1)Twenty Minute Timer (Wireless Receiver version 1.29 or later required for this function)
When this option is switched on, any wireless zone that has not reported to
the panel within 20 minutes will be regarded as not ready (open).
2)Attenuation (Wireless Receiver version 1.29 or later required for this function)
When this option is switched on, allocating a wireless zone device (installing)
will have its RF reception dampened by the panel. This is to comply to
EN50131 standard when enrolling wireless devices.
3)Battery Disconnect
This feature is a warning feature that will occur upon exiting engineer mode in
order to check that a lead acid battery is infact connected.
This option is not programmable.
The option is always on.
In order to check the Battery Charge Voltage see page 121.
Note 1: Please ensure that all wireless transmitters are set to 15 minute
Note 2: Wireless Receiver V1.29 will also function on older panel versions,
but will not have the ‘Twenty Minute Timer’ or ‘Attenuation’ ability.
The GT 600 / 601 control panels use 32 character LCD Remote Keypads for control of
the system via User Code(s) and programming of the system via an Engineer Code.
The Factory Default Codes are.
Note: GT 600 / 601 Control Panels can only be programmed using LCD KEYPAD
Note:For EN3 installations, User Codes and Engineer Codes
digits in length.
The Engineer code may be ‘Locked’ into the system during engineer
programming. It should be noted that if the ‘Locked’ code is not known the only
way to have it returned to the factory default is to return the PCB to the factory.
Option Formats. When an option cannot be changed the display will show a : rather
than the usual = sign. Pressing the No key is disregarded and the panel will react as
though the Yes key has been pressed (i.e. it will move onto the next option).
be six
Several reset to factory default routines are available to the engineer at system powerup but it should be noted that none of these routines will ‘Un-Lock’ a ‘ Locked’
Engineer Code.
The following default routines are available.
a)Pressing 1, 9, YES, NO during initial power up will revert the Master Code
and Engineer Code (not locked engineer code) back to factory defaults.
b)Pressing 3, 7, YES, NO during initial power up will revert all system settings
back to defaults with the exception of the User Names and Zone Descriptors.
c)Pressing 4, 6, YES, NO during initial power up will revert all system settings
back to factory defaults. It is
to all new systems before commencement of programming.
d)Pressing 5, 5, YES, NO during initial power up will revert all system settings to
factory defaults and will also set the comms options up for GardTec Remote.
ie Modem On; No Return. For commissioning systems for use with
GardTec Remote, use this option.
that a 4 6 Yes No Reset is done
Page 2
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Reset of the factory defaults and entering Engineer Mode:-
Note:It is
that a 4 6 Yes No reset is done to all new systems
before commencement of programming.
1)Remove all power from the system for at least ten seconds
2)Apply mains power to the control panel.
The display will show, for example:-
Gardtec60x xx-xx
(Display will differ depending on panel version)
3)Whilst this display is showing (the first five
seconds) press the keys shown in a, b, c or d
for the reset required. (E.g. 4 6 Yes No).
The display will show:-
Please Wait
This may show for several minutes.
4)The display will then show:-
The display may differ from the sample shown
Note:Due to changes within the standards, the
Select Standard
1:BS 2:EN2 3:EN3
is only BS or EN2
(GRADE 2) compliant.
Selecting 1:BS - Panel may be programmed to comply with the old BS4737 Standards. DD243
requirements will still apply.
Selecting 2:EN2 - Panel may be programmed to comply with EN50131-1 for Grade 2 Systems.
DD243 requirements will still apply.
Selecting 3:EN3 - Panel may be programmed to comply with EN50131-1 for Grade 3 Systems.
DD243 requirements will still apply
5)Select 2:EN2.The display will then show:-
Please Wait
This may show for several minutes.
The display will then show:-
From Control Panel Version 2 ONLY.
Select PD6662
1: 2004 2: 2010
6)Select either 1 or 2 depending on which standard you require.
Page 3
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
7)The display will show:This may show for several minutes.
8)Enter Engineer code.
(1234 default EN2). The display will show:-
Note: User Codes and Engineer Codes MUST be six digits in
length for EN3 installations. (See Page 2).
9)Enter the Authorisor code. The Authorisor code is
the Master User, (default 5678 EN2).
The display will show:-
Note: It may be required that an engineer has to be authorised by a user before access to the
Engineer mode is granted.
