SIEMENS C35, S35 Service Manual 1

Local Service Organization Service Manual
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Table of Content
CHAPTER 1 Cellu lar Communication Coverage Conce p t 1 GSM Network Arc h itecture 2 Subscriber Identity Module 3 SIM Application Toolkit 4 Extended GSM 900 - EGSM 5 Built-in Modem 5 Data A p p lic a tion 6
CHAPTER 2 Lev el 2 Se rv ic e Guide Introduction 7 C35 Series Technical Information 8 Accessories 10 General Information 11 C35 Series Exploded Diagram 13 Mechanical Concept 14 Hardware Concept – Block diagram 15 Hardware Description 16 Power Supply Concept 18 Over voltage Condition 18 Battery 19 Short Circuit Protection 19 Charging 19 Deep Discharge Battery 20 C35 Spare Parts Level 2 21 Disassemble the C35 22 Disassemble/Assemble Lower Housing 24 Disassemble/Assemble Control Board Assy 25 Disassemble/Assemble Upper Housing 27 Assemble the C35 28 Mobile Software Programming 30
Language Groups 32 Custo me r S p ecific Initialization 34 International Mobile Equipment Identity 34 Phone Unblocking 35
CHAPTER 3 Siemens Service Equipment Introducti on 37 Other equipment 39 Softwa re Installatio n 40 Configuring the test software 41 Running the test sequence 42 ANNEX A 46 ANNEX B 49
CHAPTER 4 Level 2.5 Repair Document Introduction 50 Antenna Connector 51 Ringer 55 Bottom Connector (Lumberg) 58 Display Connector 62 Keyboard LED 66 Display LED 69 Infrared Diodes 73
ANNEX C PC Adapter Cable & Accessories C35 76 Power Plug for C35 77 Car installation Ratio Unit, C35 78 Car Installation kit Handfree kit 79 Car Installation kit Handfree Pro. 80 Car Insta lla tio n Comfort GPS, C3 5 81 Reference s 83
Cellular Communication
Coverage Concept
he cellular systems is made up of numerous transmitting and receiving sites, whose individual coverage areas partially overlap. The concept of frequency re-use, sam e frequency i s used by several sites,
allows a high traffic density in a wide area. Due to the limited transmission range of the terminals, cellular systems are based on a large number of base stations on the infrastructure side, scattered over the area to cover, wi th each c ov eri ng a fair l y s m all geogr aphi cal z one cal l ed cel l . C el ls are often represented by hexagons (s ee figure 1.1.) .
GSM Network Architecture.
GSM networ k c an be broadl y div ided i nto thr ee br oad par ts, nam el y:
1. Mobile Stati on( MS) carried by the subs cr i ber ,
2. Base Station Sub-system(BSS) whi ch contr ol s the r adio l i nk wi th the m obil e station.
3. Mobile Switching Center(MSC) which performs the switching of calls between the mobile users, and between m obil e and fixed netw ork user s .
Each mobile station is given a unique identity. As soon as the mobile phone is turned on, it registers with the network and is authenticated, as such the network could always find the mobile phone. Larger amount of data is being exchanged to and from the following functional blocks in the MSC:
Visitor Locati on R egis ter , VLR
Stores information about mobile subscribers that enter it coverage area which is associated with the geographical area where the mobile is currently roaming. When there is an incoming call for the mobile, the HLR is inter r ogated about the pr esent addr es s of the VLR.
Home Location Regi s ter , HLR
A database that contains all data concerning the subscription of the mobile subscriber, i.e. their access capabilities, subscribed services, and supplementary services. It also contains information about the VLR that is handling the mobile station currently. When the mobile changes location, the HLR is updated accordingly. It also provides the MSC with information about the MSC area where the mobile is actually located to allow incoming calls to be routed immediatel y to the c all ed par ty.
Authentication Center, AU C
Stored information that is necessary to protect communication through the air interface against any intrusions. The legitimacy of the subscriber is established through authentication and ciphering, whi c h protec ts the us er inform ati on agains t unwanted di s cl osur e.
