3 SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................................ 3
This document outlines best practices for using Ricoh Universal Printer
Drivers in the Microsoft® Print Server environment. It also details known
issues relating to the PCL6 UPD, PS UPD, and Print Server environments. It
is intended to be a guide for use in the planning and pre-deployment stages
of the Ricoh UPD. By reviewing this document thoroughly, you will greatly
increase the success rate of deploying the UPD in your server environment
and reduced the amount of client, server, and application issues that could
affect the performance of the UPD.
2 Description
Ricoh's Universal Print Driver provides a single intelligent advanced driver, which can
be used across your fleet of Multifunction Products and Laser Printers. The Universal
Print Driver lets you simplify printer support and lower management costs without
sacrificing the features important to your users.
PCL6 Driver for Universal Print White Paper Document Version 2.3.0. http://rfg-
If you do not have access to any links referenced throughout this document, you can
contact the Help Desk at 888-424-1573, option 3 or email at Solutions@Rioch-
Please verify that your model is supported by the Ricoh
Non-Supported Models
Supported Models
For additional support, or to request updated information, you can contact the Help
Desk at 888-424-1573, option 3 or email at Solutions@Rioch-usa.com
4 Setup
Ricoh recommends applying hotfixes associated with the
Microsoft knowledge base (KB) articles listed below.
Hotfixes could greatly increase printing performance!
¾ Hotfixes that are directly associated with Windows Server that may affect UPD printing.
¾ KB article 982728 - ”Windows cannot connect to printer” error message when you try to create a
Point and Print connection to a remote printer from a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2based client computer
¾ KB article 983401 - A long delay occurs when you print a large file on a Windows 7 or Windows
Server 2008 R2-based computer
¾ KB article 2388142 - A computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2
intermittently cannot use a shared network printer to print
¾ KB article 919543 - The size of the EMF spool file may become very large when you print a
document that contains lots of raster data
Hotfixes that are directly associated with Microsoft Office that may
affect UPD printing.
¾ KB article 2121850 - A booklet layout setting does not work when
you print a multiple-page document in Windows 7 or in Windows
Server 2008 R2 if you use a printer driver that uses Unidrv.dll (After
the hotfix is applied, install any of the built-in MS-PS drivers in order
to overwrite the old pscript.dll. The new pscript.dll will be applied to
all of the existing PS queues including the PS UPD).
¾ KB article 2345342 - In Office 2010, you print a PowerPoint
presentation that is filled with images. In this situation, the operation
results in an oversized spooler file.
¾ Turn background printing on or off in PowerPoint -
When you turn Background printing on, you can continue to work as you
print. However, sometimes printing presentations that contain graphics can
drastically slow down the print process. If you are working on a
presentation that requires rapid response time from the printer, turn
Background printing off.
To turn background printing on or off, do the following:
1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Print tab.
2. Under Printing options, select or clear the Background printing check
¾ KB article 2553089 - Erratic print behavior when printing certain
Microsoft Power Point 2007 files. For example, Only 6 pages print
from a 10 page document. Charts and graphics are left out.
Offending command errors at the end of the jobs
¾ KB article 2592142 - Office 2010 printing errors with Calibri font
when printing through a Windows Server 2003 or 2008 print server
Hotfixes that are directly associated with Print Clusters that may
affect UPD printing.
¾ KB article 822553 - slow printing performance
¾ KB article 838337 - an issue where the recently installed printer is not
¾ KB article 835609 - an issue that results in the error “Unable to Install
Printer. The Print Processor does not exist.”
¾ KB article 976571 - Stability update for Windows Server 2008 R2
Failover Print Clusters
5 Installing the Ricoh PCL6/PS Universal Print Driver
Outlined below are several methods for installing product-specific drivers
and the Ricoh Universal Print Driver (UPD) to a cluster environment.
Ricoh recommends using the latest version of the Universal Print Driver, which
can be found at
Please review the Key Points to follow when creating TCP
/Port section below. Thiscould greatly increase printing
Key points to follow when creating the TCP/IP Port
¾ Make sure the standard TCP/IP ports are created correctly (All default is
the only right way).
¾ The SNMP status needs to be enabled and the community name needs
to match the setting on your printer.
¾ Enable Bidirectional Support. (Ricoh’s recommendation is to always
enable bidirectional support).
¾ The SNMP Status box will be unchecked when the port is created
while the printer is not on the network (staging) and the bidirectional
function is also disabled because of this. (Ricoh’s recommendation is
to always enable bidirectional support).
¾ Do not use existing ports created for other manufacturer's drivers.
(Settings like Bidirectional support may be disabled when doing so.
Create new ports for Ricoh devices and all other devices when you
install them).
5.1 Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
Step 1 Log in to Windows as an Administrator.
Step 2 Close any open applications.
Step 3 From the "Start" menu, select "Devices and Printers" > "Add a Printer".
