Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of this control equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been taken to
assure that each application and use meets all performance and safety
requirements, including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards.
The illustrations, ch arts, s ample pro grams and l ayout e x amples sho wn in
this guide are intended solely for purposes of example. Since there are
many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automa tion d oes not assu me re sponsibil ity or li abilit y (to
include intellectual property liability) for actual use based upon the
examples shown in this publication.
Rockwell Au tomation publication SGI-1.1, Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid-State Control (available from your local Rockwell Automation office), describes some
important differences between solid-state equipment and electromechanical devices that should be taken into consideration when applying products such as those described in this publication.
Reproduction of the conten ts of th is cop yri ghted publi catio n, in wh ole or
in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, is prohibited.
Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations:
ATTENTION: Identifie s information about practices
or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or
Attention statements help you to:
•Identify a hazard.
•Avoid th e hazard.
•Recognize the consequences.
Important: Identifies information that is critical for successful applica-
tion and understanding of the product.
death, property damage or economic loss.
Summary of Changes
Summary of Changes
The information below summarizes the changes to th e comp any -wide temp lates
since the last release.
Product Changes
Manual Changes
The following changes have been made to DriveTools32 software:
•Added ControlLogix gateway communications.
•Communications interface has changed.
•Fixed bugs and anomalies. Refer to the DriveTools32 Readme file.
The following changes have been made to this manual:
•Added information on ControlLogix gateway communications.
•Removed information on RS-485 serial multi-drop communications.
•Updated instructions and screen shots to reflect the new communications
dialog boxes.
Read this preface to become familiar with the rest of the manual. In this preface,
you will read about the following:
•Who should use this manual.
•The purpose of this manual.
•Terms and abbreviations.
•Safety precautions.
•Conventions used in this manu al.
•Rockwell Automation support.
Use this manual if you are responsible for using the DriveTools32™ software to
program, monitor, and troubleshoot Allen-Bradley AC and DC digital drive
products. You should be familiar with programming and operating
Allen-Bradley digital drives and have basic personal computer and Windows™
95/98/NT operation skills, such as s tarting applications, navigating between
applications, using menus and dialog boxes, and accessing Windows online
This manual is designed to get you started using DriveTools32 software. It
begins with an o v erview of DriveTools32 and the communications with which it
works. Then, instructions are provided for installing the software. Finally,
instructions are provided for using DriveTools32 with different types of
communications. For each type, you will read about the following:
•Ensuring that you have the necessary hardware set up properly.
•Configuring RSLinx Lite.
•Configuring a DriveTools32 application.
•Connecting to a drive.
After getting started, you should use the online help to become acquainted with
the DriveTools32 application that you are using. Each application’s online help
contains detailed information and step-by-step instructions on how to use the
application to configure, monitor, or control a drive.
P-2Using This Manual
Contents of This Manual
PrefaceUsing This ManualPurpose, background, and scope of this manual.
Chapter 1OverviewOverview of DriveTools32 software, RSLinx software, types of communications that you
can use, and the steps to get started using DriveTools32.
Chapter 2Installing and Starting DriveTools32 Instructions for installing DriveTools32 and RSLinx.
Chapter 3Setting Up RS-232 Point-to-Point
Serial Communications
Chapter 4Setting up RS-232 Point-to-Point
Serial Communications for a 1395
Chapter 5Setting Up DH+ Direct
Chapter 6Setting Up DH+ to RIO Block Transfer
Pass Thru Communications
Chapter 7Setting Up ControlNet Direct
Chapter 8Setting Up ControlNet to RIO Block
Transfer Pass Thru Communications
Chapter 9Setting Up DeviceNet Direct
Chapter 10Setting Up Allen-Bradley Ethernet to
RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru
Chapter 11Using RSLinx GatewaysInstructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
Chapter 12Using a Modem ConnectionInstructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
Instructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
DriveTools32 for RS-232 point-to-point serial communications.
Instructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
DriveTools32 for 1395 RS-232 point-to-point serial communications.
Instructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
DriveTools32 for DH+ direct communications.
Instructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
DriveTools32 for DH+ to RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru communications.
Instructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
DriveTools32 for ControlNet direct communications.
Instructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
DriveTools32 for ControlNet to RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru communications.
Instructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
DriveTools32 for DeviceNet direct communications.
Instructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
DriveTools32 for Allen-Bradley Ethernet to RIO Pass Thru communications.
DriveTools32 for RSLinx gateways.
DriveTools32 for modem connections.
Chapter 13Using ControlLogix GatewaysInstructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
Chapter 14Using ControlLogix Gateway to RIO
Block Transfer Pass Thru
Chapter 15Using Online Help Instructions for using DriveTools32 online help.
Chapter 16Troubleshooting Instructions for troubleshooting communications problems.
Appendix AProducts Supported by DriveTools32 A list of products with which you can use DriveTools32.
DriveTools32 for ControlLogix gateways.
Instructions for setting up the required hardware, configuring RSLinx, and configuring
DriveTools32 for ControlLogix gateways to RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru
Related Documentation
Refer to the following documents:
For Help On:Refer to:
Using This ManualP-3
Safety Precautions
and Important
DriveTools32 applicationsOnline help for the individual DriveTools32 applications. All
RSLinxOnline help for RSLinx. In the RSLinx
Please read the following safety precautions before using DriveTools32
drives and the associated machinery that the dri ves control should
plan or implement the installation, start up, and subsequent
maintenance of the drive. Failure to comply may result in personal
injury and/or equipment damage.
or stopping a driv e using Dri veP anel32. Do not use Dri veP anel32
until you have read and understood the hazards explained in your
drive user manual(s).
Stop/Jog functions of DriveP anel32 software rely on the integrity
of software and communications between the dri ve and computer .
A software malfunction or loss of communications may result in
the inability to stop the drive using DrivePanel32. You
configure an adapter time-out (when prompted) and have an
independent hardwired stop device within reach when using
DrivePanel32 to control a drive. Dri v eP anel32 is not a substitute
for primary operator controls that meet industry standards and
local codes.
documentation for DriveTools32 is currently in the online help. Refer to
Chapter 15,
Using Online Help
to access RSLinx online help.
Only people familiar with Allen-Bradley
Hazard of injury or death exists when starting
Hazard of injury or death exists. The Start/
menu, select
RSLinx Help
the same version to ensure proper communications. For example you can use
DrivePan el32 (version 2.5) and DriveManager32 (version 2.5) at the same time.
However, you should not use DrivePanel32 (version 2.0) and DriveManager32
(version 2.5) at the same time.
If you are using multiple DriveTools32 applications, they must be
P-4Using This Manual
Terms and
The following terms and abbreviations are specific to this product. For a
complete listing of Allen-Bradley terminology, refer to the Allen-Bradley
Industrial Automation Glossary
DriveYou can use DriveTools32 with many Allen-Bradley products. These products include
DriveTools32DriveTools32 software is a family of tools designed for Microsoft Windows 95,
InterchangeIn this manual, Interchange is a component of RSLinx.
RSLinxRSLinx is a Rockwell Software application that provides the communications drivers
SCANportA standard peripheral communications protocol for various Allen-Bradley drives and
SCANpor t
the 1395 drive, 1336 FORCE™ drive, A-B/Stromberg drives, 160 SSC drive, and
SCANport™-compatible products (e.g., 1336 PLUS drive). For a list of SCANportcompatible products, refer to Appendix A,
Windows 98, and Windows NT™ 4.0 operating systems. This manual provides
instructions for getting started with DriveTools32 (release 2.5).
that let DriveTools32 communicate with Allen-Bradley drives using a variety of
networks as well as direct serial connections. This manual provides instructions for
configuring RSLinx 2.10.118 so that it can be used with DriveTools32.
power products.
A device that provides an interface between SCANport and a network. It is often
referred to as an adapter. For example, the 1203-SSS converter is a SCANport
peripheral device.
, Publication AG-7.1.
Products Supported by DriveTools32.
Conventions Used
in This Manual
SCANpor tCompatible
An Allen-Bradley device that uses the SCANport communications interface to
communicate with one or more peripheral devices. For example, a motor drive such as
a 1336 PLUS is a SCANport product.
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
•Bulleted lists p rovide information, not procedural steps.
