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C515C User’s Manual
Revision History :10.97
Previous Releases :06.96 (Original Version)
General Information
Page (new
generalC515C-8E OTP version included (new chapter 10)
C515C AC/DC characteristics are now in chapter 11
Description of the new features of the C515C-8E; figure 1-1 modified
Ports 1 to 5 and 7 descriptions are corrected to quasi-bidirectional
Figure 2-1 modified for C515C-8E
Section 3.1 : C515C-8E version included
Description of SYSCON : bit CSWO and C515C-8E reset value added
Description of PCON1 : bit WS and C515C-8E reset value added
Reset value of P4 and table entry for bit P7.0 (INT7) corrected;
Version registers for C515C-8E added
Figure 4-1 and 4-2 corrected
3rd paragraph of chapter 4.1.3 removed
Chapter 4.7 “ROM Protection...“ enhanced for OTP verification
Figure 4-5 corrected
Figure 4-5 : OTP version reference added
Figure 6-4 and text : delay part corrected
Figures 6-7 and 6-8 : delay part corrected
Figure 6-14 corrected
Figure 6-22 and 6-26 : figure content exchanged
6.4.3.: first paragraph, divider range corrected
Baudrate selection bits corrected
multiple formulas corrected
last paragraph added
Chapter 6.5.8 (CAN switch-off capability) added
Figure 7-1 : bit address for bit RXIE added
Adding P4.7/RXDC wake-up capability to the description
Figure 9-1 corrected
Additional text in last paragraph before 9.5
Note below figure 9-5 added
New chapter : describes OTP programming of the C515C-8E
Minimum value for ambient temperature under bias corrected to –40˚C
Improved and extended Icc specification
and ALE are activated every three (and not six) osc. periods
Semiconductor Group
C515C User’s Manual
Revision History (cont’d) :10.97
The C515C is an enhanced, upgraded version of the SAB 80C515A 8-bit microcontroller which
additionally provides a full CAN interface, a SPI compatible synchronous serial interface, extended
power save provisions, additional on-chip RAM, 64K byte of on-chip program memory, two new
external interrupts and RFI related improvements. With a maximum external clock rate of 10 MHz
it achieves a 600 ns instruction cycle time (1
The C515C-8R contains a non-volatile 64k byte read-only program memory. The C515C-L is
identical to the C515C-8R, except that it lacks the on-chip program memory The C515C-8E is the
OTP version in the C515C microcontroller with a 64k byte one-time programmable (OTP) program
memory. With the C515C-8E fast programming cycles are achieved (1 byte in 100
several levels of OTP memory protection can be selected. If compared to the C515C-8R and
C515C-L, the C515C-8E OTP version additionally provides two features :
s at 6 MHz).
sec). Also
– the wake-up from software power down mode can, additionally to the external pin P3.2/INT0
wake-up capability, also be triggered alternatively by a second pin P4.7/RXDC.
– for power consumption reasons the on-chip CAN controller can be switched off
The term C515C refers to all versions within this documentation unless otherwise noted.
Figure 1-1 shows the different functional units of the C515C and figure 1-2 shows the simplified
logic symbol of the C515C.
