WARNING: Hackers who unlawfully gain acces s to customer tel ecommunicati ons systems
to make long distance telephone calls that are then billed to the system owner are criminals.
Curren tly, we do not know of any telecommunicatio ns s ystem that is immune to this type of
criminal activity. Siemens will not accept liab il ity for any damages, incl uding long dis tance
charges, w hich result from unauthorized use. Although Siem ens has designed se curity features into its products, it is your sole responsibility to use the security features and to establish
securi ty prac tice s with in yo ur co mpan y, i nclud ing t rai ning , se curit y awa reness , an d ca ll a udit ing. Si emens sales and s ervice personnel, as well as Siemens’ business partners, are available
to work with you to help you pr event thi s type of unauthor ized use of your telecommuni cations system.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital devi ce, pu rsua nt to Par t 15 o f the FCC R ules. Thes e limit s are desi gn ed to prov id e reason able protection against harmful interference w hen the equipment is operat ed in a commercial
environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can rad iate radio frequency energy and if
not ins talled an d us ed in a ccor dance with the inst ruction manual, may cause harmful inter f e r ence to radio communication. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to
cause ha rmful interfer e nce, in w hich case the us er wi ll be req uired t o take wha te ver measu res
may be required to correct the interference at his or her own expense.
WARNING: Changes or modifications to the equipment that are not expressly approved by
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This equip ment does no t exceed Class A limits per radi o noise emiss ions for di gital appar atus,
set out in the Radio Interference Regulation of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Operat ion in a r eside nt ial area ma y c ause unac ceptab le i nter fere nce t o radio a nd TV rec ept ion
requir ing the owner or operator to take whatever steps are necessar y to correct the interference. See inst r uction manual.
Cet équipement ne dépass e pas les lim ites de Classe A d’émission de bru its radioélectriques
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propri étaire ou l’opérateur à prendr e les dispo s itions nécessaires pour en éliminer les cau s es .
November 1998
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This guide de sc ribes your Hicom 300E Communications Server
single-line analo g telephone. It teaches you how to use the features of
your telephone to perform various important functions.
How to Use This Guidev
Organization of This Guide
The guide is organized as follows :
Chapter 1, “Introduction,” introduces you to the Siemens single-line
analog telephone and its features.
Chapter 2, “Sys tem Featur es, ” giv es you the s teps to fol low whe n you
use the basic features.
Chapter 3, “Mana gerial Features, ” gives you the steps for doing
managerial functions.
Appendix A is a quick referen ce guide that lists feature access codes.
viSingl e-Line Ana log Telepho ne U ser Guide
Chapter 1
This chapt er introduces you to your Si em enssingle-line analog
telephone and explains how to use it when connected to a Siemens
Communications Server.
After you learn how to use y our t eleph one, you wi ll be able t o for ward
calls to othe r extension numbers, answer calls ringing at other
extension numbers, leave a “messa ge waiting” indication a t a busy or
answered extension number, have busy extension numbers call you
back au t o matica ll y wh en th ey be co m e av ailab le , an d mu ch m ore.
1. Introduction
Intro du c tio n1-1
Using Your Telephone System
This sectio n giv es an ove rvie w of bas ic inf ormati on about your singl eline tele phone: the features, the dial tone, the flash func tion, and the
access codes .
System Features
System features are the funct ions you can perform with your Sie mens
telephone other than making and receiving calls, such as putting a
caller on hold or trans f erring and connecting a call.
Each phone in your system is set up individually at the
communication s server to have specific t elephony feat ures. Theref ore,
you may find that some features included in this guid e are not available
on your phone.
Ask your system administrator what features are assigned to your
extension number and then refer to Chapter 2 for information about
using those telephone features. For a list of feature acc ess codes t o use,
refer to Appendix A.
Feature indication can be e ither identi fied by the light (on a
Siemens Flashphone
telephone only) or by a broken dial
Dial Tone
Before dia ling a n umber or usi ng a syste m feat ure, you mus t hear a di al
tone. The dial tone means that the system is read y to proces s your ca ll.
There are two ways to get a dial tone:
•Pick up your tele phone receiver.
•Use the flash f unction.
Using Hookswitch Flash
The method yo u use to flash depends on whether you have a Siemens
Flashphone telephone or a standard si ngle-line tel ephone.
If you have a standa rd single -line or wall-mount ed tele phone, press the
hookswitch momentarily and listen for the pulse tone fol lowed by the
dial tone.
1-2Single-Line User Guide
1. Introduction
Holding the hookswitch down for longer than 1 second can
disconnect your call.
Using the FLASH Key
If you h ave a Sie mens Fl ashpho ne tele phon e, p ress t he FLASH key on
the lower righ t-hand corner of the keypad and listen for the dial tone.
The only function of the hookswi tch is to disconnect calls.
The term “f lash” in th is docu m e nt refe rs to ei th er usin g th e
hookswitch flash or us ing the FLASH key.