•Numbered lists provide sequential steps or hierarchical information.
type is used for chapter names and titles of other manuals.
type is used for names of dialog boxes, dialog box fields, menus,
menu options, and buttons.
•In this manual, DriveTools32 refers to DriveTools32 (version 2.5).
•In some names, “x” is used as a place holder. F or e xample, 12 03-Gx1 r efers
to both 1203-GK1 and 1203-GD1.
•In this manual, RSLinx refers to either RSLinx Lite (version 2.10.118)
shipped with DriveTools32 or RSLinx (version 2.10.118).
This type of paragraph contains tips or notes that have been added
to call attention to useful information.
Using This ManualP-5
Rockw ell
Rockwell Automation offers support services worldwide, with over 75 sales/
support offices, over 500 authorized distributors, over 250 authorized systems
integrators located through the United States alone, and Rockwell Automation
representatives in every m a jor country in the world.
Local Product Support
Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for:
•Sales and order support.
•Product technical training.
•Warranty support.
•Support service agreements.
Technical Product Assistance
If you need to contact Rockwell Automation for technical assistance, please
review the information in this manual and the online help first. If you still have
problems, then call your local Rockwell Automation representative.
Refer to for updates and supporti ng
When You Call
When you call, you should be at your computer and prepared to give the
following information:
•Product serial number and version number.
The product serial number and v ersion number can be fo und i n the soft ware
by selecting
•Hardware you are using.
•Exact wording of any errors or messages that appeared on your screen.
•Description of what happened and what you were doing when the problem
•Description of how you attempted to solve the problem.
Help > About [DriveTools32 Program]
To report errors or let us know what information you would like to see added in
future additions of this manual, please send an email message to
P-6Using This Manual
Chapter Objectives
What Is
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the DriveTools32 software package. In this
chapter, you will read about the following:
•DriveTools32 software suite.
•RSLinx software.
•Types of communications with which DriveTools32 is used.
•Hardware required for each type of communications system.
The DriveTools32 software suite is a family of tools designed for Microsoft
Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 (and greater) operating
systems. With the DriveTools32 applications, you can program, troubleshoot,
and maintain many Allen-Bradley AC and DC drives and products (refer to
Appendix A for a list). You initiate all changes to a drive.
The full DriveTools32 suite comprises the following software products:
Product:Lets you:
Create and edit the data tables that are used to configure the drive for your
application. DriveManager32 also provides several methods of displaying drive
diagnostic information.
Graphically monitor drive and/or PLC controller data points. You can display
live data values in a graphic format.
1395 serial communications when using DriveMonitor32.
You cannot access a drive via RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru or
Use the programming and control functions available with a Human Interface
Module (HIM) from your computer.
Stop/Jog functions of DrivePanel32 software rely on the
integrity of software and communications between the drive
and computer. A software malfunction or loss of
communications may result in the inability to stop the drive
using DrivePanel32. You
(when prompted) and have an independent hardwired stop
devic e within r each when usi ng DriveP anel3 2 to contro l a drive .
DrivePanel32 is not a substitute for primary operator controls
that meet industry standards and local codes.
Hazard of injury or death exists. The Start/
configure an adapter time-out
Product:Lets you:
What Is RSLinx?
Types of
Program and monitor the internal drive trending functions that are supported by
some drives (i.e., 1336 FORCE drives, 1395 DC drives, and 2364F
Regenerative DC Bus Supply units).
Create and monitor function block programs that run internally in 1336 FORCE
RSLinx provides the communications drivers that enable DriveTools32 to
communicate with Allen-Bradley drives and products using a variety of
networks as well as direct serial connections.
Before you can start DriveTools32 appli cations, you must either load RSLinx
Lite (version 2.10.118), which is shipped with DriveTools32, or you must
already have RSLinx 2.10.118 running and properly configured on your
computer. Later versions of RSLinx can also be used.
When you use DriveTools32 and RSLinx, you can connect to and communicate
with a drive using a variety of communications. For example, you can
communicate with a drive using a direct serial connection (Refer to Figure 1.1).
Figure 1.1
Direct Serial Connection
You can also communicate with a drive or controller using a netw ork connection
(Refer to Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.2
Network Connection
A third option lets you communicate with a drive or controller using a remote
connection such as a gateway (Refer to Figure 1.3).
