SMA SB 1.5-1VL-40 Service Manual

SUNNY BOY 1.5 / 2.5
SB15-25-SG-en-10 | Version 1.0
Table of Contents
SMA Solar Technology AG
Table of Contents
1 Information on this Document ................................................. 4
1.1 Validity................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Target Group...................................................................................... 4
1.3 Symbols .............................................................................................. 4
1.4 Nomenclature..................................................................................... 4
2 Safety......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Disconnecting the Inverter from Voltage Sources ............................ 5
2.2 Safety Information.............................................................................. 6
3 Calling Up the Inverter User Interface via Direct
4 Event Messages ........................................................................ 10
5 Cleaning the Inverter................................................................ 25
6 Checking the PV System for Ground Faults............................ 26
7 Opening the Inverter................................................................ 29
8 Recommissioning the Inverter.................................................. 30
9 Decommissioning the Inverter ................................................. 31
10 Spare Parts ................................................................................ 32
11 Contact....................................................................................... 33
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SMA Solar Technology AG
Legal Provisions
Legal Provisions
The information contained in these documents is property of SMA Solar Technology AG. Any publication, whether in whole or in part, requires prior written approval by SMA Solar Technology AG. Internal reproduction used solely for the purpose of product evaluation or other proper use is allowed and does not require prior approval.
SMA Warranty
You can download the current warranty conditions from the Internet at
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The BLUETOOTH® word mark and logos are registered trademarks of BluetoothSIG,Inc. and any use of these marks by SMASolarTechnologyAG is under license.
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Sonnenallee 1 34266 Niestetal Germany Tel. +49 561 9522-0 Fax +49 561 9522-100 E-mail: © 2004 to 2015SMASolarTechnologyAG. All rights reserved.
Service Manual for Installers 3SB15-25-SG-en-10

1 Information on this Document

SMA Solar Technology AG
1 Information on this Document

1.1 Validity

This document is valid for the following device types from firmware version 2.0.1.R:
• SB1.5-1VL-40 (Sunny Boy 1.5)
• SB2.5-1VL-40 (Sunny Boy 2.5)

1.2 Target Group

The tasks described in this document must only be performed by qualified persons. Qualified persons must have the following skills:
• Knowledge of how an inverter works and is operated
• Training in how to deal with the dangers and risks associated with installing and using electrical devices and installations
• Training in the installation and commissioning of electrical devices and installations
• Knowledge of the applicable standards and directives
• Knowledge of and compliance with this document and all safety information

1.3 Symbols

Symbol Explanation
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in minor or moderate injury
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, can result in property damage
Information that is important for a specific topic or goal, but is not safety-relevant
Indicates a requirement for meeting a specific goal
Desired result
A problem that might occur

1.4 Nomenclature

Complete designation Designation in this document
SunnyBoy Inverter, product
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2 Safety

2.1 Disconnecting the Inverter from Voltage Sources

Prior to performing any work on the inverter, always disconnect it from all voltage sources as described in this section. Always adhere to the prescribed sequence.
1. Disconnect the circuit breaker and secure it against reconnection.
2. If an external DC load-break switch is installed, disconnect the external DC load-break switch from all voltage sources.
3. Set the DC load-break switch of the inverter to O .
4. Wait until the LEDs have gone out.
5. Use a current clamp to ensure that no current is present in the DC cables.
6. Release and remove all DC connectors. To do this, insert a flat-blade screwdriver or an angled screwdriver (blade width 3.5mm) into one of the slide slots and pull the DC connectors out in a downward direction. Do not pull on the cable.

2 Safety

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2 Safety
7. Ensure that no voltage is present at the DC inputs on the inverter using a suitable measuring device.
8. Loosen the swivel nuts.
9. Loosen the screws of the connection cap and remove the connection cap.
SMA Solar Technology AG
10. Use a suitable measuring device to check that no voltage is present at the AC connector between L and N and between L and the grounding conductor. To do so, insert the test probe (maximum diameter: 2mm) into each round opening of the connecting terminal plate.
11. Release and disconnect the AC connector using the sliders located on the side.

