Rotel RSP985 Owners Manual [ru]

Owner’s manual Bedienungsanleitung
Surround Sound Processor
1: Controls and Connections

2: DB25 pin assignments

Pinbelegung der DB25-Anschlüsse
1 left front + 2 center + 3 right front + 4 subwoofer + 5 left surround + 6 right surround + 14 left front GND 15 center GND 16 right surround GND 17 subwoofer GND 18 left surround GND 19 right surround GND
1 Signal Front links 2 Signal Center 3 Signal Front rechts 4 Signal Subwoofer 5 Signal Surround links 6 Signal Surround rechts 14 GND Front links 15 GND Center 16 GND Front rechts 17 GND Subwoofer 18 GND Surround links 19 GND Surround rechts

3: Remote control


4: Output connections


5: RCA Source Connections

Anschließen der Quellen über die Cinch-Eingänge

6: S-Video Source Connections


7: Zone 2 Connections

Anschlußdiagramm für den Zone 2-Betrieb
8: On-Screen Menus
English 9 Deutsch 24
WARNING: There are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose the unit to moisture or water. Do not allow foreign objects to get into the enclosure. If the unit is exposed to moisture, or a foreign object gets into the enclosure, immediately disconnect the power cord from the wall. Take the unit to a qualified service person for inspection and necessary repairs.
Read all the instructions before connecting or operating the com­ponent. Keep this manual so you can refer to these safety in­structions.
Heed all warnings and safety information in these instructions and on the product itself. Follow all operating instructions.
Clean the enclosure only with a dry cloth or a vacuum cleaner. You must allow 10 cm or 4 inches of unobstructed clearance around
the unit. Do not place the unit on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface that could block the ventilation openings. If the unit is placed in a bookcase or cabinet, there must be ventilation of the cabinet to allow proper cooling.
Keep the component away from radiators, heat registers, stoves, or any other appliance that produces heat.
The unit must be connected to a power supply only of the type and voltage specified on the rear panel of the unit. (USA: 115 V/ 60Hz, EC: 230V/50Hz)
Connect the component to the power outlet only with the sup­plied power supply cable or an exact equivalent. Do not modify the supplied cable in any way. Do not attempt to defeat ground­ing and/or polarization provisions. The cable should be connected to a 2-pin polarized wall outlet, matching the wide blade of the plug to the wide slot of the receptacle. Do not use extension cords.
Do not route the power cord where it will be crushed, pinched, bent at severe angles, exposed to heat, or damaged in any way. Pay particular attention to the power cord at the plug and where it exits the back of the unit.
The power cord should be unplugged from the wall outlet if the unit is to be left unused for a long period of time.
Immediately stop using the component and have it inspected and/ or serviced by a qualified service agency if:
• The power supply cord or plug has been damaged.
• Objects have fallen or liquid has been spilled into the unit.
• The unit has been exposed to rain.
• The unit shows signs of improper operation
• The unit has been dropped or damaged in any way
Bitte lesen Sie sich die Bedienungsanleitung vor Gebrauch des Gerätes genau durch. Sie enthält wichtige Sicherheitsvorschriften, die unbedingt zu beachten sind! Bewahren Sie die Bedienungsanleitung so auf, daß sie jederzeit zugänglich ist.
Außer den in der Bedienungsanleitung beschriebenen Handgriffen sollten vom Bediener keine Arbeiten am Gerät vorgenommen werden. Das Gerät ist ausschließlich von einem qualifizierten Fachmann zu öffnen und zu reparieren.
Dieses Gerät darf nur in trockenen Räumen betrieben werden. Um die Gefahr von Feuer oder eines elektrischen Schlags auszuschließen, dürfen keine Flüssigkeiten oder Fremdkörper in das Gerät gelangen. Sollte dieser Fall trotzdem einmal eintreten, trennen Sie das Gerät sofort vom Netz ab. Lassen Sie es von einem Fachmann prüfen und die notwendigen Reparaturarbeiten durchführen.
Befolgen Sie alle Warn- und Sicherheitshinweise in der Bedienungsanleitung und auf dem Gerät.
Dieses Gerät sollte, wie andere Elektrogeräte auch, nicht unbeaufsichtigt betrieben werden.
Ist das Gerät z.B. während des Transports über längere Zeit Kälte ausgesetzt worden, so warten Sie mit der Inbetriebnahme, bis es sich auf Raumtemperatur erwärmt hat und das Kondenswasser verdunstet ist.
