Installation Instructions
MobileView Machine Terminal and Guard
Terminal Firmware Upgrade Kit
This document provides instructions on how to upgrade the OS from Win CE 3.0 to
Win CE 4.X and install RSView Machine Edition Runtime Station v3.10. The
upgrade requires you to:
• copy all the files from the Upgrade folder on the CD to a PC card.
• place the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) label on your terminal to be
Microsoft compliant.
Before you begin, determine what revision MobileView terminal you have by
looking at the nameplate located on the rear of the unit. If you have a rev D unit,
Rev D Upgrade Instructions below; otherwise, go to Rev C and Earlier
go to
Upgrade Instructions on page 2.
Contents of the Firmware Upgrade Kit
The Firmware Upgrade Kit contains the following:
• (1) CD containing the necessary files to perform the upgrade.
• (1) Certificate of Authenticity (COA) label for Microsoft compliance
• (1) End User License Agreement (EULA).
• These installation instructions
Rev D Upgrade Instructions
1. Copy all the files from the Upgrade folder on the CD
(Variant-Update-Tool.exe, KetopAPI.dll, softreset.exe, InstallCE_MOV~.exe,
and the *.bin file) to a PC card.
2. Back-up any files from folder Flash Storage that you want to keep to a PC
card or to a PC using Microsoft’s ActiveSync.
3. Go to Start\Programs\MobileView\MV Configuration Tool. When the config
tool appears, go to the Image Update tab. Click the “Image File..” button.
Publication 2727-IN009A-EN-P - May 2004

2 MobileView Machine Terminal and Guard Terminal Firmware Upgrade Kit
4. Browse to the PC card and select the *.bin file. Click O.K. and then click the
“Start Update” button.
5. Select Yes to the next two warnings. After the progress bar completes, you
will be prompted to select O.K. to reboot the terminal. Select O.K.
6. After the unit reboots, a green progress bar will appear and the message
“erasing PSM, please wait…”. After the progress bar completes, the unit will
go blank for about 15 seconds and then boot into the new OS.
7. A touch screen calibration screen will also appear. The OS update is now
8. After performing the calibration, wait 5 to 10 minutes before doing a registry
back-up to save the new touch screen settings; the unit is still writing some
files at this point. After doing the registry back-up, you are now ready to
load ME Station.
Do not remove power from the unit until it boots into the new
Operating System.
Rev C and Earlier Upgrade Instructions
1. Copy all the files from the Upgrade folder on the CD
(Variant-Update-Tool.exe, KetopAPI.dll, softreset.exe, InstallCE_MOV~.exe,
and the *.bin file) to a PC card.
2. Back-up any files from folder Flash Storage that you want to keep to a PC
card or to a PC using Microsoft’s ActiveSync.
3. Browse to \windows\startup and delete file StartAPI.
4. Browse to the PC card and run softreset.exe.
5. After the unit resets, close the Terminal Server Client message box. Click on
Start and then Run command.
6. Browse to the PC card and select Variant-Update-Tool.exe. Then add a
space and /variant to the end of the executable. The Run command line
should look like this: “Storage Card\Variant-Update-Tool.exe” /variant. Hit
OK to execute the command.
Publication 2727-IN009A-EN-P - May 2004