Siemens SITRAM Multisense 9 Datasheet

Customer Services for Tran sformers
SITRAM Multisense 9
Monitoring and Diagnostics
In their average lifetime of 40 years, transformers endure various forms of stresses that can contribute to a multiplicity of failures (electrical, thermal, chemical or mechanical). Transformer failures may cause e.g. costly damages to primary and secondary equipmen t, ou tages, environmental cleanup charges and a loss of reputation.
DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) monitoring with SITRAM Multisense 9 helps utilities to avoid transformer failures.
SITRAM Multisense 9 indicates deviations and imminent faults by analyzing the co nce ntr at ion of eight dissolved gases in transformer insulating oil (mineral and ester oil), and moisture. This helps to predict and prevent eight fault types :
High temperature thermal fa ults, overheated oil by monitoring C2H4
Partial discharge, thermal faults, power discharges, rust, galvanized parts, stainless steel, sunlight by Monitoring H2
Corona partial discharge, low & medium temperature thermal faults by monitoringCH4
Thermal fault involving cellulose, gradually from oil oxidation by monitoring CO
Normal aging, thermal fault involving cellulose by monitoring CO2
Hot spot, low energy discharge, high energy discharge (arc) by monitoring
Low & medium temperature thermal faults, local overheating by monitoring C2H6
Exposure to atmosphere (air), leaky gasket (under vacuum), air breathing conservator, leaky bladder by monitoring O2
Robust, NDIR measurement technology without moving parts or reference gas
Easy installation directly at transformer - One man work
Display and keypad enabling comprehensive confi g urat ion an d setup without additiona l computer
Easy to understand due to simple setup
Compact, robust design (IP55)
High accuracy enabling early
Option a l : Various comm u nicatio n options, 13 digital outputs, 5 digital optocouple r outputs
Optional: 10 analog outputs, 10 analog inputs
Ambient humidity: 0-95%
Monitoring functions:
o Voltage and current monitoring (via
voltage and current tr ansfo rme rs / transducer)
oTemperature m o ni tor ing : lo we r an d
upper oil temperature, ambient temperature (via additional temperature sensors)
o Cooling stage / tap changer position
monitoring (e.g. via current transducer)
oFree configuration of analog inputs,
free allocation to any additional sensor
o Calculation of hot-spot (acc. to IEC
60076), loss-of-life, ageing rate
Monitoring of all diagnostic gases inside the transformer oil, enabling recognition of all potential failure types
Avoidance of major costs due to failures or outages
Cost savings thanks to scheduled and efficient transformer maintenance
Uses advanced softwa re (the unit and via PC )
Maintenance-free system
Scope of work
Configuration and administration of each in divid ual M u ltisens e unit
Data and configuration read-out of Multis en se un its
Processing and visualization of data
Read out (trend or table)
Online functions (Status and p rocess
Diagnostics functions (Duval triangle)
Further processing of the data (Excel, CSV, clipboard and printing)
Storage of the processed data and unit config uration
A utomatic data read-out and aler t ing by e-mail
Standard electrical and mechanical connection kit, individual mechanical connection kit on request
Inst a ll ation f la nge (dif fe re nt ventilation sizes available)
On-site training courses for operation and maintenance for our systems
Optional: Turnkey installation and communications se r vices.
Optional: Expert analysis of monitoring data and customer support
Technical Details
Operation Principle
Miniaturized gas sample production based on headspace principle
No membrane, negative p ressure proofed
Patent-pending oil sampling system (EP 1 950 560 A1)
Near-infrared gas sensor unit for CO2, CO, C2H2, C2H6, CH4 and C2H4
Micro-electronic gas sensor for H2
Thin-film capacitive m oistu re sensor
Temperature sensors (for oil and gas temperature)
Optional nominal voltages of auxiliary supply: 120 V AC 50/60 Hz or 230 V AC 50/60 Hz or 120 V DC or 230 V DC
Range *Accuracy
H2 0 - 10000 ppm ± 5% or ±LDL (whichever is greater)
C2H2 0 - 10000 ppm ± 5% or ±LDL (whichever is greater)
CO 0 - 10000 ppm ± 5% or ±LDL (whichever is greater)
CO2 0 - 20000 p pm ± 5% or ±LDL (whichever is greater)
CH4 0 - 5000 ppm ± 5% or ±LDL (whichever is greater) C2H4 0 - 10000 ppm ± 5% or ±LDL (whichever is greater) C2H6 0 - 10000 ppm ± 5% or ±LDL (whichever is greater)
O2 0 - 50000 ppm ± 10 % or ±LDL (whichever is g reater)
H20 0 - 100% ± 3 % or ±LDL (whichever is greater)
* Accuracy quoted is the accuracy of the detectors during calibration
Power consumption: max. 350 VA
Housing: aluminum: W 263 x H 263 x
D 327.5 mm
Weight: approx. 15 kg
Operating temperature (ambient):
-55°C - +55°C (below -10°C display function locked)
Oil temperature (inside transformer):
-20°C - +90°C
Storage temperature (ambient):
-20°C - +65°C
Oil pressure: up to 800 kpa (negative pressure allowed)
Safety: CE certified, Isolation
Fault gas measurement
SITRAM Multisense 9 is executed in two steps : gas extraction (headspace technique) and gas detection (non­dispersive infr ared rad iation metho d). It measures the concentration of dissolved gases in the oil.
Discover Siemens comprehens ive transformer monitoring and sensor portfolio. For more information about Siemens comprehensive monitoring package for transformers, please contact your local partner or our Customer Support Center.
protection: IEC 61010-1:2010/IEC 61010-2-081, Degree of protection: IP-55
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Subj ect to change with out prior notic e. The inf ormation in this do cument contains general d escription s of the technical op tions availabl e, which may not apply in all cases.
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