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, daß um das Gerät ein Freiraum von 10 cm gewährleistet ist, so daß die Luft ungehindert zirkulieren kann. Stellen Sie das Gerät weder auf ein Bett, Sofa, Teppich oder ähnliche Oberflächen, um die Ventilationsöffnungen nicht zu verdecken. Das Gerät sollte nur dann in einem Regal oder in einem Schrank untergebracht werden, wenn eine ausreichende Luftzirkulation gewährleistet ist.
Stellen Sie das Gerät nicht in die Nähe von Wärmequellen (Heizkörper, Wärmespeicher, Öfen oder sonstige wärmeerzeugende Geräte).
Bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen, prüfen Sie, ob die Betriebsspannung mit der örtlichen Netzspannung übereinstimmt. Die Betriebsspannung ist an der Rückseite des Gerätes angegeben. (USA: 115 V/60Hz, EC: 230V/50Hz)
Schließen Sie das Gerät nur mit dem dazugehörigen zweipoligen Netzkabel an die Wandsteckdose an. Modifizieren Sie das Netzkabel auf keinen Fall. Versuchen Sie nicht, die Erdungs- und/oder Polarisationsvorschriften zu umgehen. Das Netzkabel sollte an eine zweipolige Wandsteckdose angeschlossen werden. Verwenden Sie keine Verlängerungskabel.
Netzkabel sind so zu verlegen, daß sie nicht beschädigt werden können (z.B. durch Trittbelastung, Möbelstücke oder Erwärmung). Besondere Vorsicht ist dabei an den Steckern, Verteilern und den Anschlußstellen des Gerätes geboten.
Sollten Sie das Gerät für eine längere Zeit nicht in Betrieb nehmen, ziehen Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose.
Schalten Sie das Gerät sofort aus und ziehen Sie geschultes Fachpersonal zu Rate, wenn:
• das Netzkabel oder der Stecker beschädigt sind,
• Gegenstände bzw. Flüssigkeit in das Gerät gelangt sind,
• das Gerät Regen ausgesetzt war,
• das Gerät nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert bzw. eine deutliche Leistungsminderung aufweist,
• das Gerät hingefallen ist bzw. beschädigt wurde.
Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose, bevor Sie mit der Reinigung des Gerätes beginnen. Reinigen Sie die Oberflächen des Gerätes nur mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch. Verwenden Sie keine scharfen Reinigungs- oder Lösungsmittel. Vor der erneuten Inbetriebnahme des Gerätes ist sicherzustellen, daß an den Anschlußstellen keine Kurzschlüsse bestehen und alle Anschlüsse ordnungsgemäß sind.
Stellen Sie das Gerät waagerecht auf eine feste, ebene Unterlage. Es sollte weder auf beweglichen Unterlagen noch Wagen oder fahrbaren Untergestellen transportiert werden.
(numbers in gray boxes correspond to bullet numbers on illus­tration at the front of this manual)
1: Controls and Connections 2 2: DB25 pin assignments 2 3: Remote control 3 4: Output connections 3 5: RCA Source Connections 4 6: S-Video Source Connections 5 7: Zone 2 Connections 6 8: On-Screen MenusOn-Screen-Menüsystem 7
About Rotel .........................................10
Getting Started ....................................10
RSP-985 Key Features 10 About the THX Ultra™ System 10 Unpacking the RSP-985 10 Placement 10
Front Panel Controls .............................10
Standby LED 11 Standby Switch 11 Remote Sensor 11 Master Volume Control 11 Tone Controls 11 Listening Input Source Buttons 11
5.1 Channel Input 11 Tape Monitor 11 Recording Input Source Buttons 11 Surround Sound Mode LEDs 12
RR-939 Remote Control .......................13
Programming the RR-939 13 Power Button 13 Volume Buttons 13 Mute Button (remote only) 13 Input Select Buttons 13
5.1 CH Button 13 Surround + Button 13 Movie Filter/THX (remote only) 13 Numeric Buttons (remote only) 13 On-Screen Button (remote only) 13 DOWN/UP Buttons (remote only) 13 ENTER Button (remote only) 14 Back Button (remote only) 14
Rear Panel Input Connections ................14
RCA Audio and Video Inputs 14 S-Video Source Inputs 14 Digital Audio Inputs 14
5.1 Channel Audio Input 15 RCA Tape Monitor Inputs 15 External In Jack 15
Rear Panel Output Connections .............15
RCA Audio and Video Outputs 15 S-Video Outputs 15 Main Processor RCA Audio Outputs 15 Main Processor 25-pin Audio Outputs 16 TV/Monitor Video Outputs 16 Tape Monitor Audio Outputs 16
Rear Panel AC Power Connections.........16
AC power 16 AC Convenience Outlets 16
Zone 2 Connection and Operation..........16
Zone 2 Power On/Off Operation 17 Zone 2 Audio Outputs 17 Remote External Sensor/Repeater Jacks 17
On-Screen Display and
System Configuration ...........................17
Navigation Buttons 17 Start-up Screen 18 System Status Screen 18 Main Menu Screen 18 Dolby Digital Setup Menu 19 Input Setup Menu 19 System Setup Menu 20 Speaker Setup Menu 20 Delay Setup Menu 22 Balance Setup Menu 22 Subwoofer Setup Menu 23 Factory Default Menu 23
Specifications .......................................23
Audio 23 Video 23 General 23
Mode Button 12
RSP-985 Surround Sound Processor

