Pfaff 8362-004, 8362-45 Instruction Manual

This instruction manual applies to machines from the following serial numbers onwards: # 15186
296-12-18 496/002 Betriebsanleitung engl. 06.09
This Instruction Manual is valid for all models and subclasses listed in the chapter "Specifications ".
The reprinting, copying or translation of PFAFF Instruction Manuals, whether in whole or in part, is only permitted with our previous authorization and with written reference to the source.
PFAFF Industriesysteme und Maschinen AG
Hans-Geiger-Str. 12 - IG Nord
D-67661 Kaiserslautern


Contents ...............................................................................Chapter - Page
1 Safety......................................................................................................................... 1- 1
1.01 Directives ...................................................................................................................1- 1
1.02 General notes on safety............................................................................................. 1 - 1
1.03 Safety symbols .......................................................................................................... 1 - 2
1.04 Important points for the user ..................................................................................... 1 - 2
1.05 Operating and specialist personnel............................................................................ 1 - 2
1.05.01 Operating personnel .................................................................................................. 1 - 2
1.05.02 Specialist personnel ................................................................................................... 1 - 3
1.06 Danger .......................................................................................................................1- 3
2 Proper use ................................................................................................................. 2- 1
3 Specifications............................................................................................................. 3- 1
4 Disposal of the machine ............................................................................................ 4- 1
5 Transport, packaging and storage .............................................................................. 5- 1
5.01 Transport to the customer ......................................................................................... 5 - 1
5.02 Transport within the customer’s premises ................................................................ 5 - 1
5.03 Disposal of the packaging .......................................................................................... 5 - 1
5.04 Storage ......................................................................................................................5 - 1
6 Explanation of the symbols........................................................................................ 6- 1
7 Controls ..................................................................................................................... 7- 1
7.01 Summary of the control elements ............................................................................. 7 - 1
7.02 Mains switch ............................................................................................................. 7 - 2
7.03 Controller for the heat-sealing temperature ............................................................... 7 - 2
7.04 Controller for the heat-sealing speed ......................................................................... 7 - 3
7.05 Selection switch for the operating mode ................................................................... 7 - 3
7.06 Selection switch for the operating direction .............................................................. 7 - 4
7.07 Lever for engaging the hot wedge ............................................................................ 7 - 4
7.08 Lever for lowering the feed roller .............................................................................. 7 - 5
8 Commissioning the machine ..................................................................................... 8- 1
8.01 Connecting the machine to the power supply ........................................................... 8 - 1
8.02 Switching the machine on/off .................................................................................... 8 - 2
9 Preparation................................................................................................................. 9- 1
9.01 Seal types .................................................................................................................. 9- 1
9.02 Replacing the feed rollers .......................................................................................... 9 - 2
9.03 Adjusting the feed-roller clearance ............................................................................ 9 - 3
9.03.01 Adjusting the feed-roller clearance on the PFAFF 8362-004...................................... 9 - 3
9.03.02 Adjusting the feed-roller clearance on the PFAFF 8362-045...................................... 9 - 3
9.04 Adjusting the heat-sealing pressure .......................................................................... 9 - 4
9.04.01 Adjusting the heat-sealing pressure on the PFAFF 8362-004 .................................... 9 - 4
.04.02 Adjusting the heat-sealing pressure on the PFAFF 8362-045 .................................... 9 - 4
9.05 Adjusting the clearance between the heating wedge and the feed rollers ............... 9 - 5
9.05.01 Adjusting the heating-wedge clearance on the PFAFF 8362-004 .............................. 9 - 5
9.05.02 Adjusting the heating-wedge clearance on the PFAFF 8362-045 .............................. 9 - 6
9.06 Adjusting the workpiece guides ................................................................................ 9 - 7
9.06.01 Adjusting the upper rear workpiece guide ................................................................. 9 - 7
9.06.02 Adjusting the lower rear workpiece guide ................................................................. 9 - 8
9.06.03 Adjusting the front workpiece guides ........................................................................ 9 - 8
9.07 Adjusting the heat-sealing speed / heat-sealing temperature .................................... 9 - 9
10 Heat sealing ............................................................................................................. 10 - 1
10.01 The heat-sealing principle ........................................................................................ 10 - 1
10.02 Inserting the workpieces ......................................................................................... 10 - 2
10.03 Aligning the workpieces .......................................................................................... 10 - 3
10.04 Heat-sealing the workpieces ................................................................................... 10 - 4
10.04.01 Guiding the machine manually................................................................................. 10 - 4
10.04.02 Heat-sealing with a guide ........................................................................................ 10 - 5
10.05 Stopping the machine .............................................................................................. 10 - 5
10.06 Testing the seal ....................................................................................................... 10 - 6
10.06.01 Testing the seal strength ......................................................................................... 10 - 6
10.06.02 Testing the tightness of the seal ............................................................................. 10 - 6
10.07 Malfunctions during the heat-sealing operation cycle.............................................. 10 - 6
Contents ...............................................................................Chapter - Page
11 Care and maintenance ............................................................................................. 11 - 1
11.01 Checking the cable and plug connections ............................................................... 11 - 1
11.02 Cleaning the heating wedge .................................................................................... 11 - 1
11.03 Replacing and grinding-in the heating wedge .......................................................... 11 - 2
11.03.01 Changing the hot wedge on the PFAFF 8362-004 ................................................... 11 - 2
11.03.02 Grinding in the hot wedge (only on the PFAFF 8362-004) ....................................... 11 - 3
11.03.03 Replacing the heating wedge on the PFAFF 8362-045............................................ 11 - 4
11.04 Replacing the fuse ................................................................................................... 11 - 5
11.05 Lubricating the drive chains ..................................................................................... 11 - 6
11.06 Tensioning the drive chain of the lower feed-roller.................................................. 11 - 6
11.07 Tensioning the drive chain of the upper feed-roller ................................................. 11 - 7
1 Safety
.01 Directives
This machine was built in accordance with the European regulations listed in the Conformity decalaration and Manufacturer’s declaration
In addition to this Instruction manual, also observe all generally accepted, statutory and other regulations and legal requirements - also those of the country in which the machine will be operating - and all valid environmental-protection regulations! The regionally valid regulations of the social insurance society for occupational accidents or other supervisory organisations are to be strictly adhered to!
1.02 General notes on safety
This machine must only be operated by adequately trained operators and only after having completely read and understood the Instruction manual!