Equipment Identit y R egi ster , EIR
An option the network operator can use to enforce security. With this feature the network can identify defective or stolen m obi l e that m ay not be used i n the netw or k.
Subscriber Identi ty Module(SIM)
SIM is a smart card which has a computer and memory chip that is permanently installed in the mobile equipment. It comes in either the size of a credit card or smaller version known as the
plug-in SI M.
The subscriber information, which includes a unique number called the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) is stored in the SIM card. SIM card identifies the subscriber to the network.
Figure 1.3 illustrates the steps for inserting the SIM card into the C35 series.
To protect the SIM card from impr oper use, a s ecur i ty feature, a four digits personal identification number (PIN), is built in. The PIN is stored in the card and can be changed by the subscriber. PIN2 is r equi r ed for additi onal funtions avai l abl e wi th a s peci al SI M card (Consul t the operator for more information about the PI N .
A code (PUK) i s pr ov ided for unl ock i ng the SI M card if the SIM c ard i s bloc ked
Change PIN Procedures.
SIM Appli cation Toolkit
SIM Applications Toolkit (SAT) allows the fle xibility to update the SIM, to change the services and download new serv i ces ov er the ai r. I n the SAT spec ificati on, the short mess age servi ce is a
key mechanism for personalizing the SIM in each user’s GSM phone. It is designed as a client­server appli cati on. C 35 ser i es s uppor ts SAT Cl as s 3 s peci fication.
When active, the name of the service may appear in the menu, and there will be sub-menu if more than one applicati on i s ac ti ve. F igur e 1.6 i s the SAT i con.
Extended GSM 900, E -GSM
This is a new standard that allows Network Operators to increase their capacity through an extended frequency. The frequency range of E-GSM is as follows:
Mobile T r ansm i t: 880 – 915 MHz
Mobile R ec eiv e: 925 – 960 MHz
C35 series i s a GSM Phase 2 / Phase 2+ Dualband E-GSM / GSM 1800 mobi le phone.
Built-i n Modem.
C35i has an integrated modem for direct data communication using the data cable as shown in Figure 1.5. C35 do not have the bui l t- in s oft modem for Data Ser vi c e of GSM networ k .
Data Applicati on Support
Modem driver conforms to V.25 command set, and transmission speed conforms ITU-T­standard of V.22bis. (2400, 4800,and 9600 bits /sec ) .
Facsimi le c onforms to Ser vi ce C l ass 1, gr oup 3 and oper ate at 2400, 4800, 7200 and 9600 bit/s . Data servic es vi a GSM network up to 9600 bps, and remote control using cellular AT commands
for C35i only. Internet acces s v ia the C 35i is poss ibl e w i th the inc l usi on of Wireless Applic ati on Protocol (WAP)
browser 1.1 .
Level 2 Serv ice Guide
The chapter is intended to help you carry out repair up to Level 2 on the C35 series mobile phone.
The repair for international version and Asian variants are identical unless otherwise noted, therefore the descripti on her ein i s confined to C35 onl y.
All repairs have to be carr ied out in an envir onm ent set up
according to ESD r egulations defined in inter national standards.
ESD procedu r e is av ailable fr om y ou r S ervice Manager. A sk for
C35 & C35i Techni cal Information
System GSM Phase 2/Phase2+, D ual Band
EGSM 900, Clas s 4( 2 Watt) GSM 1800, Clas s 1( 1 Watt)
Operating Voltage 3.6V
Size(LxWxH) 118 x 46 x 21 m m ( wi thout antenna)
Volume 88c m Weight 116g including battery (approx) Battery(Standard) NiM H , 500m AH( Standar d)
Li-Ion, 600m AH (O ptional )
including battery ( appr ox)
Standby time Talk time
50 to 180 hours (standar d battery )
90 to 300 minutes (standar d batter y ) Charging Ti m e Up to 1.5 hours wi th R apid C har ger SIM suppor t Plug in card 1.8 V or 3V Antenna Non - retr ac table, λ/2, heli c al fixed. Speech codec Triple r ate
Enhance Full Rate Full Rate Half Rate
Display 101 x 54 pixel gr aphi cal di spl ay wi th up to 5 l i nes
12 x 12 font size for Chinese Keypad 12 numeric key s( 10 num er i c, #, *)
4 function keys(Send, End-ON /OFF , Menu, Phonebook)
2 multifunctional s oftkeys Key Sound Click/DTMF/None Key Lock Activation and Deac tiv ati on by #- key or
Actual time depende nt on the network.