Flash Func tion
The flash function places any call you have in progress on soft
(temporary) hold and alerts the communications server that you want
to access a system feature or dial another party. The soft hold lasts unti l
you either hang up or reconnect to the call, or for a predetermined
length of tim e.
After you flash, you hear a dial tone. You can the n dial a telephone
number or a feature access co de.
Keep the following in mind when using the flash function:
•It puts you r party o n soft h old; i f you han g up a fter fla shing, the call
•After you have dialed addit ional parties, you can hookflash (press
•If you dial a wrong number or dial the wrong code a fter you have
•You must have dial tone before us ing a feature; if you do not hav e
The system adminis trator may disa ble the Flash functi on at the
communications server. If this is the case, any attempt b y the
user to access a system feature that requires the Flash function
will not be succe ssf ul.
immediately rings back on your telephone.
the hookswitch) to connect all parties on a conference call.
flashed, fla sh again; the tempor ary hold stays in effect.
a dial tone, pr es s flash.
Intro du c tio n1-3
Access Codes
Som e calls re qu i r e th at you en ter a spec i al acces s co d e b ef o r e
completing the call. In this guide, is used as the access code for an
outside line. Contact your system administrator for your system’s
access codes .
1-4Single-Line User Guide
Chapter 2
System Features
This chapter des cribes your communicat ions server feature s and gives
you the steps needed to use the features.
Read t hrough and prac tice the first few features in the next section, so
that you become comfortable with the system before going on to the
more co mp l ex fe at u res .
Using the Basic Features
This section describes how to use these basic system features:
•Mak in g inte r nal call s
•Making external calls
2. System Features
•Putting calls on hold
•Transferring calls
•Connecting calls
Making Internal Calls
To call a n interna l extensio n number i n your tele phone syst em, dial t he
extension number of the person you want to reach.
Call an internal extension number as follows:
1. Lift the receiver.
2. Listen for the dial tone.
3. Dial the extension number.
Making External Calls
To make an external call, you need to dial your trunk (outside line)
access code f ollowed by the outsi de number you are callin g.
System Features2-1
If all trunks are busy when you make your call, you will he ar
a fast busy tone. If your system has call queuing, use the
callback reque st feature (“St andby Queuing” on page 2-14) to
wait for the next available outside line.
In this guide, is the access code use d to ac cess a trunk. Ask your
system administra tor for a list of your trunk access codes.
Make an external call as follows:
1. Lift the receiver.
2.Listen for the dial tone.
3. Dial (the outside-line access code ).
4.Listen for the dial tone.
5. Dial the external number.
Putting Calls on Hold
The hold feature allows you to put a l ine temporarily on hold without
disconnecting your call. If you hang up the receiver, tha t ca ll
automatically rings back, after a preconfigured time.
Put a call on hold as follows:
1.Press flash.
2. Listen for the pulse tone and the dial tone.
3. Dial .
Reconnect a call on hold as follows:
1. Lift the receiver.
2. Listen for the pulse tone and the dial tone.
3. Dial to reconnect to the call.
Put a call on hold and make a consultation call as follows :
1.Press flash.
2. Listen for the pulse tone and the dial tone.
3. Dial .
4. Listen for a confirmatio n tone.
5. Dial the interna l exte nsion number, or and the outs ide num ber.
Reco nn e ct t o the o rigina l call a s fo l lo ws :
1.Press flash.
2-2Single-Line User Guide
2. Listen for the pulse tone and the dial tone.
3. Dial to reconn ect to the first call.
Park lets you move a call to an extension and hold it there, without
ringing that extension. You or another party can then retrieve the call
from the extension as needed.
Park a call as follows:
1. Press flash.
2. Listen for the pulse tone and the dial tone.
3. Dial .
4. Dial the extension where you want to park the call
5. Listen for the pulse tone.
6. Hang up.
Retrieve the call as follows:
1. Lift the receiver.
2. Listen for the dial tone.
2. System Features
3. Dial .
4. Di al the extensi on w h ere th e call is par k ed
5. Begin speaking.
System Hold
System hold allows you to move a call to a temporary holding
destinat ion. The cal l can then be ret rieved from any extension number.
If a bus y tone is re turn ed when you a re tryi ng t o p lace a c all on sys tem
hold, try aga in us ing a different slot number.
Place a call on syste m hold as follows:
1. Press flash.
2. Listen for the pulse tone and the dial tone.
3. Dial .
4. Dial the number of the destination that is to receive the call (0
through 9).
5. Listen for the dial tone.
6. Hang up.
System Features2-3
Retrieve a call on syste m hold as follows:
1. Lift the receiver.
2.Listen for the dial tone.
3. Dial .
4. Dial the number of the dest ination (0 through 9).
5. Begin speaking.
Transferring Calls
The transfer feature allows you to trans f er a call to another extension
number or to the company ope rator. Dial to connect to the
company operator.
The connectio n between the caller a nd the person receivin g the
transferred call is complete when you hang up.
2-4Single-Line User Guide
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