Siemens GIGASET SL75 User Manual

EN Dear Customer,
Gigaset Communications GmbH is the legal successor to Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), which in turn continued the Gigaset business of Siemens AG. Any statements made by Siemens AG or SHC that are found in the user guides should therefore be understood as statements of Gigaset Communications
GmbH We hope you enjoy your Gigaset.
DE Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde,
FR Chère Cliente, Cher Client,
IT Gentile cliente,
NL Geachte klant,
ES Estimado cliente,
PT SCaros clientes,
die Gigaset Communications GmbH ist Rechtsnachfolgerin der Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), die ihrerseits das Gigaset-Geschäft der Siemens AG fortführte. Etwaige Erklärungen der Siemens AG oder der SHC in den Bedienungsanleitungen sind daher als Erklärungen der Gigaset Communications GmbH zu verstehen.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude mit Ihrem Gigaset.
la société Gigaset Communications GmbH succède en droit à Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC) qui poursuivait elle-même les activités Giga­set de Siemens AG. Donc les éventuelles explications de Sie­mens AG ou de SHC figurant dans les modes d’emploi doivent être comprises comme des explications de Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup d’agrément avec votre Gigaset.
la Gigaset Communications GmbH è successore della Sie­mens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC) che a sua volta ha proseguito l’attività della Siemens AG. Eventuali dichiarazioni della Siemens AG o della SHC nei manuali d’istruzione, vanno pertanto intese come dichiarazioni della Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Le auguriamo tanta soddisfazione con il vostro Gigaset.
Gigaset Communications GmbH is de rechtsopvolger van Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), de onderneming die de Gigaset-activiteiten van Siemens AG heeft overgenomen. Eventuele uitspraken of mededelingen van Siemens AG of SHC in de gebruiksaan­wijzingen dienen daarom als mededelingen van Gigaset Communications GmbH te worden gezien.
Wij wensen u veel plezier met uw Gigaset
la Gigaset Communications GmbH es derechohabiente de la Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC) que por su parte continuó el negocio Gigaset de la Siemens AG. Las posibles declaraciones de la Siemens AG o de la SHC en las instrucciones de uso se deben entender por lo tanto como declaraciones de la Giga­set Communications GmbH.
Le deseamos que disfrute con su Gigaset.
Gigaset Communications GmbH é a sucessora legal da Sie­mens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), que, por sua vez, deu continuidade ao sector de negócios Gigaset, da Siemens AG. Quaisquer declara­ções por parte da Siemens AG ou da SHC encontradas nos manuais de utilização deverão, portanto, ser consideradas como declarações da Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Desejamos que tenham bons momentos com o seu Gigaset.
DA Kære Kunde,
FI Arvoisa asiakkaamme,
SV Kära kund,
NO Kjære kunde,
EL Αγ α πητή πελάτισσα, αγαπητέ πελάτη,
HR Poštovani korisnici,
SL Spoštovani kupec!
Gigaset Communications GmbH er retlig efterfølger til Sie­mens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), som fra deres side videreførte Siemens AGs Gigaset-forretninger. Siemens AGs eller SHCs eventuelle forklaringer i betjeningsvejledningerne skal derfor forstås som Gigaset Communications GmbHs forklaringer.
Vi håber, du får meget glæde af din Gigaset.
Gigaset Communications GmbH on Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC)-yri-
tyksen oikeudenomistaja, joka jatkoi puolestaan Siemens AG:n Gigaset-liiketoimintaa. Käyttöoppaissa mahdollisesti esiintyvät Siemens AG:n tai SHC:n selosteet on tämän vuoksi ymmärrettävä Gigaset Communications GmbH:n selosteina.
Toivotamme Teille paljon iloa Gigaset-laitteestanne.
Gigaset Communications GmbH övertar rättigheterna från Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), som bedrev Gigaset-verksamheten efter Sie­mens AG. Alla förklaringar från Siemens AG eller SHC i användarhandboken gäller därför som förklaringar från Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Vi önskar dig mycket nöje med din Gigaset.
Gigaset Communications GmbH er rettslig etterfølger etter Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), som i sin tur videreførte Gigaset-geskjeften i Siemens AG. Eventuelle meddelelser fra Siemens AG eller SHC i bruksanvisningene er derfor å forstå som meddelelser fra Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Vi håper du får stor glede av din Gigaset-enhet.
η Gigaset Communications GmbH είναι η νομική διάδοχος της Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), η οποία έχει αναλάβει την εμπορική δραστηριότητα Gigaset της Siemens AG. Οι δηλώσεις της Siemens AG ή της SHC στις
επομένως δηλώσεις της Gigaset Communications GmbH. Σας ευχόμαστε καλή διασκέδαση με τη συσκευή σας Gigaset.
Gigaset Communications GmbH pravni je sljednik tvrtke Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), koji je nastavio Gigaset poslovanje tvrtke Siemens AG. Zato sve izjave tvrtke Siemens AG ili SHC koje se nalaze u uputama za upotrebu treba tumačiti kao izjave tvrtke Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Nadamo se da sa zadovoljstvom koristite svoj Gigaset uređaj.
Podjetje Gigaset Communications GmbH je pravni naslednik podjetja Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), ki nadaljuje dejavnost znamke Gigaset podjetja Siemens AG. Vse izjave podjetja Siemens AG ali SHC v priročnikih za uporabnike torej veljajo kot izjave podjetja Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Želimo vam veliko užitkov ob uporabi naprave Gigaset.
οδηγίες χρήσ
ης αποτ
Issued by Gigaset Communications GmbH Schlavenhorst 66, D-46395 Bocholt Gigaset Communications GmbH is a trademark
licensee of Siemens AG
© Gigaset Communications GmbH 2008 All rights reserved. Subject to availability. Rights of modifications
CS Vážení zákazníci,
společnost Gigaset Communications GmbH je právním nástupcem společnosti Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), která dále přejala segment produktů Gigaset společnosti Siemens AG. Jakékoli prohlášení společnosti Siemens AG nebo SHC, které naleznete v uživatelských příručkách, je třeba považovat za prohlášení společnosti Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Doufáme, že jste s produkty Gigaset spokojeni.
SK Vážený zákazník,
Spoločnosť Gigaset Communications GmbH je právnym nástupcom spoločnosti Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), ktorá zasa pokračovala v činnosti divízie Gigaset spoločnosti Siemens AG. Z tohto dôvodu je potrebné všetky vyhlásenia spoločnosti Siemens AG alebo SHC, ktoré sa nachádzajú v používateľských príručkách, chápať ako vyhlásenia spoločnosti Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Veríme, že budete so zariadením Gigaset spokojní.
PL Szanowny Kliencie,
Firma Gigaset Communications GmbH jest spadkobiercą prawnym firmy Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), która z kolei przejęła segment produktów Gigaset od firmy Siemens AG. Wszelkie oświadczenia firm Siemens AG i SHC, które można znaleźć w instrukcjach obsługi, należy traktować jako oświadczenia firmy Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Życzymy wiele przyjemności z korzystania z produktów Gigaset.
TR Sayın Müşterimiz,
Gigaset Communications GmbH, Siemens AG'nin Gigaset işletmesini yürüten Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC)'nin yasal halefidir. Kullanma kılavuzlarında bulunan ve Siemens AG veya SHC tarafından yapılan bildiriler Gigaset Communications GmbH tarafından yapılmış bildiriler olarak algılanmalıdır.
Gigaset'ten memnun kalmanızı ümit ediyoruz.
RO Stimate client,
Gigaset Communications GmbH este succesorul legal al companiei Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), care, la rândul său, a continuat activitatea companiei Gigaset a Siemens AG. Orice afirmaţii efectuate de Siemens AG sau SHC şi incluse în ghidurile de utilizare vor fi, prin urmare, considerate a aparţine Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Sperăm ca produsele Gigaset să fie la înălţimea dorinţelor dvs.
SR Poštovani potrošaču,
Gigaset Communications GmbH je pravni naslednik kompanije Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), kroz koju je nastavljeno poslovanje kompanije Gigaset kao dela Siemens AG. Stoga sve izjave od strane Siemens AG ili SHC koje se mogu naći u korisničkim uputstvima treba tuma Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Nadamo se da ćete uživati u korišćenju svog Gigaset uređaja.
BG Уважаеми потребители,
Gigaset Communications GmbH е правоприемникът на Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), която на свой ред продължи бизнеса на
подразделението Siemens AG. По тази причина всякакви изложения, направени от Siemens AG или SHC, които се намират в ръководствата за потребителя, следва да се разбират като изложения на
Gigaset Communications GmbH. Надяваме се да ползвате с удоволствие вашия Gigaset.
izjave kompanije
čiti kao
RU Уважаемыи покупатель!
Компания Gigaset Communications GmbH является правопреемником компании Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), которая,
ою очередь, приняла подразделение Gigaset в свое
в св управление от компании Siemens AG. Поэтому любые заявления, сделанные от имени компании Siemens AG или SHC и встречающиеся в руководствах пользователя, должны восприниматься как заявления компании Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Мы надеемся, что продукты Gigaset удовлетворяют вашим требованиям.
isztelt Vásárló!
A Siemens Home and Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC) törvényes jogutódja a Gigaset Communications GmbH, amely a Siemens AG Gigaset üzletágának utódja. Ebből következően a Siemens AG vagy az SHC felhasználói kézikönyveiben található bármely kijelentést a Gigaset Communications GmbH kijelentésének kell tekinteni.
Reméljük, megelégedéssel használja Gigaset készülékét.
Issued by Gigaset Communications GmbH Schlavenhorst 66, D-46395 Bocholt Gigaset Communications GmbH is a trademark
licensee of Siemens AG
© Gigaset Communications GmbH 2008 All rights reserved. Subject to availability. Rights of modifications
Issued by Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG Schlavenhorst 66 D-46395 Bocholt
© Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG 2006 All rights reserved. Subject to availability. Rights of modification reserved.