Dialing 10 redial number s ,
Last 10 incoming w it h date/tim e s tam p
Last 10 outgoing calls
Last 10 missed cal l s w i th date/ti me s tam p
Ringer On/Beep/Off
Up to 22 melodies and 5 r i ngi ng vol um e setti ngs
(Mel ody C om pos er , Cr es cendo R i ngi ng) Volume Adjustable in 4 levels during call via softkey Silent Alert Built-in v ibr ator Phone Book Storage depends on the SIM card capacity
Storage of up to 100 list in the phone (VIP) SMS Support MT, MO, CB
Predictive T ext I nput, T egic T9. Supplementary Call Forw ar di ng, Cal l Hol d, C all Wait,
Services Multiparty C onference, C LI P, C LI R , AoC C
AoCI, FDN , LN D U SSD and SAT . Ciphering A5/1 and A5/2 supported PIN control PIN 1 & 2 Code Control Phone code 4 to 8 digit code Network function Automatic and manual networ k sel ecti on Chipset Siemens E – GOLD WAP Browser
Version 1.1 Other Features Clock / Alar m
Alarm List
Built-in m odem
Currency Conv er ter
4 Games
7 User Profiles
Only for Model C35 i.
Not available in C35 International version.
Not available in C35 International version.
Not available in C35 International version.
1. Standard Battery L36880-N4001-A100
2. Optional Battery L36880-N4001-A101
3. Standard Charger L36280-Z4-C XXX ( Countr y Vari ant)
4. Travel Char ger L36880-N4001-A103 (EU ) / A104 ( U K)
Similar to standar d c har ger wi th an uni ver s al i nput vol tage from 90 ~ 240V
4. Desk Top Char ger L36880-N4001-A102
5. Belt Clip L36880-N4001-A113
6. Headset L36880-N4001-A123
7. Antenna Cradle L36880-N4001-A110
8. Car Charger C abl e L36880-N4001-A108
9. Car Kit Portabl e
10. Car Kit Comfort L36880-N4001-A111
11. Car Handset
12. Designer Cases L36880-N4001-A119
13. Soft Data Link 3.0 L36880-N4001-A122 (Not for 3508i)
14. Data Cable
15. Car Kit Professional Voi ce L36880-N4001-A124
16. Data Cable Professional
Same as C25(88)
Same as C25(88)
Same as C25(88)
Same as C25(88)
General Information
Due to different requirements of the markets, the C35 series has different variants, which broadly classified under International version and Asian version. Marketing name for international ver s ion i s C35 or C 35i , wher eas Asi an ver s ion i s nam ed 3508 or 3508i .
The 3508 series is equipped with a graphic display which enable the telephone to display CHIN ESE char acter s , either i n T radi ti onal font or Sim pl ified font, beside the st andard Engl i sh.
Difference between C35(08) and C35(08)i
C35(08)i mobile software has WAP Browser 1.1 incorporated thus enabling user to surf the Internet and it hav e buil t- i n soft modem for GSM Data Service.
The differences between the C35 and C35i are the hardware and software. The memory size of C35 is 16M B and that of C35I i s 32MB.
There are also two variants for 3508, one without the WAP browser is 3508 and that with WAP browser ver s ion 1.1 i s 3508i . T he different for ASIAN ver s ion i s only m obil e softwar e.
Wireless Appli cation Protocol, WAP.
