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the most current information available from Rockwell when installing or using this product.
Chapter 1
Table of Contents
Principles of Operation
Configuring FactoryTalk
Historian Live Data Interface
The FactoryTalk Historian system uses the PI system as a back end
to store tag data. The FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface
(FTLD) allows FactoryTalk Historian to connect with Rockwell
data sources. The FTLD interface provides buffering capability
before the data is permanently stored in the Historian archive.
The FTLD Interface is integrated with the FactoryTalk Live Data
service provided by FactoryTalk Services Platform. It is a
FactoryTalk Live Data client that relies on FactoryTalk Live Data
service to talk to FactoryTalk data servers such as FactoryTalk View
SE, RSLinx Enterprise, and OPC servers that are part of a
FactoryTalk application.
The FactoryTalk Historian documentation uses the terms tag and point
to mean the same thing. An example of a tag name is:
The FTLD Interface is configured using the FactoryTalk
Administration Console or Interface Configuration Utility. See
"Configuring FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface (page 15)"
for more information.
The steps to install the FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface
are explained in the FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and
Configuration Guide, available from Start > All Programs > Rockwell
Software > FactoryTalk Historian SE > Help.
The complete user documentation on FactoryTalk Historian SE is
available in the Common Files\Rockwell\Help folder in your Program Files directory, and in the Redist\Docs folder on your
FactoryTalk Historian SE installation DVD.
Chapter 1 Introduction
The features of the FTLD Interface include:
Item Description
PI SDK The PI SDK and the PI API are bundled together and must be
installed on each PI Interface node. The FTLD Interface does not
specifically make PI SDK calls. It uses the PI API calls to support
longer instrument tag fields and multiple-character point sources.
The PI SDK cannot be used if the interface will be set up to use
Disconnected Startup because it is based on API calls only.
Source of Time
UniInt-based UniInt stands for Universal Interface. UniInt is not a separate
Platforms The FTLD Interface is designed to run on the Microsoft Windows
The FTLD Interface can accept time stamps from the FactoryTalk
Live Data server, or it can provide time stamps from the FactoryTalk
Historian server. This is controlled by a command-line parameter.
See "Startup Command File (page 39)" for more information on
using the command line to control time stamps.
product or file; it is an OSIsoft-developed framework used by
developers, and it is integrated into many interfaces, including this
interface. The purpose of UniInt is to keep a consistent feature set
and behavior across as many Rockwell interfaces as possible. It also
allows for a rapid development of new interfaces. In any
UniInt-based interface, the interface uses some of the
UniInt-supplied configuration parameters and some
interface-specific parameters.
operating systems.
Due to its dependency on FactoryTalk Services Platform, the
FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface is not supported on
non-Windows platforms. To see a list of operating systems
supported, refer to the FactoryTalk Historian SE Release Notes.
Related Documentation
The following documentation provides additional information
related to the FTLD Interface:
• FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and Configuration
The FactoryTalk Live Data (FTLD) Interface is a FactoryTalk Live
Data client that enables process data to be passed between a
FactoryTalk Live Data server (for example, RSLinx Enterprise) and
a FactoryTalk Historian server. Each instance of the FTLD Interface
can provide data to a single FactoryTalk Historian SE server or
collective. Multiple instances of the interface may be configured, if
required, if API buffering is used.
The figure below shows the basic workflow of the FactoryTalk
Historian Live Data Interface.
At startup, the FTLD Interface tries to establish a connection to
both the FactoryTalk Live Data server and the FactoryTalk
Historian server.
Once the startup is complete, the Interface enters the processing
loop, which includes:
• Servicing scheduled input points. Each Scan Class is processed
in turn.
• Servicing output points as events arrive.
• Servicing triggered input points as events arrive.
The Historian Point Database is checked every 2 minutes for points
that are added, edited, and deleted. When point updates are
detected, the points are loaded (or reloaded) by the Interface as
appropriate. The 2-minute update interval can be adjusted with the
/updateinterval command-line parameter discussed in the UniInt
Interface User Manual.
