Sony MDS-302 User Manual

MiniDisc Recorder
Operating Instructions
■y Sony Corporation


To prevent fire or shock
Tills svniboi is intended to alert the user to the presence ot uninsulated
"dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be ot sufticient magnitude to C(>nstitute a risk ot electric shock to piersons.
Fins symbol is inteiidi.’d to alert the user to the presence ot important operating and maintmiance (servicing) instructions m the literature accompanying the appliance.


This equiiiment has been tessted and touiul to compiv with the limits lor a Class R digital device, pursuant to Part 1 ot the F'CC' Rules.
Flu'se limits are designed to provRie re.isonable prottvtion against harmful interierence in a residential installation.
1 his ei[uipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio trequency energy arid, if not installed <md used in accordance with the instructions, rnav cause harmful interference lo radio communications, f lovvec'er, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures;
- Reorient or relocate the receiving
- Increase the separation between
the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an
outlet a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an
experienced radio/TV technician for help.


I hank vou tc>r purchtising the Sony .VtmiDisc Recorder. Before operating the recorder, please read this manual thc'roughlv and retain it tor future reference.

About This Manual

The instructions in this manual are for
model MDS-302.


• Controls in the instructions are those on the recorder; these may, however, be substituted by controls on the remote that are similarly named or, when different, appear in the instructions within brackets.
• i'he following icons are used in this
Indicates a procedure that
requires use of the remote.
Indicates tips for making the task easier and hints.
The following caution label is located inside of the rect>rder.



Owner's record


The model and serial numbers are locattxi on the rear of the unit. Record the serial number in the space provided below. Refer to these numbers whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product.
Model No. MDS-302
Serial .No.
_______ _


\\)u are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.
Table of contents
Getting Started
Hooking Up the System .................................................................................................................4
Recording on MDs
Recording on an MD.......................................................................................................................6
Notes on Recording.........................................................................................................................7
Useful Tips for Recording...............................................................................................................8
Adjusting the Recording Level....................................................................................................... 8
Marking Track Numbers While Recording (Track Marking)........................................................9
Synchro-Recording With a Sony CD Player................................................................................10
Recording on an MD Using a Timer............................................................................................11
Playing MDs
Playing an MD..............................................................................................................................12
Using the Display..........................................................................................................................13
Locating a Specific Track............................................................................................................. 14
Locating a Particular Point in n Track..........................................................................................14
Playing Tracks Repcatedh-...........................................................................................................15
Playing in Random Order (Shuffle Play)......................................................................................15
Creating Your Own Program (Program Play)..............................................................................16
Repeating a Specific Portion (A-B Repent).................................................................................17
Useful Tips When Recording From MDs to Tape
Playing an MD Using a Timer......................................................................................................18
Editing Recorded MDs
Notes on Editing........................................................................................................................... 19
Erasing Recordings (Erase Function)...........................................................................................19
Dividing Recorded Tracks (Divide Function).........................(....................................................20
Combining Recorded Tracks (Combine Function)......................................................................21
Moving Recorded Tracks (Move Function) ................................................................................22
Labeling Recordings (Title Function)..........................................................................................23
Additional Information
Display Messages..........................................................................................................................25
System Limitations .......................................................................................................................26
Guide to the Serial Copy Management System............................................................................28
Index.................................................................................................................................................... 30
Getting^ Started
Chock that vou roceivi'd tlio following items:
• Audio connecting cords (2)
• Remote commander (remote) (RM-DoM) (1)
• Sonv SLJAl-3 (NS) batteries (2)
Inserting batteries into the remote
You can control the recorder using the supplied
Insert two R6 (si/.e AA) batteries by matching the e and - on the batteries. When using the remote, point it at the remote sensor 13 on the recorder.

Hooking Up the System

This section describes how to hoiik up the VIO rt'corder to an amplifier or cither components such as a CD player or DAT deek. He sure to turn off the power of each component bi'fore connection.
to a wall outlet (or to a timer during timer recording or playback)
Connect only one digital component at a time

'(A' When to replace batteries

With normal use, the batteries should last for about six months. When the remote no longer operates the recorder, replace all the batteries with new ones.


• Do not leave the remote near an extremely hot or humid place.
• Do not drop any foreign object into the remote casing, particularly when replacing the batteries.
• Do not expose the remote sensor to direct sunlight or lighting apparatuses. Doing so may cause a malfunction.
• If you don't use the remote for an extended period of time, remove the batteries to avoid possible damage from battery leakage and corrosion.
; Signal flow

What cords will I need?

• Audio connecting cords (supplied) (2)
Optical cable (not supplied) (I )
DAT deck
MD recorder
Getting Started
Connecting the recorder to an amplifier
Connect the amplifier to the UNE IN/GUI' jacks using the audio connecting cords (supplied), making sure to match the color-coded Ci>rd ti> the appropriate jacks the components; red (right) to red and white (left) to while. Be sure to make conncHrtions firmly to prevent hum and noise.

