Reference Information
Samsung Electronics
Service Manual
2. Reference Information
This chapter contains the tools list, list of abbreviations used in this manual, and a guide to the
location space required when installing the printer. A definition of test pages and Wireless
Network information definition is also included.
2.1 Tool for Troubleshooting
The following tools are recommended safe and easy troubleshooting as described in this service manual.
• DVM (Digital Volt Meter)
Standard : Indicates more than 3 digits.
• Driver
Standard : "-" type, "+" type (M3 long, M3 short, M2
long, M2 short).
• T weezers
Standard : For general home use, small type.
• Cotton Swab
Standard : For general home use, for medical service.
• Cleaning Equipments
Standard : An IPA(Isopropyl Alcohol) dry wipe tissue or
a gentle neutral detergent and lint-free cloth.
• Vacuum Cleaner
• Spring Hook
Standard : For general use
• Software (Driver) installation CD ROM
Service Manual
Reference Information
Samsung Electronics
2.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations
The table in the below explains abbreviations used in this service manual.
The contents of this service manual are declared with abbreviations in many parts. Please refer to the
AC Alternating Current
ADF Automatic Document Feeder
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASSY assembly
BIOS Basic Input Output System
CCD Charge Coupled Device
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CN connector
CON connector
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRUM Customer Replaceable Unit Memory
dB decibel
dbA decibelampere
dBM decibel milliwatt
DC direct current
DCU Diagnostic Control Unit
DPI Dot Per Inch
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DVM Digital Voltmeter
ECP Enhanced Capability Port
EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable Read
Only Memory
EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
EP electrophotographic
EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
FCOT First Copy Out Time
F/W firmware
GDI graphics device interface
GND ground
HBP Host Based Printing
HDD Hard Disk Drive
HV high voltage
HVPS High Voltage Power Supply
I/F interface
I/O Input and Output
IC integrated circuit
IDE Intelligent Drive electronics or Imbedded
Drive Electronics
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. Inc
IPA Isopropy Alcohol
IPM Images Per Minute
LAN local area network
lb pound(s)
LBP Laser Beam Printer
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LSU Laser Scanning Unit
MB Megabyte
MFP Multi-Functional Product
MHz Megahertz
NVRAM Nonvolatile random access memory
OPC Organic Photo Conductor
PBA Printed Board Assembly
PCL Printer Command Language , Printer Control
PDL Page Discription Language
PPM Page Per Minute
PTL Pre-Transfer Lamp
Q’ty Quantity
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
SCF Second Cassette Feeder
SMPS Switching Mode Power Supply
SPGP Samsung Printer Graphic Processor
SPL Samsung Printer Language
Spool Simultaneous Peripheral Operation Online
SW Switch
Sync Synchronous or synchronization
TBD To Be Determined
USB Universal Serial Bus
Reference Information
Samsung Electronics
Service Manual
2.3 The Sample Pattern for the Test
The sample pattern shown in below is the standard pattern used in the factory.
The life of the toner cartridge and the printing speed are measured using the pattern shown below.
(The image is 70% of the actual A4 size).
2.3.1 A4 5% Pattern