learning
•Do not move the remote units during the learning procedure.
•Be sure to keep holding down the button of the other remote control until you hear the confirmation beep.
•Use fresh batteries in both remote control units.
•Avoid learning in places under direct sunlight or a strong fluorescent light.
•The remote control detector area may differ depending on each remote unit. If learning does not work, try changing the positions of the two remote control units.
•When you teach signals of an interactive signal exchange system remote control unit (supplied with some of Sony’s receivers and amplifiers) to the Commander, the response signal of the main unit may interfere with the learning of the Commander. In such a case, move to a place where the signals will not reach the main unit (e.g. other rooms, etc.).
Be sure to place the Commander out of the reach of small children or pets. Also set the Hold function to lock the all buttons on the Commander (page
45) when it is not used. Components such as air conditioners, heaters, electric appliances, and electric shutters or curtains receiving an infrared signal can be dangerous if misused.
Changing or erasing the function of a taught key or button
To change the learned function, clear it first and perform learning again.
To clear the learned function of a single key or button
1 After Step 2 (page 16), while
pressing the RESET key, press the key or button you want to erase.
The cleared key flashes together with other learnable keys.
For details on the learnable remote control signals, see “Specifications” on page 52.
To clear all signals learned for a specific component
1 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press the corresponding Component Select button.
When you want to clear signals learned for DECK B/A
Press DECK B/A to display “DECK A”or “DECK B”. You can not clear both decks at the same time.
For DECK B/A, be sure to display the deck that has a learned signal (“DECK A” or “DECK B”) before you perform the steps above. If you reset the wrong deck, the component codes for both A and B will be reset to the factory settings (page 8).
2 While pressing the RESET key,
press that Component Select button again.
The learned contents are cleared. The keys for the component return to their original states before learning.
Advanced Features
Controlling the Volume of Visual Components Connected to an Audio System
The Commander is factory preset based on the assumption that you hear the sound of your visual components from your TV speakers, and that you hear sound of your audio components from the loudspeakers connected to your amplifier.
This feature enables you to control the volume of your TV or amplifier without having to select TV or AMP each time you want to control the volume. For example, to control the volume while using a VCR, you don’t need to press the TV button to control the TV volume.
The following table shows the factory setting of which volume would be controlled for each component.
However, if your visual components are connected to an audio system, you probably hear TV or VCR sound from the loudspeakers via your amplifier, not from your TV speakers. In this case, you need to change the factory preset so that you can control the volume of your visual components without first having to switch to the amplifier.
To change the Factory Preset of the Volume Control
Component Select button
Controls the volume of
TV TV TV TV amplifier amplifier amplifier amplifier amplifier amplifier
1 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press 2 + and 2 –.
The volume control setting of visual components (TV, VCR1,2 and 3, SAT/ CBL, and DVD) changes to the displayed component.
When set to amplifier volume
When set to TV volume
• If you have already programmed the 2 or % button of each component any signals by
“learning”, the procedure above will not change the function of the 2 and % buttons.
• If you have programmed volume control signals on 2 or % buttons of TV or AMP, you can only use that signal when you select TV or AMP. For other component, the preset volume control signals for TV or AMP (depending on the above setting procedure) will be transmitted. To use the new signals, you need to programme each button for each component by the learning procedure (page
Executing a Series of Commands
— System Control Functions
With the System Control function, you can programme a series of operating commands, and execute them by pressing just one button. For example, when you watch a video, a series of operations like the ones below are necessary.
1 Power on the TV. 2 Power on the video (VCR 1). 3 Power on the amplifier. 4 Set the input selector of the amplifier
to VIDEO 1.
5 Set the input mode of the TV to
6 Start video playback You can programme up to 16 consecutive
operation steps to each of the SYSTEM CONTROL 1, 2 or 3 buttons. If you have set the System Control function for a Component Select button (page 28), the execution of the programmed commands begins when you press the Component Select button for more than 2 seconds.
While executing the programmed commands, at the same time that each remote control signal is transmitted, the corresponding key is displayed.