Handset at a glance

Handset at a glance
11 10
Gigaset SL75WLAN
20.06.06 09:45
1 Display in idle status 2 Battery charge level
= e V U (flat to full) = flashes: battery nearly flat/charging e V U flashes: battery charging
3 Display keys (page 29) 4 End call key, On/Off key
Switch on the handset, end call, cancel func­tion, go back one menu level (press briefly), back to idle status (press and hold), deacti­vate handset (press and hold in idle status)
5 Message key
Access to calls, Email and messenger/mes­sage lists. Flashes: new message or new call
6 Hash key
Keypad lock on/off (press and hold) For text input: toggle between upper/lower case and digits, activate/deactivate T9 predictive text (page 122)
7 Function keys
Start the assigned function (page 66)
8 Charging socket, connection socket for
headset/PC interface
9 Microphone
10 0 key
For number input: "+" is replaced automati­cally when dialling by the international access code, e.g. 00 for calls abroad (press and hold)
11 Star key
Ringtones on/off (press and hold), open table of special characters
12 Key 1
Call network mailbox (press and hold, page 31)
13 Handsfree key
Answer a call During a call: switch between earpiece and handsfree mode Lights up: handsfree activated Flashes: incoming call
14 Tal k ke y
Answer a call, open last number redial list (press briefly), start dialling for URI and IP
(press and hold), dial displayed number 15 Control key (page 29) 16 Signal strength
Ð i Ñ Ò (high to low)
| flashes: no reception
1 Camera lens 2 Loudspeaker with mirror