The manual is located in the UniInt folder (c:\Program
Files\Rockwell Software\FactoryTalk
The Interface processes a maximum of 25 point updates at a time. If
more than 25 points are added, edited, or deleted at one time, the
Interface will process the first 25 points, wait 30 seconds (or the
length of time specified by the /updateinterval parameter, whichever
is lower), process the next 25 points, and so on. After all points have
been processed, the Interface will resume checking for updates every
2 minutes (or the length of time specified by the /updateinterval
All tag edits are performed in the following way: old versions of
edited tags are deleted from the interface, new versions are added.
Therefore, it is more efficient to stop and then start the interface if a
large number of tags are edited.
FactoryTalk Diagnostics
The FTLD Interface sends messages about its operation to
FactoryTalk Diagnostics.
FactoryTalk Diagnostics provides the following information about
the FTLD Interface:
• Informational messages on the interface startup and
• The scan rate of each scan class.
• The count of points loaded by the interface.
• Error messages for points rejected by the interface because they
were configured incorrectly.
• Error messages for points rejected by the FTLD server, or error
messages sent from the FTLD server.
Because the FTLD Interface is based on the PI-UniInt framework, a
few messages are sent to the PIPC log by the PI-UniInt. These error
messages are produced by the standard OSIsoft interface routines or
by the PI API.
The FactoryTalk Diagnostics Setup and Viewer are available from the
Tools menu of FactoryTalk Administration Console.
To learn more about viewing error messages and accessing the log
file, refer to the help files for FactoryTalk Diagnostics Setup and
FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer.
• If you are configuring the buffer subsystem on an FTLD
For more information, refer to "Enable Buffering" in the
FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and Configuration
Enabling the buffer subsystem is a recommended step during
the installation of the FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface.
To take advantage of this feature, you must install the FTLD
Interface on a separate machine than the FactoryTalk Historian
• If you are configuring the Disconnected Startup option.
For more information, refer to "(Unint) Disconnected
Startup" in the Interface Configuration Utility Help.
Chapter 3 Configuring FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface
To open the Interface Configuration Utility (ICU) online help, go
to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE > Interface Configuration Utility, and select Help >
Contents and Index from the main menu.
If you create an FTLD Interface using the Interface Configuration
Utility, it will not appear in the list of interfaces in the
FactoryTalk Administration Console. As a result, you will not be
able to configure the interface from the FactoryTalk
Administration Console.
Configuring the FTLD
Interface Using the
FactoryTalk Administration
Configuring the FTLD
Interface Using the Interface
Configuration Utility (ICU)
Refer to "Configuring FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface" in
the FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and Configuration Guide
for information on configuring an FTLD Interface using the
FactoryTalk Administration Console. This section also includes
steps on how to enable buffering on the remote interface.
You can configure the FTLD Interface on your local computer (the
computer on which the FactoryTalk Historian SE server is
installed); however, we recommend that you always install the
FTLD Interface on the computer that has the data server installed.
Refer to "Verifying the FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Local
Interface" in the FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and
Configuration Guide for more information.
For more information on the Interface Configuration Utility, refer to the
FT Historian SE Interface Configuration Utility guide available in the
Common Files > Rockwell > Help folder in your Program Files directory.
If you configure an interface in the ICU, the batch file of the
interface (FTLDInt.bat) will be maintained by the ICU, and all
Chapter 3 Configuring FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface
7. If necessary, edit the Scan Frequency and Scan Class values.
Item Description
Scan Frequency Indicates the frequency at which the interface reads values
Scan Class #
8. Click Apply.
Note that in this example the API Hostname is localhost, which
means that the interface will be configured to communicate with the
local FactoryTalk Historian SE server.
If you want the interface to communicate with a remote
FactoryTalk Historian server, you need to:
from the FactoryTalk Live Data server.
Associated with the Scan Frequency value. If there is no
interface defined, the Scan Class # will be displayed without
a time period.
1. Add the remote server to the Connection Manager (page 19).
2. Define the remote server as the API host (page 19).
This step is required to ensure connection to the correct remote
Once you have added the server to the Connection Manager and
defined it as the API host, you can select the server from the API Hostname list on the General page in the ICU.
There are additional parameters available for configuring the
• /MultiCOM
• /uiDll
• /FTDirectory
• /FTContext
To view them, click FTLDInt in the left pane of the dialog box.