Save Modes
Idle /
Power down
Slow down
On-Chip Emulation Support Module
10-bit ADC
(8 inputs)
Timer 2
Port 4Port 5Port 6Port 7
2K × 8
8 Datapointer
Program Memory
C515C-8R : 64k x 8 ROM
C515C-8E : 64k x 8 OTP
256 × 8
Port 0
Port 1
Port 2
Port 3
Analog /
Figure 1-1
C515C Functional Units
Semiconductor Group1-11997-10-01
Listed below is a summary of the main features of the C515C:
Full upward compatibility with SAB 80C515A
On-chip program memory (with optional memory protection)
– C515C-8R : 64k byte on-chip ROM
– C515C-8E : 64k byte on-chip OTP
– alternatively up to 64k byte external program memory
64k byte on-chip ROM (external program execution is possible)
256 byte on-chip RAM
2K byte on-chip XRAM
Up to 64K byte external data memory
Superset of the 8051 architecture with 8 datapointers
Up to 10 MHz external operating frequency
– without clock prescaler (1
On-chip emulation support logic (Enhanced Hooks Technology
Current optimized oscillator circuit
Eight ports: 48 + 1 digital I/O lines, 8 analog inputs
– Quasi-bidirectional port structure (8051 compatible)
– Port 5 selectable for bidirectional port structure (CMOS voltage levels)
Three 16-bit timer/counters
– Timer 2 can be used for compare/capture functions
10-bit A/D converter with multiplexed inputs and Built-in self calibration
Full duplex serial interface with programmable baudrate generator (USART)
SSC synchronous serial interface (SPI compatible)
– Master and slave capable
– Programmable clock polarity / clock-edge to data phase relation
– LSB/MSB first selectable
– 1.25 MHz transfer rate at 10 MHz operating frequency
Full-CAN Module
– 256 register/data bytes are located in external data memory area
– max.1 MBaud at 10 MHz operating frequency
Seventeen interrupt vectors, at four priority levels selectable
– Slow-down mode
– Idle mode (can be combined with slow-down mode)
– Software power-down mode with wake-up capability through INT0
– Hardware power-down mode
CPU running condition output pin
ALE can be switched off
Multiple separate VCC/VSS pin pairs
P-MQFP-80 package
Temperature Ranges:SAB-C515C
s instruction cycle time at 6 MHz external clock)
= 0 to 70 ° C
= - 40 to 85 ° C
= - 40 to 110 ° C
or RXDC pin
Semiconductor Group1-21997-10-01
Figure 1-2
Logic Symbol
Semiconductor Group1-31997-10-01
1.1Pin Configuration
This section describes the pin configuration of the C515C in the P-MQFP-80 package.
Figure 1-3
Pin Configuration (top view)
Semiconductor Group1-41997-10-01
1.2Pin Definitions and Functions
This section describes all external signals of the C515C with its function.
Table 1-1
Pin Definitions and Functions
SymbolPin NumberI/O*
P4.0-P4.772-74, 76-80
I/OPort 4
is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up
resistors. Port 4 pins that have 1’s written to them are
pulled high by the internal pull-up resistors, and in that
state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 4 pins being
externally pulled low will source current (I
characteristics) because of the internal pull-up resistors.
P4 also contains the external A/D converter control pin,
the SSC pins, the CAN controller input/output lines, and
the external interrupt 8 input. The output latch
corresponding to a secondary function must be
programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate.
The alternate functions are assigned to port 4 as follows:
P4.0ADSTExternal A/D converter start pin
P4.1SCLKSSC Master Clock Output /
P4.2SRISSC Receive Input
P4.3STOSSC Transmit Output
P4.4SLSSlave Select Input
P4.5INT8External interrupt 8 input
P4.6TXDCTransmitter output of the CAN controller
P4.7RXDCReceiver input of the CAN controller
A low level on this pin allows the software to enter the
power down, idle and slow down mode. In case the low
level is also seen during reset, the watchdog timer
function is off on default.
Use of the software controlled power saving modes is
blocked, when this pin is held on high level. A high level
during reset performs an automatic start of the watchdog
timer immediately after reset. When left unconnected this
pin is pulled high by a weak internal pull-up resistor.
A low level on this pin for the duration of two machine
cycles while the oscillator is running resets the C515C. A
small internal pullup resistor permits power-on reset
using only a capacitor connected to VSS.
*) I = Input
O = Output
Semiconductor Group1-51997-10-01
Table 1-1
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
SymbolPin NumberI/O*)Function
VAREF3–Reference voltage for the A/D converter
VAGND4–Reference ground for the A/D converter
P6.7-P6.05-12IPort 6
is an 8-bit unidirectional input port to the A/D converter.
Port pins can be used for digital input, if voltage levels
simultaneously meet the specifications high/low input
voltages and for the eight multiplexed analog inputs.
I/OPort 3
is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pullup
resistors. Port 3 pins that have 1's written to them are
pulled high by the internal pullup resistors, and in that
state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 3 pins being
externally pulled low will source current (I
characteristics) because of the internal pullup resistors.