Handset at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Wireless use of
Gigaset SL75 WLAN – VoIP . . . . . . 6
Introduction: making calls
with VoIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
WLAN access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Access data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Security settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
IP addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
SIP account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
First Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Handset with Web configurator . . . . . 13
"PhoneBook Manager" PC software . . 14
Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Setting up the handset
for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Inserting the battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Placing the handset in the charging
cradle and charging the battery . . . . . 15
Connecting the handset
with the network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Checking the access point
requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Compiling the necessary access
data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Creating an access profile . . . . . . . . . 17
Menu trees . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Handset menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Web configurator menu . . . . . . . 24
Handset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Making calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Making an external call . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Ending a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Answering a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Calling internal subscribers . . . . . . . . . 26
Call duration display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Rejecting a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Calling line identification . . . . . . . . . . 27
Handsfree mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Muting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Operating the handset . . . . . . . 28
Switching the handset on/off . . . . . . . 28
Activating/deactivating the
keypad lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Control key on the handset . . . . . . . . . 29
Display keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Returning to idle status . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Menu guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Main menu (first menu level) . . . . . . . 30
Submenus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Correcting incorrect entries . . . . . . . . 30
Network services . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Network mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Call forwarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Activating/deactivating call waiting . . 32 Activating/deactivating explicit
call transfer (ECT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Enquiry call, toggling, conference . . . 32
Accepting/rejecting call waiting . . . . . 33
Transferring a call (ECT) . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Using the directory and lists . . 34
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Voice dialling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Last number redial list . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Opening lists with the message key . . 39
File manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Editing entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
My pictures, pictures, animations . . . . 42
Sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Using the integrated camera . . 44
Taking a photo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Changing the camera setup . . . . . . . . 44
Email messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Writing Email messages . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Sending Email messages . . . . . . . . . . 48
Receiving Email messages . . . . . . . . . 48
Email lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Deleting all Email lists . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Self-help with errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Messenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Establishing a connection,
going online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Changing/checking your
personal status, going offline . . . . . . 54
Opening the buddy list . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Receiving messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Writing and sending messages . . . . . 57
Self-help with errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Creating/managing access
profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Editing access profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Using the connection wizard . . . . . . . 59
Creating/editing an access profile without the
connection wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Overwriting an access profile . . . . . . . 61
Making/editing WLAN/provider
settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Managing access profiles . . . . . . . . . . 64
Handset settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Shortcuts for functions and
numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Setting the date and time . . . . . . . . . 67
Changing the display language . . . . . 67
Changing the name of the handset . . 68
Setting the display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Displaying a screen picture . . . . . . . . 68
Setting night mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Setting the timer for the display/
key backlight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Activating/deactivating "easy answer" 69 Adjusting the loudspeaker volume . . 69
Changing ringer tones . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Activating/deactivating advisory
tones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Setting the alarm clock . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Protecting against unauthorised
access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Checking the status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Web configurator . . . . . . 74
Configuring the handset
via your PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Starting the Web configurator . . . . . . 75
Structure of the Web pages . . . . . . . . 76
Using the Web configurator . . . 78
Web configurator login . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Setting the language . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Opening Web pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Closing the Web configurator . . . . . . . 79
Web configurator menu . . . . . . 79
Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Profile Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Admin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Securing the handset
with PINs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Handset settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Setting the audio parameters . . . . . . . 81
Setting the ringer tone volume
and melody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Setting the display features and
display language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Setting the camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Setting the date and time . . . . . . . . . . 84
Selecting the regulatory domain . . . . 85
Making Email settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Saving messenger access data . . . . . . 86
ringtones/pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Importing/exporting SIP provider files 87 Backing up/restoring the directory . . . 88
Making call settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Improving the quality of the
telephone connections . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Creating/managing access
profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Creating an access profile with
the profile wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Creating/editing the access
profile via the Admin menu . . . . . . . . 96
Activating/deleting access profiles . . 100
Using UPnP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Importing/deleting authentication certificates . . . 101
Resetting handset settings . . 102
Factory settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Deleting user data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Deleting user settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Backing up the handset
configuration in a PC file . . . . 103
Loading a new firmware
version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Rebooting the handset . . . . . . 104
Diagnostics –
Checking connections . . . . . . 104
PhoneBook Manager
(PC software) . . . . . . . . . 105
Installing the PhoneBook
Manager on your PC . . . . . . . . 106
System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Installing the software . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Uninstalling the software . . . . . . . . . 108
Using the PhoneBook
Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Starting PhoneBook Manager . . . . . 108
Interface elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Opening Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Registering the handset with the
PhoneBook Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Managing the directory . . . . . . . . . . 109
Configuring the PC control . . . . . . . . 109
Closing the PhoneBook Manager . . . 110
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Contact with liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Troubleshooting - FAQs . . . . . 111
Performance optimisation . . . 114
Service (Customer Care) . . . . . 116
Gigaset SL75 WLAN –
Free software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
General specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Notes on menu input . . . . . . . 119
Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Example of menu input . . . . . . . . . . 119
Example of multiple line input . . . . . 120
Writing and editing a
text message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Changing input mode and
activating/deactivating T9 . . . . . . . . 122
Editing text (without T9) . . . . . . . . . 123
Editing text (with T9) . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Order of directory entries . . . . . . . . . 125
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Safety precautions

