Altivar 61/71
Migration from ATV78 -> ATV61/71
Migration Manual

This manual is intended to guide you through the process of replacing an Altivar 78 drive with an Altivar 61 or Altivar 71
Scope of application:
Constant torque applications:
- Replacing an Altivar 78 across the range: 525 V 690 V three-phase up to 630 kW
Variable torque applications:
- Replacing an Altivar 78 across the range: 525 V 690 V three-phase up to 800 kW
Using this manual you will be able to select the most appropriate Altivar 61 or Altivar 71 drive for your application, as well
as various options and accessories, based on the existing hardware configuration used on your Altivar 78.
You will notice that Altivar 61 and Altivar 71 drives integrate additional functionalities in terms of number of I/O and
application functions.
This manual also contains practical mounting, installation, and wiring recommendations.
To obtain maximum benefit from your Altivar 61 or Altivar 71 drive, you will need to
refer to the Installation and Programming manuals supplied with each drive.

Determining catalog numbers____________________________________________________________________________________ 5
Choice of Altivar 61 or Altivar 71 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5
Selecting the power circuit options _________________________________________________________________________ 8
Mounting accessories ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8
Control circuit option: Remote display terminal ________________________________________________________________ 9
Choice of I/O extension cards ____________________________________________________________________________ 10
Drive setup _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Mounting: Standard torque applications ____________________________________________________________________ 11
Comparison of dimensions ______________________________________________________________________________ 12
Remote display terminal ________________________________________________________________________________ 18
Power section wiring ___________________________________________________________________________________ 19
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Setup procedure
b 1 Identifying the existing ATV 78
v Make an inventory of your Altivar 78 installation
Steps 3 and 4
must be
performed with
the power off
b 2 Selecting the ATV 61 or ATV 71
v Determine the Altivar 61 or Altivar 71 catalog number
v Choose the various options required
b 3 Mounting
v Mount the drive in accordance with the
instructions in this document
v Install any internal and external options
b 4 Wiring
v Connect the motor, ensuring that its
connections correspond to the voltage
v Connect the control section
v Connect the speed reference
v Connect the line supply, after making sure
that the power is off
Migrating from ATV 78 ATV 61/71
b 5 Configuration
v Drive
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Determining catalog numbers
Motor power
according to
supply voltage
Line choke
kW Hp kW I nominal I max
525 V 600 V 690 V A A
2.3 3 3 4.5 6.4 U22Y ATV71H U30Y VW3A4551
3 3 4 5.5 9 U30Y ATV71H U40Y VW3A4551
4.2 5 5.5 7.5 11 U40Y ATV71H U55Y VW3A4552
5.7 7.5 7.5 10 15 U55Y ATV71H U75Y VW3A4552
8.4 11 11 13 20 U75Y ATV71H D11Y VW3A4553
11.4 15 15 18 27 D11Y ATV71H D15Y VW3A4553
14.1 20 18.5 22 36 D15Y ATV71H D18Y VW3A4554
16.7 25 22 27 44 D18Y ATV71H D22Y VW3A4554
22.8 30 30 34 54 D22Y ATV71H D30Y VW3A4555
28.5 40 37.5 41 68 D30Y ATV71H D37Y VW3A4555
34 50 45 52 82 D37Y ATV71H D45Y VW3A4555
42 60 55 62 104 D45Y ATV71H D55Y VW3A4556
57 75 75 80 124 D55Y ATV71H D75Y VW3A4556
68 100 90 100 160 D75Y ATV71H D90Y VW3A4556
84 125 110 125 200 D90Y ATV71H C11Y VW 3A4570
100 150 132 144 250 C11Y ATV71H C13Y VW3A4571
122 150 160 170 288 C13Y ATV71H C16Y VW3A4571
152 200 200 208 340 C16Y ATV71H C20Y VW3A4560
190 250 250 261 370 C20Y ATV71H C25Y VW3A4572
240 300 315 325 440 C25Y ATV71H C31Y VW3A4572
270 400 355 385 620 C31Y ATV71H C40Y 2 x VW3A4568
342 450 450 460 770 C35Y ATV71H C50Y 2 x VW3A4572
380 500 500 502 920 C45Y ATV71H C50Y 2 x VW3A4572
426 600 560 590 1004 C50Y ATV71H C63Y 2 x VW3A4572
Determining the type of use for the ATV 78: Standard or high torque?
• Standard torque corresponds to the ATV 71 drive (constant torque) or to the ATV 61 drive (variable torque) depending on the application.
• High torque corresponds to the ATV 71 drive (constant torque).
The following tables show the possible ATV 78/ATV 61 or ATV 78/ATV 71 combinations according to the torque required.
Choice of Altivar 61 or Altivar 71
Standard constant torque applications
ATV 78
(1)]Line chokes must be ordered separately.
These are optional on ATV71H U30Y to D90Y drives. On ATV71H C11Y to C63Y drives, however, they are compulsory, unless a special
transformer is used (such as a 12-pulse type).
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ATV 71
catalog number