Wireless Application Protocol takes a client-server approach that uses the in-built micro-browser to make a request, in wireless markup language (W ML), for information or service. The request is passed to a WAP Gateway which then retrieves the information from a Internet server, in HTML format, and translate it into WML. The requested information is then sent to from the WAP Gateway to W AP client (mobile) using the available and most appropriate mobile network bearer serv i ces .
Wireless Protocol Stack.
Wireless Application Envi r onm ent ( WAE) Wireless Session Protocol ( WSP) Wireless Transaction Pr otoc ol ( WTP) Wireless Transport Lay er Sec ur ity ( WTLS) Wireless Datagram Pr otocol ( WDP) Bearers e.g. Data, SMS, USSD
1. Wireless Application Environment
Defines the user interface on the phone. WAE contains the WML,WML script and the wireless tel ephony appl ic ati on ( WTA).
2. Wirelss Session Protocol
Link the W AE to two session services – one connection oriented operating above the WTP and a connectionless ser v ic e oper ati ng above WDP.
3. Wireless Transaction Pr otoc ol
Runs on top of the datagram service and part of the standard suite of TCP/IP protocols, to provide a sim pl ified pr otocol s uitabl e for low bandw i dth mobi l e stati on.
4. Wireless Transport Lay er Sec ur ity
WTLS incorporates security features that are based upon the established Transport layer Security (TLS) protocol standard, that include data integrity checks, privacy on the WAP Gateway to client l eg and authentic ati on.
5. Wireless Datagram Pr otocol
Allows W AP to be bearer independent by adapting the transport layer of the under-laying bearer. WDP presents a consis tent data format to the hi gher lay er on the WAP stack.
C35 Series Mechani cal Diagram
Please take note that the number(s) used here IS NOT the part
number, DO NOT used it in your spare parts purchase order.
Always refer to the SERVICE PART PRICE LIST
for your spare part order.
Mechanical Concept
Note: All numbers refer to mechani cal drawing in Figure 2.1.
The mechanical conc ept of the C35 differs in var i ous poi nts from the one of the other Si em ens mobile telephones.
The first thing you will experience is how the housing is locked. In C35 no s cr ew s ar e used to keep the housing closed. Al so i nsi de the tel ephone no sc r ews ar e used any m ore. T o open the housing, which i s k ept cl osed by catc hes onl y, a s peci al opening tool has been defined.
details on disass em bly tool pleas e r efer to Photo 2.3 i n thi s c hapter
Inside, the C35 c onsi sts of just one boar d ( 1010) whi ch c ar r ies di spl ay m odul e( 1170), c ontr ol part and RF secti on of the mobil e.
The display m odule ( 1170) i s c onnected to the boar d by a flexibl e cabl e w hic h i s i nser ted i nto a plug. In case the di spl ay i s defectiv e elec tr i cal ly or m echani cal l y i t can be ex changed v er y eas il y.
C35 does have an external connec tor of a new ty pe. Sinc e S6 a so c all ed “ Molex”-connector was used, which also offered the possibility to connect an external antenna to it. T he new “Lumberg”- c onnector w hic h i s us ed in C 35 does not feature s uch a connec ti on, becaus e the connector for external antenna is loc ated at the back si de of the upper end of the mobil e, cl ose to the internal antenna (1130) . As a c onsequenc e of this ther e is no need anym or e for a RF cable mounted to the board nor for a RF plug on i t to c onnect thi s c abl e. Thi s i m pr oves RF ­properties of the mobil e and l ower s pr oducti on cos ts.
To be able to do measurem ents on and softwar e update of the telephone, an adapter c able between Mol ex and Lum ber g c onnector will be available.
Chapter 3
C35 series antenna i s of a snap- in ty pe whi ch i ns ert ed into the l ow er c ase s hell ( 1030) . The antenna can only be changed by openi ng up the C35 phone.
The keypad (1150), the m i cr ophone ( 1110) and the l oudspeak er ( 1120) ar e m ounted i nto the upper case shell (1020) . Make sure that the micr ophone and the ear phone c ontact s pri ngs are not dirty or dam aged dur i ng r epai r pr oces s.