10)Press Yes. The display will show:-
Please Wait
Enter Authorisor
Code . . . . . .
Do you want to . .
Use ENGNR. Mode ?
Program Zones . . . . - - -
Zones ?
From this point the panel is in Engineer Mode and all Tampers will be disabled.
Page 4
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Note:At any point when three underscores are shown on the display, you are
viewing a Header. You may move to the next Header by Pressing the NO
Key or access the functions under the Header by Pressing the YES Key.
Note:You are able to jump to various common options when programming by
entering the relevant menu numbers. With a Header showing, key in the
appropriate menu number, then press Yes. (See page 9).
Page 5
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Moving Around
Enter Engineer mode as described on page 3.
The display will show:-
Whenever three underscores are shown on the display the screen is a Header.
Pressing the NO key will move to the next Header.
Pressing the YES key whilst viewing a Header will enter into the options under that
Pressing 0 will escape back one step (except when a numeric entry is required).
You are able to jump to various common options when programming by entering the
relevant menu numbers. With a Header showing, key in the appropriate menu
number, then press Yes. (See Pages 9 & 10 for Common Options with Menu
Program . . . . _ _ _
Zones ?
Below is given a complete list of headers (Shown in Bold Underline
appear under each header.
Headers & Options
Program Zones
Zone Types
Zone Descriptors
Zone Wiring
Zone Attributes
Zone Double Knock/Arm/Log
Zone E/E Mode
Event Tags
Setting Modes
Setting For Full Sets
Setting For Part 1 Sets
Setting For Part 2 Sets
Setting For Part 3 Sets
Setting Delay
Setting Sounders
Setting Conformation
Auto Part Set
Entry Times
Entry Time 1
Entry Time 2
Bells / Sounders
Bell Type
Bell Delay/No Arms
Bell & Sounder Ring
Bell Tamper Mode
Bell For Part Set
Headers & Options
Page 6
) and options that
Headers & Options
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Headers & Options
Keypad / Keyswitch
Keypad Alert 1 Keys
Keypad Alert 2 Keys
Function Keys
Keypad Alert 3 Keys
Number of Keypads
Keypad Backlight Mode
ACE / Prox
Type or Test
STU Adaptor
Start Delay / Part
Digicom/Modem Functions
Line Fault Modes
Line Fault Sounders
Line Fault Mode in Exit
Line Fault Log Mode
Line Fault Detect Time
Panic / Duress
PA Mode / Bells Only / Bells Always
Silent Always / Bells if Line Fault
Testable / Non-Testable
PGM2/3 Operating Mode
Timer 1 On Time
Timer 1 Off Time
Timer 2 On Time
Timer 2 Off Time
Timer 3 On Time
Timer 3 Off Time
Engineer Code
Engineer Code Locked/Unlocked
Page 7
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Headers & Options
Mains OK 50Hz
Save Panel NVM to PTM
Load Panel NVM to PTM
Service Timer On/Off
Time To Next Service
Service Tel No.
Lock-Out On/Off
Engineer Mode Constant/Timed
Custom Screens
LCD Status Display
(To conform with EN standards, LCD Status is
defaulted to Off and cannot be changed)
LED Status Display
Custom Display On/Off
Program Text
Diagnostics / Log
List Event Log
Change List Diagnostics
PSU Diagnostics
NovActive Diagnostics
PSU Test Time
Change / List Test Limits
Aux Volts
Battery Volts On Charge
Battery Volts Off Charge
Headers & Options
Alarm Confirm
Window Time
On Entry
Sounder Mode
Reset Mode
Secondary Time
ET Mode
Bell Mode
Strobe Mode
Start Delay
Comms Restore
Keypad Opening
ACE Battery Monitor
In conclusion, the Yes and No Keys are used to navigate. The No Key is also used to
change a value (may also require a numeric input) and the Zero Key is used to move
back a level (not when the display is expecting a numeric input).
If you are confident in programming the GT 600 / 601 Control Panels please use the
headers and options above to continue or alternatively use the appropriate menu
numbers. (See Pages 9 & 10).
Please continue with the next section for a Step by Step Guide to programming the GT
600 / 601 Control Panels.
Only the major options will be covered in this Step by Step Guide. After
completing the guide you should be confident to program the remaining options.
Page 8
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Common Options With Menu Numbers
You are able to jump to various common options when programming by entering the
relevant menu numbers. With a Header showing, key in the appropriate menu
number, then press Yes.
