Panasonic EY75A1LS2G, EY75A1X Owner's Manual

Perceuse à impact sans fi l/Perceuse à impact sans fi l
Destornillador de impacto inalámbrico/Destornillador de impacto inalámbrico
Operating Instructions
Instructions d’utilisation
Manual de instrucciones
Model No: EY75A1/EY75A2
This manual contains safety information. Read manual completely before first using this product and save this manual for future use.
Ce mode d’emploi contient des informations sur la sécurité. Lisez-le en entier avant d’utiliser le produit et conservez-le pour référence.
Este manual contiene información de seguridad. Lea completamente este manual antes de utilizar por primera vez este producto, y guárdelo para poder consultarlo en el futuro.
English: Page 5 Français: Page 20 Español: Página 38
10.8 V ─ 28.8 V
(A) 6.35 mm (1/4) hex quick connect chuck
(A)Square drive (ball detent) (B) Nose protector Protection du bec Protector del morro (C) Forward/Reverse lever Levier d’inversion marche avant/
(D) Belt hook lock lever (E) Belt hook Crochet de ceinture Gancho del cinturón (F) Alignment marks Marques d’alignement Marcas de alineación (G) Battery pack release button (H) Battery pack Batterie autonome Batería
(I) LED light Lumière DEL Luz indicadora (J) Control panel Panneau de commande Panel de control (K) LED light ON/OFF button Bouton Marche/Arrêt de la lumière DEL Botón ON/OFF de luz LED (L) Impact power mode button (M) Impact power mode display (N) Battery low warning lamp (O) Overheat warning lamp (motor/battery) Témoin d’avertissement de surchauffe
(P) Variable speed control trigger Gâchette de commande de vitesse (Q) Battery charger Chargeur de batterie Cargador de batería (R) Pack cover Couvercle de la batterie autonome Cubierta de batería (S) 6.35 mm (1/4") hex quick change
chuck (EY9HX110E)
Mandrin de connexion rapide hexagonal de 6,35 mm (1/4
marche arrière Levier de verrouillage du crochet de ceinture
Bouton de libération de batterie autonome
Bouton du mode de puissance de percussion Affi chage du mode de puissance de percussion Témoin d’avertissement de batterie basse
Mandrin hexagonal de 6,35 mm (1/4") de changement rapide (EY9HX110E)
Mandril hexagonal de conexión rápida de 6,35 mm (1/4″)
Palanca de avance/marcha atrás
Palanca de bloqueo del gancho de cinturón
Botón de liberación de batería
Botón de modo de potencia de impacto Indicación de modo de potencia de impacto Luz de aviso de baja carga de batería Luz de advertencia de sobrecalenta-
miento (motor/batería) Disparador del control de velocidad variable
Portabroca de 6,35 mm (1/4”) cambio rápido hexaonal (EY9HX110E)
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Recommendations for use / Recommandations concernant l’utilisation / Recomendaciones par el uso
Pack cover
Couvercle de la batterie autonome
Cubierta de batería
Be sure to use the Pack cover
• When the battery pack is not being used, store the battery in a way that foreign substances such as dust and water etc. do not contaminate the terminals. Be sure to attach the battery pack cover to protect the battery terminals.
• When charging the battery pack, confirm that the terminals on the battery charger are free of foreign substances such as dust and water etc. Clean the terminals before charging the battery pack if any foreign substances are found on the terminals. The life of the battery pack terminals may be affected by foreign substances such as dust and water etc. during operation.
CAUTION: To protect the motor or battery, be sure to note the following when carrying out this operation.
• If the motor or battery becomes hot, the protection function will be activated and the motor or battery will stop operating. The overheat warning lamp on the control panel illuminates or flashes when this feature is active.
For safe use
• The battery pack is designed to be installed by proceeding two steps for safety. Make sure the battery pack is installed properly to the main body before use.
• If the battery pack is not inserted firmly when the switch is switched on, the overheat warning lamp and the battery low warning lamp will flash to indicate that safe operation is not possible, and the bit will not rotate normally. Insert the battery pack into the body of the tool until the red label disappears.