The dust protection fram e and the dis pl ay w i ndow ar e i ncl uded i n the di spl ay m odul e( 1170) .
The C35 is a dual-band mobile operating on GSM900 and
GSM1800, the antenna is an integral part of the lower housing.
See photos in Additional T ool s of
Hardware Concept – Block Di agram
Hardware Description
The handset consists of the following m aj or i ntegr ated ci r cui ts :
E-GOLD – PM B 2851E
This IC i s a com bi nati on of mic ropr oc ess or , si gnal proc ess or and r eal- ti m e cl oc k. The micropr oc ess or part of this com ponent i s r espons ibl e for contr olli ng the key boar d, SI M-
Card, Flash and R AM. Furthermor e it contr ol s the pow er sav ing, pow er up/pow er dow n of the RF module and sets the am pli ficati on of the PA.
The signal proc ess or part of PM B 2851E i s res ponsi bl e for proc ess ing the R x I /Q si gnal s (filtering, equal iz ing, s peech and c hannel decodi ng) . Furthermor e i t does the s peech and c hannel encodi ng and the GSMK modulation of the Tx I/Q signals . T he Voic e CO DEC par t i s us ed to real i ze adv anced features regar di ng codi ng of the speech signal. T hese ar e:
Enhanced Fullr ate Encodi ng
Enhanced Fullr ate Dec odi ng
Voice Activity Detection
Comfort Noise
GAIM – PMB 2906
The GAIM ( GAI M = GSM Analog Interfacing Module) provi des the i nter face between the analogue and its digital r epr esentati on s ignal s ( Bas e- band I /Q, Voi ce- band, PA- c ontrol , Voltage & Temperatur e Measurement - Char gi ng contr ol ) .
13Mhz Ref Oscillator Circuit -
This cir cui t pr ovi des the foll owi ng m ai n functions:
Generate 13Mhz c l ock si gnal for Logi c C i r cui ts – SIN13M.
Generate 13Mhz r eference s i gnal for the PLL c ir c uits for the Tx & Rx of GSM RF si gnal .
Received the frequency st eeri ng c ontr ol AF C_PN M from the HiGOLD I C for fine tuning
of the Tx & Rx frequency.
Temperature dependent r esi s tor si ted near the 13MHz oscillator measure the environment tem per atur e.
Power Supply A SIC – D0767B A
4) This cir cui t pr ovi des the foll owi ng m ai n functions:
Control of switc h on of the M obil e phone by ON /OF F button, Ex t Power ( C har ger ) or r eal
time clock.
Watchdog monitor – switch off the mobile phone if no proper Watchdog signal send from
Voltage supply to the logic ci r cui ts – 2.90V, 2.65V & 1.92V, Sim c ar d & r eal ti m e c loc k i n
Switch on the linear regul ator to suppl y the 2.8V for the13M hz Oscillator circuit.
RESET signal for the logi c ci r c uit.
Charge control si gnal for sw i tc hing the c har ge F ET.
Low battery detector.
Over voltage protec ti on.
Receiver C i rcu it – Brigh t I I HD155124F
5) This cir cui t pr ovi des the foll owi ng m ai n functions:
Low Noise Ampl i fier ( LN A) wi th a fixed am pl i fication of +20dB to ampl i fy the input R F
Mixer to m i x dow n the R F s ignal to the Intermediate Frequency ( I F )
Programm able IF amplifier wi th a dynam i c r ange of 60dB ( - 10dB ~+ 50dB in s teps of
Mixer to m i x dow n the I F si gnal to the baseband, gener ati ng and i nphase ( I ) and a
quadrature (Q) si gnal and feed the GAIM IC base-band si gnal , RX I /Q for the decodi ng of the digital signal for the Hi GOLD I C .
