The KS9286B is a CMOS integrated circuit designed for
the Digital Audio Signal Processor for Compact Disc
Player. It is a monolithic IC that builts-in 16-bit Digital
Analog Convertor, ESP Interface and Digital De-emphasis
additional conventional DSP function.
1AVDD1-Analog VCC1
2DPDOOCharge pump output for Digital PLL
3DPFINIFilter input for Digital PLL
4DPFOUTOFilter output for Digital PLL
5CNTVOLIVCO control voltage for Digital PLL
6AVSS1-Analog Ground1
7DATXODigital Audio output data
8XINIX'tal oscillator input
9XOUTOX'tal oscillator output
10WDCHOOWord clock output of 48bit/Slot (88.2KHz)
11LRCHOOChannel clock output of 48 bit/Slot (44.1KHz)
12ADATAOOSerial audio data output of 48 bit/Slot (MSB first)
13DVSS1-Digital Ground1
14BCKOOAudio data bit clock output of 48 bit/Slot (2.1168MHz)
15C2POOC2 Pointer for output audio data
16VREFL2IInput terminal2 of reference voltage "L" (Floating)
17VREFL1IInput terminal1 of reference voltage "L" (GND connection)
18AVDD2-Analog VCC2
19RCHOUTORight-Channel audio output through D/A converter
20LCHOUTOLeft-Channel audio output through D/A converter
21AVSS2-Analog ground2
22VREFH1IInput terminal1 of reference voltage "H" (VDD connection)
23VREFH2IInput terminal2 of reference voltage "H" (Floating)
24EMPHOH: Emphasis ON, L: Emphasis OFF
25LKFSOThe Lock Status output of frame sync
26S0S1OOutput of subcode sync signal(S0+S1)
27RESETISystem reset at "L"
28/ESPIESP function ON/OFF control ("L": ESP function ON, "H": ESP function OFF)
29SQCKIClock for output Subcode-Q data
30SQDTOSerial output of Subcode-Q data
31SQOKOThe CRC (Cycle Redundancy Check) check result signal output of Subcode-Q
32SBCKIClock for output subcode data
33SDATOSubcode serial data output
34DVDD1-Digital VDD1
35MUTEIMute control input ("H": Mute ON)
36MLTILatch Signal Input from Micom (Schmit Trigger)
37MDATISerial data input from Micom (Schmit Trigger)
38MCKISerial clock input from Micom (Schmit Trigger)
39RD7I/OSRAM data I/O port 8 (MSB)
40RD6I/OSRAM data I/O port 7
41RD5I/OSRAM data I/O port 6
42RD4I/OSRAM data I/O port 5
43RD3I/OSRAM data I/O port 4
44RD2I/OSRAM data I/O port 3
45RD1I/OSRAM data I/O port 2
46RD0I/OSRAM data I/O port 1 (LSB)
47FLAG1I/OMonitoring output for error correction (RA0)
48FLAG2I/OMonitoring output for error correction (RA1)
49FLAG3I/OMonitoring output for error correction (RA2)
50FLAG4I/OMonitoring output for error correction (RA3)
51FLAG5I/OMonitoring output for error correction (RA4)
52/PBCKI/OOutput of VCO/2 (4.3218MHz) (RA5)
53DVSS2I/ODigital ground 2
54FSDWI/OWindow or unprotected frame sync (RA6)
55ULKFSI/OFrame sync protection state (RA7)
56/JITI/ODisplay of either RAM overflow or underflow for + 4 frame jitter margin (RA8)
57C4MI/OOnly monitoring signal (4.2336MHz) (RA9)
58C16MI/O16.9344MHz signal output(RA10)
59/WEI/OTerminal for test
60/CSI/OTerminal for test
61XTALSELIMode Selection1 (H: 33.8688MHz, L: 16.9344MHz)
62FOKISERVO FOK Signal input terminal
63CDROMIMode Selection2 (H: CD-ROM, L: CDP)
64SRAMITEST input terminal (GND connection)
65TEST1ITEST input terminal (GND connection)
66EFMIIEFM signal input
67ADATAIISerial audio data input of 48 bit/Slot (MSB first)
68/ISTATOThe internal status output
69TRCNTITracking counter input signal
70LOCKOOutput signal of LKFS condition sampled PBFR/16 (if LKFS is "H", LOCK is "H",
71PBFROWrite frame clock (Lock: 7.35KHz)
72SMEFOLPF time constant control of the spindle servo error signal
73SMONOON/OFF control signal for spindle servo
74DVDD2-Digital VDD2
75SMDPOSpindle Motor drive (Rough control in the SPEED mode, Phase control in the PHASE
if LKFS is sampled "L" at least 8 times by PBFR/16, LOCK is "L".)
76SMDSOSpindle Motor drive (Velocity control in the PHASE mode)
77BCKIIAudio data bit clock input of 48 bit/Slot (2.1168MHz)
78TESTVITEST input terminal (GND connection)
79DSPEEDITEST input terminal (VDD connection)
80LRCHIIChannel clock input of 48 bit/Slot (44.1KHz)
1. Micom Interface
The data inputted from Micom is inputted to MDAT and transfered by MCK, and the inputted signal is loaded to
control register by means of MLT. The timing chart is as follows.