Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.01 User Manual

Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
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The following logos and products are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.: FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition (SE), FactoryTalk Historian Machine Edition (ME), RSView, FactoryTalk View, RSView Studio, FactoryTalk ViewStudio, RSView Machine Edition, RSView ME Station, RSLinx Enterprise, FactoryTalk Services Platform, FactoryTalk Live Data, and FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
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This product is warranted in accordance with the product license. The product’s performance may be affected by system configuration, the application being performed, operator control, maintenance, and other related factors. Rockwell Automation is not responsible for these intervening factors. The instructions in this document do not cover all the details or variations in the equipment, procedure, or process described, nor do they provide directions for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance. This product’s implementation may vary among users. This document is current as of the time of release of the product; however, the accompanying software may have changed since the release. Rockwell Automation, Inc. reserves the right to change any information contained in this document or the software at anytime without prior notice. It is your responsibility to obtain the most current information available from Rockwell when installing or using this product.
Chapter 1
Table of Contents
System Requirements
Integration with Other Rockwell Automation Products .................... 8
FactoryTalk Historian Installation Package ........................................... 9
Typical Architecture ..................................................................................... 9
User Documentation .................................................................................. 10
On the Installation DVD ..................................................................... 10
On the Local Hard Drive ..................................................................... 11
In the Start Menu ................................................................................... 11
Technical Support and Resources ........................................................... 13
Technical Support ................................................................................. 13
Knowledgebase .................................................................................. 13
Worldwide Support ......................................................................... 13
Training Programs ............................................................................ 13
TechConnect Support .................................................................... 14
Find the Version and Build Numbers ............................................... 15
View Computer Platform Information ............................................ 15
Chapter 2
FactoryTalk Historian SE Server Machine ........................................... 17
FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface Machine ......................... 18
FactoryTalk Historian Client Machine ................................................. 18
FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework .............................................. 19
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink ............................................................ 20
Chapter 3
Pre-Installation Tasks
Synchronize Time Settings on FactoryTalk Historian System
Computers .................................................................................................... 23
Disable the Windows Time Zone (TZ) Environment Variable ...... 24
Learn About Installation-related Recommendations ......................... 24
Chapter 4
Installing FactoryTalk Historian
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 3
Installing Core Components .................................................................... 25
Install Microsoft SQL Server .............................................................. 25
Install FactoryTalk Services Platform ............................................... 27
Specify FactoryTalk Directory Server Location ........................ 28
Install FactoryTalk Activation Manager .......................................... 30
Table of Contents
Install RSLinx Enterprise (Data Server) ........................................... 31
Installing FactoryTalk Historian Suites ................................................. 32
Install FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework ............................ 33
Installation Modes for FactoryTalk Historian Asset
Framework ......................................................................................... 34
Install FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework Server .......... 36
Install FactoryTalk Historian SE Server ........................................... 39
Install FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface (Optional) ... 43 Install FactoryTalk Historian Management Tools (Optional) .. 47
Install Advanced Server (Optional) ................................................... 50
Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint (Optional) ................................ 52
Install Additional Historian Components ...................................... 52
Chapter 5
Post-Installation Tasks
Configuring FactoryTalk Historian
View the Installation Log File .................................................................. 53
Verify that Historian Services are Running .......................................... 53
Verify that the Historian Server is Updating Data for Default Tags
.......................................................................................................................... 55
Add the AF Service Computer to the AFServer Group ..................... 55
Manually Create the Asset Framework Database ................................ 56
Manually Configure the Asset Framework Service ............................. 58
Perform the MDB to AF Synchronization ........................................... 59