Safety precautions
Read the safety precautions and the user guide before use. Explain their contents to your children, and the potential hazards associated with using the handset.
Use only with the supplied charging cradle and mains adapter.
Only use the recommended, rechargeable battery of the same type! I.e. do not use any other battery type or non-rechargeable batteries as this could result in significant health risks and personal injury.
Insert rechargeable batteries ensuring the correct polarity and use the battery in accord­ance with this user guide.
The operation of medical appliances may be affected. Be aware of the technical conditions in your particular environment, e.g. doctor's surgery.
Do not hold the rear of the handset to your ear when it is ringing or when the handsfree function is activated. Otherwise you risk serious and permanent damage to your hearing.
The handset may cause an unpleasant humming noise in hearing aids.
Do not use the handset in baths or shower rooms. The handset is not splash proof (page 111).
Switch off the handset when onboard an aircraft. Ensure that it cannot be switched on again accidentally.
Do not use the handset in environments exposed to explosion hazards, e.g. auto paint shops.
If you give your Gigaset to someone else, make sure you also give them the user guide.
All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities.
This crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on the product means the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC.
The correct disposal and separate collection of your old appliance will help prevent poten­tial negative consequences for the environment and human health. It is a precondition for reuse and recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment. For more detailed information about disposal of your old appliance, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
Not all functions described in this user guide are available in all countries or with all providers.
Wireless use of Gigaset SL75 WLAN – VoIP
Wireless use of Gigaset SL75 WLAN – VoIP
With the Gigaset SL75 WLAN VoIP hand­set, you are mobile. You can be reached anywhere under your personal number – at home, in the office or on the move – without having to switch on your PC (for requirements, see page 7).
To enable you to make calls easily and send and receive Emails via the Internet with a wireless connection (page 45), your handset offers you even more:
u You can save and manage the data for
Internet access at different locations in 16 access profiles. In this way, your handset makes it easier for you to change location frequently (page 59).
u You can use the connection wizard to
log your handset into an access point quickly and easily. The wizard is started at the press of a button (page 66).
u You can use your handset's Web config-
urator to make all settings easily via your PC's Web browser (page 74).
u Assign important numbers or functions
to the handset's number and function keys. The number is then dialled or the function started by pressing a key (page 66).
u You can save up to 200 directory
entries, each with several entries, e.g.
surname, first name, address, Email
address and up to 3 numbers
(page 34). You can create and manage
the directory with Outlook/Outlook
Express and transfer it to the handset
(page 105).
u You can save voice patterns for impor-
tant numbers in the directory – and
your handset dials when you speak the
appropriate command.
u You can designate important people as
VIPs so you can tell they are calling
from the ringer tone (page 34,
page 70).
u You can save anniversaries on your
handset, which will remind you of
them in advance (page 36).
u Use you handset's digital camera to
take photos and Email them.
u Go "online" and chat on the Internet
(page 53).
Have fun using your new VoIP handset!
Wireless use of Gigaset SL75 WLAN – VoIP
Introduction: making calls with VoIP
With VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), your calls are no longer made via a fixed connection as in the telephone network, but rather they are transmitted via the Internet in the form of data packets.
In order to establish connections to other subscribers, the handset uses the SIP standard (Session Initiation Protocol). SIP controls call setup and disconnection. The actual voice data is transmitted with RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol).
To be able to use VoIP, you need the fol­lowing:
u Access to a local, wireless network
(WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network) with a central structure (infrastructure WLAN), which supports WLAN stand­ard IEEE 802.11g or IEEE 802.11b and has a connection to the Internet. Access to the WLAN is enabled by access points (e.g. WLAN routers or public hotspots).
Requirements: – The access point does not require a
Web browser on the handset for login.
– The access point is in "keep alive"
status and is thus permanently online.
– You should have agreed a flat rate or
a volume-based tariff with your Internet service provider.
u Access to the services of a SIP or gate-
way provider. Open an account with a VoIP provider who supports the SIP standard (SIP provider).
With your handset, you can use all the advantages of VoIP:
u Via a broadband Internet access
(e.g. DSL), you can make cost-effective,
high-quality voice calls via the Internet
at a flat rate or volume-based price.
u Your SIP provider will give you a per-
sonal number or address with which
you can be reached worldwide from
the Internet, the fixed network and any
mobile communications network.
u You can use your handset to make calls
anywhere and you yourself can be
reached anywhere under your personal
number – at home, in the office, or
when on the move – without needing
to switch on your PC.
Saving configuration in access profiles
The settings that are required for login to different WLANs or under different SIP accounts can be saved on the handset in up to 16 access profiles. If you then wish to use your handset in the office instead of at home, you simply need to activate the appropriate access profile.
You can create and edit the access profiles directly on the handset (page 59) or on your PC via the Web configurator (page 90).
Below, there is a general description of the individual WLAN and SIP components that you must specify in an access profile.

WLAN access

1Modem 2 Access point (e.g. WLAN router) 3 PC with network adapter 4 WLAN handset
Figure 1 Infrastructure WLAN with central access point
WLAN access
You must log your handset into the WLAN access point. An access point controls WLAN access and data exchange in infra­structure WLANs.
The access point also forms the interface to other networks, e.g. to the Internet.
An access point can be, for example, a (WLAN) router that can be used privately or publicly. An access point can be at home, at a friend's house or in a public place.
You can use your handset to register with external access points/WLAN routers and use them to make calls. Costs will be incurred by the operator of the access point/WLAN router, which may be charged to you, the handset user. In such cases, the owner of the handset is responsible.
Access points when on the move: hotspots
A hotspot provides you with a publicly accessible access point with Internet access.
There are hotspots, for example, in restau­rants, hotels, railway stations and airports.
If you are connected to a hotspot, you can also be reached under your personal number while you are on the move. You can make calls and retrieve messages from your network mailbox (if available).
You can usually log your handset into any hotspot if the hotspot's access point sup­ports WLAN standard IEEE 802.11g or IEEE
802.11b and does not require a Web browser on the handset.
These are generally public hotspots. If you have to pay to use a hotspot, then it will usually require a Web browser for logging in. Therefore you cannot use your handset at such "pay" hotspots. Your handset does
WLAN access
not have a Web browser (not to be con­fused with the handset's Web-based con­figuration option via the integrated Web pages).

Access data

To connect your handset to the WLAN, you will need the following:
u The network name (SSID). This must be
the same for all subscribers in the WLAN.
u An IP address for your handset so that it
can be addressed in the WLAN.
u The security settings required for
access to the WLAN and for data exchange (authentication and encryp­tion).
u If access to the access point is restricted
by entered MAC addresses, see page 16.
The WLAN settings of the handset must match the settings of the access point.

Security settings

You should protect your WLAN against unau­thorised access! To do this, set up authentication and/or encryption in the access point.
Often, access to the WLAN, and the data traffic within the WLAN are protected against unauthorised access.
The security settings for authentication and data encryption are specified cen­trally in the access point and apply for all WLAN subscribers.
All WLAN subscribers must therefore use the same protocols, passwords or keys for authentication and encryption (or none at all).
Before your handset can log into a WLAN, you must save the protocol used and the password or key in your access profile.
Your handset supports:
u security protocol 802.1x for authenti-
u encryption systems WEP, WPA PSK and
Authentication with 802.1x
The 802.1x standard uses the EAP security protocol (Extensible Authentication Proto- col).
Your handset supports EAP with the two security distributions LEAP and TLS.
You must specify the following parame­ters for LEAP or TLS:
EAP Type Parameter LEAP Login Name
TLS Login Name
Password Certificate
u Login: user name in the WLAN u Password: your ID in the WLAN
With TLS, a certificate is required for login to the WLAN. The content and scope of the certificate are specified in the access point. A certificate is a file that contains all required information to identify the user.
Certificates must be managed centrally in the WLAN. You must save the certificate for your handset in the handset. To do this, use the Web configurator Web inter­face (page 101).
Encryption with WEP
WEP (Wired-Equivalent Privacy) is the standard encryption for WLAN networks.
The WEP key can be 64 or 128 bits long:
u WEP 64: key with 5 ASCII characters or
10 hexadecimal characters
u WEP128: key with 13 ASCII characters or
26 hexadecimal characters If data encryption with WEP 64 / WEP128 is
used in the WLAN, you must save the fol­lowing parameters in the access profile:
WLAN access
Parameter Selection / input Password mode HEX
ASCII WEP Key Key, see below Authenticat. mode Shared Key
Open System
u Password mode: key coding
– Hexadecimal: 0–9 and A–F – ASCII: 0–9, a–z and A–Z (case-sensi-
Depending on the access point, the key may also contain special characters.
u WEP Key (key): character string with
which the data is encrypted. The key must be known to the access point.
u Authentication mode
– Shared Key: to login, the handset
must show the WEP key. In this mode, WEP is also used for authenti­cation.
– Open System: all WEP clients are
enabled. There is no authentication.
If the standard 802.1x with EAP type LEAP is used for authentication, it is not necessary to enter a Web key.
Encryption with WPA PSK
Requirement: All network subscribers support the WPA standard.
WPA PSK is a version of WPA. New keys are created in regular intervals using a key word (Pre-Shared Key).
If data encryption with WPA PSK TKIP is used in the WLAN, you must save the fol­lowing parameters in the access profile:
Parameter Selection / input Password mode HEX
Pre-Shared Key Key, see below
u Pre-Shared Key: Character string of 8 to
63 ASCII characters (case-sensitive).
Data is encrypted using the Pre-Shared Key. The Pre-Shared Key is the same for all subscribers in a WLAN.
Authentication and encryption with WPA
Requirement: All network subscribers support the WPA standard.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) uses more complex procedures for key generation than WEP and is therefore more secure.
The key the handset must produce during registration is only used for establishing the connection. Each user has their own key.
WPA requires authentication with security standard 802.1x (page 9).
WPA uses the following parameters:
WPA Parameter Security TKIP EAP Type LEAP
u Security: procedure for key generation u EAP Type: security distribution (page 9)

