Technical Information
Date: January 1, 2002
Model: RSX 1065
Subject: Software Upgrade
The procedure to upgrade RSX 1065 software is accomplished with the use of the
Hyper Terminal computer communications program. Please contact your IT manager
if this program is not familiar to you.
Items needed for upgrade:
Computer with serial port connection
RS 232 cable with DB-9 to RJ-45 terminations (see attached drawing)
Upgrade software from
1. Make note of the software version that is shown on the front display by pressing
and holding the MUTE button on your remote control for 5 seconds.
2. Power off the RSX 1065 and remove all connections
3. Connect the RS 232 cable between the RSX 1065 and the computer
4. Remove the cover plate to reveal the software upgrade switches
5. Set the two software upgrade dip switches to the ON position
6. Launch the HyperTerminal computer program
54 C
, MA 01864 P
: 800-370-3741 FAX: 978-664-4109
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7. In the Connection Description menu, type RSX 1065, select an icon and click OK
8. In the Connect To menu, select Direct to Comm 1 and click OK
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9. In the Comm 1 or 2 Properties menu, select 19200 Bits per second, 8 Data bits,
None Parity, 1 Stop bit, None Flow control and click OK
10. In the RSX 1065 Hyper Terminal window, click File and select Properties