Verify the MDB to AF Synchronization ............................................... 59
Disable Virus Scanning .............................................................................. 60
Chapter 6
Activating the Historian Server ............................................................... 61
Securing the Historian Server ................................................................... 62
Historian Security Components and Their Privileges .................. 63
Managing Historian Security Components .................................... 67
Creating Security Mappings ................................................................ 69
Managing Security of the Historian Server Database .................... 71
Configuring Firewall for FactoryTalk Historian ................................. 73
Configuring the Historian Server ............................................................ 75
Adding the Server to the FactoryTalk Directory ........................... 75
Verifying the FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Local Interface. 77
Managing Licenses ................................................................................. 77
4 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Table of Contents
Types of Licenses .............................................................................. 78
How Licenses Are Distributed Between License Pools ........... 80
Assigning License Activations to the Historian Server ........... 85
Allocating Licenses to Interface Types ........................................ 86
Viewing Allocated Licenses ............................................................ 89
Configuring Points ................................................................................ 90
Adding Individual Data Points Manually................................... 90
Adding Multiple Data Points Automatically ............................. 91
Viewing Current and Archive Data................................................... 93
Viewing Current Data ..................................................................... 93
Viewing Archive Data...................................................................... 94
Archiving and Backups ......................................................................... 95
Restarting FactoryTalk Historian SE Server ................................... 96
Configuring the Data Server ..................................................................... 96
Configuring Historian Interface Connections .................................... 97
Configuring FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface .................. 98
Registering Live Data Interfaces ......................................................... 98
Live Data Interface Services ................................................................. 99
Enable Buffering .................................................................................. 100
Manually Enabling Excel Add-ins ........................................................ 103
Recording Messages Using FactoryTalk Diagnostics ...................... 104
Message Parameters ............................................................................ 104
Viewing Messages ................................................................................ 105
Chapter 7
Troubleshooting FactoryTalk Historian
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 5
Using FactoryTalk Historian ME Modules with FactoryTalk
Security ....................................................................................................... 107
Verifying the Windows Administrator Privileges ............................ 108
Resolving Error and Warning Messages.............................................. 109
General .................................................................................................. 109
Error: System is a PINs Node ..................................................... 109
Error: Server Not Found .............................................................. 110
Error: Failure to Retrieve Interface Information ................... 111
No Connection to FactoryTalk Directory ................................... 111
Schema Creation ............................................................................ 112
Folders Creation ............................................................................ 113
Table of Contents
Firewall-related Errors ....................................................................... 114
Configuring Windows Firewall with WFCU ........................ 115
Appendix A
Configuring Historian Servers in High Availability Mode
Configuring Live Data Interface Redundancy
FactoryTalk View SE TrendX
High Availability (HA) Architecture .................................................. 117
Working with Server Collectives .......................................................... 119
Creating Server Collectives .................................................................... 120
Verifying Communication Between Server Collective Members . 122 Verifying Replication of Configuration Changes in the Primary
Server ........................................................................................................... 124
Assigning License Activations to Server Collectives ........................ 125
Configuring Interfaces and Buffering Services for Historian Server
Collectives .................................................................................................. 128
Appendix B
Overview ..................................................................................................... 129
Appendix C
Creating Security Trusts for the FactoryTalk View TrendX Display
Object .......................................................................................................... 131
Configuring Trend Properties .............................................................. 134
Appendix D
Upgrading FactoryTalk Historian
Upgrading FactoryTalk Historian to the Current Version ........... 137
Appendix E
Removing FactoryTalk Historian
6 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Removing the Suite Using the Start Menu ........................................ 140
Removing the Suite Using Control Panel .......................................... 140
Removing the Suite Using the Installation DVD ............................. 141
Chapter 1


FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition (SE) provides the capability to collect, store, analyze, and visualize data using a powerful engine and a set of reporting tools such as time-series trends, bar charts, pie charts, pareto and tabular trends, and a method of generating reports using Microsoft Excel. It also uses compressed-storage data algorithms to contain a vast amount of data in a small format.
In the following chapters, you will find information on how to install, secure, configure, use, and troubleshoot FactoryTalk Historian SE:
System Requirements (page 17)
Pre-Installation Tasks (page 23)
Installing FactoryTalk Historian (page 25)
Post-Installation Tasks (page 53)
Configuring FactoryTalk Historian (page 61)
Troubleshooting FactoryTalk Historian (page 107)
Appendix A: Configuring Historian Servers in High
Availability Mode (page 117)
Appendix B: Configuring Live Data Interface Redundancy
(page 129)
Appendix C: FactoryTalk View SE TrendX (page 131)
Appendix D: Upgrading FactoryTalk Historian (page 137)
Appendix E: Removing FactoryTalk Historian (page 139)
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 7
Chapter 1 Overview

Integration with Other Rockwell Automation Products

FactoryTalk Historian SE is closely integrated with FactoryTalk Services Platform and the following Rockwell Automation applications:
Application Description
FactoryTalk Live Data (FTLD)
A direct data interface to FTLD delivers native FTLD data directly to FactoryTalk Historian SE without requiring intermediate interfaces and standards such as OPC.
FactoryTalk Directory FactoryTalk Historian SE uses FactoryTalk Directory to look up data
points for configuring points to historize. The FactoryTalk Directory is also used for auto-discovering controller data sources and tags in the initial configuration process.
FactoryTalk Activation
FactoryTalk Historian SE is activated by Rockwell Automation's central licensing system based on the FactoryTalk Activation Server.
FactoryTalk Diagnostics
Because of a close integration of FactoryTalk Historian SE with FactoryTalk Diagnostics, all system and diagnostics messages from FactoryTalk Historian SE are centrally stored and maintained in the FactoryTalk Diagnostics database.
FactoryTalk Audit All FactoryTalk Historian SE Server auditing messages are stored
and available in the FactoryTalk Audit database.
FactoryTalk View SE Trending
FactoryTalk Historian Machine Edition (ME)
FactoryTalk View Site Edition natively trends data from FactoryTalk Historian SE.
FactoryTalk Historian ME provides a Data Transfer service to allow its logged data to be transferred to the FactoryTalk Historian SE for long-term storage and analysis.
FactoryTalk VantagePoint
The data from multiple FactoryTalk Historian SE Servers and FactoryTalk Historian ME Servers can be brought together into a single information management and decision support system using FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
FactoryTalk Batch The event journal data from your FactoryTalk Batch system can be
collected through the FactoryTalk Batch Interface and stored within FactoryTalk Historian SE.
8 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Overview Chapter 1

FactoryTalk Historian Installation Package

Typical Architecture

The FactoryTalk Historian SE installation DVD contains the following software products:
FactoryTalk Services Platform (with FactoryTalk Directory)
FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework
FactoryTalk Historian SE (includes FactoryTalk Historian SE
Server, FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface, and
FactoryTalk Activation Manager)
FactoryTalk Historian Management Tools
RSLinx Enterprise
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink
The following diagram shows a typical architecture of the FactoryTalk Historian SE environment.
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 9
Chapter 1 Overview

User Documentation

On the Installation DVD

The user documentation on FactoryTalk Historian SE is available in the following locations:
The FactoryTalk Historian SE installation DVD (page 10).
The computer on which you have installed FactoryTalk
Historian SE (page 11).
The Help folder in the Start menu (page 11).
There are the following locations on the FactoryTalk Historian SE installation DVD with the user documentation and documentation-related resources:
The Open Installation Instructions > Installation
Instructions page
On this page you will find the following resources:
FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation Assistant
FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and Configuration
Adobe Reader required to open PDF files.
The Read Documentation > Documentation page
On this page you will find the following resources:
FactoryTalk Historian SE Upgrade and Migration Guide
FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and Configuration
FactoryTalk Historian SE Reference Guide
FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface User Guide
Introduction to Historian SE Server System Management
FactoryTalk Historian SE Release Notes
10 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Overview Chapter 1
Adobe Reader required to open the PDF files.
A link to the Redist\Docs folder on the installation DVD
that stores all the user documentation.
A link to the Rockwell Automation Literature Library
( blic/documents/webassets/browse_category.hcst).
The Watch Historian How-to Videos on YouTube link on
the main page of the installation wizard.
A link to a Rockwell Automation channel at YouTube
devoted to FactoryTalk Historian

On the Local Hard Drive

In the Start Menu

To access the user documentation available on your computer, go to the following locations:
On a 32-bit operating system:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Rockwell\Help.
On a 64-bit operating system:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Rockwell\Help.
Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Historian SE > Help to access the following documents:
Auditing the FactoryTalk Historian SE Server User Guide
Configuring FactoryTalk Historian SE Security User Guide
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Online Help (.chm)
FactoryTalk Historian SE Live Data Interface User Guide
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 11
Chapter 1 Overview
FactoryTalk Historian SE AF 2010 R2 Installation and
Maintenance Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE Applications User Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE Buffering User Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE High Availability Administrator
Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE Interface Configuration Utility User
Guide (.pdf)
Introduction to Historian SE Server System Management (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE MDB to AF Transition Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE OPC DA Interface Failover Manual
FactoryTalk Historian SE OPC Interface Manual (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE Server Reference Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE System Explorer User Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE System Management Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink User Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE Installation and Configuration
Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE Upgrade and Migration Guide (.pdf)
FactoryTalk Historian SE Online Help (.chm)
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Release Notes (.htm)
FactoryTalk Historian SE Release Notes (.chm)
12 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Overview Chapter 1