Menu Jumps to
1PGM 2/3 Output
6PA Mode
8Chime Level
9Entry Exit Level
10Exit Sounder Mode
11Final Set Delay
12Full Set Setting Time / Setting Mode
13Part 1 Set Setting Time / Setting Mode
14Part 2 Set Setting Time / Setting Mode
15Part 3 Set Setting Time / Setting Mode
20Alert 1 Keys Mode / On Off
21Alert 2 Keys Mode / On Off
22No. of Keypads / Multi On Off / K/Switch
23Bell Delay / No. of Bell Arms
24Bell Ring Time / Sounder Mode
26NovActive On Off
27Bell Tamper Ring On Off
28Entry Time 1
29Entry Time 2 / Warning Bell
30Digi Delay / Part Alarm Digi
34Digicom Type
35Key Beep Level
37Zone Re-Arm / Double Knock Time
38Engineer Code
40Line Fault Sounders
41Line Fault Mode
42Line Fault Log
44PGM 1 Output
46Main Fail Delay
47Tamper Reset Mode
48Backlight Mode
50Zone Response
51Zone Types
52Test Zone (Attributes)
53Service Timer On Off
54Service Due Weeks
55Zone Log Limit
58Digicom Channels
64Alarm Restore / Abort Time
65Test Digicom Channels
66E/E Zones in Part Set
67Engineer Code Locked / Unlocked
68Strobe Confirm
Menu Jumps to
69Auto Part Set
70Part Set Bells
71Zone Types ( Enter Zones)
72On Board EOL
73ID map (expansion type ZEX/ID first)
75ZEX1 Wiring
76ZEX2 Wiring
77ZEX3 Wiring
78ZEX4 Wiring
79ZEX5 Wiring
83Expander 1 O/P1 Mode
84Timer 2 On Time
86Timer 2 Off Time
88Timer 3 On Time
90Timer 3 Off Time
93Custom Display
94Custom Text
97List Event Log
101Alarm A2 Reset
102Alarm A3 Reset
107Bell Ring A2 / Bell Ring A3
109Bell Delay A2
110Bell Delay A3
111F-Exit Time A2
112P1-Exit Time A2
113P2-Exit A2
114P3-Exit A2
115F-Exit A3
116P1-Exit A3
117P2-Exit A3
118P3-Exit A3
129Walk / Bypass
139PSU Test Time
153Test Zones
155Confirm Time Window (DD243 Section)
156Secondary Time Window
157Confirm on Entry On Off
158Sounder Trigger
159Unconfirm Reset Mode
160E/T Mode
161Bell Trigger
162Confirm Start Delay
Page 9
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Menu Jumps to
164Strobe Timer
165Strobe Trigger
166Custom 1 OP Mode
167Custom 2 OP Mode
168Custom 3 OP Mode
169Custom 4 OP Mode
170Custom 5 OP Mode
171Custom 6 OP Mode
172Custom 7 OP Mode
173Custom 8 OP Mode
174Comms Restore On Off
Page 10
Programming Zones
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
1)With the display showing:-
2)Enter the Engineer code (1234 default EN2)
The display will show:-
3)Enter the Authorisor code. The Authorisor code is
the Master User, (default 5678 EN2).
The display will show:-
4)Press YES. The display will show:This is Engineer Mode
5)Press Yes. The display will show:-
6)Press Yes. The display will show:-
7)Enter the zone number you wish to program
e.g 1 followed by Yes. The display will show,
for example:-
01 Jan 00: 00: 01
Enter Au horisor
Code . . . . . .
Do you want to . .
Use ENGNR. Mode ?
Program . . . . _ _ _
Zones ?
Program Zone
Types ?
Enter Zone # _ _ _
001 = Ent/Ex A =
1= Remove -
8)Press No. The display will show:-
9)Note the chevron has now appeared before
the Zone Type. Now press the No key until the
Zone Type you require is displayed.
Page 11
001 > Ent/Ex A =
1= Remove -
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Zone Types available are:-
12 Hour
Full Alarm if Control Panel is Set.
24 Hour
Entry/Exit (or E/E)
Part E/E
Will allow to pass through on exit.
Will allow to pass through on entry only if E/E is opened first.
Internal Sounder if Unset.
Full alarm if Set.
Remains active in Engineer Programming Mode.
