Panasonic KX-HTS32, KX-HT824 Programming Item List

Programming Item List
Hybrid IP-PBX
Model No.
Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. Please read this manual carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use. In particular, be sure to read "1.1 For Your Safety, page 8" before using this product.
KX-HTS: Series: PJMPR Software File Version 001.10000 or later
Manuals and supporting information are provided on the Panasonic Web site at
About this Programming Item List
The Programming Item List is designed to serve as a system programming reference for the Panasonic Hybrid IP-PBX. It explains how to program this PBX using Web Maintenance Console. The Programming Item List is divided into the following sections:
Section 1, Overview
Provides an overview of programming the PBX
Section 2, Programming Items
Serves as a reference for programming items when using Web Maintenance Console to program the PBX.
Microsoft, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Windows and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Intel and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Mozilla and Firefox are registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.
All other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.
Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
Google® and Google Chrome
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google, Inc.
During a long programming session, it is highly recommended that you periodically save the system data
to the internal storage. If the PBX undergoes a sudden power failure or if the system is reset for some reason, all the system data in the RAM will be lost. However, if system data has been saved to the internal storage, it can be easily reloaded.
To save the system data to the internal storage, press the "Save & Logout" button in the top right corner
of the screen before resetting the PBX or turning off the power. After the data is changed, if you close the browser without pressing the "Save & Logout" button in the top right corner of the screen, the data may not be saved. Make sure to press the "Save & Logout" button before exiting the configuration.
2 Programming Item List

List of Abbreviations

Refer to List of Abbreviations in the Feature Manual.
List of Abbreviations
Programming Item List 3
List of Abbreviations
4 Programming Item List

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Overview .................................................................................................. 7
1.1 For Your Safety ................................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Input Rules ..................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.1 Valid characters ............................................................................................................ 10
1.2.2 Input character restrictions ........................................................................................... 10
1.3 PC Programming ........................................................................................................... 14
1.3.1 Starting Web Maintenance Console ............................................................................. 14
1.4 Easy Setup Wizard ........................................................................................................ 15
2 PBX Configuration ................................................................................ 17
2.1 Login ............................................................................................................................... 18
2.1.1 PBX Configuration ........................................................................................................ 18
2.1.2 Extension ...................................................................................................................... 18
2.1.3 Trunk ............................................................................................................................ 19
2.1.4 Doorphone .................................................................................................................... 19
2.2 PBX Configuration—[1] System ................................................................................... 20
2.2.1 PBX Configuration—[1-1] System—Date & Time ......................................................... 20
2.2.2 PBX Configuration—[1-2] System—MOH .................................................................... 21
2.2.3 PBX Configuration—[1-3] System—Week Table .......................................................... 21
2.2.4 PBX Configuration—[1-4] System—Numbering Plan ................................................... 22
2.2.5 PBX Configuration—[1-5] System—Timers .................................................................. 24
2.2.6 PBX Configuration—[1-6] System—System Options ................................................... 25
2.2.7 PBX Configuration—[1-7] System—CDR ..................................................................... 27
2.3 PBX Configuration—[2] Extension .............................................................................. 28
2.3.1 PBX Configuration—[2-1] Extension—Port .................................................................. 28
2.3.2 PBX Configuration—[2-2] Extension—Phone .............................................................. 31
2.3.3 PBX Configuration—[2-3] Extension—Flexible Buttons ............................................... 32
2.3.4 PBX Configuration—[2-4] Extension—Extension Group .............................................. 33
2.3.5 PBX Configuration—[2-5] Extension—Doorphone ....................................................... 34
2.3.6 PBX Configuration—[2-6] Extension—Analog SLT Property ........................................ 35
2.3.7 PBX Configuration—[2-7] Extension—SIP Extension Property .................................... 35
2.4 PBX Configuration—[3] Trunk ...................................................................................... 38
2.4.1 PBX Configuration—[3-1] Trunk—Port ......................................................................... 38
2.4.2 PBX Configuration—[3-2] Trunk—DIL .......................................................................... 40
2.4.3 PBX Configuration—[3-3] Trunk—DDI ......................................................................... 40
2.4.4 PBX Configuration—[3-4] Trunk—Caller ID Modify & Block ......................................... 41
2.4.5 PBX Configuration—[3-5] Trunk—DISA ....................................................................... 42
2.4.6 PBX Configuration—[3-6] Trunk—Analog CO Property ............................................... 44
2.4.7 PBX Configuration—[3-7] Trunk—SIP Trunk Property ................................................. 45
2.5 PBX Configuration—[4] TRS/ARS ................................................................................ 49
2.5.1 PBX Configuration—[4-1] TRS/ARS—Leading Digits .................................................. 49
2.5.2 PBX Configuration—[4-2] TRS/ARS—ARS Carrier ...................................................... 50
2.5.3 PBX Configuration—[4-3] TRS/ARS—Account Code .................................................. 50
2.5.4 PBX Configuration—[4-4] TRS/ARS—Emergency Dial ................................................ 50
2.5.5 PBX Configuration—[4-5] TRS/ARS—Options ............................................................. 51
2.6 PBX Configuration—[5] System Speed Dialing .......................................................... 52
2.7 PBX Configuration—[6] Conference ............................................................................ 53
2.8 PBX Configuration—[7] Voice Mail .............................................................................. 54
3 Network Configuration ......................................................................... 55
3.1 Network Configuration .................................................................................................. 56
3.2 Network Configuration—[3] WAN ................................................................................ 57
Programming Item List 5
Table of Contents
3.2.1 Network Configuration—[3-1] WAN—WAN Setting ...................................................... 57
3.2.2 Network Configuration—[3-2] WAN—WAN Status ....................................................... 60
3.2.3 Network Configuration—[3-4] WAN—DDNS ................................................................ 62
3.3 Network Configuration—[4] LAN ................................................................................. 63
3.3.1 Network Configuration—[4-2] LAN—LAN Settings ....................................................... 63
3.3.2 Network Configuration—[4-3] LAN—DHCP Client List ................................................. 64
3.4 Network Configuration—[5] Route .............................................................................. 65
3.4.1 Network Configuration—[5-1] Route—Static Routing ................................................... 65
3.5 Network Configuration—[6] Wireless .......................................................................... 66
3.5.1 Network Configuration—[6-1] Wireless—Radio Settings ............................................. 66
3.5.2 Network Configuration—[6-2] Wireless—Main AP Settings ......................................... 67
3.5.3 Network Configuration—[6-3] Wireless—Security Settings .......................................... 68
3.5.4 Network Configuration—[6-5] Wireless—Wireless LAN Setup Settings ....................... 70
3.5.5 Network Configuration—[6-6] Wireless—MAC Filter .................................................... 71
3.5.6 Network Configuration—[6-7] Wireless—Device Association ...................................... 71
3.6 Network Configuration—[7] Firewall ........................................................................... 72
3.6.1 Network Configuration—[7-1] Firewall—Firewall Setting .............................................. 72
3.6.2 Network Configuration—[7-2] Firewall—Packet Filtering ............................................. 72
3.6.3 Network Configuration—[7-3] Firewall—Application Server Settings ........................... 75
3.7 Network Configuration—[8] NAT ................................................................................. 76
3.7.1 Network Configuration—[8-1] NAT—NAT Settings ....................................................... 76
3.7.2 Network Configuration—[8-2] NAT—Virtual Server ...................................................... 76
3.7.3 Network Configuration—[8-3] NAT—DMZ .................................................................... 77
3.8 Network Configuration—[10] Port Status ................................................................... 78
4 Maintenance .......................................................................................... 79
4.1 Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 80
4.2 Maintenance—[1] Management .................................................................................... 81
4.2.1 Maintenance—[1-1] Management—Web Programming ............................................... 81
4.3 Maintenance—[2] System Control ............................................................................... 82
4.3.1 Maintenance—[2-1] System Control—Firmware Transfer to PBX ............................... 82
4.3.2 Maintenance—[2-2] System Control—Firmware Update ............................................. 83
4.3.3 Maintenance—[2-3] System Control—System Data Backup & Restore ...................... 83
4.3.4 Maintenance—[2-4] System Control—System Reset ................................................... 84
4.4 Maintenance—[3] Utility ................................................................................................ 84
4.4.1 Maintenance—[3-1] Utility—USB ................................................................................. 84
4.4.2 Maintenance—[3-2] Utility—System Log ...................................................................... 85
4.4.3 Maintenance—[3-3] Utility—Email Notification ............................................................. 86
5 Appendix ............................................................................................... 89
5.1 Input Characters (TextLCDHDV) .................................................................................. 90
6 Programming Item List
Section 1


This section provides an overview of programming the PBX.
Programming Item List 7

1.1 For Your Safety

1.1 For Your Safety
To prevent personal injury and/or damage to property, be sure to observe the following safety precautions.
The following symbols classify and describe the level of hazard and injury caused when this unit is operated or handled improperly.
This notice means that misuse could result in death or serious injury.
This notice means that misuse could result in injury or damage to property.
The following types of symbols are used to classify and describe the type of instructions to be observed.
This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must not be performed.
This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must be followed in order to operate the unit safely.
8 Programming Item List
1.1 For Your Safety
Unplug the PBX from the AC outlet if it emits smoke, an abnormal smell or makes unusual noise. These
conditions can cause fire or electric shock. Confirm that the smoke has stopped and contact an authorized Panasonic Factory Service Center.
To the Administrator or Installer regarding account passwords
1. Please provide all system passwords to the customer.
2. To avoid unauthorized access and possible abuse of the PBX, keep the passwords secret, and
inform the customer of the importance of the passwords, and the possible dangers if they become known to others.
3. The PBX has no passwords set initially. For security, select an installer password as soon as the
PBX system is installed at the site.
4. Change the passwords periodically.
5. It is strongly recommended that passwords of 10 numbers or characters be used for maximum
protection against unauthorized access.
There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made if a third party discovers a personal
identification number (PIN) (verification code PIN or extension PIN) of the PBX. The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX. To protect the PBX from this kind of fraudulent use, we strongly recommend:
a. Keeping PINs secret. b. Selecting complex, random PINs that cannot be easily guessed. c. Changing PINs frequently.
Programming Item List 9

1.2 Input Rules

1.2 Input Rules
This chapter describes rules regarding input in detail.

1.2.1 Valid characters

Describes characters that can be input. An input character check is implemented through Javascript when using Web Maintenance Console, and errors are displayed in a dialog box when invalid characters are input.
Valid characters are shown in the following:
ASCII code
0x08, 0x0D, 0x20, 0x21-0x7E
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others <! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~> <SP> (Space)

1.2.2 Input character restrictions

A set of character restrictions is defined as follows:
Input Type Valid characters Usage
Dial1 Numbers <0–9>
Others <# *>
Dial3 Numbers <0–9>
Others <# * N (N=2–9) X (0–9) Z (Z=1–9)>
Dial4 Numbers <0–9>
Others <# * N (N=2–9) X (0–9, # * {# and * work as a wild card.}) x>
Unsigned Number
Numbers <0–9> Others < . > However, decimal points are omitted.
Dial for trunk.
Dial for outbound.
Dial for dialing table.
Used for input of numerical values using [0–9] with a clearly defined range. (Usage is separate from "Text Numeric") The range is not by the number of digits but indicated by the actual numerical range that can be input
(for port numbers, "1-65535"). Text No input restrictions. Text
10 Programming Item List
Numbers <0–9> Used for the input of digits [0–9] as
a character string for floating
extension numbers, etc. (Usage is
separate from "Unsigned
Number") Indicated by a range,
such as from 3 digits in length, etc.
1.2.2 Input character restrictions
Input Type Valid characters Usage
Text Email Numbers <0–9>
Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others <- _ . * ! # $ % & ' * + / = ? ^ ` { | } ~ @>
Text LCD Valid characters and the valid number of characters
used are in compliance with the LCD display specifications. No input restrictions.
Text1 Numbers <0–9>
Text3 Numbers <0–9>
Valid characters and the valid number of characters used are in compliance with the LCD of HDV series display specifications. For more information about input characters, refer to 5.1 Input Characters (TextLCDHDV).
Letters <a–z, A–Z>
Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < - . > Input error conditions The following conditions are invalid for input according to the RFC rules
A hyphen at the beginning of input characters will
be invalid
A hyphen at the end of input characters will be
Characters valid for e-mail text
Character strings displayed in LCD
Character strings displayed in LCD of HDV series.
Character strings consisting of alphanumeric characters only
Domain Name, FQDN
A hyphen input before or after a dot will be invalid
Continuous input of dots will be invalid
Text5 Numbers <0–9>
Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : = @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ > <SP> (Space)
Text Router
Text Router2
Text Router3
Text Router Pwd
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < except " < > % \ ^ [ ] ` + $ , = ' # & : <\t> (tab) >
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < except " < > % \ ^ [ ] ` + $ , = ' # & : <\t> (tab) { | } <SP> (Space) >
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < except " < > % \ ^ [ ] ` + $ , = ' # & : <\t> (tab) { | } <SP> (Space) . >
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < except " < > % \ ` >
All ASCII characters excluding < < > ; > < < > ; > cannot be used in conf file of Asterisk.
Acceptable characters for a router
Acceptable characters for a router
Acceptable characters for a router
Acceptable characters for a router
Programming Item List 11
1.2.2 Input character restrictions
Input Type Valid characters Usage
Text Router Pwd2
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < except " \ % ` { | } ~ # $ <SP> (Space) <\t> (tab) >
Text Router Pwd3
Text Router SSID
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < except " \ % ` { | } ~ <SP> (Space) >
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ ><SP> (Space)
A space at the beginning of input characters will be
A space at the end of input characters will be
Text ASCII All ASCII characters
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–z, A–Z> Others < ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ > <SP> (Space)
Text HEX Numbers <0–9>
Letters <a–f, A–F>
Acceptable characters for a router
Acceptable characters for a router
Acceptable characters for a router
There are no setting items
currently used.
IP Address Numbers <0–9>
Others < . >
Remarks Values of 1, 01 and 001, or 10 and 010 are recognized as the same value and are saved without the leading 0s. Input error conditions
1. Input of class E: When the upper 4 Bits of the
first octet is 1111, it will be treated as an error. Error example:,
2. Input of class D: When the upper 4 Bits of the
first octet is 1110, it will be treated as an error. Error example:,
3. Input of local loop back address: Input of will be treated as an error.
12 Programming Item List
1.2.2 Input character restrictions
Input Type Valid characters Usage
Subnet Mask
Subnet Mask2
Subnet Mask3
Numbers <0–9> Others < . >
Remarks Prefix description such as "/24" will not be accepted. Input error conditions For the first to fourth octet, only the following values are accepted. All others will be treated as errors. 255(0xFF), 254(0xFE), 252(0xFC), 248(0xF8), 240(0xF0), 224(0xE0), 192(0xC0), 128(0x80), 0(0x00)
Numbers <0–9> Others < . >
Remarks Prefix description such as "/24" will not be accepted. “” cannot be set.
Numbers <0–9> Others < . >
Remarks Prefix description such as "/24" will not be accepted. The following values cannot be set:
Subnet Mask4
MAC Address
MAC Address2
Numbers <0–9> Others < . >
Remarks Prefix description such as "/24" will not be accepted. For the first to fourth octet, only the following values are accepted: 0 (0x00)–255 (0xFF)
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–f, A–F> Others < : > Remarks Only the following input is accepted, with each "x" being a number or letter as described above. xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (17 characters in total) Input error conditions Input of broadcast/multicast addresses will be treated as an error. : When Bit 0 of the first octet is 1, it will be treated as an error. Error example: 01:00:00:00:00:00
Numbers <0–9> Letters <a–f, A–F> Others < : > Remarks Only the following input is accepted, with each "x" being a number or letter as described above. xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (17 characters in total)
Only valid when it is required to divide into octets.
Programming Item List 13

1.3 PC Programming

1.3 PC Programming

1.3.1 Starting Web Maintenance Console

System programming, diagnosis and administration can be performed with a PC using Web Maintenance Console. Web Maintenance Console is accessed through a Web browser running on a networked PC. This section describes how to set up and access Web Maintenance Console.
System Requirements
Required Operating System
Supported versions of Windows® will be periodically updated by the web browser provider. Refer to your browser's support page.
Supported Browsers for use with Web Maintenance Console
Windows Internet Explorer 11
Mozilla® Firefox® version 46 or later
Google Chrome v51 or later
Always apply the latest updates to your Web browser software. For details, refer to your Web browser’s documentation. Only the browsers and browser versions listed above are supported for use with Web Maintenance Console.
Browser Setting Requirements
The following functions must be enabled in the Web browser’s settings to use Web Maintenance Console:
The ability to download files
The display of animations
The display of images
For details regarding the above settings, refer to your Web browser’s documentation.
14 Programming Item List

1.4 Easy Setup Wizard

1.4 Easy Setup Wizard
In the Easy Setup Wizard, you will configure the mandatory settings required for the PBX. When you login to Web Maintenance Console for a PBX that is in its initialized, factory default state, the Easy Setup Wizard for that PBX will launch automatically.
Screen Name Setting item Description
Welcome to Panasonic KX-HTS
1.Date & Time Time Zone Selects the Time Zone. Select
2.Numbering Idle Line Access
WebMC Language
Area Code Selects the area code to be set in
Password Setting
Local Time Selects the time setting. Select Daylight Saving Selects the Daylight Saving
(Local Access) Extension
Selects the language to be used in Web Maintenance Console. Follow the on-screen instructions to set the language as necessary.
your country/area. Follow the on­screen instructions to set the area code.
Input the Installer Password (4-16 characters, [A–Z, a–z, 0–9]) and input it in the Re-enter column for confirmation.
Mode. Specifies the idle trunk access
setting method. Specifies how extension numbers
are assigned.
Text1 "1234" cannot be
set as the Password.
3.Incoming Call DIL / Doorphone Selects destinations for all ports and all time modes for DIL / Doorphone.
4.Dialling Plan International
Access Code International
Access Code Other (6 digits)
Local Area Code (6 digits)
Selects the international access code.
When selecting "Other" in the above setting, set an international access code of 6 digits or less.
Specifies the local area code. Text
Text Numeric
Programming Item List 15
1.4 Easy Setup Wizard
Screen Name Setting item Description
5.IP IP Address for LAN PortIP
Specifies the IP address for the LAN port.
IP Address for LAN Port
Displays the Subnet Mask for the LAN port.
Subnet Mask Use Built-in
Enables the built-in DHCP server. Checkbox DHCP Server of KX-HTS
Use Built-in DHCP Server of KX-HTS Starting IP address
Use Built-in DHCP Server of KX-HTS Ending IP address
IP Address of SIP Extension in
Specifies the start of the IP
address range. The built-in
DHCP server provides an IP
address within this specified
Specifies the end of the IP
address range. The built-in
DHCP server provides an IP
address within this specified
Enables the IP address of SIP
Extension in the existing router. existing router
IP Address
IP Address
IP Address
IP Address of SIP Extension in existing router IP Address
Specifies the IP address of SIP
Extension in the existing router.
IP Address
16 Programming Item List
Section 2

PBX Configuration

This section provides setting items for programming the PBX.
Programming Item List 17

2.1 Login

2.1 Login

2.1.1 PBX Configuration

Setting screen (Default)
A Uninstalled Slot B Trunk Slot (Pre-installed) C Extension Slot (Pre-installed)
Setting screen (Operation example) When a card is inserted to a vacant slot, the insertion is reflected on the display of the screen. When an SIP extension or a SIP trunk is assigned, each button becomes light blue. (E), (F)
D Port number E SIP extensions are active F SIP trunks are active

2.1.2 Extension

Name Description
Extension Opens the Extension port setting screen.
2.3.1 PBX Configuration—[2-1] Extension—Port
Extension number Opens the Extension number setting screen.
18 Programming Item List

2.1.3 Trunk

Name Description
Trunk Opens the Trunk port setting screen.
2.4.1 PBX Configuration—[3-1] Trunk—Port
Trunk number Opens the Trunk number setting screen.

2.1.4 Doorphone

Name Description
Doorphone Opens the Doorphone port setting screen.
2.3.5 PBX Configuration—[2-5] Extension—Doorphone
Doorphone number Opens the Doorphone port setting screen.
2.3.5 PBX Configuration—[2-5] Extension—Doorphone
2.1.3 Trunk
Programming Item List 19

2.2 PBX Configuration—[1] System

2.2 PBX Configuration—[1] System

2.2.1 PBX Configuration—[1-1] System—Date & Time

The date and time of the PBX can be programmed.
Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
1.Date & TimeDate & Time
1.Date & Time Daylight Saving
Time Setting Indicates the current date
and time. Values can be entered by selecting the parameter you want to change the new value.
Automatic Time Adjustment
SNTP Server IP Address
Time Zone Sets the time zone of the
Daylight Saving Check the "Setting" and
Selects the Automatic Time Adjustment target.
Sets the IP address of the SNTP server for the Automatic Time Adjustment destination.
selects the available summer time from the setting list. Specifies each summer time periods.
Radio If you select Caller ID,
confirm with your carrier whether timestamps are included with Caller ID information received from the network.
IP Address This setting is
displayed only when Automatic Time Adjustment is set to "SNTP".
Check / Select
There will be a time correction at 2:00AM on the set day.
20 Programming Item List

2.2.2 PBX Configuration—[1-2] System—MOH

2.2.2 PBX Configuration—[1-2] System—MOH
Sound files on the programmer’s PC can be installed to the PBX for use as Music on Hold (MOH).
Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
2.MOH Music on Hold Selects a sound source for Music on Hold.
Upload Music File Sound files on the
programmer’s PC can be installed to each PBX for use as Music on Hold (MOH).
Sound on Transfer Shows a sound which is
heard during transferring to a destination.
Sound on DISA Selects a sound which is
heard by a caller using DISA when calling to dialing destinations such as an extension or trunk, etc. after DISA answers.
Only WAV files can
be installed, and file names must not exceed 62 characters in length (including the file extension ".wav"). Only use ASCII characters in file names.
Files must not be
larger than 40 MB on the PC.

2.2.3 PBX Configuration—[1-3] System—Week Table

A specific time mode (Day, Lunch or Night) can be selected for operation depending on the time of day. The time mode can be switched either automatically or manually. Select the desired switching mode.
Screen / Tub Setting item Description Input Type Note
Time Service Switching Mode
Current Mode Selects a current time
Time Table Check and selects the
Selects the exchange mode (Automatic/Manual) for time service.
service mode.
available time service from the setting list. Specifies each time table for starting time service.
Check / Select
It is possible to set by each time service.
Programming Item List 21

2.2.4 PBX Configuration—[1-4] System—Numbering Plan

2.2.4 PBX Configuration—[1-4] System—Numbering Plan
Details of the extension numbering schemes, trunk line / trunk group access number, feature access numbers and Redial numbers can be programmed here. Specify the feature number.
Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
4.Numbering PlanMain
Extension Numbering Scheme
The leading numbers and the number of additional digits of the extension numbers for a maximum of 6 different extension numbering schemes can be programmed.
Dial (1 digit) +
Additional Dial
Call Park Specifies the Call Park
Trunk Line / Trunk Group
Specifies the outgoing trunk call feature number, by Trunk Line or Trunk Group. Additional digits "0" and trunk number are used to make a trunk call using a certain trunk. Additional digits "#" and trunk group number are used to make a trunk call using an idle trunk from a certain trunk group.
Text Numeric / Select
Text Numeric
Text Numeric
Idle Line Access (Local Access)
Feature Displays one digit to be
Redial Specifies one digit to be
22 Programming Item List
Specifies the feature number used to make a trunk call by Idle Line Access (selects an idle trunk automatically).
used for feature number operations.
used for redial operations.
Text Numeric
Text Numeric
2.2.4 PBX Configuration—[1-4] System—Numbering Plan
Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
Plan Features
Setting by Extension*77
Setting by Extension*710
Setting by Extension*799
Setting by Manager Extension*36
Setting by Manager Extension*55
Setting by Manager Extension*780
Setting by Manager Extension*#
Shows a feature number of Extension Dial Lock Set / Cancel
Shows a feature number of FWD/DND Set / Cancel: Call from CO & Extension
Shows a feature number of Extension PIN Set / Cancel
Shows a feature number of OGM Record / Clear / Playback
Shows a feature number of Door Open
Shows a feature number of Time Service (Day / Lunch / Night) Switch
Shows a feature number of System Setting
PlanQuick Dial
Call by Extension **
Call by Extension *33
Call by Extension *40
Call by Extension *41
Call by Extension *47
Shows a feature number of System Speed Dialing
Shows a feature number of Paging
Shows a feature number of Group Call Pickup
Shows a feature number of Directed Call Pickup
Shows a feature number of Walking COS / Account Code
Dial (2 digits) Specifies Quick Dial by 1
or 2 digits.
Phone Number (32 digits)
Specifies the number to be actually dialed by Quick Dial specified in the above.
Dial1 Do not use the
numbers already specified in "Dial" for the Main tabs. Do not use the "*" at the first digit.
Additional Dial Specifies additional dialing
for Quick Dial.
Programming Item List 23

2.2.5 PBX Configuration—[1-5] System—Timers

Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
4.Numbering Plan Dialing Plan
Trunk Dialing Plan (32 digits)
Specifies the trunk dialing plan.
2.2.5 PBX Configuration—[1-5] System—Timers
Various system-timers can be programmed.
Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
5.Timers DialInter-digit (s) Specifies the length of time within which subsequent digits must be dialed before the PBX sends a busy tone.
RecallHold Recall (s)
Recall Disconnect after Recall (x60s)
Specifies the length of time until the holding extension receives a Hold Recall ring or alarm tone when a held call remains unretrieved.
Specifies the length of time for Transfer Recall and Call Park Recall. (Hold Recall is not applied)
Limited Call Time CO-CO Duration Time (x60s)
Limited Call Time Extension-CO/ Extension Duration Time (x60s)
Specifies the length of time that a trunk-to-trunk call can be maintained before being disconnected.
Specifies the length of time that an extension-to­trunk / extension-to­extension call can be maintained before being disconnected.
24 Programming Item List

2.2.6 PBX Configuration—[1-6] System—System Options

2.2.6 PBX Configuration—[1-6] System—System Options
Various system settings can be programmed.
Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
6.System Options Feature
Trunk Access Priority
Reserved concurrent trunk call
Reserved concurrent G.729 call
Forced Assignment to SIP Extension Port
Ring Tone Pattern Trunk
Ring Tone Pattern Extension/ Doorphone
It can be assigned a priority for Idle Line Access. When making a trunk call by Idle Line Access, the PBX will search trunk for an idle trunk according to the priority assigned here.
Selects the trunk number to prioritize for concurrent trunk call reservation.
Selects the assignment number for the number of concurrent G.729 calls.
Setting to change forcibly from an analog port to an SIP port.
Selects the pattern of the ring tone for receiving a trunk call.
Selects the pattern of the ring tone for receiving an extension call.
6.System Options Audio Gain
Sending Source Selects the sending
source for audio gain.
Receiving Source Analog SLT
Receiving Source SIP Extension
Receiving Source Doorphone
Receiving Source Analog Trunk
Receiving Source SIP Trunk
Receiving Source DISA
Receiving Source Conference
Receiving Source Voice Mail
Selects the audio gain for analog SLTs.
Selects the audio gain for SIP extensions.
Selects the audio gain for doorphones.
Selects the audio gain for analog trunks.
Selects the audio gain for SIP trunks.
Selects the audio gain for DISA.
Selects the audio gain for conferences.
Selects the audio gain for voice mail.
Programming Item List 25
2.2.6 PBX Configuration—[1-6] System—System Options
Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
Options DSP
Receiving Source [Reserve]
DSP for VM / DISA IP Side - Gain1 (Network to PBX)
DSP for VM / DISA IP Side - Gain2 (PBX to Network)
DSP for VM / DISA PCM Side ­Gain1 (PBX to Network)
DSP for VM / DISA PCM Side ­Gain2 (Network to PBX)
DSP for VM / DISA PCM Side ­Echo Canceller Type
DSP for VM / DISA PCM Side ­Echo Canceller NLP
Reserved. Select
Selects the gain for the IP
side (Network to PBX).
Selects the gain for the IP
side (PBX to Network).
Selects the gain for the
Select PCM side (PBX to Network).
Selects the gain for the
Select PCM side (Network to PBX).
Selects the echo canceller
Select type for the PCM side.
Selects the echo canceller
Select NLP for the PCM side.
DSP for VM / DISA PCM Side ­Echo Canceller Window Size
DSP for ConferenceIP Side - Gain1 (Network to PBX)
DSP for ConferenceIP Side - Gain2 (PBX to Network)
DSP for ConferencePCM Side - Gain1 (PBX to Network)
DSP for ConferencePCM Side - Gain2 (Network to PBX)
Selects the echo canceller window size for the PCM side.
Selects the gain for the IP side (Network to PBX).
Selects the gain for the IP side (PBX to Network).
Selects the gain for the PCM side (PBX to Network).
Selects the gain for the PCM side (Network to PBX).
26 Programming Item List

2.2.7 PBX Configuration—[1-7] System—CDR

Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
6.System Options [Reserved]
DSP for ConferencePCM Side - Echo Canceller Type
DSP for ConferencePCM Side - Echo Canceller NLP
DSP for ConferencePCM Side - Echo Canceller Window Size
Reserved 1-10 Reserved Radio
Selects the echo canceller type for the PCM side.
Selects the echo canceller NLP for the PCM side.
Selects the echo canceller window size for the PCM side.
2.2.7 PBX Configuration—[1-7] System—CDR
CDR (Call Detail Record) is automatically recorded detailed information for each.
Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
7.CDR CDR Recording Enables CDR Recording Radio Save CDR to PC Saves recorded CDR to a
PC. Click the Save button to initiate saving.
Programming Item List 27

2.3 PBX Configuration—[2] Extension

2.3 PBX Configuration—[2] Extension

2.3.1 PBX Configuration—[2-1] Extension—Port

Description Settings can be made for each extension port. Click the "Edit" button located next to the extension number to enable editing of the setting values.
Screen / Tab Setting item Description Input Type Note
1.PortMain Extension Number Specifies the extension number of the extension.
Edit Button Clicking this button
enables the editing of settings for the extension number.
Extension Name Specifies the name of the
Attribution Sets the port to SIP or
FAX Connection Enables the fax
Manager Sets the manager
authority for the port extension.
TRS Level (COS) Specifies the Toll
Restriction (TRS) level for making calls in each time service mode, speed dial, and dial lock.
Remote Dial Lock Remote outgoing call
Text Numeric
Call Forward to CO Enables the forwarding of
Trunk Call Block Sets the trunk connection
Call from DISA Enables the reception of
Call Pickup Deny Specifies whether calls
28 Programming Item List
calls to CO lines.
restriction to trunks (CO1 to CO8) from the port extension.
calls from DISA.
can be picked up by other extensions.
Radio Disable: Allows other
extension users to pick up calls to your extension Enable: Prevents other extension users from picking up calls to your extension
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