Figure 1.3
Remote Connection
You can use DriveTools32 with any of the following types of communications:
This Type of Communications:Refer To:
Required Hardware
RS-232 Point-to-Point Serial Communications for a SCANport-Compatible
RS-232 Point-to-Point Serial Communications for a 1395 DriveChapter 4
Direct Communications
DH+ to RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru Communications Chapter 6
ControlNet to RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru Communications Chapter 8
Allen-Bradley Ethernet
RSLinx GatewaysChapter 11
Modem ConnectionChapter 12
ControlLogix GatewaysChapter 13
ControlLogix Gateways to RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru CommunicationsChapter 14
Direct Communication s
Direct Communications
to RIO Block Transfer Pass Thru Communications
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Because DriveTools32 works with many types of communications, the har dware
you need depends on the type of drive that you want to access and the type of
communications that you are using. Refer to the following table:
DriveRefer To:
SCANpor t-C om pat ible
(e.g., 1336 PLUS drives or SMP)
1336 FORCE“Using DriveTools32 with a 1336 FORCE Drive” on page 1-6
1395“Using DriveTools32 with a 1395 Drive” on page 1-7
A-B/Stromberg“Using DriveTools32 with an A-B/Stromberg Drive” on page 1-8
160 “Using DriveTools32 with a 160 Drive” on page 1-8
“Using DriveTools32 with an Allen-Bradley SCANportCompatible Product” on page 1-5
Using DriveTools32 with an Allen-Bradley SCANport-Compatible Product
You can use DriveTools32 with many Allen-Bradley SCANport-compatible
products. For a list of Allen-Bradley SCA N port products, re fer to Appendix A,
Prod ucts Supp orte d by DriveTools32
products, you have the following options:
Communications Required Drive Hardware Required Computer Hardware Refer To:
Serial Adapter(1203-SSS, 1203-GD2,
1203-GK2, or 1336-GM2) & appropriate cable(s)
1203-GK2, or 1336-GM2), appropriate cable(s),
null modem converter, and modem
drive is connected.
Remote I/O Adapter (1203-GD1, 1203-GK1 or
1336-GM1) & appropriate cable(s)
. If you use DriveTools32 with o ne of th ese
RS-232 portChapter 3
1784-KT, -KTX, -KTXD, or -PCMKChapter 6
1770-KFC & RS-232 portChapter 7
1784-KTC, -KTCX, or -PCCChapter 7
1770-KFC & RS-232 portChapter 8
1784-KTC, -KTCX, or -PCCChapter 8
1770-KFD & RS-232 portChapter 9
1784-PCD or -PCIDSChapter 9
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IPChapter 10
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP and
1784-KT, -KTX, -KTXD, or -PCMK
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP and
1784-KTC, -KTCX, or -PCC
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP and
RS-232 port
RS-232 port and modemChapter 12
Equipment depends on network to which the
computer is connected.
Equipment depends on network to which the
computer is connected.
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Using DriveTools32 with a 1336 FORCE Drive
The 1336 FORCE drives are SCANpor t-compatible pro ducts and of f er all of the
options available to SCANport-compatible products (refer to page 1-5). In
addition, 1336 FORCE drives offer the following options:
Communications Required Drive Hardware Required Computer Hardware Refer To:
drive is connected.
Multi-Communications Adapter (1395-KP51)Equipment depends on network to which the
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP
and 1784-KT, -KTX, -KTXD, or -PCMK
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP
and 1784-KTC, -KTCX, or -PCC
Equipment depends on network to which the
computer is connected.
computer is connected.