Executing a Series of Commands — System Control Functions (continued)
Programming a series of commands to the SYSTEM CONTROL buttons
Example: To programme the procedure above to the SYSTEM CONTROL 2 button
1 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press one of the SYSTEM CONTROL buttons (in this case, SYSTEM CONTROL 2).
If a series of commands is already programmed for that button
That programme will be displayed. (At the factory, the SYSTEM CONTROL 1 button is preset with the System Power-Off function for Sony components (the same function as explained in page 34), and the SYSTEM CONTROL 3 button is factory preset with standard power­on command for nearly all Sony components.) To programme a new series of operations, clear the programme first (page 26).
2 Press the Component Select
buttton for the component to operate.
The keys for the selected component flash.
If the component has the power­on and power-off signals
Both the OFF and ON keys are displayed and you can select either of them to programme.
All the component names flash.
It is useful to set the exact command for power-on or power-off and operate the component regardless of its status (on/off).
3 Press key(s) or button(s) for the
desired operation.
If you want to power on the TV, press the 1 key.
4 Repeat Steps 2 and 3 and
programme the buttons and keys for the series of operations.
In this example, press the following buttons and keys.
5 When you have programmed all
the keys, press COMMANDER OFF.
• If you interrupt the procedure at any point for over two minutes, the setting mode ends and the series of commands will be programmed to that point. In this case, clear the programme (page 26) and start again from Step 1 to set the entire programme from the beginning. You cannot continue from where you let off.
• If a SYSTEM CONTROL button has already “learned” a remote control signal (page 38), “NG”flashes and you cannot programme on this button. Clear the learned contents first (page 40).
•If you change the component code number (page 8) or programme a new signal by learning (page 16) on a key or button that has been programmed in the series of commands of the System Control function, the new signal will be transmitted when you press the corresponding SYSTEM CONTROL button.
• During Setting mode, the RESET key is not displayed and you cannot clear any operation step you have programmed. If you have programmed an incorrect operation by mistake, start again from Step 1.
Tips for programming the System Control functions
The following information helps you to programme a consecutive operation steps.
About the interval between operation steps
You can change the interval between operation steps (page 30).
Executing a Series of Commands — System Control Functions (continued)
About the order of operation steps
•Some of the components may not accept consecutive remote control signals. For example, a TV generally does not react to next signal right after the Power-on signal. So, a series of commands such as TV Power­on and input select may not work properly. In this case, insert other signals like the example below;
TV Power-on t VCR Power-on t VCR play back t TV input select
•After the series of input commands is executed, the Commander displays the touch-keys of the component of the final step. By programming an often-used component’s command as the final step, you can save the step of pressing a Component Select button when you start operating that component. (In the example on page 24, the touch-keys of VCR1 are displayed.)
2 While pressing the RESET key,
press the same SYSTEM CONTROL button (1, 2, or 3) again.
When the contents of its programme are cleared, all the component names flash.
When you want to set a new programme to this SYSTEM CONTROL button, follow Steps 2 to 5 on pages 24 and 25.
To clear programmed commands
1 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press one of the SYSTEM CONTROL 1, 2, or 3 button.
The key operations programmed for that button are displayed in order.
To set the SYSTEM CONTROL 1 or 3 button back to the factory setting
At the factory, the SYSTEM CONTROL 1 button is preset with a series of power-off commands for Sony components and the SYSTEM CONTROL 3 button with a series of power-on commands for Sony components. To reset them to the factory settings, follow the steps below.
1 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press the SYSTEM CONTROL button (1 or 3).
The programmed key operations are displayed in order.
2 While pressing the RESET key,
press the SYSTEM CONTROL button (1 or 3).
When the contents of its programme are cleared, all the components names flash.
3 While pressing the RESET key,
press the SYSTEM CONTROL button (1 or 3) again.
When it is reset to the factory setting, the programmed operations are displayed in order.
Notes on System Control Operations
•If the remote control detectors of the components are too far apart, or if something is blocking them, some of the components may not operate consecutively even after you press the SYSTEM CONTROL button.