Zone used as last exit point (will terminate exit time if setting mode is set to
E/E or Time+E/E).
Will start E/E time if opened when Control Panel is Set
As Access if Control Panel is Full Set
As Entry/Exit if Control Panel is Part Set
24Hour Personal Attack (or Panic Attack). Active if Control Panel is Set,
Unset or in Engineer Programming Mode . May only be tested via Engineer
code if programmed as testable.
Internal Sounder Only, Recorded to Log when Unset
Recorded to Log when SET
Will give Fire alarm when activated (pulsed sounders) with Control Panel Set
or Unset.
Remains active in Engineer Programming Mode.
Exit terminator. Used for final setting of the system. Exit Mode must be
programmed for ET.
Line Fault
Note: Fault and Mask are treated as 24Hr but trigger a Fault Sound in Day (Unset) Mode. The Fault
sound is a three tone sounder.
Will write to the log once only in any one set or unset unless chime is
allocated then all activations are written to the log.
When used, zone should be connected to the trouble/status output of third
party radio equipment that is capable of giving a low battery signal.
When used, acts as a Line Fault input to the control panel.
When used, will act as an Fault input to the control panel when an internal
fault has been detected within the PIR.
When used, will act as an input to the control panel if the detector has been
blocked or covered.
Page 12
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
10)When you are satisfied with your selection
press Yes. The display will show for example:-
001 = Ent/Ex A >
1 = Remove -
11)All Zones are Area 1 by default. Use the 1, 2 & 3
(keys 4 to 7, 601 ONLY)
zone to other Areas.
When you are satisfied press Yes.
The display will show, for example:-
keys to add or remove the
001 = Ent/Ex = A
1 2 3 > Remove -
We will now be changing the Zone Tag options, available are:-
Remove-The zone may not be Removed (Omitted) by the end user. (Part
Sets are still allowed).
Remove+/DKZone may be Removed (Omitted) by the end user and is a Double
Knock Zone (2 activations required within time window).
Remove-/DKZone may not be Removed by end user (Part Sets are still allowed)
and is Double Knock Zone.
OffZone is turned Off (Use with caution).
Norm KeyZone is a Keyswitch Zone for a normal type Keyswitch.
Bias KeyZone is a Keyswitch Zone for a Bias (momentary) type Keyswitch.
Remove+Zone may be Removed by end user.
12)Press No until the setting you require is
displayed, then press Yes.
13)The display will show the next zone to program.
You should repeat from Step 8 until you have
programmed all the zones.
14)When all required Zones have been
programmed press 0 (zero) key twice.
The display will show:-
15)Press No. The display will show:-
16)Press Yes. The display will show:-
Page 13
Program Zone
Types ?
Program Zone
Descriptors ?
Enter Zone # _ _ _
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
17)Enter the Zone number you wish to
program the Descriptor for, followed by Yes.
The display will show, for example:-
Zone 001 Name =
Zone 001
18)Press No. The display will show:-
19)You should now program the Descriptor you
require using the template below for the
key allocation, in a similar way that you you would
type a text message on a mobile telephone.
As the desired character is displayed press the
Yes key to move on to the next character.
Continue until the line is complete.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
No 0 Yes
Delete1234567890Enter Character
Zone 001 Name >
20)As you enter the last character the display
will move on to the next Zone. For example:-
21)Repeat from Step 18 until all the Descriptors
you require have been programmed. Then
press 0 (zero) key twice.
The display will show:-
Page 14
Zone 002 Name =
Zone 002
Program Zone
Descriptors ?
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
22)Press No. The display will show:-
23)Press Yes. The display will show:-
Note: Zone Response time is defaulted to 400ms and may not
be changed.
24)Press Yes. The display will show:-
Note: Fault /Mask response time may be programmed as a
global parameter and may be reprogrammed from 2 to 14
seconds. (increments of 2 seconds).
The time programmed for this option will apply to all zones, there is no option for individual response
times per zone. It is a global setting.
Once the Fault / Mask as been triggered the response time for the Fault / Mask will revert to the
default time of 400ms until the fault / mask problem has cleared.
25)Press No until the settings you require are
displayed. Then press Yes. The display will show:-
Wiring Modes available are
Program Zone
Wiring ?
Zone Response
:400 mS
Fault / Mask Zones
On-Board Zones
=8 <EOL>
8 (2 Wire)Two wires are used for the zone and a global tamper is used.