Port 3 also contains the interrupt, timer, serial port and
external memory strobe pins that are used by various
options. The output latch corresponding to a secondary
function must be programmed to a one (1) for that
function to operate. The secondary functions are
assigned to the pins of port 3, as follows:
P3.0RXDReceiver data input (asynch.) or
P3.1TXDTransmitter data output (asynch.) or
P3.3INT1External interrupt 1 input / timer 1
P3.4T0Timer 0 counter input
P3.5T1Timer 1 counter input
P3.6WRWR control output; latches the data
P3.7RDRD control output; enables the
, in the DC
data input/output (synch.) of serial
clock output (synch.) of serial
External interrupt 0 input / timer 0
gate control input
gate control input
byte from port 0 into the external
data memory
external data memory
*) I = Input
O = Output
Semiconductor Group1-61997-10-01
Table 1-1
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
SymbolPin NumberI/O*)Function
P7.023I/OPort 7
is an 1-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up
resistor. When a 1 is written to P7.0 it is pulled high by an
internal pull-up resistor, and in that state can be used as
input. As input, P7.0 being externally pulled low will
source current (I IL, in the DC characteristics) because of
the internal pull-up resistor. If P7.0 is used as interrupt
input, its output latch must be programmed to a one (1).
The secondary function is assigned to the port 7 pin as
P7.0INT7 Interrupt 7 input
P1.0 - P1.731-24
I/OPort 1
is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pullup
resistors. Port 1 pins that have 1's written to them are
pulled high by the internal pullup resistors, and in that
state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 1 pins being
externally pulled low will source current (I
characteristics) because of the internal pullup resistors.
The port is used for the low-order address byte during
program verification. Port 1 also contains the interrupt,
timer, clock, capture and compare pins that are used by
various options. The output latch corresponding to a
secondary function must be programmed to a one (1) for
that function to operate (except when used for the
compare functions). The secondary functions are
assigned to the port 1 pins as follows:
Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the
internal clock generator circuits.
To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2
should be driven, while XTAL1 is left unconnected.
Minimum and maximum high and low times as well as
rise/fall times specified in the AC characteristics must be
Output of the inverting oscillator amplifier.
P2.0-P2.738-45I/OPort 2
is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pullup
resistors. Port 2 pins that have 1's written to them are
pulled high by the internal pullup resistors, and in that
state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 2 pins being
externally pulled low will source current (I
characteristics) because of the internal pullup resistors.
Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches
from external program memory and during accesses to
external data memory that use 16-bit addresses
(MOVX @DPTR). In this application it uses strong
internal pullup resistors when issuing 1's. During
accesses to external data memory that use 8-bit
addresses (MOVX @Ri), port 2 issues the contents of
the P2 special function register.
46OCPU running condition
This output pin is at low level when the CPU is running
and program fetches or data accesses in the external
data memory area are executed. In idle mode, hardware
and software power down mode, and with an active
RESET signal CPUR is set to high level.
CPUR can be typically used for switching external
memory devices into power saving modes.
, in the DC
*) I = Input
O = Output
Semiconductor Group1-81997-10-01
Table 1-1
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
SymbolPin NumberI/O*)Function
PSEN47OThe Program Store Enable
output is a control signal that enables the external
program memory to the bus during external fetch
operations. It is activated every three oscillator periods,
except during external data memory accesses. The
signal remains high during internal program execution.
ALE48OThe Address Latch enable
output is used for latching the address into external
memory during normal operation. It is activated every
three oscillator periods, except during an external data
memory access. ALE can be switched off when the
program is executed internally.
EA49IExternal Access Enable
When held high, the C515C executes instructions always
from internal program memory. When EA is held low, all
instructions are fetched from external program memory.
EA should not be driven during reset operation
P0.0-P0.752-59I/OPort 0
is an 8-bit open-drain bidirectional I/O port.
Port 0 pins that have 1's written to them float, and in that
state can be used as high-impedance inputs.
Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data
bus during accesses to external program and data
memory. In this application it uses strong internal pullup
resistors when issuing 1's. Port 0 also outputs the code
bytes during program verification in the C515C-8E.
External pullup resistors are required during program.
P5.7-P5.060-67I/OPort 5
is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pullup
resistors. Port 5 pins that have 1's written to them are
pulled high by the internal pullup resistors, and in that
state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 5 pins being
externally pulled low will source current (I
characteristics) because of the internal pullup resistors.
Port 5 can also be switched into a bidirectional mode, in
which CMOS levels are provided. In this bidirectional
mode, each port 5 pin can be programmed individually as
input or output.
