Siemens Sitraffic sX User Manual

New: advanced version available!
Sitraffic sX traffic controller
The innovative solution that will grow along with your requirements
Small and smart or complex and sophisticated – Sitraffic sX is a traffic controller that can be both.
Setting parameters for traffic signal systems using a smartphone or tablet computer? With Sitraffic® sX, this is no longer a futuris­tic scenario: The new traffic controller can be easily operated via the Web while meet­ing the highest security standards and availability requirements. For all its simplic­ity, Sitraffic sX covers a wide range of applications: It can be used as a stand-alone solution without connection to sensors and a higher-level traffic control system, or works smoothly as an integral part of the extensive traffic management system of a large city.
The controller that started out as a smart, basic solution can now do even more: In its advanced version, it offers an extended range of features and functions that allow the implementation of solutions for chal­lenging traffic control applications as well as the integration of different standards.
The advanced version of Sitraffic sX: The new traffic controller for demanding control tasks
Integrated planning and data supply via Sitraffic Office. As part of a Sitraffic
end-to-end solution, Sitraffic sX ‘advanced’ can be projected and configured in Sitraffic Office.
PDMx control method. In the advanced version, the established and proven
traffic-actuated PDMx control method includes a library of its own.
Up to four partial nodes. In the advanced version, Sitraffic Office and PDMx allow
planning and configuration of up to four partial nodes.
VSR control centers. The advanced controller version can be linked up to traffic
computers via the Sitraffic Canto and OCIT-0 V2.0 protocols.
Accessibility – secure communication between control center and Web interface
For both the smart and the advanced versions, a secure connection can be estab­lished from the Sitraffic Scala or Sitraffic smartGuard control centers right through to the Web interface of the controller’s proc­essor. Hence, in terms of secure access, it makes no difference whether you choose to check the operating details of the controller directly on site or from the convenience of your office desk. For those who are looking for a compact solution that will meet their complex traffic control requirements or who are planning to expand their existing solution, Sitraffic sX ‘advanced’ offers a range of useful new features.
The advanced version of Sitraffic sX – now even more powerful
The new functions for “Advanced Traffic Engineering (ATE)” and “Advanced Traffic Management (ATM)” make it possible to use Sitraffic sX for sophisticated advanced con­trol, with numerous highlight functions such as the connection of up to four partial nodes, the PDMx control method, integrated planning and data supply via Sitraffic Office as well as parameterizable signal monitoring functions. What is more, Sitraffic sX is now also equipped for advanced traffic management: The open system archi­tecture enables seamless connection to third-party control centers, using either Sitraffic Canto or OCIT as the protocol, as well as the project-specific implementation of additional protocols from local develop­ment partners.
The latest in Web technology allows easy operation of Sitraffic sX at any time and from anywhere. The advanced version offers a whole range of additional useful functions that will help you prepare perfectly for tomorrow’s tasks.
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