Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
60” FHD 120HZ LED TV

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
1. Function Diagram………………………………………………………………………………………..4
2. System block……………………………………………………………………………………………..5
3. Disassembly method
3.1 Disassembly stand unit and Rear cabinet Ass’y……………………………………………......6
3.2 Disassembly the metal parts and attached Ass’y……………………………………………….7
3.3 Disassembly the board Ass’y…………………………………………………………………......8
3.4 Harness picture……………………………………………………………………………………..9
3.5 Tearing off the LVDS cable with silicon………………………………………………………….9
4. Basic schematic of port
4.1 Power circuit……………………………………………………………………………………….10
4.2 Reset circuit………………………………………………………………………………………..14
4.3 IR&KEY circuit……………………………………………………………………………………..15
4.4 VGA INPUT………………………………………………………………………………………...16
4.5 SPDIF OUTPUT…………………………………………………………………………………...17
4.6 AV& YPBPR……………………………………………………………………………………….18
4.7 HDMI Circuit……………………………………………………………………………………….19
4.8 USB Circuit………………………………………………………………………………………...21
4.9 AMP Circuit………………………………………………………………………………………...21
4.10 Main controller MSD3393LU…………………………………………………………………...23
4.11 WIFI Circuit……………………………………………………………………………………….24
5. Trouble shooting table
5.1 Power Troubleshooting…………………………………………………………………………...25
5.2 Display Troubleshooting………………………………………………………………………….26
5.3 Audio Troubleshooting…………………………………………………………………………….28
5.4 Function Troubleshooting………………………………………………………………………...29
6. Software update procedure
6.1 Enter factory menu mode method……………………………………………………………….35
6.2 Software update procedure………………………………………………………………………36
7. Connector define………………………………………………………………………………………..38
8. Critical components list
8.1 Critical components list for Main Board…………………………………………………………42
8.2 Critical components list for Power Board……………………………………………………….43
9. Mechanical Explosion Diagram
9.1 TV Set Explosion Diagram………………………………………………………………………..46
9.2 Packing Explosion Diagram………………………………………………………………………48
10. SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES………………………………………………………………………….50

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
Service work shoud be performed only by qualified service technicians who are thoroughly familiar with
all safety checks and the servicing guidelines which are as follows:
1..For continued safety,no modification of any circuit earth ground,such as electrical or electrical
..should be attempted. around connected to an earth ground.
2..Disconnect AC power before servicing. • Use an AC voltmeter having with 5000 ohm per volt,
or higher,sensitivity or measure the AC voltage drop
across the resistor.
• Connect the resistor connection to all exposed metal
parts having a return to the chassis (antenna, metal
cabinet, screw heads, knobs and control shafts,
escutcheon, etc.) and measure the AC voltage drop
T5.0AH (5.0A,250V)
(Fire & Shock Hazard) a potential shock hazard which must be corrected
Before returning the receiver,the user should perform
the following safety checks:
1. Inspect all lead dress to make certain that leads are
not pinched,and check that hardware is not lodged
between the chassis and other metal parts in the
2. Inspect all protective devices such as non-metallic
control knobs,insulation materials,cabinet backs,
adjustment and compartment covers or shields,
isolation resistor-capacitor networks,mechanical
3. To be sure that no shock hazard exists,check for
leakage current in the following manner.
· Plug the AC cord directly into a 200 volt AC outlet,
and connect the DC power cable into the receiver’s
DC jack.(Do not use an isolation transformer for this
test) .
· Using two clip leads,connect a 1.5K ohm,10 watt
across the resistor.
All checks must be repeated with the AC cord plug
connection reversed. (If necessary, a nonpolarized
adaptor plug must be used only for the purpose of
completing these checks.)
Any reading of 0.75V peak (this corresponds to 0.5
mA. peak AC.) or more is excessive and indicates
before returning the monitor to the owner.

