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declare under our sole responsibility for design and manufacture that the following product,
to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following European Directives:
For your own safety and the safety of others, and to prevent damage to the equipm ent and
vehicles upon which it is used, it is important that the accompanying Safety Information be
read and understood by all persons operating, or coming into con tact with, the equipment. We
suggest you store a copy near the unit in sight of the operator
This product is intended for use by properly trained and ski lled professional a utomotive
technicians. The safety messages presented throughout this manual are reminders to the
operator to exercise extreme care when using this test instrument.
There are many variations in procedures, techniques, tools, an d p arts for servicing vehicles,
as well as in the skill of the individual doing the work. Because of the vast number of test
applications and variations in the products that can be tested with this instrument, we cannot
possibly anticipate or provide advice or safety messages to cover every situation. It is the
automotive technician’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of the system being tested. It is
essential to use proper service methods and test procedures. It is important to perform test s
in an appropriate and acceptable man ner that do es not e ndang er your safe ty, the safety of
others in the work area, the equipment being used, or the vehicle being tested.
It is assumed that the operator has a thorough understanding of vehicle systems before using
this product. Understanding of these system principles and operating theories is necessary for
competent, safe and accurate use of this instrument.
Before using the equipment, always refer to and follow the safety messages and applicable
test procedures provided by the manufacturer of the veh icle or eq uipment being tested . Use
the equipment only as described in this manual.
Read, understand and follow all safety messag es and instru ctions in this manual , the
accompanying safety manual, and on the test equipme nt.
Safety Message Conventions
Safety messages are provided to help prevent personal injury and equip ment damage . All
safety messages are introduced by a signal word indicating the hazard leve l.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury to the operator or to bysta nders.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could r esult in death or
serious injury to the operator or to bysta nders.
Safety InformationImportant Safety Instructions
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in mod erate or
minor injury to the operator or to bystanders.
Safety messages contain three differe nt type styles.
• Normal type st ate s the hazard .
• Bold typ e st ates how to a void the ha zard.
• It alic type states the possible consequences of not avoiding the hazard.
An icon, when present, gives a graphical description of the potential hazard.
Risk of unexpected vehicle movement.
•Block drive wheels before performing a test with engine running.
A moving vehicle can cause injury.
Important Safety Instructions
For a complete list of safety mess ages, refer to the accomp anying safety manual.
This manual contains tool usage instructions. Some of the illustrations shown in this manual
may contain modules and optional equipmen t that are not inclu ded on yo ur syste m.
1.1 Conventions
The following conventions are used.
1.1.1 Bold Text
Bold type is used in procedures to accent selectable items such as buttons and menu options.
• Press the Y/a button.
1.1.2 Symbols
Different types of arrows are used.
The “greater than” arrow (>) indicates an abbreviated set o f se lection instructions.
• Select Utilities > T ool Setup > Date.
The previous statement abbreviates the following pr ocedure:
1. Navigate to the Utilities button.
2. Use the directional keys to navigate to and highlight the Tool Setup submenu.
3. Use the directional keys to navigate to and highlight the Date option from the submen u.
4. Press Y/a to confirm the selection.
1.1.3 Terminology
The term “select” means highlighting a button or menu item u sing the directiona l keys and
pressing the Y/a button to confirm the selection.
• Select Reset.
The above statement abbreviates the following procedure :
Using This ManualAdditional Manuals
1. Navigate to and highlight the Reset button.
2. Press the Y/a button.
1.1.4 Notes and Important Messages
The following messages are used.
A NOTE provides helpful information such as additional explanations, tips, and comment s.
i For additional information refer to...
IMPORTANT indicates a situation which, if not avoided, may result in damage to the test
equipment or vehicle.
Do not force the CompactFlash® card into the slot.
1.1.5 Procedures
An arrow icon indicates a procedure.
z To change screen views:
1. Select the View button.
The drop-down menu displays.
2. Select an option from the menu.
The screen layout changes to the format you selected.
1.2 Additional Manuals
The scan tool hardware works in conjunction with Vehicle Communication Software (VCS),
each version of VCS has its own manual. See the appropriate manual for information
regarding these products.
Chapter 2Introduction
The ETHOS™ (Figure 2-1) scan tool uses Vehicle Communication Software to provide
vehicle-specific diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and dat astrea m information for various
vehicle control systems such as engine, transmission, antilock brake system (ABS) and more.
Your scan tool can also graph live data parameters, recor d dat a, clear diagn ostic troubl e
codes (DTCs) from the vehicle electronic control module (ECM) memory, and reset the
vehicle malfunction indicator lamp (MIL).
Contact your sales representative for availability of software add-ons and upgrades.
Figure 2-1
2.1 Functional Description
This section illustrates external features, ports and connectors of the ETHOS™.
