Rockwell Automation 2727-T7P30D1Fxx User Manual [en, de, es, fr, it]

MobileView™ Tablet T750

(Cat. No. 2727-T7P30D1Fxx)
Quick Start
Inside. . .
English Section ......................................................................................................3
Section en français................................................................................................7
Deutscher Abschnitt ............................................................................................11
Sezione italiana ...................................................................................................17
Sección en espanol..............................................................................................21
Seção em Portugués............................................................................................25
Publication 2727-QS005B-MU-P - September 2004
Important User Information
Solid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (Publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at describes some important differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc. is prohibited.
Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.
Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you:
identify a hazard
avoid a hazard
recognize the consequence
Labels may be located on or inside the drive to alert people that dangerous voltage may be present.
Labels may be located on or inside the drive to alert people that surfaces may be dangerous temperatures.
Publication 2727-QS005B-MU-P - September 2004
MobileView™ Tablet T750
(Cat. No. 2727-T7P30D1Fxx)

English Section

Quick Start
Touch Screen
Program Buttons
Navigational Arrow Buttons
Battery Status LEDs
Screen Brightness
Screen Contrast
RF Antenna
Next, Previous, Plus and Minus buttons
Notification Indicator LEDs
Inside. . .
Controls and Indicators ........................................................................................ 4
Installing the Battery ........................................................................................... 5
Startup/Power On ................................................................................................ 5
For More Information ........................................................................................... 6
Publication 2727-QS005B-MU-P

Controls and Indicators

Detailed information about using each control and indicator is given in publication 2727-UM001, MobileView™ Tablet T750 User Manual. The MobileView Tablet contains the following controls and indicators:
Control/Indicator Symbol Description
N/A Battery Status LEDs: The LEDs indicate the battery charge level.
A fully charged battery is represented by having all five green indicators lit.
Screen Brightness: Press the buttons with the stylus to increase or decrease brightness.
Screen Contrast: Press the buttons with the stylus to increase or decrease contrast.
Opens terminal server client (configurable).
Opens wireless link status (configurable).
Opens on-screen keyboard (configurable).
N/A Notification LEDs: The LEDs can glow green, yellow or red. They
Publication 2727-QS005B-MU-P
Opens Windows Explorer (configurable).
Navigational Arrow Buttons: The navigational buttons can move the current selection up, down, left, or right. Pressing the left and right arrow buttons simultaneously performs the same
function as pressing the Esc (Escape) key on a computer keyboard.
Start/Enter Button: Press this button to power up the MobileView Tablet T750 after it has been powered down or to enter an active selection.
are programmable and can be used to notify the user of an event, such as a low battery warning.
Next and Previous Buttons: The next and previous buttons are programmed to move to the next or previous selection (configurable).
Plus and Minus Buttons: The plus (+) and minus (-) buttons operate similar to the same PC keyboard buttons depending on the context of current active application (configurable).

Installing the Battery

1. Slide the battery into the battery compartment until the battery cover plate is flush with the Tablet case, then slide the cover plate up. You should feel the battery snap into place.
MobileView™ Tablet T750 5
2. To close the battery compartment, gently slide the battery cover-plate up.
Install only the battery supplied with your MobileView Tablet. Use of any other battery could result in a hazard to the operator and damage to equipment.

Startup/Power On

Press the ENTER button to turn the MobileView Tablet ON.
If the battery level is sufficient enough, the following power-up screen should appear.
If power-up screen does not appear, connect the MobileView Tablet to the ac adapter/charger to operate on ac power and charge the battery.
Publication 2727-QS005B-MU-P
Using the AC Adapter/Charger
Plug the jack end of the cable from the AC adapter into the charger port as shown. The battery will recharge when connected to external power.
Use only the AC Adapter supplied with your MobileView Tablet. Using another type of adapter may cause a malfunction or damage the battery pack.
Power Save Reactivation
The MobileView Tablet T750 also includes a battery power saving feature that suspends Tablet operations, including screen operations, if Tablet is idle beyond suspend timer setting. The default setting is 5 minutes. To reactivate Tablet, press any of the program, navigational, or start/enter buttons. If the AC Adapter/Charger is connected, tapping the touch screen will also reactivate the Tablet.