The Danger and Safety instructions on the machine itself are to be followed!
The machine must only be used for the purpose for which it is intended and must not be
operated without its safety devices. Observe all relevant safety regulations!
When replacing the feed rollers or the heating wedge, when leaving the workplace unattended, and during servicing, the machine must be disconnected from the mains by removing the plug from the electrical socket!
Daily servicing work must only be carried out by appropriately trained persons!
Repairs and special maintenance work must only be carried out by technicians or persons
with appropriate training!
Work on the electrical equipment must only be carried out by electricians or appropriately trained personnel!
Work is not permitted on parts and equipment which are connected to the power supply! Exceptions to this are contained in the regulations EN 50110!
Modifications and alterations to the machine must only be carried out under observance of all the relevant safety regulations!
Only spare parts which have been approved by us are to be used for repairs! We expressly point out that any replacement parts or accessories which are not supplied by us, have not been tested and approved by us. The installation and/or use of any such products can lead to negative changes in the structural characteristics of the machine. We shall not be liable for any damage which may be caused by non-original parts!
1 - 1
1.04 Important points for the user
.03 Safety symbols
Danger! Points to be observed.
Danger point! Danger of injury to operating or specialist personnel!
Hot surface! Danger of burns to operating or specialist personnel!
Electric voltage! Danger to operating or specialist personnel from electric voltage!
This Instruction manual is a component part of the machine and must be available to the operating personnel at all times.
The operating and specialist personnel are to be instructed as to the safety equipment of the machine and with regard to safe working methods.
It is the duty of the operator to only operate the machine when it is in perfect running order.
It is the obligation of the operator to ensure that none of the safety mechanisms are removed from the machine or deactivated.
It is the obligation of the operator to ensure that only authorized persons operate and work on the machine.
The user must make sure there is no high-frequency welding equipment being operated in direct proximity to the machine that exceeds the EMC limit values according to EN 60204-31 for the machine.
Further information can be obtained at the point of sale.
1.05 Operating and specialist personnel
1.05.01 Operating personnel
1 - 2
Operating personnel are persons responsible for the preparation, operating and cleaning of the machine as well as eliminating any faults arising.
The operating personnel are obliged to observe the following points and must:
always observe the Notes on safety in the Instruction manual!
never use any working methods which could limit the level of safety in using the
also ensure that only authorized persons have access to the potentially dangerous area around the machine!
always immediately report to the person responsible any changes in the machine which may limit its safety!
1.05.02 Specialist personnel
Specialist personnel are persons with a specialist education in the fields of electrics, electronics and mechanics. They are responsible for the lubrication, maintenance, repair and adjustment of the machine.
The specialist personnel is obliged to observe the following points and must:
always observe the Notes on safety in the Instruction manual!
Remove the machine from the power supply by removing the plug from the electrical
socket before carrying out adjustments or repairs and ensure that it cannot be switched on again unintentionally!
never work on parts which are still connected to the power supply! Exceptions are contained in the regulations EN 50110.
replace the protective coverings and close the electrical control box after all repairs or maintenance work!
1.06 Danger
Fig. 1 - 01
Before opening the cover 1 always disconnect the plug from the mains! Danger of injury from electric voltage!
Never operate the machine without chain guards 2 and 3! Danger of injury due to the rotating chain!
After use always let the machine cool down first! Danger of burns from the hot surface of hot wedge 4!
1 - 3

