MiniDV Handycam® Camcorder
Step-up Feature
New Feature
The DCR-HC42 is stylish yet feature packed with a supplied Handycam Station for the convenient ability to share
your memories and charging your battery. Along with a 1 Megapixel CCD Imager and 2.7" Wide (16:9) Hybrid
Touch Panel LCD your memories will be enhanced with more video captured.
1.0 Megapixel (Gross) Advanced HAD™ CCD
1/5.5" Advanced HAD™ (Hole Accumulation
Diode) CCD with 690K (effective) pixels provides
stunning detail and clarity with exceptional video
(up to 520 lines of horizontal resolution) and still
image performance. The Megapixel technology
enhances your digital videos and digital still
photography performance.
MiniDV Recording
Offers up to 520 lines of horizontal resolution, 3X
the color bandwidth and a significantly higher
signal/noise ratio, to provide spectacular video
12X Optical/480X Digital Zoom
The optical zoom helps to bring the action close
up from far away. In addition, with the Digital
Zoom and interpolation means that extreme
digital zooming is clearer, with less distortion
than previous types of digital zooms.
Professional Quality Carl Zeiss®
Vario-Tessar® Lens
Carl Zeiss lenses have an advanced optical
multi-layer coating that offers less glare and flare
with increased contrast. This results in vivid
image brilliance, true-to-life color saturation and
perfect renditions of subtle tones.
Progressive Shutter System
A mechanical shutter system that provides
progressive scan performance while utilizing an
interlaced scanning system. Digital still images
will be sharp and clear with excellent definition.
Analog To Digital Conversion with
Convert and/or record any analog NTSC video
source to digital video via the analog inputs.
Analog NTSC video can also be passed through
the digital Handycam Camcorder directly into a
PC via the i.LINK interface in real-time for easy
PC editing of your analog footage.
Super SteadyShot® Picture Stabilization
Picture stabilization system that uses motion
sensors to detect and compensate for camera
"shake" without compromising picture quality
like some other digital stabilization systems.
2.7" wide Touch Panel SwivelScreen™
LCD Display (123K Pixels)
Provides excellent viewing clarity for both 16:9
and 4:3 apsect with improved resolution. The
high resolution 123K pixel LCD screen rotates
up to 270 degrees for multiple viewing angles
providing sharp, detailed images for monitoring
or playback.
Handycam Station
The supplied Handycam Station provides quick
and easy connections to a TV for viewing or to
a PC for editing and sharing video. Just placing
the camcorder on the Handycam Station
instantly makes the connections. No need to
search for cables or wires when charging or
playing back.
USB Streaming
Stay connected to family and friends by
broadcasting live video with audio over the
internet using the USB interface. You can even
playback your favorite recorded scene on the
camcorder's tape. It's like having your own
video conferencing system.
i.LINK® DV Interface
A digital high-speed bi-directional interface
which provides Audio/Video communication
between two compatible devices. This
connection allows for pure digital transfer
between devices equipped with an IEEE1394
interface, such as camcorders, digital VTRs,
capture cards and PCs.
InfoLithium® Battery with AccuPower™
Meter System
Charge the battery at anytime because unlike
NiCad (Nickel Cadmium) batteries, Sony's
rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries are not
subjected to a life shortening "memory effect".
Sony's exclusive AccuPower™ meter displays
the battery time remaining in minutes, in either
the viewfinder or on the LCD screen.
Digital Still Memory Mode with Memory
Stick Duo™ Media
Capture still images up to 1152x864 resolution,
directly onto Memory Stick Duo™ Media for easy
transfer to PCs for emailing, printing or sharing
with other compatible Memory Stick™ devices.
Tele Macro Function
Useful for shooting close up shots, but without
having the camcorder casting a shadow on the
subject. Images shot in the Tele Macro Mode will
have the subject properly focused with the
background unfocussed so that the subject
stands out.
Active Interface Shoe
Provides a location directly on the camcorder on
which to add optional accessories while providing
power and two-way communication to those
Stamina® Battery Power Management
Using the optional NP-FP90 InfoLithium®
Battery, the DCR-HC42 can continuously record
for up to 8 hours on a single full charge,
providing extra long battery life.
Super NightShot® Plus Infrared System
With Sony's Super NightShot Infrared System you
can capture natural looking video, even when
shooting in low light. Record subjects up to 20
feet away using the built-in infrared system, but
without the overall monochrome color common
with earlier low-light recording systems.

MiniDV Handycam® Camcorder
additional features
Program AE (Auto Exposure) Modes
Picture Effects
Battery Information
Manual Focus
Easy Handycam Button
USB Streaming:
SteadyShot® Image Stabilization:
Accessory Shoe:
White Balance:
Memory Stick PRO™ Media Compatibility:
Tested to support up to 1GB media
capacity3; does not support high speed
transfer function; does not support Access
Control security function.