IP addresses

The subscribers to a network are identified by their IP address.
The IP address consists of 4 parts (decimal numbers between 0 and 255). The indi­vidual parts are separated from each other by dots (e. g.
You can have the assignment of IP addresses managed automatically by DHCP (recommended) or can specify the IP address of the handset manually.
The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Internet protocol ensures auto­matic assignment of IP addresses. For management via DHCP, you require a DHCP server in the WLAN, e.g. in the WLAN router. Most WLAN routers support this setting.

SIP account

Enabling the handset's DHCP client: dynamic IP address
The handset is assigned a free IP address each time it accesses the WLAN. The IP address is not statically connected to the handset. The IP address can change with each access and during a connection. The same IP address can be assigned to differ­ent WLAN subscribers in succession.
The DHCP client is enabled by default.
You can check the current IP address of the handset (page 73).
Disabling the handset's DHCP client: defining the IP address manually
You can disable DHCP and define the handset's IP address manually.
You must make the following settings in the access point and handset if you disable the DHCP client.
u IP address: when you specify the
IP address of the handset, you should use an address from the address block that is reserved for private use. This is generally the range – If you use the default subnet mask (see
below) the first three parts of the static IP address must be the same for all sub­scribers in your WLAN.
u Subnet mask: To find out which values
you can use, see the user guide for the access point (default:
u Gateway: IP address of the gateway via
which the WLAN is connected with the Internet (e.g. your router). Specify the local IP address within the WLAN.
SIP account
To be able to use VoIP on the basis of SIP, you need a SIP provider. A SIP or gateway provider is a provider in the Internet, who establishes the connection to the person you are calling. As the handset works with the SIP standard, your provider must sup­port the SIP standard.
VoIP connections to the telephone net­work are realized by a gateway.
The SIP provider provides you with a gate­way for Internet telephony: the SIP pro­vider forwards calls from VoIP to the tele­phone network (analogue, ISDN and mobile) and vice versa. Via a SIP or gate­way provider in the Internet, you can reach subscribers in the telephone net­work and can be reached from the tele­phone network.
To be able to use your SIP provider's serv­ices, you must register with the provider. To do this, you must open a so-called account. The SIP provider can address you via the account.
All information required for the SIP settings can be obtained from your SIP provider.
Standard SIP settings
For access to the SIP service, the settings of different SIP providers may be preset in your handset. They contain your SIP provi­der's general access data, e.g. the SIP proxy server address.
The SIP proxy server is the central exchange for VoIP. The SIP proxy server performs similar tasks to a standard PABX. Its address comprises the following:
u IP address of the SIP proxy server. Alter-
natively, you can also specify the domain name of the server.
u Communication port of the SIP proxy
server (Standard: 5060)
SIP account
You can set up additional SIP providers via the Web configurator (page 95).
You must enter your personal SIP access data (e.g. your SIP account) and save it on the handset.
This information is already set by default for the saved providers.
Your access data for the SIP account is:
u Your user name for the SIP provider.
The name is usually the same as your telephone number.
u Your password for the SIP provider
In addition, you can specify a name which is to be displayed to the other party instead of the telephone number.
Further information is not usually neces­sary for basic operation of the handset.
Additional SIP settings
You can make additional SIP settings via the Web configurator.
Only make these additional SIP settings if you have the relevant information from your SIP provider.
Your handset is not adapted to all existing SIP providers or SIP servers. It is therefore possible that the handset cannot access the SIP services of certain SIP providers. In this case, please select a different SIP provider. Please also refer to our website at to see if your provider is indeed supported and you have simply made an input error.
First Steps




The pack contains:
u one Gigaset SL75 WLAN handset, u one charging cradle with mains
u one battery, u one battery compartment cover, u one CD-ROM with the detailed user
guide (in PDF format), PC software, Adobe® Reader®, current firmware if applicable,
u one quick guide.
Please note:
u Never expose the handset to the fol-
lowing influences: heat sources, direct sunlight, other electrical appliances.
u Protect your Gigaset from moisture,
dust, corrosive liquids and vapours.
u The charging cradle is designed to be
operated in enclosed, dry areas at tem­peratures ranging from +5 °C to +40 °C.

What you need in addition to your handset to use VoIP

u A WLAN router with a connection to the
u An Internet access (broadband with a
bandwidth of at least 128 kBit/s down­stream and upstream, e.g. DSL)
So that you can always be reached at home and in the office, your Internet connection should be uninterrupted. For cost reasons, a flat rate or volume­based tariff is recommended.


u Up to 100 m in the open u Up to 30 m indoors
Please note:
u Especially indoors, the range greatly
depends on the environment (e.g. wooden house or reinforced concrete house).
u The range depends on the properties of
the access point.
You can set an advisory tone to advise you when the network signal is very weak (page 71).