2.2 Safety Information

This section contains safety information that must be observed at all times when working on or with the product.
To prevent personal injury and property damage and to ensure long-term operation of the product, read this section carefully and observe all safety information at all times.
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2 Safety
Danger to life due to high voltages of the PV array
When exposed to sunlight, the PV array generates dangerous DC voltage which is present in the DC conductors and the live components of the inverter. Touching the DC conductors or the live components can lead to lethal electric shocks. If you disconnect the DC connectors from the inverter under load, an electric arc may occur leading to electric shock and burns.
• Do not touch non-insulated cable ends.
• Do not touch the DC conductors.
• Do not touch any live components of the inverter.
• Have the inverter mounted, installed and commissioned only by qualified persons with the appropriate skills.
• If an error occurs, have it rectified by qualified persons only.
• Prior to performing any work on the inverter, disconnect it from all voltage sources as described in this document (see Section2.1 "Disconnecting the Inverter from Voltage Sources", page5).
Danger to life due to electric shock
Touching an ungrounded PV module or array frame can cause a lethal electric shock.
• Connect and ground the PV modules, array frame and electrically conductive surfaces so that there is continuous conduction. Observe the applicable local regulations.
Damage to the inverter due to the use of cleaning agents
• If the inverter is dirty, clean the enclosure, the enclosure lid, the type label and the LEDs using only clean water and a cloth.
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3 Calling Up the Inverter User Interface via Direct Connection

SMA Solar Technology AG
3 Calling Up the Inverter User Interface via Direct
You can call up the inverter user interface outside of a network via a direct connection between computer, tablet PC or smartphone and the inverter. There are two methods available for this:
• Direct connection via WLAN
• Direct connection via Ethernet
Inverter SSID and IP address and necessary passwords
• Inverter SSID in WLAN: SMA[serial number] (e.g. SMA2130019815)
• Standard WLAN password: SMA12345 (usable for initial configuration prior to completion of the first ten operating hours)
• Device-specific WLAN password: see WPA2-PSK on the inverter type label or the rear side of the Quick Installation Guide included in delivery
• Standard inverter IP address for direct connection via WLAN outside of a local network:
• Standard inverter IP address for direct connection via Ethernet outside of a local network:
Direct connection via WLAN
☐ The inverter must be commissioned. ☐ A smartphone, tablet PC or computer with WLAN interface must be available. ☐ One of the following web browsers must be installed: Firefox (as of version 32), Internet
Explorer (as of version 10), Safari (as of version 6) or Google Chrome (as of version 32).
☐ The personal SMA Grid Guard code of the Installer must be available for the changing of
grid-relevant settings after completion of the first ten operating hours (see certificate "Application for SMAGridGuard Code" at
File export via Safari web browser not possible
When using the Safari web browser, the exporting of files (e.g. saving the current inverter configuration or exporting events) is not possible for technical reasons.
• Use a different supported web browser.
1. If your smartphone, tablet PC or computer has a WPS function:
• Tap twice on the lid of the inverter to activate the inverter WPS function.
☑ The inverter signalizes the open interface via the rapid flashing of the blue LED.
• Activate the WPS on your device.
☑ The connection with your device will be established automatically. Please note that
establishment of the connection to devices with Windows 7 or 8.1 can take up to 20 seconds.
2. If your smartphone, tablet PC or computer does not have a WPS function:
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SMA Solar Technology AG
3 Calling Up the Inverter User Interface via Direct Connection
• Search for WLAN networks with your device.
• Select the inverter SSID SMA[serial number].
• Enter the inverter WLAN password. Within the first ten operating hours and prior to closing the installation assistant for the first time, you can use the standard WLAN password SMA12345. After this, you must use the device-specific inverter WLAN password (WPA2-PSK), which is printed on the type label and the rear side of the Quick Installation Guide included in delivery.
3. Enter in the address line of the web browser and press the enter key. ☑ The login page of the user interface opens.
4. Log in as Installer or User. A new password must be assigned upon logging in for the first
time. To configure the inverter for the first time, login as an Installer.
5. Configure the inverter as desired.
Direct connection via Ethernet
☐ The inverter must be commissioned. ☐ A computer with an Ethernet interface must be available. ☐ One of the following web browsers must be installed: Firefox (as of version 32), Internet
Explorer (as of version 10), Safari (as of version 6) or Google Chrome (as of version 32). ☐ The inverter must be connected directly to a computer. ☐ The personal SMA Grid Guard code of the Installer must be available for the changing of
grid-relevant settings after completion of the first ten operating hours (see certificate
"Application for SMAGridGuard Code" at
File export via Safari web browser not possible
When using the Safari web browser, the exporting of files (e.g. saving the current inverter
configuration or exporting events) is not possible for technical reasons.
• Use a different supported web browser.
1. Enter in the address line of the web browser and press the enter key. ☑ The login page of the user interface opens.
2. Log in as Installer or User. A new password must be assigned upon logging in for the first
time. The initial configuration of the inverter may only be performed by a qualified person. In this case, login as an Installer.
3. Configure the inverter as desired.
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4 Event Messages