Technical Support and Resources

Technical Support

Rockwell provides dedicated technical support internationally, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can read complete information about technical support options, and access all of the following resources at the Rockwell Automation Support Web site (
Please visit Rockwell Automation Customer Support Center ( for access to user forums, sample code, software and firmware updates, product manuals, and other downloads.
The Customer Support Center offers an extensive online knowledgebase that includes frequently asked questions (FAQs) and the latest patches. Please visit the support site ( and select the Knowledgebase link located under Tools & Resources to:
View technical and application notes.
Obtain software patches and firmware updates.
Subscribe to product and service e-mail notifications.
Ask questions.
Worldwide Support
If you are not located in North America and want to contact Rockwell Automation Support, use the Worldwide Locator ( for worldwide contact information.
Training Programs
Rockwell Automation offers a wide range of training programs that include e-learning, regularly scheduled and custom-tailored classes, self-paced training, and certificate programs. For more information on the trainings, visit the Rockwell Automation Training site
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 13
Chapter 1 Overview
( or call
If you are not located in North America and want to contact Rockwell Automation Support, use the Worldwide Locator ( for worldwide contact information.
TechConnect Support
With TechConnect Support, your site has unlimited, real-time access to Rockwell Automation's global network of Customer Support Centers and technical resources. TechConnect service levels are provided at the TechConnect site ( onnect/).
When you contact Rockwell Technical Support, please provide:
Product name, version, and/or build numbers.
Computer platform (CPU type, operating system, and version
Exact wording of any messages that appeared on your screen.
The message log(s) at that time.
Descriptions of:
What happened and what you were doing when the
problem occurred.
How you tried to solve the problem.
14 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Overview Chapter 1

Find the Version and Build Numbers

To find version and build numbers for each Historian Server subsystem (which vary depending on installed upgrades, updates, or patches), use either of the following methods:
To check the numbers with System Management Tools (SMT):
1. Go to Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Historian SE > System Management Tools. The System
Management Tools dialog box appears.
2. Under Collectives and Servers, select the name of the server
you want to check.
3. Under System Management Tools, select Operation > PI
The Version in Memory and Version on Disk columns
display information on versions of all the server subsystems.
If you do not have System Management Tools installed, open a command prompt, change to the pi\adm directory, and type piversion -v. To see individual version numbers for each subsystem,
change to the pi\bin directory and type the subsystem name followed by the option -v (for example, piarchss.exe -v).

View Computer Platform Information

To view platform specifications, right-click My Computer and select Properties. For more detailed information, choose Start >
Run, and type msinfo32.exe.
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 15
Chapter 1 Overview
16 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Chapter 2

System Requirements

The hardware required with FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition depends on the demands an application places on the system. The greater the demand, the more powerful a system is required. In any application, faster processors and more memory will result in better performance. In addition, there should always be sufficient disk space to provide virtual memory that is at least twice the size of the physical memory.

FactoryTalk Historian SE Server Machine

Learn about the system requirements for the following components of FactoryTalk Historian SE:
FactoryTalk Historian SE Server Machine (page 17)
FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface Machine (page 18)
FactoryTalk Historian Client Machine (page 18)
FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework (page 19)
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink (page 20)
Item Description
System requirements
FactoryTalk Historian SE 25,000 points and below
Minimum: Intel Pentium Xeon, 3.2 GHz, 4GB RAM
FactoryTalk Historian SE 50,000 points and below
Minimum: Intel Pentium Xeon, 3.2 GHz, 4GB RAM
FactoryTalk Historian SE 100,000 points and below
Minimum: Intel Pentium Xeon dual processor, 3.4 GHz, 4GB RAM
100 Megabit or faster Ethernet card, network cable,
concentrator if using twisted pair wiring; TCP/IP protocol.
SVGA TrueColor monitor with 1 MB of video RAM and
1024x768 resolution.
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 17
Chapter 2 System Requirements
Item Description
Operating systems Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 64-bit

FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface Machine

FactoryTalk Historian Client Machine

Item Description
Hardware Minimum: Intel Celeron D, 3.0Ghz, 512MB RAM Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 32-bit and 64-bit
Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3 32-bit
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 with Service Pack 2 32-bit
and 64-bit
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 64-bit
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 32-bit and
Item Description
100 Megabit or faster Ethernet card, network cable;
concentrator if using twisted pair wiring; TCP/IP protocol
SVGA TrueColor monitor with 1 MB of video RAM and
1024x768 resolution
Minimum: Intel Pentium III, 600Mhz, 512MB RAM
Recommended: Intel Celeron, 3GHz or higher, 1GB RAM or
Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 32-bit and 64-bit
Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3 32-bit
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 64-bit
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 32-bit and
Other software
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6SP1, IE7, IE8
Microsoft Excel 2003 or newer for FactoryTalk Historian
DataLink or FactoryTalk Historian System Management Tools (SMT)
18 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
System Requirements Chapter 2

FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework

FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework requirements
Item Description
Hardware Processor: a single quad-core processor, minimum 2.2 GHz Operating systems
(both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, if available)
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008
• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (with Service Pack 1 or later)
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Vista
• Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or later
Database size
Database storage is consumed depending on the type and quantity of FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework objects. The table below shows approximate database sizes of some representative Asset Framework systems.
AF Element Count (in MB)
Event Frames Count (in MB)
SQL DB Size (in MB)
Recommended Memory (in MB)
0 0 40 24 1,000 10,000 165 99 2,000 20,000 285 171 3,000 30,000 400 240 4,000 40,000 520 312 5,000 50,000 640 384 6,000 60,000 755 453 10,000 100,000 1,100 660 20,000 200,000 2,230 1,338 30,000 300,000 3,300 1,980 40,000 400,000 4,320 2,592 50,000 500,000 5,380 3,228 100,000 1,000,000 10,640 6,384
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 19
Chapter 2 System Requirements
SQL Server requirements
Item Description
Supported SQL Server editions
Supported SQL Server versions (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, if available)
Required SQL Server components
Required memory
For databases with up to 1000 elements, Asset Framework may be installed on the FactoryTalk Historian server. For more information on the Microsoft SQL Server system requirements, refer to the Microsoft Development Network (
• Standard
SQL Server 2008
• Database Engine
• Agent (backup and replication)
1GB for databases with up to 50000 elements
4 GB for databases with up to 200000 elements

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

Item Description
Physical memory:
Min. 32 MB, recommended 128 MB
• Processor: Pentium or higher
Disk space requirements:
Min. 120 MB for application files and registry entries as well as space for keeping a backup copy of the pisdk.msi and ProcessBook.msi files.
Operating systems
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows 7
• Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher
20 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Item Description
System Requirements Chapter 2
Other software
• Microsoft Excel Versions:
Microsoft Excel 2010 (32-bit) *, ** Microsoft Excel 2007 *
FactoryTalk Services Platform 2.50 (CPR 9 SR 5)
* If this is a Microsoft Office upgrade and there is a pre-existing installation of DataLink 4.x on that machine, a removal and reinstallation of DataLink may be necessary. Refer to the KB article 254380 ( 4380/kw/254380) to eliminate VBA related errors that might occur after an Excel upgrade.
** In rare instances, the PI tab does not appear on the ribbon immediately following the installation of the Microsoft Excel add-in. Refer to the KB article 254379 ( 4379/kw/254379) to resolve the situation.
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 21
Chapter 2 System Requirements
22 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Chapter 3

Pre-Installation Tasks

Before you install FactoryTalk Historian SE, do the following:
Synchronize time settings on Historian system computers
(page 23).

