Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments
in a PlantPAx Distributed Control System
System Release 5.0
Selection Guide
Original Instructions
Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments in a PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection Guide
What’s Inside
Top icCo nt en tsPage
Summary of the steps to integrate Endress+Hauser instruments in a PlantPAx® process system, including:
Application Overview
Process Device ConfigurationHow to configure process devices by using FDT/DTM technology5
Process Device IntegrationAllen-Bradley® and Endress+Hauser device integration options5
HART System RequirementsRequired Allen-Bradley® control hardware for HART connectivity10
Integrated HART DevicesEndress+Hauser HART devices11
EtherNet/IP System
Required Allen-Bradley control hardware for EtherNet/IP™ connectivity26
Preferred Integration
Manufacturers often prefer to select components from different suppliers so they can achieve the best control system with the best
measurement components. This approach can pose risks because integration of components from different sources is often problematic.
There are hundreds of different components in a typical plant: controllers, remote I/O, electrical drives, safety equipment, and sensors. Each
component must be integrated, configured, and optimized during startup and operation.
Rockwell Automation and Endress+Hauser have strengthened their strategic alliance to provide complete process automation solutions that
include instrumentation, software, and control systems. Rockwell Automation and Endress+Hauser continuously develop pre-engineered,
pre-tested, supported, and maintained integrated solutions for plant-wide diagnostics and lifecycle management for seamless operation
between products from both companies. This preferred integration provides you with the following:
•Reduced integration costs throughout engineering, commissioning, and start-up
•Optimized plant availability and output
•Increased product quality and consistency
•Optimized traceability to meet regulatory demands
•Predictive maintenance through intelligent instruments
Integration tools from both companies include Add-on Profiles (AOPs) and process objects, that include Add-On Instructions and faceplates.
This document helps you select the Endress+Hauser instruments to integrate with a Rockwell Automation control system.
2Rockwell Automation Publication PROCES-SG003C-EN-P - October 2020
Endress+Hauser Publication SP01010A/04/EN/01.19
Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments in a PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection Guide
Application Overview
The standard integration process involves the following steps:
1.Install the control system hardware and instrumentation.
See Hardware Options
2.Install Add-on Profiles and any other accessory files (such as EDS files).
See Integration Components
These files are necessary to configure the control hardware and instrumentation in the controller program.
3.Use the Add-On Instructions in the Process Object Library to develop the application.
See Integration Components
4.Use the faceplates and graphical files to create an operator interface to monitor the application.
See Integration Components
5.Use FDT/DTM technology to get access to the process device configuration. See Integration Components and Software Options
and Software Options
Hardware Options
Select communication modules that support the protocol that connects the Endress+Hauser instruments.
ProtocolSee Page
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Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments in a PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection Guide
Software Options
The PlantPAx system is a distributed control system (DCS) that meets scalability and availability requirements for process
control systems. The system shares common technology (the Integrated Architecture® system) with all other automation
PlantPAx® Distributed Control System
Studio 5000® Integrated Design
Endress+Hauser Device Configuration
Endress+Hauser Netilion Industrial Internet
of Things (IIoT) Services
disciplines in the plant. This approach creates a seamless information flow across the plant for optimization opportunities
and enables a connected enterprise.
For more information, see the PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection Guide, publication PROCES-SG001
The design environment for the configuration of an Integrated Architecture system, including the PlantPAx system.
For more information, see: Automation System Design Software
FieldCare is the Endress+Hauser configuration tool for field devices. The software provides a range of functionality that
includes device parameterization, replacement, and condition monitoring. The software uses DTM or EDD files to integrate
For more information see: Endress + Hauser Device Configuration Managerment
Endress+Hauser solution for the Industrial Internet of Things. Improve and optimize plant productivity.