•If some of the components did not operate correctly because of the above or for any other reason, always set all the components back to the states they were in before you pressed the SYSTEM CONTROL button. Failure to do this can result in incorrect operation when you press the SYSTEM CONTROL button again.
•Some components may not always be powered on by the System Control function. This is because the power of the component gets on and off alternatively when receiving the power on/off signal. In this case, check the operating component’s power on/off state before using the system control function.
•If the system control function does not work correctly, see also “Tips for programming the System Control functions” on page 25.
The interval setting (page 30) is not reset to the factory setting, even if you perform these steps.
Executing a Series of Commands — System Control Functions (continued)
Example: To programme the procedure on page 23 for the VCR3 button
Programming a series of commands to the Component Select buttons
As with the SYSTEM CONTROL buttons, you can also programme a series of operating commands for the Component Select buttons (up to 16 steps). To execute the commands programmed on a Component Select button by the System Control function, press the button for more than 2 seconds.
•The programmed commands are executed when you press a Component Select button for more than 2 seconds. When you press the button for less than 2 seconds, it works as the normal Component Select button, and the corresponding touch-keys are displayed.
•See also “Tips for programming the System Control functions” on page 25 and “Notes on System Control Operations” on page 27.
1 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press 2 + and VCR3.
“VCR3” stays lit, and the other component names flash.
If a series of commands is already programmed for that button
The programmed operations are displayed in order. To programme a new series of operations, clear the programme first (page
2 Follow Steps 2 to 5 on pages 24
and 25.
• You can programme the System Control functions for a Component Select button on which the Power-On function (page 31) has been programmed. In this case, the Power-On function is overwritten and cannot be used. If you clear the System Control functions for the button, the Power-On function is resumed, and you can use it again.
• You cannot programme the System Control functions for a Component Select button for which a signal has been programmed by “learning” (page 32). (“NG” flashes on the display.)
• You can programme a signal for a Component Select button by “learning” (page
32) for which the System Control functions have been programmed. In this case, the System Control function is overwritten and cannot be used. If you clear the “learned” signal on the button, the System Control function is resumed and you can use it again.
• You can programme the Power-On function (page 31) for a Component Select button for which a System Control function has been programmed, but the Power-On function cannot be used. If you clear the System Control function from the button, you can use the Power-On function.
• If you interrupt the procedure at any point for over two minutes, the setting mode ends and the series of commands will be programmed to that point. In this case, clear the programme and start again from Step 1 to set the entire programme from the beginning. You can not continue from where you let off.
• If you change the component code number (page 8) or programme a new signal by learning (page 16) for a key or button that has been programmed with the series of commands of a System Control function, the new signal will be transmitted when you press the corresponding Component Select button.
To clear a System Control function programmed for a Components Select buttons
Example: To clear the programmed commands on the VCR3 button
1 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press 2 + and VCR3.
2 While pressing the RESET key,
press VCR3.
When the contents of its programme are cleared, “VCR3” stays lit, and the other component names flash.
When you want to set a new programme to this Component Select button, follow Steps 1 to 2 on page 28.
Executing a Series of Commands — System Control Functions (continued)
Changing the interval between operation steps
You can control the interval in 4 steps (approx. 127 ms, 408 ms, 708 ms, 974 ms).
1 While pressing COMMANDER
OFF, press PROGRAM + and PROGRAM –.
2 Press one of the SYSTEM
CONTROL buttons (1, 2, or 3) or the Component Select button whose interval you want to change.
The number of the current setting stays lit and other numbers flash.
3 Press one of the numeric keys (1 –
4) to select the interval.
1: approx. 127 ms (factory setting) 2: approx. 408 ms 3: approx. 708 ms 4: approx. 974 ms
(1 ms: 1/1000 second)
The selected number stays lit and other numbers flash.
“SC1,” “SC2,” “SC3” and all the component names flash.
Display for the SYSTEM CONTROL 1, 2, 3 buttons
Component names
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