, in the DC
*) I = Input
O = Output
Semiconductor Group1-91997-10-01
Table 1-1
Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
SymbolPin NumberI/O*)Function
VCC133–Supply voltage for internal logic
VSS134–Ground (0 V) for internal logic
VCCEXT50–Supply voltage for external access pins
69IHardware Power Down
A low level on this pin for the duration of one machine
cycle while the oscillator is running resets the C515C.
A low level for a longer period will force the part to power
down mode with the pins floating.
This pins is used for the power supply of the internal logic
circuits during normal, idle, and power down mode.
This pin is used for the ground connection of the internal
logic circuits during normal, idle, and power down mode.
–Supply voltage for I/O ports
These pins are used for power supply of the I/O ports
during normal, idle, and power-down mode.
–Ground (0 V) for I/O ports
These pins are used for ground connections of the I/O
ports during normal, idle, and power-down mode.
This pin is used for power supply of the I/O ports and
control signals which are used during external accesses
(for Port 0, Port 2, ALE, PSEN
, P3.6/WR, and P3.7/RD).
VSSEXT51–Ground (0 V) for external access pins
This pin is used for the ground connection of the I/O ports
and control signals which are used during external
accesses (for Port 0, Port 2, ALE, PSEN
VCCCLK14–Supply voltage for on-chip oscillator
This pin is used for power supply of the on-chip oscillator
VSSCLK13–Ground (0 V) for on-chip oscillator
This pin is used for ground connection of the on-chip
oscillator circuit.
N.C.2, 71–Not connected
These pins should not be connected.
*) I = Input
O = Output
Semiconductor Group1-101997-10-01
, P3.6/WR, and
Fundamental Structure
2Fundamental Structure
The C515C is fully compatible to the architecture of the standard 8051/C501 microcontroller family.
While maintaining all architectural and operational characteristics of the C501, the C515C
incorporates a CPU with 8 datapointers, a genuine 10-bit A/D converter, a capture/compare unit, a
Full-CAN controller unit, a SSC synchronous serial interface, a USART serial interface, a XRAM
data memory as well as some enhancements in the Fail Save Mechanism Unit. Figure 2-1 shows
a block diagram of the C515C.
Semiconductor Group2-11997-10-01
Fundamental Structure
Oscillator Watchdog
OSC & Timing
8 Datapointers
Watchdog Timer
Timer 0
Timer 1
Timer 2
2k x 8
256 x 8
64k x 8
Port 0
Port 1
Port 2
Port 0
8-bit digit. I/O
Port 1
8-bit digit. I/O
Port 2
8-bit digit. I/O
Baud Rate Generator
SSC (SPI) Interface
Interrupt Unit
A/D Converter
Figure 2-1
Block Diagram of the C515C
256 Byte
Port 3
Port 4
Port 5
Port 7
Port 6
Port 3
8-bit digit. I/O
Port 4
8-bit digit. I/O
Port 5
8-bit digit. I/O
Port 7
1-bit digit. I/O
Port 6
8-bit analog /
digital Input
Semiconductor Group2-21997-10-01
Fundamental Structure
The C515C is efficient both as a controller and as an arithmetic processor. It has extensive facilities
for binary and BCD arithmetic and excels in its bit-handling capabilities. Efficient use of program
memory results from an instruction set consisting of 44% one-byte, 41% two-byte, and 15% threebyte instructions. With a 6 MHz external clock, 58% of the instructions execute in 1.0 µs (10 MHz:
600 ns).
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) of the C515C consists of the instruction decoder, the arithmetic
section and the program control section. Each program instruction is decoded by the instruction
decoder. This unit generates the internal signals controlling the functions of the individual units
within the CPU. They have an effect on the source and destination of data transfers and control the
ALU processing.
The arithmetic section of the processor performs extensive data manipulation and is comprised of
the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), an A register, B register and PSW register.
The ALU accepts 8-bit data words from one or two sources and generates an 8-bit result under the
control of the instruction decoder. The ALU performs the arithmetic operations add, substract,
multiply, divide, increment, decrement, BDC-decimal-add-adjust and compare, and the logic
operations AND, OR, Exclusive OR, complement and rotate (right, left or swap nibble (left four)).
