Paperless Recorder
6.4" TFT Color Display Full VGA Resolution
Web based visualisation and configuration
Sampling Rate 250 ms
4, 8, or 12 universal 16-bit inputs
12 Relay Outputs
Up to 8 Display Strategies
USB Stick Memory Downloads
The VersaVU Paperless Recorder is a
freely configurable microprocessor-based
device for measurement, storage, visualization, monitoring, and documentation.
Available with 4, 8, or 12 universal inputs
VersaVU is expandable to an additional 12
inputs via Modbus communications.
Measured data is buffered in internal flash
memory and can be exported to a USB
stick via the front USB port. Data can also
be viewed via a standard web-browser for
quick evaluation and analysis of historical
data trends.
VersaVU has been designed for industrial
use incorporating the latest means for
communications. Complete configuration
can be accomplished using the standard
Ethernet interface and on-board webserver
which also permits easy to access data
monitoring. E-mail messaging and FTP
functions add the finishing touches for
complete user convenience . . all as standard features!
Measurement values can be displayed
either as trend curves in horizontal or vertical direction or bargraphs; a numeric display is also possible.
Trend display
RS 485 for Modbus master or Modbus slave
Ethernet interface for configuration
Mathematical functions in realtime
IP 65/NEMA 4x Front Panel Protection
VersaVU allows up to 8 visualization groups
with up to 12 input channels per group.
Bargraph display
Different display views can be activated
within each visualization group.
A Modbus serial interface is also standard
allowing the unit to function in slave or
master operation.
All of our product features are brought
together on our 6.4" TFT color display. We
incorporated full VGA resolution (640 x 480
pixels) with wide viewing angles making
full use of the screen size. This type of
resolution makes it easy to use complex
display strategies without sacrifice to visi
Digital display
VersaVU features a group manager allowing
the user to assign input signals to visualiza
tion groups.
Input signals can be assigned to multiple
groups improving transparency. Different
parameters can be used for every input
within a specified group.
Event list
A historical display of the data stored in
memory can be viewed via the Horizontal

Programmable sensor type and measure
ment range.
Within a measurement range, span start
and end can be configured freely.
Scanning cycle
All inputs: Scan Rate: 250 ms
Resolution: 16 bits
Input Type Measurement range
L -0.1 … 761.4 °C
J -200.1…1200.3 °C
K -240.1…1372.9 °C
N 0 … 1399.6 °C
S 0 … 1759 °C
R 0 … 1759 °C
T -240 … 400.5 °C
E -240 … 1000 °C
B 100… 1824 °C
Resistance thermometers
Type Measurement range
Pt 100 -199.9 … 800.3 °C
Ni 120 -80 … 260 °C
For all thermocouples and resistance thermometers, the smallest display span is 0.1
Direct voltage DC
Voltages can be measured and displayed in
the following ranges:
Input Type
DC Linear 0-50 mV 0 … 50 mV
DC Linear10-50 mV 10 … 50 mV
DC Linear 0-5 V 0 … 5 V
DC Linear 1-5 V 1… 5 V
DC Linear 0-10 V 0… 10 V
DC Linear 2-10 V 2 … 10 V
Direct current
Input Type
Current0-20mA 0… 20mA
Current4-20mA 4… 20mA
range min
range min
range max
range max
Accuracy and display
The errors specified in the table are
referred to the following conditions:
Humidity: 55% ± 10%
Temperature: 23 °C ± 2°C
Supply voltage: 100 to 240 V at 50/60 Hz ±
VersaVU requires a 30 minute warm-up
Standard performance
- Measuring accuracy (in %)
DC: +/- 0.1% of Span +/- 1 LSD
RTD: +/- 0.1% of Span +/- 0.3 deg C
TC: +/- 0.1% of Span, + 1 deg C
Cold Junction Compensation Error:
+0.3 deg C for 0.1 deg C resolution ranges
or 1 deg C for 1 degree resolution ranges
Recording accuracy (in resolution of the
digital display)
Fastest recording & displaying rates are 1
second. (1 data point per sec in file&1pix
per sec on display).
Maximum Input Voltage: DC voltage
input (±2 V or less)/thermocouple input
(burnout disable), ±10 Vdc
Maximum voltage for higher input
ranges (5V and 10V): 50Vdc
Input resistance: DC voltage(mV,V), thermocouple input;
approximately 1 MÙ
Input resistance for mA input: 6.2 ohm
Source Resistance:> 1kÙ for current inputs
Allowable Signal Source Resistance:
Thermocouple Input (Burnout Disable)/DC
voltage input (±2 V or less):
1kÙ or less
DC Voltage Input (±5 to ±50 V):
100 Ù or less
Resistance Thermometer:
Per wire 10 Ù or less (same resistance
for 3 wires)
Input bias current: 10 nA or less
Interference across channels: 120 dB (for
500 Ù input external resistance and 60 V
input to other channel)
Noise (50/60Hz power supply) for VDC,
RTD and TC input
Maximum common mode noise voltage:
250 VAC rms (50/60 Hz)
Normal mode rejection ratio (NMRR):
40 dB (50/60 Hz ±0.1%)
Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR): 120
dB (50/60 Hz ±0.1%, 500 Ù unbalanced,
across minus terminal and ground)
Maximum noise voltage across channels:
250 VAC RMS (50/60 Hz)
Interference across channels: 120 dB (for
500 Ù input external resistance and 60 V
input to other channel)
TFT Color Display
Screen Size: 6.4" measured diagonally
Resolution: VGA, 640 x 480 pixels
Operating Languages: English, German,
French, Italian, and Spanish
VersaVU is operated via a rotary push-button
knob on the front panel or through the integrated Webserver.
Configuration is done via the front knob, the
integrated Webserver, or USB memory stick.
(USB stick not in delivery).
Internal data storage: 150MB Flash
Optional external storage:
Data storage will be initiated automatically in
a range of 1sec. to 60 min.
Historical data can be downloaded via
USB-Stick, Webserver or FTP Transfer.
Supply voltage: 100..240 VAC
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
(automatic detection)
Normal operating conditions:
Operating humidity
Warm-up time: 30 minutes
Industrial 0 to 55 deg C or 32
to 131 deg F
Relative Humidity 30 to 90%
non-condensing; no specific
pressure range
Temperature: -10...55°C
Humidity: 5...95%, no condensation
Vibration: 10-55 Hz, 10m/ s² for 2 hours
2 VersaVU