For more information see: Endress+Hauser Netilion Services
Integration Components
Rockwell Automation I/O modules: Find downloads
Add-on Profile (AOP)
Add-On Instruction
An AOP file is the device description that integrates modules and
devices into the Rockwell Automation Studio 5000 environment. An AOP
file integrates configuration parameters and tag data into the controller
program. This premier integration eliminates the need for you to map
data or create tag aliases.
Add-On Instructions are reusable code objects that contain
encapsulated logic. The objects let you create your own instruction set
for programming logic to supplement the instruction set that is native
to the controller. An Add-On Instruction is defined once in each
controller project, and can be instantiated multiple times in your
application code.
A faceplate is a graphical representation on an operator workstation of
a specific function. Plant operators and engineers use the faceplates to
monitor device performance, identify faults, and take corrective action.
The faceplates create a flow of information between key components of
the manufacturing process — from the Endress+Hauser
instrumentation to an enterprise business system.
In the search field, type AOP and select Add-on Profiles.
Endress+Hauser Ethernet instruments: Downloads
Select Media Type = Software and Software Type = Device Driver.
In the search field, type AOP
The Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects is a predefined
library of controller code (Add-On Instructions), display elements
(global objects), and faceplates.
Find downloads
In the search field, type process library and select the version.
For more information, see:
• Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects,
publication PROCES-RM200
• Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects: HART Modules for
PlantPAx DCS Reference Manual, publication PROCES-RM010
Rockwell Automation devices: Find downloads
Electronic data
sheet (EDS)
Communication DTM
(FactoryTalk® Linx
Gateway DTMs
Device DTMs
4Rockwell Automation Publication PROCES-SG003C-EN-P - October 2020
An EDS file is the device description that integrates EtherNet/IP
modules and instrumentation into the Rockwell Automation Studio 5000
A Communication DTM is the first DTM to be activation upon
communication setup in an FDT/FRAME system. This DTM standardizes
the communication channel to the corresponding communication
operations of the mapped network protocol. This DTM acts as the
standardized device driver for one or multiple protocols.
Gateway DTMs let communication transition between the
communications paths of different protocols in the FDT architecture.
Gateway DTMs act as a link between the CommDTM and the device.
A Device Type Manager™ (FDT/DTM™) is a software component for an
intelligent device or communication component within a digital
network. It contains all of the parameters, functions, user interfaces,
and other items that represent the devices features. The user interface
to the DTM is supplied by the manufacturer.
In the search field, type EDS file.
Endress+Hauser instruments: Downloads
Select Media Type = Software and Software Type = Device Driver.
In the search field, type EDS
Rockwell Automation devices: Find downloads
In the search field, type FactoryTalk Linx CommDTM and select the
Rockwell Automation devices: Find downloads
In the search field, type DTM and select the version
Endress+Hauser Device DTMs: Downloads
Select Media = Device Driver
Type = Device Type Manager (DTM)
Type in the name for the desired device
Download any other 3rd party Device DTMs direct on the FDT Group
website ( or from the appropriate device
vendor homepage
Endress+Hauser Publication SP01010A/04/EN/01.19
Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments in a PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection Guide
Process Device Configuration
Use FDT® Technology to configure, maintain, and monitor your smart field devices. Everything you need is in an FDT/DTM compatible frame
application with the appropriate Communication, Gateway and device DTMs. Together an FDT Frame and a DTM, or a collection of DTMs,
create an FDT-enabled application, which can be scaled from a single device to tens of thousands of devices controlled by a single FRAME
throughout the automation system.