About Rotel

A family whose passionate interest in music led them to manufacture high fidelity compo­nents of uncompromising quality founded Rotel over 30 years ago. Through the years that pas­sion has remained undiminished and the family goal of providing exceptional value for audio­philes and music lovers regardless of their bud­get, is shared by all Rotel employees.
The engineers work as a close team, listen­ing to, and fine tuning each new product until it reaches their exacting musical standards. They are free to choose components from around the world in order to make that prod­uct the best they can. You are likely to find ca­pacitors from the United Kingdom and Ger­many, semi conductors from Japan or the United States, while toroidal power transformers are manufactured in Rotel’s own factory.
Rotel’s reputation for excellence has been earned through hundreds of good reviews and awards from the most respected reviewers in the industry, who listen to music every day. Their comments keep the company true to its goal – the pursuit of equipment that is musi­cal, reliable and affordable.
All of us at Rotel, thank you for buying this product and hope it will bring you many hours of enjoyment.

Getting Started

Thank you for purchasing the Rotel RSP-985 Surround Sound Processor. The RSP-985 is a full-featured audio/video control center de­signed to handle both analog and digital source components. Its surround sound processing includes Dolby
and THX® as well as synthesized surround
DTS modes for music from both analog and digi­tal inputs. System control flexibility includes inputs for six audio/video components plus a recording function that allows independent recording of any analog input signal. Zone 2 capability allows the use of the RSP-985 in a main listening room plus a remote location. The RSP-985 is a natural extension of Rotel’s passion for high performance, providing ac­curate reproduction of both movie soundtracks and demanding musical selections.
To get the most from your RSP-985, we sug­gest you read this manual and keep it as a reference to answer any future questions.
Pro Logic®, Dolby Digital®,

RSP-985 Key Features

Rotel’s Balanced Design Concept combines advanced circuit board layout, comprehen­sive parts evaluation, and extensive listening tests for superior sound and long term re­liability.
Dolby® Pro Logic®, Dolby Digital®, and DTS surround processing with DSP music modes.
THX® Ultra™ surround processing.
5.1 channel input for outboard surround processing such as MPEG digital standard.
User friendly ON-SCREEN MENU System.
Comprehensive rear panel input and out­put connections for audio and video sources (RCA, S-Video, digital).
Comprehensive input switching with sepa­rate input selection for listening (analog & digital) and recording (analog).
“Zone 2” output with independent input selection and level adjustments for multi­zone custom installations.
Universal remote control to operate the RSP-985 and up to seven other components.
or any future