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Using DriveTools32 with an A-B/Stromberg Drive
With a 1352, 1352 C, 1352 C Plus, 3400 DC, or 3502 LGU Stromberg drive,
you have th e foll owing options:
Communications Required Drive HardwareRequired Computer HardwareRefer To:
RS-232 Serial to DH+ Direct3500-TBX card
(147096 or 157676)
DH+ Direct3500-TBX card
RSLinx Gateway Server:
Ethernet to DH+ Direct
(147096 or 157676)
3500-TBX card
(147096 or 157676)
RS-232 port and 1770-KF2Chapter 5
1784 -KT, -KTX, KTXD, or -PCMKChapter 5
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP
Ethernet Interface Running TCP/IP
and 1784-KT, -KTX, -KTXD, or -PCMK
Chapter 11
Using DriveTools32 with a 160 Drive
With a 160 drive, you have the following option:
Communications Required Drive HardwareRequired Computer HardwareRefer To:
RS-232 Point-to-Point Serial160-RS1 Communications Adapter and
Modem160-RS1 Communications Adapter,
Getting Started
appropriate cables
appropriate cables, null modem converter,
and modem
To use DriveTools32 to monitor, configure, or control a drive, you need to:
RS-232 portChapter 3
RS-232 port and modemChapter 12
with DriveTools32
Install DriveTools32 and RSLinx. Refer to Chapter 2,
Starting Drive Tools32
Installing and
Verify that you are using the correct hardware and settings for your type of
Configure RSLinx for your type of communications.
Configure the DriveToo ls32 application for your type of communications.
Connect to a drive.
Determine the type of communications that you will be using, and then refer to the appropriate
chapter. Chapter 3 through Chapter 14 provide instructions for setting up hardware, configuring
RSLinx and DriveTools32, and connecting to a drive for each type of communications.
Installing and Starting DriveTools32
Chapter Objectives
Chapter 2 provides instructions for installing DriveTools32 and RSLinx. In this
chapter, you will read about the following:
•System Requirements.
•Installin g DriveTools32 and RSLinx.
•Starting RSLinx and DriveTools32 applications.
•Creating databases in DriveTools32.
DriveTools32 runs on the Microsof t Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT
(4.0 or greater) operating systems.
Windows 95 and Windows 98 System Requirements
•Personal computer using 486 66 MHz processor or better with at least 16
MB (MegaBytes) of RAM and 50 MB or hard drive space.
•VGA Monitor capable of 640 x 480 resolution or better.
•CD-ROM drive.
•Mouse or other Windows 95/98 compatible pointing device.
Windows NT System Requirements
•Personal computer using at least 100MHz Pentium® class processor with at
least 32 MB (MegaBytes) of RAM and 50 MB of hard drive space.
•VGA Monitor capable of 800 x 600 resolution or better.
•CD-ROM drive.
•Mouse or other Window s NT compatible pointing device.
2-2Installing and Star ting DriveTools32
You can install Driv eTools32 on a computer running Windows 95, Windows 98,
or Windows NT.
must have administrator privileges on the computer.
installing the new version.
To install DriveTools32, you need to:
If necessary, uninstall old versions of DriveTools32 from the computer.
install DriveTools32 in the same location as the old program. This preserves the
mapping between existing databases and the DriveTools32 applications.
Exit all Windows programs.
Insert the DriveTools32 CD in the CD-ROM drive. The install wizard starts.
To install DriveTools32 on a computer running Wi ndows NT, you
If you are upgrading DriveTools32, uninstall the old version before
DriveT ools32 may overwrite e xisting DriveT ools32 database files.
Ensure that needed database files are saved in a safe location to
avoid losing them when you install DriveTools32.
If you are upgrading DriveTools32, it is recommended that you
Hazard of equipment damage exists. Installing
Follow the instructions in the Install wizard.
must be re-installed to activate or deactivate the security system. During a
reinstallation, data may be lost.
The serial number for registration is on the DriveTools32 box.
Selecting a security system is a one time decision. DriveTools32
Installing and Star ting DriveTools322-3
Installing RSLinx
You must have version 2.10.118 (or greater) of RSLinx or RSLinx Lite installed
and properly configured before you can use DriveTools32 to communicate with
a drive. It is recommended that y ou also install RS Linx Service P ack 1 to update
RSLinx to versio n 2.10.167. When you finish installing DriveTools32, you are
prompted to install RSLinx Lite and the necessary service packs.
computer, do not install the RSLinx that is shipped with DriveTools32. Click
If you need to install RSLinx, follow these directions:
If you already have RSLinx (version 2.10.118) installed on the
to display the RSLinx Install wizard.