(Depending on Version / Grade - Cannot be used in Grade 3
(EOL)Two wires are used in conjunction with two resistors to give
End Of Line wiring, this is the most secure wiring format.
For information on how to wire the various wiring modes, please refer to the
back of this manual, or refer to the Quick Start Guide that is supplied with the
control panel.
If selecting 8(EOL) follow steps 26 - 28. If selecting 8(2 Wire) jump to step 29.
26)With the display showing:Press Yes.
27)The display will show:-
On-Board Zones
=8 <EOL>
On-Board EOL
Page 15
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Three wiring options are available under 8 (EOL):
Norm: Standard GardTec wiring configuration without Mask or Fault detection.
Note: Does not give any Fault or Masking detection and should only be used with Zone pairing.
ELF1:ELF1 wiring is used for detectors that have a relay output (a pair of terminals)
for Fault or Mask.
ELF2:ELF2 wiring is used for detectors that have a transistor output (a single
terminal) for Fault or Mask.
Note: We would recommend that either ELF1 Format or ELF2 Format (depending on detector output type,
Relay or Transistor) is used. ELF1 or ELF2 wiring modes will allow for Alarm, Tamper, Fault and Masking to be
monitored from a single zone without the need for zone pairing. Please see the back of this manual or refer to
the GT 600 / 601 Quick Start Instructions.
Note: The installer should check what output type the detector are, noting that all the detectors should be of the
same type with regards to the Fault / Mask output.
28)Press No until the setting you require is displayed,
then press Yes. The display will show:(Jump to step 33).
If 8(2 Wire) wiring option is required. (Version dependant).
29)With the display showing:Press No until 8(2 Wire) is displayed.
30)The display will show:-
31)Press Yes. The display will show:-
Zone Expansion
On-Board Zones
=8 <EOL>
On-Board Zones
>8 <2-Wire>
On-Board Pairing
= Off
Page 16
Zone Pairing.
If the 8(2 Wire) wiring mode is used then a zone must be used to monitor for Masking and Fault.
This is achieved by selecting Zone Pairing as on. Zone Pairing cannot be used in ELF1 or ELF2
wiring modes.
When using Zone Pairing each zone will have a corresponding paired zone that will be used for
Masking and Fault signals. This is done by using the Odd numbered zones for the normal alarm
detection and the Even numbered zones for Masking and Fault Detection. For example.
Please note that half the zones on the system would be lost for processing the Mask and Fault
signals and it would be more prudent to use the ELF1 or ELF2 modes as described previously.
Alarm Zone
Zone 1
Zone 3
Zone 5
Zone 7
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Pared Zone for Mask / Fault
Zone 2
Zone 4
Zone 6
Zone 8
32)Press No until the setting you require is displayed.
Then press Yes. The display will show:-
Options available are:-
ZEX= Standard GardTec Zone EXpanders.
that are available for the on-board zones).
(Are all defaulted to EOL with the same options
ID= ID Expander card using ID Biscuits.
Note:When using ID Expansion, Radio cannot be used.
Please refer to page 98 for programming ID Expanders.
33)With the display showing:Press Yes.
34)The display will show:-
Zone Expansion
Zone Expansion
Radio ZEX
> Off
Page 17
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
35)If you are not using Radio Detectors press Yes
and jump to Step 37.
Press No until the display shows:-
Radio ZEX
= On
Comprehensive instructions on how to setup and program the Radio Expansion
are given in the document Hybrid Wireless Set-Up & Programming Guide
(document number PR5588) supplied with the Radio Receiver.
36)Press Yes. The display will show:-
37)Press No. The display will show:-
Program Radio
Functions ?
ZEX 1 Wiring
= Off
Options available are.
OffExpander Card is turned Off
4 (4 Wire)Expander will give 4 zones + 4 tamper zones
8 (EOL)Two wires are used in conjunction with two resistors to give
End Of Line wiring. Expander will give 8 End Of Line zones. This is
the most secure wiring format.
8 (2 Wire)Two wires are used for the zone and a global tamper is used.
(Depending on Grade - Cannot be used in Grade 3 installations).
Page 18
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
38)Press No until the required setting is displayed
then press Yes. The display will show:-
ZEX 1 Pairing
= Off
39)Press No until the required setting is displayed
then press Yes. The display will show:-
ZEX 2 Wiring
= Off
40)Repeat from Step 39 until all the ZEX Expanders
you require have been programmed.