About the THX Ultra™ System

THX is an exclusive set of standards and tech­nologies established by the world-renowned film production company, Lucasfilms Ltd. THX grew from George Lucas’ personal desire to make your experience of the film soundtrack, in both movie theaters and in your home the­ater, as faithful as possible to what the direc­tor intended.
Movie sound tracks are mixed in special movie theaters called dubbing stages and are de­signed to be played back in movie theaters with similar equipment and conditions. The soundtrack created for movie theaters is then transferred directly onto Laserdisc, VHS tape, DVD, etc., and is not changed for playback in a small home theater environment. THX engineers developed patented technologies to accurately translate the sound from the movie theater environment into the home, correcting the tonal and spatial errors that occur.
Before any home theater component can be THX Ultra certified, it must incorporate the THX technologies and also pass a rigorous series of quality and performance tests. Only then can a product feature the THX Ultra logo, which
is your guarantee that the Home Theater prod­ucts you purchase will give you superb per­formance for many years to come.

Unpacking the RSP-985

Remove the unit carefully from its packing. Look for the handheld remote control and other
accessories. Save the packing and box as it will protect the RSP-985 if you move or need to return it to us for maintenance.


Place the RSP-985 on a solid, dry, level sur­face away from direct sunlight, excessive heat, high humidity, or strong vibrations.
Make sure the RSP-985 is close to the other components in your audio/video system and, if possible, place it on its own shelf. This will make initial cable routing, hookup, and any subsequent system changes easier. It also minimizes potential interference or heat buildup from other components.
The RSP-985 can generate heat during nor­mal operation. Do not block ventilation open­ings. Allow a minimum of 10 cm (4 inches) of unobstructed open space around the unit. If installed in a cabinet, make sure that there is adequate ventilation.
Make sure there is enough room behind the RSP-985 for easy hookup. Remember, you are connecting many other components to this unit and you’ll probably need more space than you think.
Don’t stack other objects (components or other items) on top of the RSP-966. Don’t let water fall into the RSP-966 as this could damage delicate circuitry.

Front Panel Controls

Although we have designed the RSP-985 to be as simple to use as possible, it is still a complex piece of equipment. For that reason, we suggest you look over the RSP-985’s front and rear panels before you start connecting other components to it. The following brief explanations provide an overview of the unit’s connections, features, and controls, with num­ber references corresponding to the illustra­tions at the front of this manual.
Most functions are duplicated on the front panel and on the handheld remote control, a few only on one or the other. These duplications are noted below. In addition, when two ref­erence numbers appear, one refers to the lo­cation of the button on the front panel, the other to the location of the button on the handheld remote control.

Standby LED

Some of the RSP-985’s circuitry (microprocessor, infrared sensor, etc.) remains powered at all times, while the rest of the circuitry is turned on or off by the user. The STANDBY LED lights whenever the RSP-985 is plugged into a live AC outlet but does not necessarily mean that the RSP-985 is totally active. If other front panel LEDs are lit, then the RSP-985 is fully functional.
: During system setup, it is possible to
select an alternative FULLY-ON power-up mode in which the unit is fully activated when­ever it is connected to a live AC outlet.

Standby Switch

Similar to a power switch in function, this button switches the RSP-985 from standby mode to fully active mode. If only the STANDBY LED is lit, push the front panel (or handheld remote POWER button) to fully activate the RSP-985. Other front panel LEDs light up and a welcome screen will appear on your TV set. Push the STANDBY switch again to deactivate the RSP-985. You'll see that only the STANDBY LED remains lit.
: The STANDBY switch also controls the
rear panel AC power outlets. When the RSP-985 is in
mode, the AC out­lets are off. When the RSP-985 is functional, the AC outlets are live.
The operation of the STANDBY switch is some­what more elaborate when using the RSP-985’s ZONE 2 capability. For a detailed explana­tion, see the ZONE 2 Connections and Op­erations section of this manual.

Remote Sensor

This sensor receives infrared signals from the handheld remote control. Make sure you do not accidentally block this sensor with cables or accessories.