For More Information

Related Publications
For Refer to this Document Pub. No.
A more detailed description on how to use your MobileView Tablet, accessories, specifications and standards.
Instructions on Flash Update procedures for your MobileView Tablet.
If you would like a manual, you can:
access publication electronically from the CD provided with the MobileView
download a free electronic version from the internet:
purchase a printed manual by:
– contacting your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative
MobileView Tablet T750 User Manual
MobileView Table T750 Flash Update
Publication 2727-QS005B-MU-P
MobileView™ Tablet T750
(Réf. 2727-T7P30D1Fxx)

Section en français

Guide de prise en main
Voyants d'état de la pile
Ecran tactile
Boutons de programme
Boutons fléchés de navigation
Luminosité de l'écran
Contraste de l'écran
Antenne RF
Pointe de lecture
Boutons Suivant, Précédent, Plus et Moins
Voyants d'état
Commandes et voyants ........................................................................................ 8
Installation de la pile ........................................................................................... 9
Démarrage/Mise sous tension ............................................................................ 9
Informations complémentaires .......................................................................... 10
Publication 2727-QS005B-MU-P

Commandes et voyants

MobileView Tablet comprend les commandes et les voyants suivants. Le manuel utilisateur de MobileView™ Tablet T750, publication 2727-UM001, donne des informations détaillées sur l'utilisation des différents voyants et commandes.
Commande/Voyant Symbole Description
Voyants d'état de la pile : indiquent le 2727-QS005B-MU-Pniveau de charge de la pile. Cinq voyants verts allumés indiquent une pile totalement chargée.
Luminosité de l'écran : se règle en appuyant sur les boutons à l'aide de la pointe de lecture.
Contraste de l'écran : se règle en appuyant sur les boutons à l'aide de la pointe de lecture.
Met en route le terminal serveur client (configurable).
Met en route l'état de la liaison sans fil (configurable).
Met en route le clavier virtuel (configurable).
Publication 2727-QS005B-MU-P
Met en route l'Explorateur Windows (configurable).
Flèches de navigation : servent à déplacer verticalement ou horizontalement les informations affichées. Une pression simultanée sur les boutons fléchés gauche et droit produit le
même effet qu'une pression sur la touche Échap du clavier d'un ordinateur.
Bouton Démarrer/Entrée : si le MobileView Tablet T750 est éteint, appuyez sur ce bouton pour le mettre en route bouton sert aussi à entrer une sélection activée.
Témoins lumineux : de couleur verte, jaune ou rouge, ils sont programmables et peuvent être utilisés pour avertir l'utilisateur d'une situation particulière, comme par exemple le faible niveau de charge de la pile.
Les boutons Suivant et Précédent : ils sont programmés pour passer successivement d'une sélection à l'autre (configurables).
Les boutons Plus et Moins : fonctionnent d'une manière similaire aux boutons du même nom d'un clavier de PC, selon le contexte de l'application active en cours (configurable).
; ce

Installation de la pile

1. Glissez la pile dans son compartiment jusqu'à aligner la plaque de recouvrement avec le boîtier du Tablet, puis faites coulisser la plaque vers le haut. La pile est enclenchée lorsque vous entendez un «
clic ».
MobileView™ Tablet T750 9
2. Fermez le compartiment de la pile en faisant coulisser délicatement la plaque.
Installez uniquement la pile fournie avec le MobileView Tablet. L'utilisation d'une pile différente pourrait s'avérer dangereuse pour l'opérateur et endommager l'équipement.

Démarrage/Mise sous tension

Appuyez sur le bouton ENTRÉE pour mettre le MobileView Tablet sous tension.
Si le niveau de charge de la pile est suffisant, l'écran de démarrage suivant s'affiche.
Si l'écran de démarrage n'apparaît pas, connectez le MobileView Tablet au chargeur ou à l'adaptateur rechargez la pile.
c.a. prévu pour être branché sur une alimentation c.a. et
Publication 2727-QS005B-MU-P
+ 21 hidden pages