ETHOS™ scan tool
IntroductionFunctional Description
1— Y/a (accep t ) bu tton
2— S button
3— b (Up) button
4— N/x (back) button
5— CompactFlash
card slot, under endgrip
6— c (Right) button
7— Power button
8— d (Down) button
9— e (Left) button
Figure 2-2 ETHOS™ unit front view
1— DC power supply input
2— Data cable connector
3— USB port
4— Mini USB port
Your ETHOS scan tool supports the following OBD-II/EOBD communications protocols:
SAE J1850 (VPW)
SAE J1850 (PWM)
ISO 9141-2
ISO 14230-4 (KWP 2000)
ISO 15765-4 (CAN)
In addition, the optional vehicle communications software allows you to access “enhanced”
diagnostic information for specific vehicle manufacturers.
2.3 Control Buttons
The scan tool has the following control buttons (Figur e 2-2 on page 4):
• S (function)
• N/x (back)
• Y/a (accept)
• b (Up)
• d (Down)
• e (Left)
• c (Right)
• Power
2.3.1 S Button
The S button can be customized to perform different functions. See “S Button” on p age 33 for
additional information.
2.3.2 N/x (Back) Button
The N/x button is used to do the following:
• To exit a menu or program.
• To close an open list and return to the previous menu.
• To answer “No” when a Yes or No choice is given.
• To return to the main menu.
2.3.3 Y/a (Accept) Button
The Y/a button is used to do the following:
• To select the item that you highlighted using the direction buttons.
• To answer “Yes” when a Yes or No choice is given.
2.3.4 Directional Buttons
The directional, or arrow, buttons move the cursor or highlight in their respective directions:
• Up (b)
• Down (d)
• Left (e)
• Right (c)
2.3.5 Power Button
The Power button powers up the tool, and turns it off. See “Powe ring On the Unit” on page 14
and “Powering Off the Unit” on p age 15 for details.
2.4 Connections
This scan tool uses the following connections (Figure 2-3 on page 4):
• DC power adapter input
• USB port
• Mini USB port
• Data cable connect or
• CompactFlash
(CF) card slot
IntroductionPower Supply
2.4.1 DC Power Input
The DC power input can be used to power the unit via an AC/DC power supply. For related
information, see the following sections:
• “AC/DC Power Supply” on page 9
• “Connecting the AC/DC Power Supply” on page 14
2.4.2 USB Port
This scan tool has a USB port for connecting to a printer.
2.4.3 Mini USB Port
The mini USB port on top of the unit is used for updating the internal software, and for
transferring saved files to a personal computer.
2.4.4 Data Cable Connector
The data cable connector is used to connect the scan tool to a ve hicle dat a link co nnector
(DLC) for testing.
For related information, see the following sections:
• “93L Data Cable” on page 10
• “Connecting to Ve hicle Power” on p age 12
2.4.5 CompactFlash® Card Slot
The CompactFlash® (CF) card slot, located under the handgrip, adds optional functiona lity to
the scan tool. The ETHOS unit does not require a CF card to operate. The CF card slot on the
scan tool is used for creating a backup file of the operating syste m and for accessin g cert ain
update functions.
2.5 Power Supply
This scan tool can receive power from three sources:
• Vehicle power
• Battery power
• AC/DC power supply
For related information, see “Vehicle Power” on page 9.
IntroductionPower Supply
2.5.1 Vehicle Power
Vehicle power is r equired for the scan to ol to proper ly communica te with the vehi cle dur ing
testing. The 93L Data Cable (EAC0093L01A) provides 1 2V power to the unit throu gh the
vehicle data link connector (DLC). The scan tool turns on automatically whene ver it is
connected to a DLC that provides power.
Certain vehicles do not provide vehicle power on the DLC. For these applications, a separate
cable adapter and power cable are needed to power the unit. Optional data cable adap ters are
available for a number of vehicle manufacturers. Contact your sales representative for
The power cable connects to a port on the cable adapter.
Never connect the optional power cable or the AC/DC power supply to the DC po wer supply
input on top of the unit when the scan tool is communicating with the veh icle.
For related information, see “Connecting to Vehicle Power” on page 12.
2.5.2 Battery Power
This scan tool can receive power from six internal type AA batteries. Alkaline or rechargeable
nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries must be used, Standard (lead/zinc) batteries do not
provide sufficient power and have a tendency to leak, which can damage th e scan tool .
Battery power should not be the primary source of power . Vehicle p ower should be the source
of power during testing. Use battery power to review saved files and for identifying a test
vehicle without connecting to the DLC.
For related information, see the following sections:
• “Installing the Batteries” on page 11
• “Replacing the Batteries” on page 39
• “Setup” on page 34
2.5.3 AC/DC Power Supply
The scan tool can be powered from a wall socket using the AC/DC power supply (Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-5
AC\DC power supply
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