Low Light Capability:
Imaging Device:
Still Actual:
USB Port(s):
LANC Terminal:
Digital Audio Input(s):
Digital Video Input(s):
Digital Video Output(s):
Digital Audio Output(s):
Headphone Output(s):
Minimum Illumination:
NightShot Plus Infrared System)
Lens Type:
35mm Conversion:
Focal Distance:
Shutter Speed:
Power Consumption:
Limited Warranty:
Video Actual:
Filter Diameter:
Dimensions (WHD):
(54.7 x 90 x 111.7mm)
Supplied Accessories:
Adapter/In-Camera Charger (AC-L25)
InfoLithium® Rechargeable Battery (NP-FP50)
Handycam® Station (DRCA-C121)
Remote Commander® Remote Control
Yes, Super
Yes, Active Interface
Super NightShot Plus
Interface Connector for Handycam
Color, 123K Pixels
1/5.5" 1070K Gross Pixel CCD
1000K Pixels
2.7" Wide (16:9) Color (123K)
Yes (On Handycam Station)
Yes (Special)
Yes (Stereo, Special)
Microphone N/A
7 Lux (0 Lux with
Carl Zeiss® Lens:
12X, 480X (Digital)
Full Range Auto/Manual (Touch Panel)
44-880mm (4:3)-Camera
23-46mm; 390mm(Telemacro)
Yes, Touch Panel (24 steps)
1/2-1/4000 (AE Mode)
1 Year Parts; 90 Days Labor
690K Pixels
14 oz (397 g) w/out Tape and Battery
2 1/4" x 3 5/8" x 4 1/2"
Stereo AV Cable
USB Cable
Shoulder Strap
CD-ROM with USB Driver (PicturePackage™
Software Ver. 1.5 for Sony)
UPC Code:
service and warranty
Limited Warranty:
1 Year Parts; 90 Days Labor
optional accessories
Handycam Camcorder Starter Kit for MiniDV
High Capacity InfoLithium™ Batteries
Adaptor/Quick Charger (ACV-QP10 AC)
AC/DC Adaptor (DCC-L50B)
Carrying Case (LCS-VA4)
Carrying Case (LCS-VA5)
Telephoto Lens (VCL-2025S)
High-Grade Telephoto Lens (VCL-HG2025)
Wide Angle Lens (VCL-HG0725)
Wide Angle Lens (VCL-0625S)
Lightweight Tripod (VCT-R610)
Pocket Tripod (VCT-TK1)
1. i.LI NK i s a trad emark of Sony , us ed on ly t o de signa te t hat a pr oduct con tain s an IEE E1394 con nect or. All produ cts with an IEEE 1394 con necto r ma y no t com muni cate wit h eac h ot her.
2. Desi gned for use wit h com pati ble Sony Inf oLith ium® bat teri es.
3. Avai labl e st orage cap acit y of Memo ry S tick and Mem ory S tick PRO med ia m ay va ry. A po rtio n of the memo ry i s us ed fo r da ta m anage ment fun ction s. A ctua l av ailab le m emor y in MBs is: 8=7. 5, 1 6=15, 32= 30, 64=6 1, 1 28=12 3,
256 =220 , 51 2=460 .
4. Batt ery life may var y dep endi ng u pon u sage pat tern s.
©2 005 So ny El ect ron ics I nc.
Re pro duc tio n in who le or in pa rt wit ho ut wri tte n p erm iss io n i s p roh ibi ted . A ll ri ght s r ese rve d. So ny, Ac cuP owe r, Ad van ced HA D, Ha ndy cam , i .LI NK, I nfo Lit hiu m, Mem ory S tic k, the M emo ry Sti ck log o, Me mor y S tic k D uo,
Me mor y S tic k PRO Du o, Ni ght Sho t, Pic tur e P ac kag e, Rem ote Co mm and er, St ead ySh ot, S wiv elS cre en, a nd wor ryf ree dig ita l are tr ade mar ks of So ny. Ca rl Ze iss an d V ar io- Son nar ar e t rad ema rk s o f C arl Ze iss . Pic tBr idg e i s a
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Fe atu res a nd spe cif ica tio ns su bje ct to ch ang e w ith out no tic e. No n-m etr ic we igh ts and me asu re s a re app rox ima te.
Pl eas e v isi t the De ale r N etw or k f or mor e i nfo rma ti on at www .so ny. co m/d n
Sony Electronics Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com/dn
Last Updated 2005-06-28