MD recorder

Connecting the recorder to a digital component such as a CD player, DAT deck, digital amplifier, or another MD recorder
Connect the component through the DIGITAL IN/OUT connectors using the optical cable (not supplied). Take off the cap and plug in the optical cable.


Connecting the AC power cord
Connect the AC power cord to a wall outlet or to the outlet of a timer.
Do not connect the AC power cord to a switched outlet.
Where do I go next?
Nou^ you're ready to iii^c your recorder.
Before using the MD recorder, turn on the amplifier and selcet the MD recorder with the source selector on the amplifier.

MD recorder


Digital component

‘ 7digital^‘ _ 'i

Signal flow

• Digital program sources with different sampling frequencies cannot be recordeef through the digital input jack. Only CD, MD (premastered) and DAT sources with a
sampling fretjuency of 44.1 kH/ can be recorded through the digital input connector. “Din Unlock" appears in the display when you attempt to record digital program sources
with a sampling frequency different from that of the MD (such as 32- or 48-kHz D.AT or BS). To record these program .sources on an MD you must connect them through the analog LINE IN jacks and set I.NPUT to .A-NA1,CX1.
• If "Cannot Copy" appears in the display, recording through the digital jack is not possible. In this case, record the program source through the LINE I.N and OUT jacks with INPUl set to .ANLALCXL
Recording on MDs

Recording on an MD

Before you begin, make sure you have ciirrectly and firmly connected the recorder to an audio component such as an amplifier or CD player as indicated on page
Disc compartment
1 Turn on the amplifier and the program source, and
set the program selector on the amplifier to the program source.
5 I .ocate the position on the MD where vou want to
start recording.
• To record on a new (blank) recordable MD, skip this step, and go to Step 6.
• To start recording from the end of the last recorded track, go to Step 6, or turn AMS (or press
or ►►!) until "End" appears.
• To record over an existing irack, turn AMS (or press or ►►!) until the number of the track to be recorded over appears.
6 Press • REC.
The recorder is now ready for recording.
• If you are recording from the end of the last recorded track, or using a new recordable MD, "New" alternates with the remaining time indication in the display.
• If you are recording over an existing track, "TI-fACK" flashes and "Overwrite" alternates with the remaining time indication in the display.
2 Press POWER to turn on the recorcier.
The ON/STANDBY indicator changes from red to green.
3 Insert the recordable MD with the label side up and
the arrow pointing toward the opening into the disc compartment until the recorder grips it. If you insert the MD while the recorder is oft, the recorder will turn on automatically and "Welcome" will appear in the display.
pointing this way
The total number of recorded tracks, total recorded time, and music calendar without a grid appear in the display.
, 1 8 m
t 2 3
s ,
7 When you've set INPUT to ANALOG in Step 4, turn
REC LEVEL to adjust the recording level. ('I he fourth dot is satisfactory for most purposes. 1 knvever, for a more precise adjustment, see "Adjusting the Recording Level" on page 8.)
8 Press 11 or O to start recording.
9 Start playing the program source you want to
10 After finishing, press to stop recording. Then
press = EJECT to remove the MD or press POWER to change the recorder to standby.
Pause* Resume recording after pause Remove the MD
Whenever you pause recording, the track number increases by one Eor example, if you paused recording while recording on track 4, the track number increases by one and recording continues on the new track when restarted.
Press II II or O
Total number of Total recorded Music calendar recorded tracks time without a grid
4 Set INPUT according to the input terminal
connected to the program source.

When you want to record through Set INPUT to

Recording on MDs

To protect a MiniDisc against accidental erasure

To make it impossible to record on an MD, slide the tab in the dircx'tion of arrow, opening the slot. To allow recording, close the slot.
'Q' You can start recording from the middle of a recorded
track in Step 5
I^ress O to start playback, press II where you want to start recording, then do the procedure starting from Step 6 on page 6, Howe\'er, vou will not be able to record from the middle of a recorded track if "PROCRAM''or "SifUFFLH" appears in the display.
• When INFO']' is at ANALOG, the source connecteM through UNE IN, and the "EEVEE-S^TJC" setting OF}-' (see "Marking Track Numbers While Recording" on f>age 9) or when recc^rding from DAT with INPUT at DIGITAL and the
source connected through DIGITAL IN, the source will be recorded as a single track. You can divide the track afterwards using the Dic’ide Function (see "Dividing Recorded Tracks" on page 20) or mark track i.j.nbers during recording by using the Track Marking Function on page 9. If "FFVFF-SYiNC" appears in the display, the recorder automatically marks track numbers (see "Marking track numbers atuomatically" on page 9).

If "TRACK" flashes in the display

The recorder is recording over an existing track. "'TRACK" lights continuously w’hen the recorder reaches the end of the previously recorded portion.

When "TOC" flashes in the display

The recorder is currently updating the Table Of Contents (TOC). Do not mo\'e the recorder or pull out the AC power cord. Changes to an MD made through recording are saved only when you update the TOC bv ejecting the MD or changing the recorder to standby by pressing POWER.

