Installation Instructions
E3 Plus EtherNet/IP Adapter
Catalog Number
Topi c Pag e
Introduction 1
Important User Information 2
Adapter Components 3
Status Indicators 4
Set the IP Network Address 4
Install EDS File 7
Logix Controller I/O Messaging 9
Additional Resources 12
The E3 Plus EtherNet/IP adapter is a linking device that lets users connect an E3 or E3 Plus
Solid State Overload or an 825-P Motor Protection System directly to an EtherNet/IP network.
This document explains the basic steps needed to configure the E3 Plus EtherNet/IP adapter.

2 E3 Plus EtherNet/IP Adapter
Important User Information
Solid-state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the
Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (Publication SGI-1.1
sales office or online at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/literature/
equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for
solid-state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of
this equipment is acceptable.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or
application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and
requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual
use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software
described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is
Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
WARNIN G: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous
environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
available from your local Rockwell Automation
) describes some important differences between solid-state
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death,
property damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard and recognize the
SHOCK HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, drive or motor, to alert people that
dangerous voltage may be present.
BURN HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, drive or motor, to alert people that
surfaces may reach dangerous temperatures.
IMPORTANT Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.
Rockwell Automation Publication 2100-IN090A-EN-P - February 2012

E3 Plus EtherNet/IP Adapter 3
Adapter Components
The adapter has these components.
Item Part Description
1 Status Indicators Four status indicators for the DeviceNet, adapter, and network connection.
2 E3 Connector This connector is provided for the connection to the E3 Plus or the 825-P.
3 Ethernet Connector An RJ-45 connector for the Ethernet cable. The connector is CAT-5 compliant to
The E3+ and 825-P must be set to node 63 and have a communication rate of 500K (or have the
autobaud enabled). This is the default state of each of these devices.
ensure reliable data transfer on 100Base-TX Ethernet connections.
Rockwell Automation Publication 2100-IN090A-EN-P - February 2012

4 E3 Plus EtherNet/IP Adapter
Status Indicator s
Status Indicators
The adapter uses four status indicators to report its operating status.
Item Name Color State Description
1 PORT Green Flashing Normal Operation. The adapter is establishing an I/O connection to the E3 Plus
2 MOD Steady Normal Operation. The adapter is properly connected and communicating with
3 NET A Green Flashing Normal Operation. The adapter is operating but is not transferring I/O data to a
4 NET B Steady Normal Operation. The adapter is operating and transferring I/O data to a
overload relay. It will turn steady green or red.
the E3 Plus overload relay.
Set the IP Network Address
The E3 Plus EtherNet/IP adapter is shipped with Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) enabled. You
can set the network Internet Protocol (IP) address by using the BOOTP/DHCP server that is
provided with RSLinx Classic software. This utility recognizes BOOTP-enabled devices and
provides an interface to configure a static IP address for each device.
To assign network parameters via the BOOTP/DHCP utility, perform this procedure.
Rockwell Automation Publication 2100-IN090A-EN-P - February 2012
1. Start the BOOTP/DHCP software.