Handset with Web configurator

You can make all the necessary settings directly on the handset (page 59) or also on your PC via the Web configurator (page 74).
With the Web configurator, your handset provides you with an interface across which you can make all settings from your PC. Requirements are a Web browser on the PC and an existing wireless connection between the PC and handset.

Setting up the handset for use

"PhoneBook Manager" PC software

The PhoneBook Manager for your PC is contained on the CD provided.
The PhoneBook Manager offers the fol­lowing options:
u You can transfer contacts from the
directory on your PC to the handset. You can save yourself from repeated typing if you manage a central address book, e.g. in Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Outlook 2002 or Outlook Express (Windows Address Book) from Internet Explorer Version 6.01.
u You can operate PC applications (e.g.
Windows Media Player) remotely using your handset.



u Quick guide (printed) u Detailed guide (in PDF format on the
enclosed product CD) You will need Adobe® Reader® to view
these documents. You can find Adobe® Reader® on the CD or on the Internet under

Web configurator

u Online Help for the Web configurator u For detailed instructions on how to use
the Web configurator, see the detailed user guide.

PhoneBook Manager

u Installation instructions (page 105) u Online Help for the PhoneBook
u Description of the PhoneBook Manager
in PDF format on the CD provided


Microsoft, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Internet Explorer, Outlook and Outlook Express are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Firefox is a registered trademark of Mozilla Organisation.
Adobe® Reader® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Setting up the handset for use
The display is protected by a plastic film. Please remove the protective film.

Inserting the battery

Only use the rechargeable batteries recom­mended by Siemens! This means that you should under no circumstances use any other battery type as this could result in significant health risks and personal injury. For example, the outer casing of the battery could be destroyed or the battery could explode. The phone could also malfunction or be damaged as a result of using batteries that are not of the recommended type.
Before inserting the battery, make a note of your handset's MAC address. This is located in the battery compartment and is concealed after the battery is inserted.
If your WLAN is protected by a MAC access list, you need the MAC address to log the handset into the access point.
¤ Insert the battery so that the contacts
touch those in the battery compart­ment.
¤ Press gently on the battery until it clicks
into place.
To remove the battery, gently press the snap fitting inwards and lift up the bat­tery.
Closing the battery compartment cover
¤ Hold the battery cover at a slight angle
and introduce the two lower lugs into the casing. Then push the cover towards the camera until it closes with a click.
Opening the battery compartment cover
¤ Hold the device with the keypad facing
your palm.
¤ Place the thumb of the other hand on
the mirror near the loudspeaker (a) and with the index finger of the same hand press the groove at the top of the handset (b).
Setting up the handset for use
¤ Lift the cover.

Placing the handset in the charging cradle and charging the battery

¤ Plug the charging cradle mains adapter
into a mains power socket.
¤ Place the handset in the charger with
the display facing forward.
¤ Leave the handset in the charging cra-
dle to charge the battery.
Battery charging is indicated in the top right of the display by changes in the level indicator on the battery icon e, V or U.
During handset operation, the battery icon indicates the charge level of the bat­teries (page 1).
The handset may only be placed in the desig­nated charging cradle.

Connecting the handset with the network

First battery charge and discharge

The correct charge status can only be dis­played if the battery is first fully charged and discharged through use.
¤ To do this, leave the handset in the
charging cradle without interruption until the battery icon stops flashing in the display (approx. 6hours). Your handset need not be switched on for it to charge.
¤ Remove the handset from the cradle
and do not put it back until the battery is completely discharged.
After the first battery charge and discharge, you may replace your handset in the charging cradle after every call.
Please note:
u Always repeat the charge and dis-
charge process if you remove the bat­tery from the handset and insert it again.
u The battery may heat up during charg-
ing. This is not dangerous.
u After a time, the charge capacity of the
battery will decrease for technical rea­sons.

Charging procedure

Please note the following when charging the handset:
u Place the deactivated handset in the
charging cradle – the handset switches to charging mode (the charge icon appears in the display). The handset remains deactivated. This also applies if the handset has switched off automat­ically (empty battery).
u You can activate the handset while it
is charging if you wish to remain con­tactable (press the a end call key). Exception: if the battery is completely discharged before being placed in the charger (the handset has not been used for a long period, e.g. while you were
on holiday), it may be some time before the handset can be activated while being charged (it needs to build up a minimum charging capacity first). Leave the handset in the charging cra­dle for a while and then try to activate it again.
u Uninterrupted, successful charging
can only be guaranteed if you do not switch off the handset in the charg­ing cradle.
Your handset is now ready for operation!
¤ Connect the handset to the network
(page 16).
¤ If necessary, set the date and time
(page 67).
To ensure your Gigaset is always completely up to date,
you can download updates of the handset firmware from the Internet, save them on your PC and load them onto the handset using the Web configurator (page 103).
Connecting the handset with the network
To be able to make calls with your hand­set, you must connect it to the access point/WLAN router and set up an SIP serv­ice (or SIP server). To do this, you must save the necessary access data in an access profile.

Checking the access point requirements

Before you log the handset into the WLAN, you should check the following:
u If access restriction through entered
MAC addresses is activated for the access point, you must record the handset's MAC address in the access list before logging the handset in.
Connecting the handset with the network
u If a "hidden" SSID is configured for the
access point, deactivate this setting to simplify handset login.
u If the access point uses authentication
by certificate for WLAN access (page 9), you must deactivate authen­tication at the access point. Only once the handset is logged in can you load the certificate onto the handset and reactivate authentication.
You can find your handset's MAC address in the battery compartment under the battery, or it can be called up via
v ¢ Ð ¢ Status.

Compiling the necessary access data

To access the WLAN:
u Network name (SSID), u Data for authentication and the
encryption procedure used for a "secure" WLAN (page 62),
u A free IP address from the WLAN's
address block, if the handset is to be assigned a fixed IP address (i.e. DHCP is not used page 10).
To access the SIP service:
u Your SIP account, i.e. your user name
and password.
For some SIP providers you must also specify an authentication name on regis­tration.
You can obtain this access data from your SIP provider.