2-4Installing and Star ting DriveTools32
Follow the instructions in the Install wizard.
start it using Windows Explorer. Start Windows Explorer, click your CD-ROM
Lite setup. Start Windows Explorer, click your CD-ROM drive,
If the RSLinx Install wizard does not appear automatically, you can
, and then double-click
Service Pack 1
, and
, and then double-click
to run the service pack setup.
to run the RSLinx
, and
Applications and
The first time that yo u use Dri v eTools32, you must start RSLinx bef ore you star t
the DriveTools32 application. T o start RSLinx in Windows, click
Programs, Rockwell Software, RSLinx
To start a DriveTools32 application, click
then the DriveTools32 application (e.g.,
DriveManager32 online help.
starts with it. If you reconfigure a driver, you must close the DriveTools32
application and then restart it.
If you have enabled the security system, the default user name is
, and the default password is
. For instructions on changing user names and passwords, refer to the
When you start a DriveTools32 application, RSLinx automatically
, and then
Start, Programs, DriveTools32
. The default administrator keyword
Installing and Star ting DriveTools322-5
DriveTools32 and
Database Files
DriveTools32 uses a unique database file for each drive so that you can
configure each dri v e individually. Dri v eTools32 ships with many of the database
files that it will need (refer to Appendix A,
If a drive does not ha ve a data base f ile in DriveTo ols32, yo u will be pro mpted to
download a database file when you try to connect to it in a DriveTools32
folder. You can change the folder to which database files are downloaded by
You must specify a path and then select
If the
uploads a database file. The following prompt appears to inform you that
the download is complete.
By default, DriveTools32 downloads database files into its program
Set Data Base Path
Data Base Read Error
in the DriveTools32 application’s
dialog box appears, click
Products Supported by
Use Alternate Data Base Directory
. DriveToo ls32
Click OK.
2-6Installing and Star ting DriveTools32
Setting Up RS-232 Point-to-Point Serial
Chapter Objectives
About RS-232
Chapter 3 provides instructions for using DriveTools32 with RS-232 point-topoint serial communications to a SCANport-compatible product. In this chapter,
you will read about the following:
•Required equipment and settings.
•Configuring RSLinx for RS-232 point-to-point serial communications.
•Configuring a DriveTools32 application for RS-232 point-to-point serial
•Connecting to a drive.
compatible product. For information on a 1395 drive, refer to Chapter 4,
up RS-232 Point-to-Point Serial Comm unications for a 1395 Drive
Using RS-232 point-to-point serial communications, you can establish a direct
serial connection between a computer and a dri ve. Figure 3.1 shows an example:
Figure 3.1
RS-232 Point-to-Point Serial Communications for a SCANport-Compatible Product
For this type of configuration, you must connect to a SCANport-
DF1 Protocol
capacities greater than an RS-232 connection can provide. Communication
faults may occur when you use a serial connection with these applications.
Some DriveTools32 applications may require communication
3-2Setting Up RS-232 Point-to-Point Serial Communications
Required Hardware
The following hardware is required for an RS-232 serial connection:
DriveRequired Drive Hardware Required Computer
160 SSC160-RS1 Serial Adapter and appropriate cableRS-232 port
For a list of SCANport-compatible products, refer to Appendix A,
Serial Adapter(1203-SSS, 1203-GD2,
1203-GK2, or 1336-GM2) and appropriate
Products Supported by DriveTools32
RS-232 port
Setting Up the Hardware
To use DriveTools32 with this type of communications, you must:
•Ensure that the drive and adapter are properly installed and powered.
•Ensure that cables are securely connected and protected from damage.
•Use a standard straight-thru serial cable to connect your computer to the
•Ensure that your serial communications module settings are correct. In most
cases, you should use the factory-set defaults. If you decide to change the
default settings, note the new settings because you need to know them when
you configure RSLinx and DriveTools32. Refer to the appropriate manual:
Communications ModuleRefer To:
1203-GD2, 1203-GK2, or 1336 GM2
If you are using a 1203-GD2 serial communications module, its
Bulletin 1203 Serial Communications Module User Manual
Smart Self-powered Serial Converter User Manual
firmware must be release 2.04 or greater. If you use an earlier version, all
parameters may not be shown.
+ 134 hidden pages
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