Also included is a Boolean processor performing the bit operations as set, clear, complement, jumpif-not-set, jump-if-set-and-clear and move to/from carry. Between any addressable bit (or its
complement) and the carry flag, it can perform the bit operations of logical AND or logical OR with
the result returned to the carry flag.
The program control section controls the sequence in which the instructions stored in program
memory are executed. The 16-bit program counter (PC) holds the address of the next instruction to
be executed. The conditional branch logic enables internal and external events to the processor to
cause a change in the program execution sequence.
Additionally to the CPU functionality of the C501/8051 standard microcontroller, the C515C
contains 8 datapointers. For complex applications with peripherals located in the external data
memory space (e.g. CAN controller) or extended data storage capacity this turned out to be a "bottle
neck" for the 8051’s communication to the external world. Especially programming in high-level
languages (PLM51, C51, PASCAL51) requires extended RAM capacity and at the same time a fast
access to this additional RAM because of the reduced code efficiency of these languages.
ACC is the symbol for the accumulator register. The mnemonics for accumulator-specific
instructions, however, refer to the accumulator simply as A.
Program Status Word
The Program Status Word (PSW) contains several status bits that reflect the current state of the
Semiconductor Group2-31997-10-01
Fundamental Structure
Special Function Register PSW (Address D0H) Reset Value : 00H
CYCarry Flag
Used by arithmetic instruction.
ACAuxiliary Carry Flag
Used by instructions which execute BCD operations.
F0General Purpose Flag
Register Bank select control bits
These bits are used to select one of the four register banks.
00Bank 0 selected, data address 00H-07
01Bank 1 selected, data address 08H-0F
10Bank 2 selected, data address 10H-17
11Bank 3 selected, data address 18H-1F
OVOverflow Flag
Used by arithmetic instruction.
F1General Purpose Flag
PParity Flag
Set/cleared by hardware after each instruction to indicate an odd/even
number of "one" bits in the accumulator, i.e. even parity.
B Register
The B register is used during multiply and divide and serves as both source and destination. For
other instructions it can be treated as another scratch pad register.
Stack Pointer
The stack pointer (SP) register is 8 bits wide. It is incremented before data is stored during PUSH
and CALL executions and decremented after data is popped during a POP and RET (RETI)
execution, i.e. it always points to the last valid stack byte. While the stack may reside anywhere in
the on-chip RAM, the stack pointer is initialized to 07H after a reset. This causes the stack to begin
a location = 08H above register bank zero. The SP can be read or written under software control.
Semiconductor Group2-41997-10-01
Fundamental Structure
2.2CPU Timing
The C515C has no clock prescaler. Therefore, a machine cycle of the C515C consists of 6 states
(6 oscillator periods). Each state is divided into a phase 1 half and a phase 2 half. Thus, a machine
cycle consists of 6 oscillator periods, numbered S1P1 (state 1, phase 1) through S6P2 (state 6,
phase 2). Each state lasts one oscillator period. Typically, arithmetic and logic operations take place
during phase 1 and internal register-to-register transfers take place during phase 2.
The diagrams in figure 2-2 show the fetch/execute timing related to the internal states and phases.
Since these internal clock signals are not user-accessible, the XTAL1 oscillator signals and the ALE
(address latch enable) signal are shown for external reference. ALE is normally activated twice
during each machine cycle: once during S1P2 and S2P1, and again during S4P2 and S5P1.
Executing of a one-cycle instruction begins at S1P2, when the op-code is latched into the instruction
register. If it is a two-byte instruction, the second reading takes place during S4 of the same
machine cycle. If it is a one-byte instruction, there is still a fetch at S4, but the byte read (which would
be the next op-code) is ignored (discarded fetch), and the program counter is not incremented. In
any case, execution is completed at the end of S6P2.
Figures 2-2 (a) and (b) show the timing of a 1-byte, 1-cycle instruction and for a 2-byte, 1-cycle
Semiconductor Group2-51997-10-01
Fundamental Structure
Figure 2-2
Fetch Execute Sequence
Semiconductor Group2-61997-10-01
Memory Organization
3Memory Organization
The C515C CPU manipulates operands in the following four address spaces:
– up to 64 Kbyte of internal/external program memory
– up to 64 Kbyte of external data memory
– 256 bytes of internal data memory
– 256 bytes CAN controller registers / data memory
– 2K bytes of internal XRAM data memory
– a 128 byte special function register area
Figure 3-1 illustrates the memory address spaces of the C515C.