Proper use

2 Proper use
The PFAFF 8362 is a heating-wedge manual heat-sealing machine with self-drive.
The machine manufactures overlapping heat-seals, with or without a test channel, on plastics suitable for this purpose (thermoplastics), such as truck awnings, pool covers, roof and building insulations etc.
The machine must not be operated outdoors!
Any and all uses of this machine which have not been approved of by the manufacturer are considered to be inappropriate! The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage caused by the inappropriate use of the machine! The appropriate use of the machine includes the observance of all operational, adjustment, maintenance and repair measures required by the manufacturer!
2 - 1
3 Specifications
8362 -004 .................................................................................................... Standard model
8362 -045 ...................... Higher heat-sealing performance compared to the standard model
Dimensions and weight:
Length: ....................................................................................................... approx. 400 mm
Width:.........................................................................................................approx. 300 mm
Height:........................................................................................................ approx. 260 mm
Weight:............................................................................................................. approx. 9 kg
Power supply:
set for: .............................................................................. 230 V ± 10%, 50/60 Hz, 1 Phase
can be reconnected to: ................................................................................ 115 AC, L/N/PE
Power consumption:
8362-004.................................................................................................................... 400 W
8362-045.................................................................................................................... 500 W
Heating performance: .................................................................................... 400 W / 220 V
Motor:...................................................................................................24V, 2,5 A regulated


Heat-sealing pressure: ................................................................................................ 200 N
Heat-sealing temperature: .................................................. up to 500 °C infinitely adjustable
Max. heat-sealing speed: .................................................................................. 7.0 m/min.
Seal widths:
Overlapped seal without test channel: ............................................................... 20 - 40 mm
Overlapped seal with test channel:..................................................................... as required
Max. overlap of the workpieces: ............................................................................. 80 mm
Sealable materials: ..................................................................... PVC
Type of foil: ................................................................................ thermally sealable
Sealable foil thicknesses *: ............................................................................. 0.3 - 2.5 mm
* Depending on material
3 - 1

Disposal of the machine

4 Disposal of the machine
The proper disposal of the machine is the responsibility of the customer.
The materials used on the machine are steel, aluminium, brass and various plastics.
The electrical equipment consists of plastics and copper.
The machine is to be disposed of in accordance with the locally valid environmental protection regulations.
Special care is to be taken that parts soiled with lubricants be separately disposed of in accordance with the locally valid environmental protection regulations!
4 - 1

Transport packaging and storage

5 Transport packaging and storage
5.01 Transport to the customer’s premises
Within Germany, the machine is delivered without packaging. Machines are packaged for export.
5.02 Transport within the customer’s premises
The manufacturer carries no liability for transport within the customer’s premises or to other locations where it is to be used.
5.03 Disposal of the packaging
The packaging of these machines consists of paper, cardboard and VCE fibre. The proper disposal of the packaging is the responsibility of the customer.
5.04 Storage
The machine can be stored for up to 6 months if not in use. During this time it should be protected from dust and moisture. For longer storage the individual parts of the machine, especially the moving parts, should be protected against corrosion e.g. by a film of oil.
5 - 1

Explanation of the symbols

6 Explanation of the symbols
In the following section of this Instruction manual, certain tasks or important pieces of information are accentuated by symbols. The symbols used have the following meanings:
Note, information
Clean, care
Lubrication, greasing, oiling
Servicing, repair, adjustment, maintenance
6 - 1
7 Controls
7.01 Summary of the control elements


Fig. 7 - 01
1. Mains switch, see Chapter 7.02.
2. Microprocessor controller for the heat-sealing temperature, see Chapter 7.03.
3. Controller for the heat-sealing speed, see Chapter 7.04.
4. Selection switch for the operating mode, see Chapter 7.05.
5. Selection switch for the operating direction, see Chapter 7.06.
6. Lever for engaging the hot wedge, see Chapter 7.07.
7. Lever for lowering the top feed roller, see Chapter 7.08.
7 - 1
7.02 Mains switch
By pressing the mains switch 1 the machine is switched on or off.
Position "
Fig. 7 - 02
Position "
7.03 Controller for the heat-sealing temperature
0" : Machine is switched off
00 11
1" : Machine is switched on
When switching off the machine, please observe the notes in Chapter 8.02
Switching the machine on/ off!
After pressing button 1 the heat­sealing temperature can be reduced with button 2 or increased with button 3.
Fig. 7 - 03
The actual temperature of the hot wedge is shown on display 4.
7 - 2
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