Process Device Integration
Most PlantPAx device integrations require that you instantiate one Add-On module Profile (AOP) and two Add-On Instructions (AOI)
per field device:
•Module or Device-specific Add-On module Profile for Studio 5000 software to create the item in the I/O Configuration list, required
for device tags
•Device-specific Add-On Instruction that gathers the required device tags and prepares the data for use
•Generic object that uses the device data, along with custom-made device diagnostic and unit tables, to enable visibility with the
PlantPAx Distributed Control System
Rockwell Automation Publication PROCES-SG003C-EN-P - October 20205
Endress+Hauser Publication SP01010A/04/EN/01.19
Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments in a PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection Guide
Devices on Rockwell Automation HART I/O Modules
Highly-integrated HART provides a PlantPAx data type in the process controller for use with FLEX 5000 modules:
•Configuration of devices within the I/O Configuration tree (no Add-On Instruction needed)
•Device diagnostics automatically propagate to the controller project
Figure 1 - PlantPAx System Release 5.0 and FLEX 5000™ Highly Integrated HART I/O Modules
1.HART device in Studio 5000 I/O Configuration for device connection.
2.Add-on Profile for Module creation in (IOC) list, provides connection and device tags.
3.Process Controller PlantPAx Instructions for application logic/process strategies/alarms.
4.PlantPAx HMI Global Object to support Faceplates.
5.PlantPAx Faceplates.
Figure 2 - PlantPAx System Release 5.0 and 1756, 1794, 1718, 1719, 1734, 1769 or 1715 HART I/O Modules
1.HART device is not entered in Controllers I/O Configuration list.
2.Add-on Profile for Modules creation in (IOC) list, provides connection and device tags.
3.AOI to access device tags.
4.Add-on Instruction to interface device with PlantPAx Instructions.
5.Process Controller PlantPAx Instructions for application logic/process strategies/alarms.
6.PlantPAx HMI Global Object to support Faceplates.
7.PlantPAx Faceplates.
6Rockwell Automation Publication PROCES-SG003C-EN-P - October 2020
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Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments in a PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection Guide
Figure 3 - PlantPAx System Release 4.6 and 1756, 1794, 1718, 1719, 1734, 1769 or 1715 HART I/O Modules
1.HART device is not entered in Controllers I/O Configuration list.
2.Add-on Profile for Modules creation in (IOC) list, provides connection and device tags.
3.Add-on Instruction to access device tags for use with application logic / process strategies.
4.Add-on Instruction for diagnostics and control to the HMI Global Object.
5.PlantPAx HMI Global Object to support Faceplates.
6.PlantPAx Faceplates, such as P_AInHART-Faceplate and P_AOutHART-Faceplate.
Devices on EtherNet/IP (Custom Add-On Profile)
Figure 4 - PlantPAx System Release 4.6 and 5.0 and EtherNet/IP device with Custom AOP (for example, Endress+Hauser)
1.Endress+Hauser device in Studio 5000 I/O Configuration for device connection.
2.Add-on Profile for device creation and configuration, such as Promag, Liquiline.
3.Add-on Instruction to device tags, such as I_Promagx, I_Promassx… for use with application logic / process strategies.
4.Add-on Instruction for diagnostics and control to the HMI Global Object.
5.PlantPAx HMI Global Object to support Faceplates.
6.PlantPAx Faceplates, such as I_EH_FlowMeter-Faceplate and I_EH_Sensor-Faceplate.
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Integrate Endress+Hauser Instruments in a PlantPAx Distributed Control System Selection Guide
Devices on EtherNet/IP (Electronic Data Sheet Add-On Profile)
Figure 5 - PlantPAx System Release 5.0 and EtherNet/IP device with EDS AOP
1.Device in Studio 5000 I/O Configuration for device connection.
2.Add-on Profile created via Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) file, is used for device creation and configuration.
3.EDS files are text files that contain details about the readable and configurable parameters of the device.
4.Process Controller PlantPAx Instructions for application logic / process strategies /alarms.
5.PlantPAx HMI Global Object to support Faceplates.
6.PlantPAx Faceplates.
Figure 6 - PlantPAx System Release 4.6 and EtherNet/IP device with EDS AOP
1.Device in Studio 5000 I/O Configuration for device connection.
2.Add-on Profile created via EDS file, is used for device creation and configuration.