Synchronize Time Settings on FactoryTalk Historian System Computers

Disable the Windows time zone (page 23).
Learn about installation-related recommendations (page 24).
For all machines that are part of the FactoryTalk Historian system, you must ensure that the time is set correctly and synchronized with the FactoryTalk Historian server. In addition, make sure that all Windows machines have the proper time-zone settings and that they are set to automatically adjust for daylight-saving changes.
The clocks of the FactoryTalk Historian server computer and client computers should all be synchronized. This is typically done through the domain controller. The domain controller's time is synchronized first by an NTP source. Then, the domain controller synchronizes all the other computers that are a part of the FactoryTalk Historian system.
For details, search the Rockwell Automation Technical Support ( web site for daylight saving time.
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 23
Chapter 3 Pre-Installation Tasks

Disable the Windows Time Zone (TZ) Environment Variable

The Windows time zone (TZ) environment variable adversely affects the Historian server. You must ensure that TZ is not set on the Historian server computer.
To confirm that the TZ variable is not set on computers prior to Windows 2008:
1. Go to Start > My Computer.
2. Right-click and select Properties.
3. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
4. Click Environment Variables.
5. If the TZ variable is present, delete it.
6. If prompted, restart the computer.
To confirm that the TZ variable is not set on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2:
1. Go to Start > My Computer.
2. Right-click and select Properties.
3. Click Advanced system settings.
4. Click Environment Variables.
5. If the TZ variable is present, delete it.
6. If prompted, restart the computer.
Learn About
We recommend that you use the default installation options.
Installation-related Recommendations
24 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
If you want to use the SMT software installed on a FactoryTalk Historian SE server computer to manage a FactoryTalk Historian Live Data Interface installed on another computer, you must log on to both computers with the same user name. (The user must have administrator privileges on both computers.)
Chapter 4

Installing FactoryTalk Historian

In this chapter you will find instructions on how to install the following:
Core components of the product (page 25).

Installing Core Components

Install Microsoft SQL Server

FactoryTalk Historian suites (page 32).
In this section you will find instructions on how to install the following core components of FactoryTalk Historian SE:
Microsoft SQL Server (page 25)
FactoryTalk Services Platform (page 27)
FactoryTalk Activation Manager (page 30)
RSLinx Enterprise (Data Server) (page 31)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is a requirement for running FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework.
FactoryTalk Historian SE 3.01 supports SQL Server Express and Standard Editions. Rockwell Automation recommends using the SQL Server Express Edition, which is available on the FactoryTalk Historian SE installation DVD. If you choose to use the SQL Standard Edition (for example, from the FactoryTalk VantagePoint installation DVD), please acquire appropriate Client Access Licenses (CAL) and/or processor licenses from Microsoft. For more information, refer to the Microsoft site (­buy.aspx).
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 25
Chapter 4 Installing FactoryTalk Historian
If you already have an SQL Server, you will be able to point to it during the installation of FactoryTalk Historian Asset Framework.
If you are going to use FactoryTalk VantagePoint as your Historian client, you can use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 that is provided on the FactoryTalk VantagePoint installation DVD. Refer to the following documentation before the installation of the SQL Server:
FactoryTalk VantagePoint Getting Results Guide, section
"Installing and Configuring IIS". The guide is available on the FactoryTalk VantagePoint installation DVD.
Article 279061 - How to install Microsoft SQL Server 2008
R2 for use with FactoryTalk VantagePoint v3.1.5 and higher.
The article is available on the Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase (
If you want to install the Asset Framework SQL database only, you need to run the installation on the machine with the Microsoft SQL Server installed.
To install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express:
1. Run the FactoryTalk Historian SE installation DVD.
2. On the welcome page of the installation wizard, click Install
FactoryTalk Historian SE > Install FactoryTalk Historian Asset
Framework > Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express.
The installation wizard appears.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
For more information on installing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express, refer to the product documentation.
4. If instructed, restart the computer.
26 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Installing FactoryTalk Historian Chapter 4