Figure 3-1
C515C Memory Map
Semiconductor Group3-11997-10-01
Memory Organization
3.1Program Memory, "Code Space"
The C515C-8R provides 64 Kbytes of read-only program memory while the C515C-L has no
internal program memory. The C515C-8E provides 64 Kbytes of OTP program memory.. For
internal ROM/OTP program execution the EA pin must be put to high level. The 64K bytes program
memory can also be located completely external. If the EA pin is held low, the C515C fetches all
instructions from an external program memory.
3.2Data Memory, "Data Space"
The data memory address space consists of an internal and an external memory space. The
internal data memory is divided into three physically separate and distinct blocks : the lower 128
bytes of RAM, the upper 128 bytes of RAM, and the 128 byte special function register (SFR) area.
While the upper 128 bytes of data memory and the SFR area share the same address locations,
they are accessed through different addressing modes. The lower 128 bytes of data memory can
be accessed through direct or register indirect addressing; the upper 128 bytes of RAM can be
accessed through register indirect addressing; the special function registers are accessible through
direct addressing. Four 8-register banks, each bank consisting of eight 8-bit multi-purpose registers,
occupy locations 0 through 1FH in the lower RAM area. The next 16 bytes, locations 20H through
2FH, contain 128 directly addressable bit locations. The stack can be located anywhere in the
internal data memory address space, and the stack depth can be expanded up to 256 bytes.
The external data memory can be expanded up to 64 Kbyte and can be accessed by instructions
that use a 16-bit or an 8-bit address. The internal CAN controller and the internal XRAM are located
in the external address memory area at addresses F700H to FFFFH. Using MOVX instruction with
addresses pointing to this address area, alternatively XRAM and CAN controller registers or
external XRAM are accessed.
3.3General Purpose Registers
The lower 32 locations of the internal RAM are assigned to four banks with eight general purpose
registers (GPRs) each. Only one of these banks may be enabled at a time. Two bits in the program
status word, RS0 (PSW.3) and RS1 (PSW.4), select the active register bank (see description of the
PSW in chapter 2). This allows fast context switching, which is useful when entering subroutines
or interrupt service routines.
The 8 general purpose registers of the selected register bank may be accessed by register
addressing. With register addressing the instruction op code indicates which register is to be used.
For indirect addressing R0 and R1 are used as pointer or index register to address internal or
external memory (e.g. MOV @R0).
Reset initializes the stack pointer to location 07H and increments it once to start from location 08
which is also the first register (R0) of register bank 1. Thus, if one is going to use more than one
register bank, the SP should be initialized to a different location of the RAM which is not used for
data storage.
Semiconductor Group3-21997-10-01
Memory Organization
3.4XRAM Operation
The XRAM in the C515C is a memory area that is logically located at the upper end of the external
memory space, but is integrated on the chip. Because the XRAM is used in the same way as
external data memory the same instruction types (MOVX) must be used for accessing the XRAM.
3.4.1 XRAM/CAN Controller Access Control
Two bits in SFR SYSCON, XMAP0 and XMAP1, control the accesses to XRAM and the CAN
controller. XMAP0 is a general access enable/disable control bit and XMAP1 controls the external
signal generation during XRAM/CAN controller accesses.
Special Function Register SYSCON (Address B1H)Reset Value C515C-8R : X010XX01
Reset Value C515C-8E : X010X001
–Not implemented. Reserved for future use.
XMAP1XRAM/CAN controller visible access control
The function of the shaded bit is not described in this section.
Control bit for RD
addresses are outside the XRAM/CAN controller address range or if
XRAM is disabled, this bit has no effect.
XMAP1 = 0 : The signals RD and WR are not activated during accesses to
XMAP1 = 1 : Ports 0, 2 and the signals RD and WR are activated during
/WR signals during XRAM/CAN Controller accesses. If
the XRAM/CAN Controller
accesses to XRAM/CAN Controller. In this mode, address
and data information during XRAM/CAN Controller accesses
are visible externally.
XMAP0Global XRAM/CAN controller access enable/disable control
XMAP0 = 0 : The access to XRAM and CAN controller is enabled.