Step 4 The "Add a Printer" dialogue will be displayed asking "What type of
printer do you want to install?" Select "Add a local printer".
Step 5 The "Choose a printer port" dialogue will be displayed. Create a new
"Standard TCP/IP Port" and click "Next".
Step 6 Enter the "Device" IP address and uncheck "Query the printer and
automatically select the driver to use". Click "Next".
Step 7 The "Install the printer driver" dialogue appears. Click "Have Disk".
Step 8 Browse to the folder containing the driver files (typically the CD-ROM or
an extracted archive downloaded from the website) and click "OK".
Step 9 Follow the rest of the Wizard's instructions to complete the installation.
5.2 Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008
Step 1 Log in to Windows as an Administrator.
Step 2 Close any open applications.
Step 3 Open "Printers and Faxes from the Start menu.
Step 4 Select "Add Printer".
Step 5 "Welcome to the Add Printer Wizard" is displayed. Click "Next >".
Step 6 The "Local or Network Printer" dialogue is displayed. Select "Local
printer attached to this computer" and click "Next >". Note: Do not enable
"Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer".
Step 7 The "Select a Printer Port" dialogue is displayed. Select "Create a new
port" > "Standard TCP/IP Port" as the port type and click "Next >".
Step 8 The "Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard" is displayed. Click "Next
Step 9 Enter the device IP address or hostname and click "Next >".
Step 10 The "Install Printer Software" dialogue is displayed. Select "Have Disk".
Step 11 Browse to the folder containing the driver files (typically the CD-ROM or
an extracted archive downloaded from the website) and click "OK".
Step 12 Follow the rest of the Wizard's instructions to complete the installation.
5.3 Windows 7, Server 2008 R2 Using Group Policy
To deploy printer connections to users or computers by using Group Policy, you
must add the printer connections to a Group Policy object (GPO) as described in
the procedure. (Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2)
Step 1 Open Print Management (click Start, point to Administrative Tools,
and then click Print Management).
Step 2 In the left pane, click Print Servers, click the applicable print server, and
click Printers.
Step 3 In the center pane, right-click the applicable printer, and then click Deploy
with Group Policy.
Step 4 In the Deploy with Group Policy dialog box, click Browse, and then
choose or create a new GPO for storing the printer connections.
Step 5 Click OK.
Step 6 Specify whether to deploy the printer connections to users, or to
¾ To deploy to groups of computers so that all users of the computers can
access the printers, select the The computers that this GPO applies to (per machine) check box.
¾ To deploy to groups of users so that the users can access the printers
from any computer they log onto, select the The users that this GPO
applies to (per user) check box.
Step 7 Click Add.
Step 9 Repeat steps 3 through 6 to add the printer connection setting to another GPO, if necessary.
Step 10 Click OK.
Note - For per-computer connections, Windows adds the printer connections
when the user logs on. For per-user connections, Windows adds the printer
connections during background policy refresh. If you remove the printer
connection settings from the GPO, Windows removes the corresponding printers
from the client computer during the next background policy refresh or user logon.
6 Driver Pre-Configuration With PDE
Many customers require company-wide default settings to be applied to all print
queues. Ricoh PCL6 drivers, PCL6 Universal Drivers and PS Universal Drivers
can be pre-configured using the Ricoh Printer Driver Editor PDE.
Ricoh's Printer Driver Editor is a configuration tool for customizing printer
driver settings to fit the needs of different environments or company policies.
Customized print drivers can help support cost cutting or green initiatives by
restricting the use of certain functions or forcing default print driver settings, such
as black & white and duplex. The Printer Driver Editor provides Administrators or
IT personnel a self-service tool for creating custom driver settings, eliminating
the process of "requesting" driver changes.
You can use the Printer Driver Editor to customize the following printer driver
Changing the default value of the printer function
¾ You can change the factory default settings to new default settings for
each printer function to run the devices with customized setting values.
¾ The setting values can be changed from the default values on the printer
¾ The default setting you can change vary, depending on the type of device
or printer driver selected.
Locking the setting values of the printer function
¾ You can specify and lock setting values as default setting to prevent other
users from changing them on the printer driver.
¾ You can lock functions and setting values to fit your environment needs
and device uses.
¾ On the printer driver, the only setting values displayed are the default
¾ The printer functions that you can lock/unlock vary depending on the type
of device you are using.
Hiding the setting value of the printer function
¾ You can specify to display or hide each of the setting values of the printer
function. (Only the setting values that are specified to "Display" are
¾ By hiding setting values you are able to restrict which settings can be
selected by users.
¾ Default values once set, are always visible
Displaying a popup dialog before print job is submitted
You can specify an optional function, for supported print drivers, to display a
popup dialog before printing starts. This dialog box is used to enter or confirm
authentication information. In addition, from [Select option:] you can select the
character strings to be displayed in the popup dialog.
+ 17 hidden pages
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