The display will show:-
41)Press No. The display will show:-
42)Press Yes. The display will show:-
Program Zone
Wiring ?
Program Zone
Attributes ?
Test None
Any 12Hr type zone(s) may be placed on Test. A Zone on Test will never trigger
an alarm or send a central station signal. If the Zone(s) fails the Test when the
system is Set, the display will show Test Fail when the user Un-Sets the system.
After 20 successful Sets and Un-Sets, the Zone(s) will be taken out of Test by the
Page 19
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
43)If you do not wish to put a Zone(s) on Test press
Yes and jump to Step 48.
44)Press No. The display will show:-
45)Enter the Zone number you wish to place on test
followed by Yes.
The display will show for example:-
46)To add more Zone(s) to the test repeat from
Step 44.
47)When you have finished adding Zones to Test
press Yes.
Enter Zone # _ _ _
then +YES or -NO
Test 003
48)The display will show:-
Pt-1 None
Page 20
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
Three Part Sets are available on the GT 600 / 601 control panels. Zones added to
the PT-1 (Part 1) screen will be Removed (Omitted) when the system is Part 1
Set. Zones added to the PT-2 (Part 2) screen will be Removed (Omitted) when
Part Set 2 is used. When Part Set 3 is used Parts 1 & 2 are combined and
Removed (Omitted).
49)If you do not wish to enter PT-1 Zone press Yes
and jump to Step 54.
50)Press No. The display will show:-
51)Enter the Zone number you require for PT-1
followed by Yes.
The display will show for example:-
52)To add more Zones to PT-1 repeat from Step 50.
53)When you have finished adding Zones to PT-1
press Yes.
54)The display will show:-
Enter Zone # _ _ _
then +YES or -NO
Pt-1 004
Pt-2 None
Page 21
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
55)If you do not wish to enter PT-2 Zones press Yes
and jump to Step 60.
56)Press No. The display will show:-
57)Enter the Zone number you require for PT-2
followed by Yes.
The display will show, for example:-
58)To add more Zones to PT-2 repeat from Step 56.
59)When you have finished adding Zones to PT-2
press Yes.
60)The display will show:-
Enter Zone # _ _ _
then +YES or -NO
Pt-2 005
Clnr None
Zones entered as Cleaner will be removed (Omitted) when a Part Set 0 is
performed and will be included into the system (protected) when a Cleaner level
code is entered.
When a system is Full Set and a Cleaner level code is entered the Cleaner zones
will be removed (Omitted).
61)If you do not wish to enter Clnr Zones press Yes
and jump to Step 66.
62)Press No. The display will show:-
Enter Zone # _ _ _
then +YES or -NO
Page 22
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
63)Enter the Zone number you require for Clnr
followed by Yes.
The display will show, for example:-
64)To add more Zones to Clnr repeat from Step 62.
65)When you have finished adding Zones to Clnr
press Yes.
Clnr 007
66)The display will show:-
Ch1 None
Two Chime suites are available on the GT 600 / 601 control panels. So, for
example, you would have the Front Door on Zone 1 programmed into Ch1 and
the Rear Door on Zone 6 programmed into Ch2. When the system is Unset,
opening the Front Door will produce a Chime. Opening the Rear Door will
produce a different Chime.
It should be noted that Chime must be programmed as On from the user mode.
Please refer to the User Manual for details.
67)If you do not wish to enter Ch1 Zone press Yes
and jump to Step 72.
68)Press No. The display will show:-
Enter Zone # _ _ _
then +YES or -NO
Page 23
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
69)Enter the Zone number you require for Ch1
followed by Yes.
The display will show for example:-
70)To add more Zones to Ch1 repeat from Step 68.
71)When you have finished adding Zones to Ch-1
press Yes.
Ch1 001
72)The display will show:-
73)If you do not wish to enter CH-2 Zones press Yes
and jump to Step 78.
74)Press No. The display will show:-
75)Enter the Zone number you require for Ch2
followed by Yes.
The display will show for example:-
76)To add more Zones to Ch2 repeat from Step 74.
77)When you have finished adding Zones to Ch2
press Yes
Ch2 None
Enter Zone # _ _ _
then +YES or -NO
Ch2 006
Page 24
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
78)The display will show:-
Walk None
Zone programmed as Walk will have to be Walk Tested before the system will
start to Set. The Option ‘Walk’ must also be programmed to On in the Zone E/E
Mode section.
