1 Relay
2 SSR Driver
3 4-20mA & Relay
4 4-20mA & SSR Driver
0 None
1 Relay
2 SSR Driver
3 4-20mA
4 4-20mA & Relay
5 4-20mA & SSR
0 None
1 Relay
2 SSR Driver
0 None
1 Position Proportioning*
2 Remote Setpoint
3 RS-485 Standard Com.**
4 RS-485 Standard Com.***
5 RS-485 Total Access Com.**
6 RS-485 Total Access Com.***
1 115 VAC Input & Relays
2 230 VAC Input & Relays
3 115 VAC Input
(Blank) None
AB Extended Feature Software
AD Auto Reset Adj. 0/10.00
AE AB plus Prop. Band of 9999
XP 24VDC Transmitter Power Supply
XA 24VDC Power Supply†
To order the LifeGuard, specify Part # 64417801.
230 VAC Relays
(See Appendix for explanation/specifications)
This instrument is backed by
the Partlow comprehensive 3
year warranty. A complete
warranty statement is
published in the back of the
product instruction manual. If
you have further questions
about warranties, please
contact the Partlow factory.
For pricing and additional
ordering information, refer to
Form 3265, Electronic Price
Book, Page 33.
* Limited to Model 8211X1X or 82X22X1X.
** Output Group 2 cannot be 3, 4, or 5.
*** Output Group 3 cannot be 1 or 2.
† ALARM not available when XA suffix if ordered.
Note: Option Suffix AB not available with RS-485 Standard Com.

The MIC 8200 is a 1/4 DIN, microprocessor based, dual digital display, dual setpoint, single loop, auto tune, process controller
capable of controlling a variety of processes including those requiring simple on-off to dual 4-20mA outputs with full PID, while
providing an operator with constant visual indication of process and setpoint.
The top display may be programmed to show the process variable or deviation from setpoint. The lower display, when
programmed, is keypad selectable to show setpoint 1, setpoint 2, or percent output.
Options include single or dual 4-20mA output, up to three relay outputs, three types of alarms, remote setpoint input, electric
motor modulation, and RS-485 communications. Process value retransmission output is also available.
Access to configuration parameters and setpoint may be restricted by using the instrument's security-access mode.
Thermocouple types J, K, T, R, S, E, B, N, and C.
RTD 100 ohm (.00385 Ohm/Ohm/C)
Volts 0 to 5VDC, 1 to 5 VDC
Millivolts 0 to 25mVDC, 0 to 50mVDC,
10 to 50mVDC
Milliamps 4 to 20mADC, accommodated via the
addition of a shunt resistor
Remote Setpoint 0 to 5VDC, 1 to 5 VDC
Sensor Fault Detection Displays Hi or Lo for thermocouple or RTD
inputs (10% above or below range) and
sensor break, SnSr.On/Off outputs go off,
proportional outputs go to 0%. Sensor fault
detection is not functional for 0 to 5VDC.
Relay SPST
115VAC: 5.0 A Resistive; 1/8 HP or 250VA
230VAC: 2.5 A Resistive; 1/8HP or 250VA
SSR Driver Open collector output
Short circuit protected at 100mA maximum
Provides 4VDC at 20mA or 3VDC at 40mA
Current Output 4-20mADC into 650 ohms maximum
Digital Display Four 7 segment LED's each .36 inches high.
Status Indicators Individual LED indictors for Setpoint 1, Setpoint
2, Out 1, Out 2, Manual, Alarm, Degrees F,
Degrees C, or Engineering Units, minus sign for
negative values, Process Value, Percent Output
1, Percent Output 2, and Remote Setpoint.
Alarm Adjustment
Process Alarm -9999 to 9999 units
Deviation Alarm -3000 to 3000 units
Deviation Band Alarm 1 to 3000 units
Control Adjustments
On/Off Hysteresis 0 to 300 units
Proportional Band 1 to 3000 units
Manual Reset -1500 to 1500 units
Auto Reset 0.0 to 100.0 repeats/minute
Rate 0.0 to 10.0 minutes
Cycle Time 1 to 240 seconds
Position Prop. Sensitivity 0.0 to 50.0%
First Output Position -1000 to 1000 units
Second Output Position -1000 to 1000 units
Measurement Error Limit • Type J, K, T, E, N, C thermocouples
and RTD +/- 0.25% of reading plus
1 degree at 25 C
• Type R, S, B thermocouple
+/- 0.25% of span at 25 C
• mVDC, mADC and VDC +/- 0.25%
of span at 25 C
Ambient Temperature Error 0.01% of span per degree C deviation
from 25 C
Scan Rate 1 scan per second, 3 scans available.
Display Resolution T/C & RTD: 0.01 or 1 degree
mV & VDC: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, or 1.0
Auto Reset Windup Inhibit Auto reset is disabled when the
process is outside of the proportional
Cold Junction Compensation Self compensation for ambient
temperature. All calibration values are
stored in memory.
Noise Rejection Normal mode, 85dB minimum at 60Hz
or greater.
Common mode, 90dB minimum
–24VAC maximum for RTD input,
115VAC maximum for other inputs.
Line Voltage 115/230VAC +/- 10% 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption 15VA maximum
Operating Temperature 0 to 55 C, 32 to 131 F
Storage Temperature -40 to 65 C, -40 to 149 F
Humidity 0 to 90% RH, non condensing
Dimensions 1/4 DIN front panel, 5.8" deep
Weight 3 pounds maximum
Vibration 0.5 to 100Hz at 0.5g
Agency Approvals
UL and CSA
Transmitter Power Supply
Provides up to 40mA @ 24VDC.
Digital Communications
Type RS-485 serial communication port:
Half-Duplex bi-directional comm.
Character Format ASCII
Protocol Per ANSI X3.28 subcategories 2.5 A4
Configuration User configuration to "Monitor" (read
only) or "Normal" (read and write)
Bit Rate User configurable to 300, 600, 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600 bits per second.
Address User configurable 0 to 99.