Salter Brecknell 200SL User Manual

Addendum Sheet for the 200SL Digital Indicator
200SL only


Auto Power Off Period
Hold Mode Enable
Selects the auto off time period in minutes: “Off” = Disabled (Always ON)
Activates the “Hold” mode where weight of the object on the platform is frozen on the display. This is used in conjunction with the Motion Band setting (F5) and the Percentage Hold setting (F12) to capture an unstable load, such as livestock.
Automatic Mode: Automatically locks weight on the display at stable. The percentage hold setting unlocks the held reading and relocks on the new weight in both increasing and decreasing weight values.
Manual Mode: Press the NET/GROSS key before applying weight. When load is stabilized, the display will hold the weight reading until the NET/GROSS key is pressed again. The percentage hold setting unlocks the held reading and relocks on the new weight in increasing weight values only.
Peak Hold Mode: Pressing the UNITS key toggles between normal or peak hold mode. The display updates as the load increases but not as the load decreases. The value shown on the display is the maximum weight applied to the scale at any period of time.
Off, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30
1 2 3
Handshaking Enable
Print Header
Percentage Hold
“0” = Disabled, “1” = Automatic, “2” = Manual, “3” = Peak Hold
Enables hardware handshaking for Print Ticket Mode. Valid only when A6 is set to “1”.
“0” = Disabled Handshaking “1” = Enable Handshaking Tells MP-20 printer to print the header information. Valid only
when A6 is set to “1” “0” = Do NOT Print Header “1” = Print Header
Allows you to select the percentage (of the displayed held value) of weight change before the scale automatically unlocks the held reading and relocks on the new weight.
5, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100
When the displayed weight is “locked on” (in either the automatic or manual mode), these two annunciators will be lit.
When “Peak Hold” mode is selected, a “P” will be displayed.
“Hold” labels are included with each indicator and may be applied as shown.