79)If you do not wish to enter Walk Zones press Yes
and jump to Step 84.
80)Press No. The display will show:-
Enter Zone # _ _ _
then +YES or -NO
81)Enter the Zone number you require for Walk
followed by Yes.
The display will show for example:-
Walk 002
82)To add more Zones to Walk repeat from Step 80.
83)When you have finished adding Zones to Walk
press Yes. The display will show:-
Secondary Zones:
Zones programmed as secondary will not active any sounders or comms until
a normal zone activates.
This will then trigger a confirmed signal and activate the sounders as
84)If you do not wish to enter Sec. Zones press Yes
and jump to Step 89.
85)Press No. The display will show:-
86)Enter the Zone number you require for Sec.
followed by Yes.
The display will show for example:-
Page 25
Sec. None
Enter Zone # _ _ _
then +YES or -NO
Sec. 002
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
87)To add more Zones to Sec. repeat from Step 85.
88)When you have finished adding Zones to Sec.
press Yes. The display will show:-
Perimeter Zone:
Zones programmed as perimeter will activate the alarm as normal but will also
activate a comms channel programmed as perimeter.
89)If you do not wish to enter Per. Zones press Yes
and jump to Step 94.
90)Press No. The display will show:-
91)Enter the Zone number you require for Per.
followed by Yes.
The display will show for example:-
92)To add more Zones to Per. repeat from Step 90.
Per. None
Enter Zone # _ _ _
then +YES or -NO
Per. 002
93)When you have finished adding Zones to Per.
press Yes. The display will show, for example:-
94)Press 0 (zero), then No. The display will show:-
Zones on double knock are required to activate within the double knock time
window or stay active for fifteen seconds to generate an alarm condition.
Arm is used to program the zones to automatically re-arm after an activation.
It should be noted that a zone still violated when the system times out after
an alarm, will not re-armed.
Page 26
Test None
Program Zone
DKnock / Arm / Log ?
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
95)Press Yes. The display will show:-
96)Press No to change the setting, followed by Yes
The display will show:-
97)Press No. Enter the Time required for the double
knock time window, e.g. 5. The display will show:-
98)Press Yes. The display will show:-
ote: Zone Log Limit is defaulted to On and may not be changed. Only three activations from any
one zone will be recorded in the log during any set period.
99)Press Yes. The display will return to:-
100)At this point you may press No to move to
the next option. The display will show:-
Zone Re-Arm =On
D/Knock time =01m
Zone Re-Arm =Off
D/Knock time >01m
Zone Re-Arm =Off
D/Knock time >05m
Zone Log Limit
: On
Program Zone
DKnock / Arm / Log ?
Program Zone
E/E mode ?
Or press 0 (zero) repeatedly to exit.
101)With the display showing:Press Yes.
102)The display will show:-
E/E in part set entry exit zones will start the entry timer if opened in part set.
12Hr in part set entry exit zones will be instant when opened in part set.
Program Zone
E/E mode ?
E/E Zones
=E/E in Part
Page 27
GT 600 / 601 Engineer’s Reference Guide
103)Press No until your required setting is displayed,
then press Yes. The display will show:-
Walk = Off
Bypass = 00 Mins
Available Options for Forced Walk Test are.
All Sets. All Area/Part sets will require the zones allocated in the walk test
options to be tested.
Full Only. In Part-Set Walk Test is not required.
Off. Forced Walk Test is disabled.
104)Press No until your required setting is displayed,
then press Yes. The display will show:-
Bypass. Is programmed in ten minute increments. (If the system is Unset and Set within this
bypass time, the forced Walk Test is not required).
105)Press No to enter your required time, followed by
Yes.The display will show:-
106)At this point you may press No to move to
the next option. The display will show:-
Walk = Off
Bypass = >00 Mins
Program Zone
E/E mode ?
Program Zone
Event Tags ?
Or press 0 (zero) repeatedly to exit.
Reporting a Mains Fail on a PSU
In order to report a Mains Fail on a PSU the Fault output on
the PSU would be wired to a Zone on the Control Panel.
Program Zone
Event Tags ?
The Zone Type would be programmed as ‘Fault’.
Program the Zone Descriptor as External PSU.
At the end of the Program Zones menu we have a menu called Program Events Tags,
enter this option and select the Zone number you have programmed as Fault.
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