Creating an access profile

The procedure below requires that the handset is not yet registered in a WLAN and that no access profile has been saved.
¤ Press the end call key a to activate
the handset.
¤ Press the left-hand display key §Scan§.
The handset searches for accessible access points.
A list is displayed with the SSIDs of the access points found (provided the access point has switched the SSID to visible). You can scroll through the list with the control key (press down or up).
¤ Select the SSID for your access point
and press
If the SSID for your access point is "hidden", select <Manual Config.> and enter the SSID.
You will see the following display:
1 Default name of the profile
Entering a profile name (optional)
Select a descriptive profile name from which you can recognise the WLAN and SIP settings for which the profile is valid, e.g. "Anna_Office". This will make it easier to select a profile later.
Profile 1
Profile name: Profile 1 ¼ WLAN: MyWLAN
W x §Save
Your SIP provider may use different terminol­ogy. Please refer to the Siemens website list of alternative terms used.
for a
~ Enter any profile name (max.
32 characters, umlauts must not be used).
Connecting the handset with the network
Making WLAN settings
q Scroll to the WLAN line (press
down on the control key).
§Edit§ Press the left display key.
You will see the following display:
WLAN abc
SSID: MyWLAN¼ Authentication: None
§Edit§ V ¨
q Scroll to the Authentication line
(press down on the control key).
r Select the authentication pro-
cedure None, 802.1x or WPA used in your WLAN (press left or right on the control key).
If you have selected 802.1x or WPA
, fields
appear in which you can make the neces­sary settings (login name, password etc.).
¤ Enter the authentication data for your
WLAN (page 62). Press up/down on the control key to switch between the fields.
q Scroll to the Encryption Type
line (press down on the con­trol key).
r Select the encryption proce-
du re us ed in yo ur WL AN (pre ss left or right on the control key).
If you have selected WEP 64, WEP128
WPA PSK TKIP, fields appear in which you
can make the necessary settings (pass­word mode, key etc.).
¤ Enter the key etc. used in your WLAN
(page 62). Press up/down on the con­trol key to switch between the fields.
q Scroll to the DHCP line (press
down on the control key).
r Activate or deactivate DHCP
(press left or right on the con­trol key).
If DHCP is activated, the handset's IP address is automatically assigned by the DHCP server of your WL AN. A DHCP ser ver must be activated in the WLAN (e.g. in the access point/router).
If you have deactivated DHCP, fields appear in which you can insert the IP address of your handset, the subnet mask and IP address of the gateway (generally the IP address of the access point in the WLAN) (page 62).
This completes the WLAN settings.
§Save§ Press the right display key to
save the WLAN settings.
If your settings are incomplete, Invalid entry! is displayed. The incomplete field is displayed on the screen.
If your WLAN settings are complete, you will see the following display:
Profile 1
WLAN: MyWLAN Provider: No provider
§Edit§ U ¨
1 SSID of the WLAN router
Making SIP settings
q Scroll to the Provider line.
§Edit§ Press the left display key.
A list is displayed with the providers for which the general access data has already been saved on the handset.
q Select provider and press
e.g. Provider 1.
§Edit§ Press the left display key.
If your provider is not in the list, briefly press the end call key a. You must then make the SIP settings via the Web configurator. To find out how to do this, please read page 20.
Connecting the handset with the network
You will see the following display:
Provider 1
Displayed Name: Anna¼ Authent. Name:
W V §Save§
Enter your personal SIP access data. s Scroll to the Displayed Name
~ Enter any name (max. 32 char-
acters) to be displayed to the other party.
s Scroll to the Authent. Name line. ~ If necessary, enter the user
password that has also been agreed with the SIP provider.
s Scroll to the Authent. Password
~ Enter password. s Scroll to the User Name line. ~ Enter user ID.
§Save§ Press the display key to save
the SIP access data. The pro­vider list is shown on the dis­play.
a Briefly press the end call key.
Saving settings in the access profile
v Open menu.
Save Settings
Select and press
The access profile is saved.
To activate the settings, the handset must be rebooted. reboot now? is displayed on the screen.
¤ Press §Yes§ (left display key).
After being rebooted, the handset first establishes a connection to the WLAN. As soon as it is connected to the WLAN, you will hear a confirmation tone.
The handset then tries to connect to the SIP server and register itself. This may take some time.
If the handset was able to register success­fully, you will see the following display:
Gigaset SL75WLAN
You can now make calls with your handset (page 26).
If the handset was not able to register due to incomplete/incorrect entries, you will see the following message: – No Access Point: It was not possible to estab-
lish a connection to the WLAN. Check your WLAN settings (page 59). To find out how to do this, please also read page 111.
No Server: The handset was not able to reg-
ister with the SIP server. Either the general access data is missing (page 20) or you have entered invalid personal access data (page 59).
If the profile that you want to save is incom­plete (e.g. because you could not enter any SIP access data):
¥ Press display key §Yes§ to save an incomplete
access profile (e.g. only the WLAN set­tings).
¥ Press display key §No§ to complete the set-
¥ Complete the settings.
Connecting the handset with the network

Recording general SIP access data

If your SIP provider is not included in the provider list (page 18), you have the fol­lowing options:
u Download a configuration file with the
general SIP access data onto your PC from the Internet.
You can find additional SIP provider files on the Siemens website at­care. Please only use files from this website. They have been tested, i.e. the access data is complete and correct for the respective SIP provider.
You can import this file onto your hand­set using the Web configurator (page 87). The provider is copied into the list of providers.
You can then complete the SIP settings either on your handset (page 59) or on your PC using the Web configurator (page 94).
u If there is no configuration file for your
SIP provider, you must enter all the SIP access data manually via the Web con­figurator - your personal data and the general data (page 95). For more infor­mation on how to do this, please also refer to the Web configurator Help.
– You can edit/change the WLAN/SIP settings
saved in the access profile at any time. You can make these changes directly on the handset (page 61) or on your PC (page 90).
– To register with different access points and/
or with other SIP accounts, you can create up to 16 different access profiles, save them on the handset and activate them as required (page 64, page 90).
– To find out how to register with the Web
configurator, see page 75.
– You can find out the IP address of the hand-
set via v
¢ Ð ¢ Status.