Notes on Recording

If "Protected" appears in the display

The MO IS recva‘d-prt>iecled. Cio^e the sK>t to record on the disc {sec- 'To prottvl a MiniDisc against accidental erasure" on this page).

If "Din Unlock" appears in the display

• The program source is not connected to DICITAF IN even though you've selected DIGITAL in Step 4 or the sampling trequencv of the program source does not match that ol the MD recorder (44.1 kldz). To continue, connect the program source through DIGITAL IN or select ANALOG in Step 4 to record through LINE IN.
• The digital signal has been intiTrupted (stripped) while you were recording. To cc'ntinuo recording, restart the digital program source. To stop recording, press ■ on the MI3 recorder.
Depending on source being recorded, track numbers are marked in the two following ways:
• Wiien recording trom a CD or MD with I.Ni'’ljT at DIGITAI. and the SfHirce connected to DiGiTAl. IN, the recorder automaticalh' marks tisick number'^ in the same sequence as the original. Ho\ve\ er, ii a track is played more than once (i.e., b\' repealed plavb.ick during progranr play or single­track repeat plav), the same tr<u k is recorded as a single track n<,> matter hi'W main' tinu“' it is pl.ived.
It the source ¡s an MD, track numbers ma\ not be marked tor
tracks o! less tlian 4 seconds.

The MD recorder uses the SCMS (Serial Copy Management System on page 28)

MDs recorded through DICITAI, IN cannot be copied onto other MDs through DlCl'kAF IN.
Recording on MDs

Useful Tips for Recording

...^ .J ^
Checking the remaining recordable time on
the MD
• When you press DISPI.AY while recording, the remaining recordable time on the MD appears.
• When you press DISPLAY repeatedly while the recorder is stopped, the display changes as follows; total recorcied time, remaining recordable time on the MD, disc name (see page 13).
If "Auto Cut" appears in the display
The Auto Cut Function has been activated. This happens when there is no sound input for more than 30 seconcis while INPUd’ is at DIGITAL and the source connected through DIGITAL IN. The recorder changes to recording pause and the 30 seconds of silence are replaced bv a blank of about 3 seconds.
rl-t-TU u

Adjusting the Recording Level

When recording a sound source while INPUT is at .ANALOG and the source connected through LINE IN, use REC LEVEL to adjust the recording level before starting recording.
1 Do Steps 1 to 6 in "Recording on an MD" on page 6.
2 Play the portion of the program source with the
strongest signal level.
3 While monitoring the sound, turn REC LEVEL to
adjust the recording level so that the peak level meters reach their highest point without turning on the OVER indication. Occasional lighting of
"OVER" IS acceptable.
If "Smart Space" appears in the display
The Smart Space Function has been activated. This happens w'hen there has been an extended silence (of not more than 30 seconds) between two input signals when INPUT is at DIGITAL and the source connected through DIGITAL IN. The Smart Space Function
instantaneously replaces the silence with a blank of about 3 seconds even as the recorder continues recording.
Playing back tracks just recorded
Do this procedure to immediately playback tracks that have just been recorded.
Press t> immediately after stopping recording. Playback starts from the first track of the material just recorded.

To play from the first track of the MD after recording

1 ■ again after stopping recording.
2 Press t>.
Playback starts from the first track of the .MD.
4 Stop playing the program source. 5 To start recording, do the procedure starting from
Step 8 of "Recording on an MD" on page 6.

Marking Track Numbers While Recording (Track Marking)

You can mark track numbers either manually or automatically. Bv marking track numbers at specific points, vou can quickly locate the points later using the AMS Function or Editing Functions,
Recording on MDs
To cancel Automatic Track Marking
1 Press EDIT/NO during recording or recording pause.
"l.eveiSync ?" appears in the display.
2 Press YES. 3 Press EDlT/NO.
"l.e\’elSyncCi)FE'' appears in the display.
* The signal leyel must remain low for 2 or mot-- seconds
before a new track number is written.
oj3i II-
Marking track numbers manually (Manual Track Marking)
You can mark track numbers at any time while recording on an MD.
Press • REC at the place you want to add a track mark
while recording.
Marking track numbers automatically
(Automatic Track Marking)
The recorder adds track marks differently in the
following cases:
• When recording from CDs or MDs with INPUT at DIGITAL and the source connected through DIGITAL IN: The recorder marks track numbers automatically. When you record from a CD or MD, the track numbers are written as they are found on the original.
• When recording with INPUT at ANALOG and the source connected through LINE IN, or when recording from DAT with INPUT at DIGITAL and the DAT connected through DIGITAL IN:
The recorder marks a new track number whenever the signal level drops and rises to a certain point* (Automatic Track Marking). If "LLVEL-SYNC" does not light up, set the L-OvelSviic to ON as follows:
'Q' When you want to mark track numbers after you've
done the recording
Use the Divide Function (sec "Dividing Recorded Tracks" on page 20).
1 Press EDIT,/NO to display "Lev'clSvnc /"during
recording or recording pause.
2 Press YES twice to display "LevelSvnc ON."
"LEVLl.-SY'NC" appears in the display.
+ 21 hidden pages