4 Event Messages
Event number Message, cause and corrective measures
101 to 103
202 to 205
Grid fault
The grid voltage or grid impedance at the connection point of the inverter is too high. The inverter has disconnected from the utility grid.
Corrective measures:
• Check whether the grid voltage at the connection point of the inverter is permanently in the permissible range.
If the grid voltage is outside the permissible range due to local grid conditions, contact the grid operator. The grid operator must agree with an adjustment of the voltage at the feed-in point or with a change of the monitored operating limits.
If the grid voltage is permanently within the permissible range and this message is still displayed, contact the Service (see Section11 "Contact", page33).
Grid fault
The utility grid has been disconnected, the AC cable is damaged or the grid voltage at the connection point of the inverter is too low. The inverter has dis­connected from the utility grid.
Corrective measures:
• Make sure that the circuit breaker is switched on.
• Ensure that the AC cable is not damaged and that it is connected correctly.
• Ensure that the country data set has been configured correctly.
• Check whether the grid voltage at the connection point of the inverter is permanently in the permissible range.
If the grid voltage is outside the permissible range due to local grid conditions, contact the grid operator. The grid operator must agree with an adjustment of the voltage at the feed-in point or with a change of the monitored operating limits.
If the grid voltage is permanently within the permissible range and this message is still displayed, contact the Service (see Section11 "Contact", page33).
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SMA Solar Technology AG
Event number Message, cause and corrective measures
Grid fault
The ten-minute average value of the grid voltage is no longer within the per­missible range. The grid voltage or grid impedance at the connection point is too high. The inverter disconnects from the utility grid to maintain power qual­ity.
Corrective measures:
• During the feed-in operation, check whether the grid voltage at the connection point of the inverter is permanently in the permissible range.
If the grid voltage is outside the permissible range due to local grid conditions, contact the grid operator. The grid operator must agree with an adjustment of the voltage at the feed-in point or with a change of the monitored operating limits.
If the grid voltage is permanently within the permissible range and this message is still displayed, contact the Service (see Section11 "Contact", page33).
Temperature AC voltage
The inverter has reduced its power due to a too-high grid voltage to ensure grid stability.
Corrective measures:
• If possible, check the grid voltage and observe how often fluctuations occur. If fluctuations occur frequently and this message is displayed often, contact the grid operator and request approval to change the operating parameters of the inverter. If the grid operator gives his approval, discuss any changes to the operating parameters with Service (see Section11 "Contact", page33).
401to 404
Grid fault
The inverter has disconnected from the utility grid. A stand-alone grid or a very large change in the power frequency was detected.
Corrective measures:
• Check the grid connection for significant short-term frequency fluctuations.
4 Event Messages
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+ 25 hidden pages