Transmitter Ci rcu i t – B right II HD155124F
The GAIM IC generate the MOD I /Q bas e- band si gnal under the contr ol of the HiGOLD I C and feed the IQ modulator of the Bright II IC. The Br i ght II IC pr ovi des the IF synthesizer, the I/Q modulator , pr esc al er to r egul ate the dual - band TX- VC O and feed the modul ated GSM signal to the PA.
The telephone support only 1.8V and 3V S I M car d
For user with 5V SIM card, he need to upgrade the SI M car d
through his service provi der/ network oper ator
Power Supply Concept
The C35 has two mai n pow er inputs :
1. Battery voltage(3.6V) c onnected at the batter y contac t
2. Charging voltage(6.5V) delivered by the diff erent charger type(see Accessory List) via the Lumberg connector at the bottom of the telephone.
Since the battery voltage is supplying the power supply ASIC, it is always needed to operate the phone.
From the battery voltage, all other supply voltages are derived and controlled by the power supply ASIC .
The RF power amplifier is directly connect to the battery, a bad battery with high internal resistance c an c ause m al function of the C35 phone.
The Logic module us es 1.92V, 2.65V & 2.9V gener ated by vol tage r egulator s i nsi de the ASI C . Furthermore, the ASIC generates the supply voltage for the SIM card and the RESET signal for
the logic devic es.
You cannot switch on the handset if the battery voltage is not present.
The ASIC also checks the presence of the watchdog signal from the microprocessor and provides the sw it chi ng on functionali ty ( ON _OFF button or I gni tion s i gnal) .
Wrong polarity or battery voltage setting that exceed the + 6.5V
could damage the phone.
Over-voltage Conditi on
Battery voltage If the supply voltage rises above 6.2V, the phone will switch off and it cannot be switched on
again before the voltage is l ower than 6.2V. If the supply vol tage r is es above 7V, the phone c an be dam aged
Charging Current
The charging current must not rise above 1A or a track fuse in the phone will blow. As a result charging the battery will no longer by possible.
Be careful with NON-original S I E MEN S accessories or char ger s. Make sur e that
the charging current is limited to value below 1A.
C35 series uses a Nickel Metal Hyride (NiMH) 500mAH battery pack as standard battery. It also support the Lithium Ion 600mAH battery pack (For S35i phone) as optional battery for customer want longer talk ti m e.
For C35, BATT+ has a voltage level from +3.0V to 5.5V, and a BATT_TEMP contact is used for detecting abnormal inc r ease i n tem peratur e of the battery .
If the temperature is too high or too low, there is a high probability
that the battery is not charged. To enable the charging pr ocess
again, battery and phone needs to cools down or war m up. B atter y
replacement is not requir ed.
Avoid shorting the battery terminals.
Short Circui t Protection
For the Nickel Metal Hydride battery, a polyswitch in the battery pack protecting the battery from short circui t and i t shoul d r eset by i ts elf after some tim e r emov ing the s hor t ci rc ui t.
For the Lit hium Ion battery, it is short-circuit prote cted by an ele ctronics fuse . The fu se will be activated in case a too high current is drawn. This fuse will
The resetting of the L-ion batter y fuse can be done w it h either of the followi ng pr ocedur es:
1. Insert the battery into the C35 and then connect the rapid charger to the phone. Wait for approximatel y 10 s econd, then the m obi le c an be tur ned on again.
2. Plug the battery separatel y into the des ktop c har ger . The fuse is res et im m edi atel y.
not reset
automatically .
3. Insert the battery into the C35 and put the phone into the desktop charger. Wait for approximatel y 10 s econd, then the m obi le c an be sw i tched on.
The battery can be charged when it is inserted into the phone. The charging process is completely contr ol l ed by the m obi le. C har gi ng can be done w i th any of the followi ng acc ess ory :
1. Rapid charger
2. Travel charger
3. Car charger
4. Desktop charger
Photo 2.33 shows the corr ect w ay of inser ti ng and r em ovi ng the char ger pl ug.