Master Volume Control

Turn this control clockwise to raise and coun­terclockwise to lower the volume to all six main output channels simultaneously.
MASTER VOLUME buttons are also available on the RSP-985's handheld remote control.
: The MASTER VOLUME control is me-
chanically connected to an internal servomo­tor and responds to commands from the handheld remote. It will rotate in the appro­priate direction automatically when adjusting the volume from the remote control.
Use the position of the LED indicator on the knob’s outer edge to determine relative vol­ume settings. When the volume control LED blinks, you’ve engaged MUTE from the remote controller.

Tone Controls

BASS and TREBLE controls increase and de­crease the audio signal’s low and high fre­quency content. Rotate each one clockwise to increase output in the respective frequency range and counterclockwise to reduce it. The center detent removes each control from the audio path for maximum signal integrity. The ON-SCREEN DISPLAY will show tone control settings as you adjust them.
: The BASS and TREBLE controls are by-
passed in THX mode and will have no effect, regardless of the setting indicated by the ON­SCREEN DISPLAY.

Listening Input Source Buttons

Six front panel pushbuttons select an audio/ video input source such as a CD player, VCR, Laser Disc Player, etc. Push any of these but­tons (or the duplicates on the handheld remote) to select the desired source. You will hear this source and, if you have selected a video source, see its picture on your TV. An LED indicator on each pushbutton lights to confirm your se­lection. In addition, the ON-SCREEN DISPLAY confirms your selection.
: The source inputs can accommodate
either analog signals or digital signals. This selection is made from the ON-SCREEN MENU system during initial setup of the sys­tem.

5.1 Channel Input

This button overrides all other audio inputs and directly connects an external adaptor to the RSP-985’s MASTER VOLUME control and audio outputs. Press this button to listen to the audio input from a 5.1 channel decoder. An LED above the button will light to indicate your selection. All of the RSP-985’s circuitry is by­passed, except the MASTER VOLUME control. The 5.1 CHANNEL button is duplicated on the handheld remote control.
: The 5.1 Channel Input is an audio-only
signal. The video signal from the selected source remains active. The 5.1 Channel in­put signal is not available for recording or for Zone 2.

Tape Monitor

This switch overrides the normal Listening Source Selectors to listen to whatever source component is connected to the Tape Monitor Input jacks. A confirming LED will light when­ever the Tape Monitor switch is depressed.

Recording Input Source Buttons

The RSP-985 allows you to listen to and/or watch one source while simultaneously record­ing from a second source. For example, you could listen to a CD while recording from a DVD player to a VCR. The row of RECORD­ING front panel buttons allows you to select the analog input from any source for record­ing. Its signal is routed to the rear panel VIDEO 2, 3, and 4 outputs and has no effect on the source selected for listening. LEDs immediately above each pushbutton light to confirm your selection.
The handheld remote does not have RECORD­ING buttons. However, a recording selection can be made from the remote using the ON­SCREEN MENU system.
: The RECORD inputs accept only ana-
log signals. Thus, if you are using a digital connection from a CD player or DVD for lis­tening, you should also connect an analog signal for recording. See the section on Rear Panel Input Connections.
RSP-985 Surround Sound Processor