Install FactoryTalk Services Platform

When you select this option, the following components will be installed:
FactoryTalk Diagnostics
Windows Firewall Configuration Utility (WFCU)
FactoryTalk Services Platform
FactoryTalk Services Platform is an underlying architecture and a set of common services (such as diagnostic messages, health monitoring services, access to real-time data, and shared plant resources such as tags and graphic displays) that Rockwell Automation products build upon. It is a prerequisite for all FactoryTalk-enabled software products, such as FactoryTalk Historian SE, FactoryTalk View, and RSLinx Enterprise.
FactoryTalk Diagnostics collects and provides access to activity, status warnings, and error messages generated throughout a FactoryTalk system.
For more information on FactoryTalk, refer to FactoryTalk Help. You can access it from Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > FactoryTalk Help after you have installed FactoryTalk Services Platform on your machine.
Make sure to install FactoryTalk Services Platform on all the computers, including the computer that will serve as the FactoryTalk Directory.
To install FactoryTalk Services Platform:
1. Run the FactoryTalk Historian SE installation DVD.
2. On the welcome page of the installation wizard, click Install
FactoryTalk Historian SE > Install FactoryTalk Services
Platform > Install FactoryTalk Services Platform.
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 27
Chapter 4 Installing FactoryTalk Historian
The system checks if you have all the required components
installed. If any components are missing, a dialog box appears
prompting you to install the missing components. Click
Install to install the components.
The installation wizard appears.
3. On the Welcome... page, click Next.
4. On the License Agreement page, read and accept the terms of
the license agreement, selecting the I accept... option.
Click Next.
5. On the Setup Type page, select Standard and click Next.
6. On the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install to
start the installation.
Specify FactoryTalk Directory Server Location
The Installing page appears with the status of the installation.
7. On the InstallShield Wizard Completed page, click Finish
to exit the wizard.
You may be prompted to restart your computer to complete
the installation. If you do not choose to restart your computer
at this time, be sure to restart it at the completion of the
required installation steps for FactoryTalk Historian SE.
This configuration points your client computer to the FactoryTalk Directory server computer. Once your computer is connected to the FactoryTalk Directory server, you can use the client computer to administer the Network directory on the FactoryTalk Directory server computer. Also, the FactoryTalk Administration Console window on your client computer reflects the content of the Network Directory server computer.
28 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
Installing FactoryTalk Historian Chapter 4
To specify the FactoryTalk Directory server location:
1. Run the FactoryTalk Historian SE installation DVD.
2. On the welcome page of the installation wizard, click Install
FactoryTalk Historian SE > Install FactoryTalk Services
Platform > Specify FactoryTalk Directory Server Location.
The FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility dialog
box appears.
3. In the FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility dialog
box, identify the computer that hosts the FactoryTalk
Directory server. If it is the current computer, leave localhost in
the text box. Otherwise, do the following to point to the
proper FactoryTalk Directory computer:
1. Click the ellipsis button (
). The Login User dialog box
2. In the User name and Password text boxes, type the
credentials to the current FactoryTalk Directory machine. The FactoryTalk Directory Server Configuration dialog box appears.
3. Select the Remote computer option and click the ellipsis
button (
) to open the Browse for Computer dialog box.
4. Select the machine that hosts the FactoryTalk Directory
and click OK.
The name of the machine appears in the FactoryTalk
Directory Server Location Utility dialog box.
5. Click OK.
6. In the message box informing you that you will need to
restart the computer, click OK.
7. In the Log On to FactoryTalk (New Server) dialog box,
type the user name and password to the newly selected FactoryTalk Directory machine.
Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012 29
Chapter 4 Installing FactoryTalk Historian
8. Click OK. The system connects to the FactoryTalk
Directory server.

Install FactoryTalk Activation Manager

On the computers that have FactoryTalk Services Platform installed, you can open the Specify FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility dialog box also from
Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > Specify FactoryTalk Directory Location.
FactoryTalk Activation Manager allows you to download activation files using an Internet connection, and transfer activation files to a computer that does not have an Internet connection. Install this software on the same computer as the FactoryTalk Directory server.
To install the FactoryTalk Activation Manager:
1. Run the FactoryTalk Historian SE installation DVD.
2. On the welcome page of the installation wizard, click Install
FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition > Install FactoryTalk
Services Platform > Install FactoryTalk Activation.
The FactoryTalk Activation Manager installation wizard
appears with a list of prerequisite packages.
Click Continue.
3. In the message box that appears:
Click Yes, if you want to install the software for Rockwell
Automation USB dongles.
The drivers are used to support mobile activations which are locked in a hardware dongle.
Follow the on-screen instruction to install the software.
Click No, if you want to skip this step.
4. On the Welcome... page, click Next.
30 Rockwell Automation Publication HSE-IN024A-EN-E–December 2012
+ 116 hidden pages