Determining catalog numbers
Motor power
according to
supply voltage
Line choke
catalog number
kW Hp kW I nominal I max
525 V 600 V 690 V A A
1.7 2 2.2 3.2 6.7 U22Y ATV71H U22Y VW3A4551
2.3 3 3 4.5 9 U30Y ATV71H U30Y VW3A4551
3 3 4 5.5 11 U40Y ATV71H U40Y VW3A4551
4.2 5 5.5 7.5 15 U55Y ATV71H U55Y VW3A4552
5.7 7.5 7.5 10 20 U75Y ATV71H U75Y VW3A4552
8 11 11 13.5 27 D11Y ATV71H D11Y VW3A4553
11 15 15 18 36 D15Y ATV71H D15Y VW3A4553
14 20 18.5 22 44 D18Y ATV71H D18Y VW3A4554
17 25 22 27 54 D22Y ATV71H D22Y VW3A4554
23 30 30 34 68 D30Y ATV71H D30Y VW3A4555
29 40 37 41 82 D37Y ATV71H D37Y VW3A4555
34 50 45 52 104 D45Y ATV71H D45Y VW3A4555
42 60 55 62 124 D55Y ATV71H D55Y VW3A4556
57 75 75 80 160 D75Y ATV71H D75Y VW3A4556
68 100 90 100 200 D90Y ATV71H D90Y VW3A4556
84 125 110 125 250 C11Y ATV71H C11Y VW3A4570
100 150 132 144 288 C13Y ATV71H C13Y VW3A4571
122 150 160 170 340 C16Y ATV71H C16Y VW3A4571
152 200 200 208 370 C20Y ATV71H C20Y VW3A4560
190 250 250 261 440 C25Y ATV71H C25Y VW3A4572
240 300 315 325 620 C31Y ATV71H C31Y VW3A4572
270 400 355 385 770 C35Y ATV71H C40Y 2 x VW3A4568
342 450 450 460 920 C45Y ATV71H C50Y 2 x VW3A4572
380 500 500 502 1004 C50Y ATV71H C50Y 2 x VW3A4572
426 600 560 590 1180 C56Y ATV71H C63Y 2 x VW3A4572
High constant torque applications
ATV 78
ATV 71
(1)Line chokes must be ordered separately.
These are optional on ATV71H U22Y to D90Y drives. On ATV71H C11Y to C63Y drives, however, they are compulsory, unless a special
transformer is used (such as a 12-pulse type).
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Determining catalog numbers
11.4 15 15 18 27 D11Y ATV61H D15Y VW3A4553
14.1 20 18.5 22 36 D15Y ATV61H D18Y VW3A4553
16.7 25 22 27 44 D18Y ATV61H D22Y VW3A4554
22.8 30 30 34 54 D22Y ATV61H D30Y VW3A4554
28.5 40 37.5 41 68 D30Y ATV61H D37Y VW3A4555
34 50 45 52 82 D37Y ATV61H D45Y VW3A4555
42 60 55 62 104 D45Y ATV61H D55Y VW3A4555
57 75 75 80 124 D55Y ATV61H D75Y VW3A4556
68 100 90 100 160 D75Y ATV61H D90Y VW3A4556
84 125 110 125 200 D90Y ATV61H C11Y VW3A4570
100 150 132 144 250 C11Y ATV61H C13Y VW 3A4570
122 150 160 170 288 C13Y ATV61H C16Y VW 3A4571
152 200 200 208 340 C16Y ATV61H C20Y VW 3A4571
190 250 250 261 370 C20Y ATV61H C25Y VW 3A4560
240 300 315 325 440 C25Y ATV61H C31Y VW 3A4572
270 400 355 385 620 C31Y ATV61H C40Y VW 3A4572
342 450 450 460 770 C35Y ATV61H C50Y 2 x VW3A4568
380 500 500 502 920 C45Y ATV61H C50Y 2 x VW3A4568
426 600 560 590 1004 C50Y ATV61H C63Y 2 x VW3A4572
479 650 630 650 1180 C56Y ATV61H C63Y 2 x VW3A4572
540 800 710 650 1300 C63Y ATV61H C80Y 2 x VW3A4572
609 800 800 820 1500 C71Y ATV61H C80Y 2 x VW3A4572
Standard variable torque applications
The Altivar 61 is designed for pumping and ventilation applications where the torque varies with the speed.
(1)Line chokes must be ordered separately.
These are optional on ATV61H U22Y to C11Y drives. On ATV61H C13Y to C80Y drives, however, they are compulsory, unless a special
transformer is used (such as a 12-pulse type).
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