Surround Sound Mode LEDs

The RSP-985 provides numerous surround sound modes to accommodate different types of audio and video source material as de­scribed below. These LEDs indicate which surround sound mode you’ve selected. Here is a brief description of the various surround sound modes.
2 CH STEREO provides conventional 2­speaker stereo with no surround sound or other processing. The front left and right speakers are on. The center and surround speakers are off.
MONO combines all channels from the source input into a single signal. The signal is sent to the center channel speaker. If there is no cen­ter channel speaker in your system, the sig­nal is sent equally to the front left and right speakers. All other speakers (except the subwoofer) are off. This setting might be suit­able for some TV watching, for example if you have the news report on in the background and do not want the volume levels or effects of the full surround system.
MUSIC 1, MUSIC 2, MUSIC 3, and MUSIC 4 simulate different acoustic environ-
ments and are primarily used to recreate am­bience when listening to music sources. MU­SIC 1 (“Hall”) produces the long, bright echo of a large auditorium, suitable for live record­ings. MUSIC 2 (“Club”) provides the short, dark echo of a crowded club, suitable for pop and rock. MUSIC 3 (“Natural”) provides minimal ambience suitable for a wide range of music including jazz, acoustic, and surround encoded music. MUSIC 4 (“Party”) sends the full ste­reo signal with no surround processing to front and rear speakers for maximum output. Ex­periment to determine which mode best matches your chosen source. All speakers are on in all MUSIC modes.
: A single LED is used to indicate both
the MUSIC 1 and 2 modes while a second LED indicates both MUSIC 3 and 4.
: The subwoofer is normally not active in
MUSIC modes, if LARGE front speakers are selected (although, this setting can be over­ridden to make the subwoofer active during system configuration).
DOLBY PRO LOGIC® provides proper play-
back decoding and processing for any Dolby Surround encoded analog audio source, whether it be a music CD, videotape, video­disc, conventional stereo TV broadcast, or sat­ellite broadcast. Dolby Pro Logic processing and playback through a properly calibrated system will preserve the directionality, ambi­ance, and spatial effects intended by the source’s producers.
Dolby Digital
provides proper playback decoding processing for any discrete Dolby Digital encoded digital audio source such as an AC-3 Laser Disc or DVD disc. Dolby Digi­tal provides up to 5 channels of discrete sur­round information plus subwoofer.
provides proper playback decoding
processing for any discrete Digital Theater Systems (DTS) encoded digital audio source such as a Laser Disc or DVD disc. Like Dolby Digital, DTS is a proprietary digital system providing up to 5 channels of discrete surround information plus subwoofer.
Ultra™ is a set of patented technolo-
gies developed by THX engineers to accurately translate the sound from the movie theater en­vironment into the home, correcting tonal and spatial errors. When the THX indicator is lit, the following THX technologies are automati­cally added after the Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Digital, or DTS decoder.
Re-Equalization™: The tonal balance
of a film soundtrack will be excessively bright and harsh when played back in the home because it was originally designed to be played in large movie theaters using very different equipment. Re-Equalization restores the correct tonal balance for movie soundtracks in the smaller home environ­ment.
Timbre Matching™: The human ear
changes our perception of sound depending on the direction from which the sound is coming. In a movie theater, there is an array of surround speakers so that the surround information is all around you. In a home theater, you only use two speakers located to the side of your head. The Timbre Match­ing filters the information going to the sur­round speakers so that they more closely match the tonal characteristics of the sound coming from the front speakers. This en­sures seamless panning between the front and surround speakers.
Adaptive Decorrelation™: In a movie
theater, a large number of surround speak­ers help create an enveloping surround sound experience. In a home theater, there are only two surround speakers which can reduce spatiousness and envelopment. Sur­round sound can also collapse into the closest speaker as you move away from the middle seating position. Adaptive Decorrelation slightly changes one surround channel’s time and phase relationship with respect to the other surround channel. This expands the listening position and creates the same spacious surround experience as in a movie theater.
By pressing the MOVIE FILTER button on the remote control, you activate the THX technolo­gies described above. Movies that have been encoded in Dolby Digital, DTS, Dolby Pro Logic, Stereo, and Mono can all benefit from acti­vating these THX features. THX should only be activated for movies that were mixed for play­back in large movie theaters. It need not be activated for music, made for TV movies, sports, talk shows or other programs mixed for small rooms.
: All of the surround modes described
above are selected with the MODE button (described below) except Dolby Digital , DTS, and THX. Dolby Digital and DTS are auto­matically activated when special digital codes in the source material are detected. THX is added to any of the other cinema surround modes using the MOVIE FILTER button on the remote control or during initial system setup from the ON-SCREEN MENUS.

Mode Button

The MODE button selects one of the surround modes described above. To make a selection, press the MODE button (or the SURROUND + button on the remote). The LED above the button will light. Each time you press the but­ton while the LED is lit, the surround mode will cycle to the next available setting as indicated by the SURROUND MODE LEDs. In addition, the surround mode setting may be changed using the ON-SCREEN MENU system.
No selection is required when playing Dolby Digital or DTS source material. These settings are automatically engaged. THX can be added to any of the cinema surround modes by press­ing the MOVIE FILTER button on the remote control.
+ 28 hidden pages