Handset menu

Menu trees
Handset menu
Instead of scrolling to locate a menu function, you can select a menu function faster by opening the menu and keying in the digit combination ("Shortcut").
Example: v I25 for "Set ringtone for the alarm clock".
¤ With the telephone in idle status, press v (open menu):
1 Select Services æ
1-1 Call Forwarding page 31 1-2 Call Waiting page 32 1-4 Network Mailbox page 31 1-6 Transfer (ECT) page 33
2 Camera
3 Audio
3-1 Handset Volume page 69 3-2 Ringer Settings 3-2-1 For Ext. Calls page 70
3-3 Advisory Tones page 71 3-4 Vibration Alert page 70
4 Add. Features
4-1 Alarm Clock page 71
ë (Search mode is activated) page 44
3-2-2 VIP Calls 3-2-3 Anniversary 3-2-4 For Alarm Clock
Handset menu
5 Messages î
5-1 Messenger 5-1-1 Buddies page 55
5-1-2 User Account 5-1-2-1 Change Status page 54
5-1-2-2 User Info
5-1-3 Messages page 56
5-2 E-Mail 5-2-1 New E-Mail page 46
5-2-2 Receive E-Mail page 48 5-2-3 Inbox page 48 5-2-4 Draft page 49 5-2-5 Sent page 49 5-2-6 Unsent page 49 5-2-7 Settings 5-2-7-1 User page 45
5-2-7-2 Server page 45 5-2-7-3 Security page 46
5-2-8 Delete all E-Mails page 51
6 Directory
7 Connect. Wizard
8 Resource Dir.
8-1 MyPictures page 42 8-2 Images page 42 8-3 Animations page 42 8-4 Sounds page 43 8-5 Capacity page 43
Ì (The directory is opened) page 34
å page 59
Handset menu
9 Settings Ð
9-1 Display 9-1-1 Screen Picture page 68
9-1-2 Colour Scheme 9-1-2-1 Black-White page 68
9-1-2-2 Blue 9-1-2-3 Brown 9-1-2-4 Ochre
9-1-3 Contrast page 68 9-1-4 Brightness page 68 9-1-5 Night Mode page 69 9-1-6 Backlight Switch page 69 9-1-7 Language page 67
9-2 Status page 73 9-3 Date/Time page 67 9-4 Easy Answer page 69 9-5 Calls List Type 9-5-1 Missed Calls page 40
9-5-2 All Calls
9-6 Change HS PIN page 72 9-7 Network Config. 9-7-1 Handset Name page 68
9-7-2 Access Profiles page 60

Web configurator menu

Web configurator menu
Status Handset page 79
File System page 80
Profile Wizard Profile Name page 91
IP Addresses page 92 WLAN page 92 WLAN Security page 93 SIP page 94 Finish page 96
User Profile Selection page 100
Handset PIN page 80 Handset Settings Audio page 81
Ringer Tones page 82 Display page 83
Call Settings page 88 Email Settings Incoming Email page 85
Outgoing Email page 85 Advanced Settings page 85
Messenger settings page 86 Camera Settings page 84 Transfer Ringer Tones page 86
Pictures page 86 SIP-Provider page 87 Directory page 88
Logout page 79
Web configurator menu
Admin Network Profile Selection for New or Edit:page96
Profile Name page 97 IP Addresses page 97 IP Routing page 97 WLAN page 98 WLAN Security page 98 SIP page 99 SIP advanced page 99
UPnP page 101
Audio Settings page 89 Quality of Service page 90 System Settings Handset PIN page 80
Reset User Data page 102 Admin PIN page 80 Time and Date page 84 Regulatory Domain page 85 Backup and Restore page 103 Handset Restart page 104
Factor y Reset page 102 Certificates page 101 Firmware Update page 103 Diagnostics page 104 Logout page 79

Making calls

Making calls

Making an external call

External calls are calls via the Internet to other VoIP subscribers and to the fixed network and mobile phone network.
Dialling a telephone number
~c Enter number (maximum
32 characters) and press the talk key.
Dialling a URI (SIP address) or IP address
c Press and hold the talk key.
<URI> / <IP Address>
Select and press
~ Enter URI or IP address
(page 123).
c Press talk key.
– You can cancel the dialling operation with
the end call key a.
– You can copy the entered number / URI /
IP address to the directory using the display key Ó. For more information see page 36.
– Dialling with the directory (page 35), inter-
nal list (page 26) or last number redial list (page 39) saves repeated input of num­bers.
– For quick dial, you can assign a number
from the directory to a number key (page 66).

Ending a call

a Press the end call key.

Answering a call

The handset indicates an incoming call in three ways: by ringing, by a display on the screen, and by the flashing handsfree key d.
– Setting the ringer tone melody see
page 70, page 82.
– If the ringer tone is intrusive, press the dis-
play key §Silence§. You can take the call as long as it is displayed on the screen.
You can answer the call by:
¤ Pressing the talk key c. ¤ Pressing the handsfree key d.
If the handset is in the charging cradle and the Easy Answer function is activated (page 69), the handset will take a call automatically when you lift it out of the cradle.

Calling internal subscribers

You can call other VoIP-enabled handsets in the same WLAN directly (without SIP server or Internet).
u Press the control key. The handset searches your WLAN for
handsets and displays these in a list after a short time. The handset names are dis­played in the order in which they were found during the network search.
If no handset is found in the WLAN, your handset returns to idle status.
– You can view this list if your handset is in
idle status, pre-dialling, or if a call is in progress.
– Internal calls are signalled with the ringer
tone for external calls (page 70).
Making calls
Call handset
s c Select handset from the list
and press the talk key.
Ending a call
a Press the end call key.

Call duration display

During calls, the call duration (hours, min­utes, seconds) is displayed automatically.
For toggling (page 33) and for a conference (page 33), the duration of the total call is dis­played.

Rejecting a call

Requirement: An incoming call is being signalled.
a Press the end call key. The caller will hear the busy tone.

Calling line identification

When a call is received, the number (e.g. IP address, URI) of the caller is shown in the display.
For calls from the fixed network, the caller can withhold calling line identification or not request it. In this case the number is not displayed.

Call display

The caller's number (e.g. IP address, URI) is displayed.
If the caller has arranged for their SIP pro­vider to transmit their name (page 64), this name is displayed instead of the number.
If the caller's number is saved in your directory or in the internal list, the name of the directory entry/from the internal list is displayed.
§Reject§ §Silence
1 Ringtone icon 2 Number (e.g. IP address, URI)/received
name of the caller/name of the caller from your directory or the internal list

Handsfree mode

In handsfree mode, instead of holding the handset to your ear you can put it down, e.g. on the table in front of you to allow others to participate in the call.

Activating/deactivating handsfree operation

¤ You should inform your caller before
you use the handsfree function so that they know someone else is listening.
Activating while dialling
¤ After entering the number, press the
handsfree key d.
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