Q-See QT User Manual

Video Loss
This guide was written for use with DVRs using firmware version 3.1.9 or later. To check your firmware version, click on Information in the Main Menu and then click on System. If you have an earlier version, you will need to get your Gateway IP address from the Network Information window (also located in the Information menu) before continuing past Step 1.
Remote Monitoring Quick Start Guide
QT Series Network DVRs
Before You Get Started
This poster is intended to help you get your Q-See security system connected to your network and accessible for remote monitoring. You must have already set up your system and have a basic idea of its operation. There are many additional features which can be customized to your specific needs. More information and instructions are available in the Remote Monitoring Guide incuded on the CD that came with your system or available for download from our website at www.Q-See.com/Support.
For information on how to set up your DVR and cameras, please refer to the Quick Start Guide poster included with your DVR along with the User Manual also included on the accompanying CD.
Network Information
STEP 1 Establish an IP Address
A. Click on the Menu icon in the tool bar on the DVRs screen.
B. Click on the Setup icon in the Main Menu
C. Click on the Network icon in the Setup Menu
D. Ensure that the box labeled Obtain IP Address Automatically is checked.
If it is not, please put a checkmark in the box, click on Apply and then Exit
the window. Reopen the window to see the updated IP address.
E. Write down the:
1. DVRs IP Address
2. Subnet Mask, and
3. Gateway (your Routers address)
F. Exit Menu
You will need:
• Ensure that your DVR is connected directly to your network router using a Cat5 or “Ethernet cable plugged into your DVR’s network port (labelled “NET or “LAN”). Having a network switch between your DVR and router can cause connectivity problems. Please note that your DVR must be connected to your router with a cable as it will not work with a wireless connection.
IMPORTANT! This guide will instruct you on how to connect
your DVR to a network to allow you to monitor it remotely from a computer or mobile device.
You will need your routers brand, model number and manual. The manual is also usually available on your routers manufacturer’s website.
• The “Manuals and Software” CD that came with your DVR. It contains necessary software and links to other important programs which are mentioned in this guide.
D, E
NetworkNetwork SubstreamSubstream Other SettingsOther SettingsEmailEmail
Server Port
Server Port
Obtain an IP addres s automatically
Obtain an IP addres s automatically
IP Address
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Subnet Mask
Preferred DNS Ser ver
Preferred DNS Ser ver
Alternate DNS Ser ver
Alternate DNS Ser ver
User Name
User Name
192 . 168 . 001 . 100
192 . 168 . 001 . 100
255 . 255 . 255 . 000
255 . 255 . 255 . 000
192 . 168 . 001 . 001
192 . 168 . 001 . 001
000 . 000 . 000 . 000
000 . 000 . 000 . 000
000 . 000 . 000 . 000
000 . 000 . 000 . 000
ApplyApply ExitExit
1 2 3
UPnP or Port Forwarding
Page Safety Tools
NetworkNetwork SubstreamSubstream
ApplyApply ExitExit
DDNS Server
User Name
Host Domain
DDNS Update [Hours]
DDNS Server
User Name
Host Domain
DDNS Update [Hours]
EmailEmail Other SettingsOther Settings
STEP 2 Opening Ports
To make your DVR accessible from outside of your local network, you have to “forward” ports 80 and 6036 through your router to your DVR’s IP address. There are several ways to do this and we present two options which cover the majority of users. If you are unable to connect your DVR to the Internet using
either of these procedures, we describe two other methods in the Remote Monitoring Guide which can be found on the CD that came with your system.
Please note that if you are able to use UPnP, you should NOT forward your ports as this will cause connection issues.
OPTION A: UPnP OPTION B: Opening Ports Using DMZ
The QT series of DVRs come configured to take advantage of the latest networking technology, UPnP or Universal Plug ‘n Play right out of the box. If you have an UPnP-enabled router, you will only need to plug the DVR into your network and you will then be able to proceed to the end of this section.
Consult your router’s manual to determine whether it has UPnP or not. Please note that, as of this writing, 2Wire brand routers do not have the UPnP feature. If you do not have a UPnP-enabled Router, you will have to utilize another method to forward your ports.
If you wish to ensure that UPnP is turned on in your DVR, go to the Network window as described in Step 1, above, and click on the Other Settings tab. The UPnP box should have a check mark in it. If it does not, click on the box to add the check, then click on Apply before hitting Exit. When you reopen the window, the box should be checked.
To confirm that your ports have been forwarded successfully, go to www.canyouseeme.org using a computer connected to the same router as the DVR.
A. Enter “80” into the box labeled “What Port?”
B. Click on the Check button
C. You should see a green “Success” message. If not, return to the DVR’s Network window and, in the Network
D. Repeat for port 6036
tab, change port 80 to 81, 83 or 85 and click Apply to save your changes before checking using that new number on CanYouSeeMe.
Browser - Windows Internet Explorer
Open Port Check Tool
CanYouSeeMe.org - Open Port Check Tool
This page will serve as a free utility for remotely verifying a port is open or closed. It will be useful for users who wish to check to see if a server or ISP is blocking certain ports.
Your IP: 81.919.622.24 What Port?
Success: I can see your service on
81.919.622.24 on port (80)
Your ISP is not blocking port 80
A. On a computer connected to the same router
as the DVR, open a web browser and enter the Gateway (Router’s IP address) you obtained in Part 1 into the browser window’s address bar to access your router.
Browser - Windows Internet Explorer
B. Locate the DMZ settings in your router. Each
manufacturer is different so please consult your router’s manual for the location of this setting. Two examples are shown at right.
This website will also display your Public IP address near the top of the page above the box where you entered your port number. This is the number which you will use to access the DVR using a web browser or your mobile device from outside of your local network (away from the building in which your DVR is located). Please note that if you had to use a different port number than 80, you will have to add a colon (:) and that port number to the end of the address shown. Example 81.919.622.24:81.
C. Enable DMZ.
D. Enter the DVR’s IP address (Obtained
in Step 1 Obtain an IP Address, above).
E. Click on Apply or Save to preserve
your settings.
+ 3 hidden pages