Deep Discharge Battery
In case of a deeply disc har ged batter y, the v oltage of the battery is too l ow to oper ate the charging cir c uit and the di spl ay c ontr oll er , the phone c an not be tur ned on and the norm al charging proces s c an not be star ted. N o char gi ng sy m bol is vi si bl e in the di s play .
In this case, c har ging the batter y is di vi ded i nto two di fferent steps, whi ch hav e to be r un subsequently:
Trickle charge for C35 Phone
Trickl e char ge m ode i s autom ati cal l y s tar ted if the battery vol tage i s bel ow 3.0V w hen the charger is c onnected to the m obi l e. The c hargi ng c urr ent i n T ri c kl e m ode is appr . 10m A.
Trickl e char ge m ode has to l as t m ini m um until the batter y vol tage has ex ceeded 3.2V, then the phone will switch on and the charging icon appear. During tr i ck l e char ge the charging symbol will not be visible and the telephone can not be turned on. This is because the battery volt age is too l ow to oper ate the tel ephone.
Insert batter y i nto handset and c onnect tr av el char ger to the tel ephone. I f wi thi n 4 hours the battery voltage is hi gh enough again, the c har ging s ym bol will come up.
If the battery is di schar ged v er y deepl y, the s ym bol m ay not c om e up and the tri c kl e charge time poss ibl y has to be ex tended up to 24 hours .
Norm al charge
When the battery voltage is above the a.m. val ue (e.g. by tr ic kl e c harge) the m obi l e will start the normal char gi ng m ode and show a char gi ng s ym bol in the di spl ay. * Al way s normal char ge a new batter y or a deep dis char ged batter y for mor e then 12 hour s before first use.
Connect charger to the tel ephone (
see section on Char gi ng
The charging symbol will come up as an indication that the normal charging process has been started by the mobi le.
Mobile Phone C35 S pare Parts Level 2
Battery Cover
Battery NI-MH L36145-K1310-X125
Lower Cas e Sh el l
Antenna L36158-A33-B161
SIM Card Reader with
Card Holder L36334-Z97-C111
SIM C ard Holder L36334-Z97-C 112
Display modul e L36851-Z1508-A51
Keypad L36158-A33-B75
Microphone L36254-Z6-C82
Upper Case Shell
Vibra-Alert Unit L36453-Z5-C 77
Battery Contact Spring L36334-Z97-C113
RF Control Board L36880-Q4050-B201
Buzzer Sealing L36158-A33-C260
Display Cover L36851-A33-C101
Display Sealing L36158-A33-C103
Earphone L36212-Z3-C34
L36158-A33-B....see Spare Par t
Disassemble the C35
A case opener is needed to di sengage the l atch of the C35 cas ing.
The part number for this mandatory tool i s F30032-P46-A 1
Refer to ANNEX B of Chapter 3 for S ervi c e Eq uipment List.
STEP 1: Remove the battery cover then the batter y as show n in PH OTO 2.4
STEP 2: Open the housing with the openi ng tool and car efully pul l the low er hous ing s ect ion off as
illustrated in PHOTO 2.5
STEP 3: Use the Case Opener c arefull y di sengaged the c atches of the Lower housi ng and U pper
housing to separate the housi ng and the Contr ol Boar d Ass em bly as i n PHOT O 2.6
Disassemble/Assemble of the Lower H ousing Assembly
STEP 1: Open the housing with the openi ng tool and car efully pul l the low er hous ing s ect ion off as
illustrated in PHOTO 2.7
PHOTO 2.7 Lower Housing Assy – STEP 1
STEP 2: Remove in sequence by hand the SI M Card Holder , SI M Card Reader, Battery C ontact Spr i ng,
Vibra-Aler t U nit and the Antenna as illustrated in PHOTO 2.8
PHOTO 2.8 Disassembly Lower Housing – STEP 2
For Remove/Install the Antenna, watch out for the two catches on the Lower Housing. For install of the other parts, watch out for the guide notches. For the assembly of the Lower Housing just reverse the sequenc e for the di sas sem bl y.
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