3.Add-on Profile for HMI Faceplates, such as P_AIn and P_AOut.
4.PlantPAx HMI Global Object to support Faceplates.
5.PlantPAx Faceplates, such as P_AIn and P_AOut.
8Rockwell Automation Publication PROCES-SG003C-EN-P - October 2020
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Integrate HART Devices
The Highway Addressable Remote Transducer (HART) protocol supports industrial process measurement and control applications. The HART
protocol combines analog and digital communication in both wired and wireless architectures. The analog signal uses a range of
4.0…20.0 mA DC, and the digital communication signal is superimposed on the analog signal. Additional information can be found in
Publication PROCES-RM010, Rockwell Automation® Library of Process Objects: HART Modules for PlantPAx® DCS,
Example Topology
Rockwell Automation Publication PROCES-SG003C-EN-P - October 20209
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Integrate HART Devices
HART System Requirements
Supported I/O Modules
1715 Redundant I/O Modules
Redundant I/O System User Manual, publication 1715-
1719 EX I/O Modules
1715-IF16Allen-Bradley® redundant I/O 16-channel analog input module with HART
1715-OF8IAllen-Bradley redundant I/O 8-channel isolated analog input module with HART
1719-CF4HAllen-Bradley 4-channel configurable HART analog I/O module
1719 EX I/O Modules User Manual, publication 1719-
1756 ControlLogix I/O Modules
ControlLogix HART Analog I/O Modules User Manual,
publication 1756-UM533
1794 FLEX I/O Modules
FLEX I/O Isolated Input/Output HART Analog Modules
User Manual, publication 1794-UM065
1734 POINT I/O Modules
1769 Compact I/O Modules
FLEX 5000 I/O Modules
publication 5094-UM007
WirelessHART Fieldgate Gateway
WirelessHART Fieldgate Technical Information
WirelessHART Adapter
WirelessHART Adapter Technical Information
Memograph Technical Information
1719-IF4HBAllen-Bradley 4-channel HART analog input module
1756-IF8HAllen-Bradley ControlLogix® 8-channel HART analog input module
1756-IF8IHAllen-Bradley ControlLogix 8-channel isolated HART analog input module
1756-IF16HAllen-Bradley ControlLogix 16-channel HART analog input module
1756-IF16IHAllen-Bradley ControlLogix 16-channel isolated HART analog input module
1756-OF8HAllen-Bradley ControlLogix 8-channel HART analog output module
1756-OF8IHAllen-Bradley ControlLogix 8-channel isolated HART analog output module
1794-IF8IHAllen-Bradley FLEX™ I/O 8-channel isolated HART analog input module
1794-OF8IHAllen-Bradley FLEX I/O 8-channel isolated HART analog output module
1734sc-IE2CHSpectrum Controls POINT I/O™ 2-channel HART analog input module
1734sc-IE4CHSpectrum Controls POINT I/O 4-channel HART analog input module
1734sc-OE2CIHSpectrum Controls POINT I/O 2-channel isolated HART analog output module
1769sc-IF4IHSpectrum Controls Compact I/O™ 4-channel isolated HART analog input module
1769sc-OF4IHSpectrum Controls Compact I/O 4-channel isolated HART analog output module
SWG70Endress+ Hauser WirelessHART gateway with Ethernet interface
SWA70Endress+ Hauser WirelessHART interface with power supply for field devices
RSG45Endress+ Hauser data manager
Allen-Bradley FLEX I/O-XT™ extended temperature 8-channel isolated HART
analog input module
Allen-Bradley Flex 5000™ Analog 8-channel analog isolated HART
Allen-Bradley Flex 5000 Analog 8-channel output isolated HART
Allen-Bradley Flex 5000 Analog 8-channel input isolated HART (Extreme
Allen-Bradley Flex 5000 Analog 8-channel output isolated HART (Extreme
Download add-on profile and accessory files from the Product and Compatibility Download Center at: