Panasonic KVS2055L User Manual

High Speed Scanner
Operating Instructions
Model No. KV-S2055L/KV-S2055W/
These instructions contain the information on operating the scanner. Before reading these instructions, pJease go through the installation mfanuaJ enclosed with this unit.
Please carefully read these instructions, the enclosed instaHlation manual and maintenance manual Keep these documentation irv safe place for future reference.

Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic "High Speed Scanner".

Congratulations, you have just entered a new environment with a Panasonic high speed scanner.

• For the versatile solution for imaging needs. Panasonic developed Panasonic Image Enhancement Technology to improve the quality of your originals.
• Red and Green lamp setting right from the display panel to select dropout color quite easily.
• With these easy-to-use functions, reliable paper handling, easy maintenance and more, Panasonic would like to contribute to your imaging needs.
• Difference between the KV-S2055L/KV-S2055LU and KV-S2055W/KV-S2055WU is only scanning document size. Please refer to page 41 or 42 "Specifications" for details.
Required Host System Conditions
When using the scanner, the required host computer conditions are as follows.
SCSI board Adaptec Brand AHA-1540 Series/AHA-2940 Series are recommended.
iiiThe scanning speed differs depending on the host computer operating environment or application.
• Windows® is Microsoft® Windows® operating system.
• Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Adaptec is registered trademark of Adaptec, Inc.
• AHA is trademark of Adaptec, Inc.
• Each company's name or company product name is each company's trademark or registered trademark.
486 DX 66 MHz or higher (Pentium 166 MHz or higher is recommended.)
16 MB or higher (64 MB or higher is recommended.)
Windows® 3.1/Windows® 95/Windows® 98/Windows NT®
The information given in these Operating Instructions is subject to change without notice.
These Operating Instructions are printed on recycled paper.
Table of Contents
■ Page
Precautions ........................................................................................................7
Component Identification ....................*.............................................................10
Display Panel Instructions .................................................................................1 1
• Display panel and keys ....................................................................................................................11
• Setting the scanner......................................................................................................................... 12
Loading Documents..........................................................................................25
Secondary Settings ......................................................................................... 28
• Selecting the paper path for scanned document
• Setting the ADF/manual feed selector...................................................................................... 28
Clearing Paper Jams
• Removing paper jams from the scanner......................................................................................29
• Removing paper jams from the exit part...................................................................................*
Cleaning the Unit ..............................................................................................30
• Outside of the scanner .............................................................................................................*
• Inside the scanner ............................................................................................................................30
• Cleaning the rollers .......................................................................................................................... 30
• Cleaning the scanning section glass, white sensor rollers, document sensors and double feed detection sensors
• Roller cleaning paper ....................................................................................................................... 34
Replacing Consumable.....................................................................................35
Repacking Instructions......................................................................................40
T roubleshooting............................................................................................... 43
Index................................................................................................................. 46
iiiGerman display on the display panel is described on pages 14 through 24 and 44 to 45, and German contents
to be selected are described on pages 15 through 23.

Federal Communications Commission Requirements


(For United States only)

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial * environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
FCC Warning: To assure continued FCC compliance, the user must use only shielded interface cable and
the provided power supply cord. Also, any unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment would void the user's authority to operate this device.






Pour éviter tout risque d'incendie ou de choc électrique, ne pas soumettre cet appareil à la pluie ou à l'humidité.
La prise secteur devra se trouver à proximité de l'appareil et être facilement



Zur Verhütung von Feuer dem und elektrischem Schlag dieses Erzeugnis nicht Regen oder sonstiger Feuchtigkeit aussetzen.
Die Steckdose muß nahe bei diesem Gerät angebracht und leicht zugänglich sein.

Für Benutzer in der BRD


Der arbeitsplatzbezogene Geräuschemissionswert dieses Gerätes beträgt <70 dB(A)
nach DIN 45635 Teil 19.

For your safety please read the following text carefully.

(For United Kingdom only)

This appliance is supplied with a moulded three pin mains plug for your safety and convenience. A5 amp. fuse is fitted in this plug. Should the fuse need to be replaced please ensure that the replacement fuse has a rating of 5 amps, and that it is approved by ASIA or BSI to BS1362. Check for the ASTA mark or the BSI mark ^on the body of the fuse. If the plug contains a removable fuse cover you must ensure that it is refitted when the fuse is replaced. If you lose the fuse cover the plug must not be used until a replacement cover is obtained. A replacement fuse cover can be purchased from your local Panasonic Dealer.
If the fitted moulded plug is unsuitable for the socket outlet in your home then the fuse should be removed and the plug cut off and disposed of safely. There is danger of severe electrical shock if the cut off plug is inserted into any 13 amp. socket.
If a new plug is to be fitted please observe the wiring code as shown below. If in any doubt please consult a qualified electrician.
WARNING : This appliance must be earthed.
IMPORTANT: The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code.
Green-and-Yellow : Earth Blue : Neutral Brown : Live
As the colours of the wire in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings
identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows.
The wire which is coloured Green-and-Yellow must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter E or by the Earth symbol 4^ or coloured Green-and-Yellow. The wire which is coloured Blue must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter
N or coloured Black. The wire which is coloured Brown must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the
letter L or coloured Red.

How to replace the fuse :

Open the fuse compartment with a screwdriver and replace­the fuse.


The product should be used only with a power cord that is supplied by ■ the


Le produit ne devra être utilisé qu'avec le cordon d'alimentation fourni par le fabricant.


Dieses Gerät darf nur mit dem vom Hersteller-gelieferten Netzkabel verwendet werden.


For roller cleaning paper

Before using the roller cleaning paper, please read these instructions completely. Keep these instructions for
future reference.


• Do not drink or inhale the roller cleaning paper fluid including isopropyl alcohol.
• The roller cleaning paper may be harmful to sensitive skin, so please use protective gloves.
• Do not use the roller cleaning paper near a heater or open flame.
• Do not store the roller cleaning paper in direct sunlight or in a place over 40 °C (104 T).
• Only use the roller cleaning paper to clean the rollers and scanning area.
• If you need more information about the roller cleaning paper, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
• Please ask your Panasonic sales company about obtaining the Material Safety Data Sheet


• Ne pas absorber le liquide du papier de nettoyage de rouleaux fourni ni en respirer les émanations car il contient de l'alcool isopropylique.
• Le papier de nettoyage de rouleaux pouvant être néfaste pour les peaux sensibles, utiliser des gants de protection.
• Ne pas utiliser le papier de nettoyage de rouleaux à proximité d'un feu ou d'une flamme vive.
• Ne pas ranger le papier de nettoyage de rouleaux en plein soleil ni à une température dépassant
40°C (104T).
• Utiliser le papier de nettoyage de rouleaux exclusivement pour le nettoyage des rouleaux et de la surface de balayage.
• Pour tout renseignement complémentaire sur le papier de nettoyage de rouleaux, voir la feuille de données sur la sécurité du matériel.
• Pour la feuille de données sur la sécurité du matériel, s'adresser au revendeur Panasonic.


• Die Walzenreinigungspapier-Reinigungsflüssigkeit enthält Isopropylalkohol und darf auf keinen Fall getrunken oder inhaliert werden.
• Bitte Schutzhandschuhe tragen, da das Walzenreinigungspapier bei empfindlicher Haut Reizungen
verursachen kann.
• Das Walzenreinigungspapier nicht in der Nähe von Heizgeräten oder offenen Flammen verwenden.
• Das Walzenreinigungspapier nicht in direkter Sonneneinstrahlung oder an Orten lagern, an denen
Temperaturen von mehr als 40 °C erreicht werden.
• Zum Reinigen der Walzen und des Scanbereichs ausschließlich das Walzenreinigungspapier verwenden.
• Weitere Informationen zum Walzenreinigungspapier sind dem Materialsicherheits-Datenblatt zu entnehmen.
• Das Materialsicherheits-Datenblatt ist auf Wunsch von Ihrem Panasonic-Fachhändler erhältlich.
The following precautions are recommended to extend the life of the unit
Do not place any liquids near the unit — Accidental spillage of liquid into the unit may
cause severe damage If this occurs, turn the unit off, unplug the power cord and call for service
Do not place the unit in an area where there is a lot of smoke, dust, chemical fumes or vibration
Do not place books, paper, or other items on the unit
Do not leave the power cord plugged into the AC outlet if the unit is not used for an extended period
Do not place the unit on an uneven or unstable surface
Do not insert your fingers into the back opening in
the scanner
Do not disassemble the unit
When carrying the unit, please hold both side grips
(On both sides)
special care should be taken to protect the unit if it is used in a less than optimum environment such as a dusty or sandy area.

Operating Environment

Do not subject the unit to the following conditions.
Do not place the unit near a heating appliance or an air conditioning vent. Do not place the unit in a room with extremely high or low humidity.
Do not place the unit on a carpet. (Static electricity can cause the unit to malfunction.)
Do not place the unit near other appliances which generate large electrical noise.
Do not drink or inhale the included roller cleaning paper fluid.
The roller cleaning paper may be harmful to
sensitive skin, so please use protective gloves. Do not use the roller cleaning paper near a heater or open flame. This may cause a fire.

Power Source

• Use a voltage level that does not vary more than +)0% from the voltage level marked on the nameplate
(located on the back side of the scanner).
• Do not use an extension cord.
• This scanner should be connected to a grounded outlet.
• Do not use a line conditioner, transient suppressor or surge protector.
Component Identification
Exit substopper Exit extension tray Exit stopper
Document guide
Hopper extension tray
Front door release
Inside the front door.
Exit document
Use this when
Power indicator
When the power is turned on, the green indicator lights. When an error occurs, the indicator will change to red, and
light steadily or flash.
Power switch
t : on position
O : off position
Display panel
When performing each setting, used
to display the
scanning conditions, etc.
Post-imprinter door (Back door)
Used for attaching the imprinter unit and ink cartridge. An imprinter unit installed here
is called a post-imprinter.
Used to connect the
scanner unit to the
host computer.
AC inlet
Power cord
Fan exhaust vent
Front door
Pre-imprinter door
(Top door)
Used for attaching the imprinter unit and ink cartridge. An imprinter unit installed here is called a pre-imprinter.
ADF/manual feed selector
To prevent double feeding, adjust the selector to feed the scanning document properly.
(Refer to page 28.)
Paper path selector
Used to change the scanning document's path direction (front side/back side).
(Refer to page 28.)
Display Panel Instructions
The required settings must be selected prior to scanning.
Information and conditions are shown on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).
Rea d | y

IDisplay panel and keys

Press to enter the scanning setting menu.
Press to enter the counter setting menu.
Press to enter the imprinter setting menu.
Press to enter another setting menu.
Press to exit from the setting section and return to the ready status. Also, this function can change the display language.
Used to start or stop scanning a document.
Up to 32 characters can be displayed during scanning or setting.
. Press to advance to the next mode in the ' selected menu.
Press to return to the previous mode in
■ the selected menu. . Press to advance to the next value in the
■ selected mode.
. Press to return to the previous value in the
■ selected mode.
Display Panel Instructions

■Setting the scanner

Tine following parameters can be customized using thè scanner's various setting modes. If the application software provides these features, it will be supported by the scanner.

Scan menu

Front side brightness Selection for density when scanning the front side of a document. Front side image emphasis Front side contrast Front side halftone Back side brightness Back side image emphasis Back side contrast
Back side halftone Noise reduction Double feed detection Feed speed
Black line removal
Scanning mode
Scanning settings (Select memory)
Save scanning settings
Selection for emphasis when scanning the front side of a document. Selection for contrast when scanning the front side of a document. Selection for gradation when scanning the front side of a document. Selection for density when scanning the back side of a document. Selection for emphasis when scanning the back side of a document. Selection for contrast when scanning the back side of a document. Selection for gradation when scanning the back side of a document. Selection for noise reduction when scanning a document. Selection to choose to detect double feeding function. Selection for feed speed when a document is being scanned.
Selection to choose to remove the black lines which appear at the top and bottom of the image after scanning the document.
Selects whether documents are scanned at actual size or reduced (Fit to Page) size.
Selects the memory where the conditions are saved into.
Saves the scanning conditions into the memory. (2 memory settings)
Load scanning setting

Counter menu

Select the counter displayed on the LCD
Setting the user counter Setting the user counter
extender Clear the user counter
Loads the memory where the scanning conditions have already been saved. If "Default" is selected, all of the scanning conditions will return to the default values.
Selection to choose to display the cleared counter (scan counter) after scanning one time or to display the user set counter (user counter) on the LCD.
Selection for default number before scanning.
Selection for an increase in the default number.
Clears the counter which was set by the user.
Display Panel Instructions

Imprinter menu

Depending on the setting of the "Counter setting menu", the page number of the scanned document will be printed. The imprinter option (KV-SS010) is required. If a host computer is connected, there may be settings required on the host computer as well.
Item Contents
Setting the pre-imprinter data
Setting the pre-imprinter position
Setting the post-imprinter data
Setting the post-imprinter position

Another menu

Item Contents
Checking the version
Setting the buzzer
Allows for the selection of the printing content using an imprinter. The imprinter will print on the printing (front) side of the document scanned.
Allows for the selection of the printing position using a pre-imprinter.
Allows for the selection of the printing content using an imprinter. The imprinter will print on the reverse side of the document scanned.
Allows for the selection of the printing position using a post-imprinter.
Displays the firmware version of the mechanical control, pre-imprinter or post-imprinter. If an optional imprinter is not installed, the imprinter version will not be displayed.
Selects whether the buzzer is turned on or off. If selection is in the "ON" position: When pressing a key, one short beep will be heard. When there is an error, 5 short beeps will be heard. When scanning is completed correctly, one long beep will be heard.
Setting the lamp Selects green or red color dropout. Setting the SCSI ID Sets the SCSI ID number.
Setting the terminator
Checking the roller cleaning
Clearing the roller cleaning
Checking the roller modules
replacement warning
Clearing the roller modules
replacement warning
Setting the product ID
Setting the double feed detector sensitivity
Sets "Enable" or "Disable". The alarm tells you it is time to check the roller. If it is near 100%, clean
the roller. See "Cleaning the Unit" on page 30. Clear the "Clean Roller Warning 00%" display.
The alarm tells you the roller needs to be changed. If it is near 100%, replace the paper feed roller module and retard roller module. See "Replacing Consurhable" on page 35.
Clear the "Replace Roll. Warning 00%" display.
Selects the product ID. The product ID setting depends on the host computer scanner application you are using.
Selects the sensitivity of the Double Feed Detector.
Display Panel Instructions


Press the menu key until the desired menu is displayed.
The SCAN, COUNTER, IMPRINT and OTHERS keys are used as a menu key.
When pressing the SCAN key, the display will appear as shown at the right.
0 1 F B r i
0 1 H e 1 1 i
Menu keys
h t n
k V o r n
H H o s t
e s s
H 0 s t
Use the ▲ key or the ▼ key to
select the desired item.
The display at the right is an example of a setting for the scanning setting mode.
Use the ► key or the 4 key to
select the desired content.
• The display on the right is an example of a setting for the "B. Contrast".
Press the HOME key to return to
the "Ready" display or another
menu key to go to another menu.
0 7 B
0 7
0 7 B
0 7
When the HOME key is pressed :
R e a d
B e r e i t
When the COUNTER key is pressed for another menu key
K 0
K 0 n t r h i n t
C 0
n t r
C 0
n t
r a s t
t r a s t
— —
H H 0 s t
h i n t
H H 0
S 1 t
N 2
0 1 D i s
0 1 Z a e h 1
^•In steps 2 or 3, you can change to the desired menu by pressing the desired menu key.
C 0 u n t e r
^ See pages 15 to 23 for details. ^ For changing the display language, see page 24. ^ Upper display of each step is in English and lower one is in German.
S c a n
n z
S c a n
Actual settings
Scan setting menu (by pressing the SCAN key)
Display Panel Instructions
Number, mode and default display
♦ Pressing the A key will change to the
next mode
• Pressing the T key will change to the previous mode
01 Front side brightness
0 1 D
0 D
F B r 1gh t n e s s
- - - -+- - - -
1 I H e I I 1gk
- -
- - - -
hI Hlo s t
1 ^
o s
0 t r
02 Front side image emphasis
0 2 F
- - -+-
2 Her V 0 r h V 0 r n
- - -+-
E mPh a s 1 s
H 0 s
H0s t
Pressing the ► key or the M key will change to another
r—D4 D3 ^ D2 ^ D1 ^ Norm ^ LI ^ L2 L3 L4 —i
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> |_|Qg^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D4-- D3--D2--D1 -- Norm-- HI — H2-> H3 — H4—.
• When "Host" IS displayed, pressing the ► key or the A
key will change the display to "Norm"
• "D" means dark "L" means light
[—Smooth — None — Low — Medium — High—[
— Gleichm — Keine — Niedrig— Mittel— Hoch—]
• When "Host" IS displayed, pressing the ► key or the M
key will change the display to "Medium"
> Host ■<
^ Host ---------------
03 Front side contrast
0 3 K 0 N
1 F C 0 n t r a s
- -+- - - -
n t r V 0 r n
- - - -+- - - -
H H 0 s t
H H 0 s t
— L4 — L3 — L2 — LI — Norm — HI — H2 — H3 — H4 —i
— N4 — N3 — N2 — N1 — Norm — HI — H2— H3 — H4 —
• When "Host" IS displayed, pressing the ► key or the key will change the display to "Norm"
• "H" means high "L" means low
• For changing the display language, see page 24
• Upper display and chart in each cell is in English and lower one is in German
> Host ■«
> Host ■<
+ 33 hidden pages