XMAP0 = 1 : The access to XRAM and CAN controller is disabled (default
after reset!). All MOVX accesses are performed via the
external bus. Further, this bit is hardware protected.
When bit XMAP1 in SFR SYSCON is set, during all accesses to XRAM and CAN Controller RD and
WR become active and port 0 and 2 drive the actual address/data information which is read/written
from/to XRAM or CAN controller. This feature allows to check the internal data transfers to XRAM
and CAN controller. When port 0 and 2 are used for I/O purposes, the XMAP1 bit should not be set.
Otherwise the I/O function of the port 0 and port 2 lines is interrupted.
Semiconductor Group3-31997-10-01
Memory Organization
After a reset operation, bit XMAP0 is reset. This means that the accesses to XRAM and CAN
controller are generally disabled. In this case, all accesses using MOVX instructions within the
address range of F700H to FFFFH generate external data memory bus cycles. When XMAP0 is set,
the access to XRAM and CAN controller is enabled and all accesses using MOVX instructions with
an address in the range of F700H to FFFFH will access internal XRAM or CAN controller.
Bit XMAP0 is hardware protected. If it is reset once (XRAM and CAN controller access enabled) it
cannot be set by software. Only a reset operation will set the XMAP0 bit again. This hardware
protection mechanism is done by an unsymmetric latch at XMAP0 bit. A unintentional disabling of
XRAM and CAN controller could be dangerous since indeterminate values could be read from the
external bus. To avoid this the XMAP0 bit is forced to '1' only by a reset operation. Additionally,
during reset an internal capacitor is loaded. So the reset state is a disabled XRAM and CAN
controller. Because of the load time of the capacitor, XMAP0 bit once written to '0' (that is,
discharging the capacitor) cannot be set to '1' again by software. On the other hand any distortion
(software hang up, noise,...) is not able to load this capacitor, too. That is, the stable status is XRAM
and CAN controller enabled.
The clear instruction for the XMAP0 bit should be integrated in the program initialization routine
before XRAM or CAN controller is used. In extremely noisy systems the user may have redundant
clear instructions.
Semiconductor Group3-41997-10-01
Memory Organization
3.4.2 Accesses to XRAM using the DPTR (16-bit Addressing Mode)
The XRAM and CAN controller can be accessed by two read/write instructions, which use the 16bit DPTR for indirect addressing. These instructions are :
– MOVXA, @DPTR(Read)
– MOVX@DPTR, A(Write)
For accessing the XRAM, the effective address stored in DPTR must be in the range of F800H to
FFFFH. For accessing the CAN controller, the effective address stored in DPTR must be in the
range of F700H to F7FFH.
3.4.3 Accesses to XRAM using the Registers R0/R1 (8-bit Addressing Mode)
The 8051 architecture provides also instructions for accesses to external data memory range which
use only an 8-bit address (indirect addressing with registers R0 or R1). The instructions are:
MOVXA, @ Ri(Read)
MOVX@Ri, A(Write)
As in the SAB 80C515A a special page register is implemented into the C515C to provide the
possibility of accessing the XRAM or CAN controller also with the MOVX @Ri instructions, i.e.
XPAGE serves the same function for the XRAM and CAN controller as Port 2 for external data
Special Function Register XPAGE (Address 91H) Reset Value : 00
XPAGE.7-0XRAM/CAN controller high address
XPAGE.7-0 is the address part A15-A8 when 8-bit MOVX instructions are
used to access internal XRAM or CAN controller.
Figures 3-2 to 3-4 show the dependencies of XPAGE- and Port 2 - addressing in order to explain
the differences in accessing XRAM/CAN controller, ext. RAM or what is to do when Port 2 is used
as an I/O-port.
Semiconductor Group3-51997-10-01
Memory Organization
Port 0
Write to
Port 2
Port 2Page Address
Figure 3-2
Write Page Address to Port 2
“MOV P2,pageaddress“ will write the page address to Port 2 and the XPAGE-Register.
When external RAM is to be accessed in the XRAM/CAN controller address range (F700H -
FFFFH), the XRAM/CAN controller has to be disabled. When additional external RAM is to be
addressed in an address range < F700H, the XRAM/CAN controller may remain enabled and there
is no need to overwrite XPAGE by a second move.
Semiconductor Group3-61997-10-01
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