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
resistor paralleled by a 0.15uF capacitor in series
with all exposed metal cabinet parts and a known
1.Function Diagram
1 Function of Board:
1) Image Board(M/B):Control all input signals, Decode the video signal, De-interlace, and send
digital signal (LVDS signal) sent from image Board and display;
2) Panel:Display all image;
3) Key Pad Board: POWER、SOURCE、MENU、Channel -/+、VOL-/+;
4) IR Board :Receive IR Signal; LED R/G
5) Inverter and Power: the Power Supply for Panel, Image Board;

2、System block
Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
3. Disassembly the TV set method
3.1 Disassembly stand unit and Rear cabinet Ass’y.
Removing the Stand Unit, the Wirer Clamp and the Speaker Cover Left and the Rear
Cabinet and the Speaker Cover right.
Step 1 Remove 6 pcs lock screws ① and detach the Stand Unit ②
Step 2 Remove 1 pcs lock screws ③ , 16 pcs lock screw ⑤, 4 pcs lock screws ⑥ ,
8 pcs lock screws ⑦ and detach the Wirer Clamp ④ and the Speaker Cover Left ⑧
and the Rear Cabinet ⑨ and the Speaker Cover right ⑩.
The detail screws sign as following picture3.1
Picture 3.1

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
3.2 Disassembly the metal parts and attached Ass’y.
Removing the Wall Mount Bracket, I/O Terminal Bracket Down/Side, the bracket of base,
and Speaker.
Step 1 Remove 16 pcs lock screws ① and detach the Wall Mount Bracket ②.
Step 2 Remove 3 pcs lock screws ③ and detach the I/O Terminal Bracket Down/Side ④/⑤.
Step 3 Remove 4 pcs lock screws ⑥ and detach the bracket of base ⑦.
Step 4 Remove 4 pcs lock screws ⑧and detach the Speaker assembly ⑨ from the Speaker
Cover left / right ⑩/
The detail screws and parts sign as following picture3.2
Picture 3.2

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
3.3 Disassembly the board Ass’y.
Removing t the Power Board Unit, the NT72322 120Hz ME/MC Board, the Main Board,
the Main Board Bracket, the T-CON Board, the Key board and the IR board.
Step 1 Remove 8 pcs lock screws ① and detach the Power Board Unit ②.
Step 2 Remove 4 pcs lock screws ③ and detach the NT72322 120Hz ME/MC Board ④.
Step 3 Remove 4 pcs lock screws ⑤ and detach the Main Board ⑥.
Step 4 Remove 4 pcs lock screws ⑦ and detach the Main Board Bracket ⑧
Step 5 Remove 2 pcs lock screws ⑨ and detach the T-CON Board ⑩.
Step 6 Detach the Key Board Assembly 11 .
Step 7 Detach the IR Board Assembly 12 .
The detail screws and parts sign as following picture3.3
3.4 Harness picture
Picture 3.3

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
3.5 Tearing off the LVDS cable with silicon
Step 1 Put the art knife aside the LVDS’s connector, and cut the silicon apart. As photo 3.4.
Note:Don’t damage the main board and cable when cut the silicon apart with art knife.
Step 2 Pull the LVDS cable from the main board, as photo 3.5.
Note:To avoid the damage of the pins of LVDS connector, please be care and should
be vertical force when pull off the LVDS cable
Step 3 Put the art knife aside the main board and cut the silicon apart between the main board
and silicon. Remove the silicon. As photo 3.6.
Note:Don’t damage the main board and the pin of the connector when cut the silicon
apart with art knife. Meantime, don’t leave the foreign substance inside the machine.
Photo 3.4 Photo 3.5

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
Photo 3.7 Photo 3.6
4 Basic schematic of port
4.1 Power circuit
4.1.1 Power Input
4.1.2 Power Supply

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
4.1.3 Inverter

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
4.1.4 Tuner power

Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual
4.2 Reset circuit

4.3 IR&KEY circuit
Sharp LC-60LE644U Service manual