Veillez à utiliser le couvercle de la batterie autonome
• Lorsque le couvercle de la batterie autonome n’est pas utilisé, rangez la batterie de façon à ce qu’aucun corps étranger comme de la poussière et de l’eau ne contamine les bornes. Veillez à fixer le couvercle de la batterie autonome afin de protéger les bornes de la batterie.
• Lors de la charge de la batterie autonome, assurez-vous que les bornes du chargeur de batterie sont libres de tout corps étranger comme de la poussière et de l’eau, etc. Nettoyez les bornes avant de charger la batterie autonome si des corps étrangers se trouvent sur les bornes. La durée de vie des bornes de la batterie autonome peut être affectée par des corps étrangers comme de la poussière et de l’eau, etc. pendant le fonctionnement.
MISE EN GARDE: Pour protéger le moteur ou la batterie, veillez à bien noter les points suivants lorsque
• Si le moteur ou la batterie deviennent chauds, la fonction de protection sera activée et le moteur ou la batterie cesseront de fonctionner. Le témoin d'avertissement de surchauffe s'allume ou clignote sur le panneau de commande lorsque cette caractéristique est active.
Pour un usage sans risque
• La batterie est conçue pour être installée en procédant en deux étapes pour des raisons de sécurité. Assurez­vous que la batterie est mise en place correctement avant d'utiliser l'outil.
• Lorsque la batterie autonome n'est pas fermement insérée, le té moin d'avertissement de surchauffe et le témoin d’avertissement de batterie basse clignotent et la machine ne fait pas tourner la mèche comme habituellement pour nous signaler que la machine ne fonctionne pas en toute sécurité même si un interrupteur a été enclenché. Insérez la batterie autonome dans le corps de l'outil jusqu'à ce que l'indicateur rouge disparaisse.
Terminals Bornes Terminales
label rouge rojo
vous effectuez cette opération.
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Asegúrese de utilizar la cubierta de la caja de batería
• Cuando no utilice la caja de batería, guarde la batería de tal forma que las materias extrañas tales como polvo y agua, etc. ensucien los terminales. Asegúrese de colocar la cubierta de la caja de batería de tal forma de proteger los terminales de la batería.
• Cuando cargue la caja de batería, confirme que los terminales en el cargador de batería estén libres de materias extrañas tales como polvo y agua, etc. Limpie los terminales antes de cargar la caja de batería si hay materias extrañas en los terminales. La vida de los terminales de la caja de batería puede verse afectada por materias extrañas tales como polo y agua, etc. durante su funcionamiento.
PRECAUCIÓN: Para proteger el motor o la batería, asegúrese de observar lo siguiente cuando efectúe
• Si el motor o la batería se calienta, se activará la función de protección y el motor o la batería dejará de funcionar. La lámpara de advertencia de sobrecalentamiento en el panel de control se ilumina o destella cuando esta característica está activada.
esta operación.
Para un uso más seguro
• La batería está diseñada para instalarse siguiendo dos pasos por motivos de seguridad. Compruebe que la batería está instalada correctamente en el cuerpo principal antes de utilizar la herramienta.
• Si la batería no ha quedado bien introducida, la luz de advertencia de sobrecalentamiento y la luz de aviso de baja carga de batería parpadearán, y la broca no girará del modo habitual para alertar al operario de que la máquina no funcionará de manera segura si se acciona algún interruptor. Introduzca la batería en el cuerpo de la herramienta hasta que el indicador rojo desaparezca.
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This tool, as a complete unit with a battery pack,
satisfies appropriate IP Degrees of Protection based on the IEC regulations.
Definition of IP code
IP5X: Ingress of dust is not totally prevented, but dust shall not penetrate in a quantity to interfere with satisfactory operation of the tool or to impair safety (In case that the talcum powder under 75 μm intrudes inside the tool). IPX6: Water projected in powerful jets agains the tool from any direction shall have no harmful effects (In case that, with a nozzle of 12.5 mm inner diameter, approximately 100 L/min of normal temperature water is injected to the tool for 3 minutes from 3 mete distance).
The rating of IP56 qualifies this tool for the minimum impact of water or dust, but not fo the assurance of performance in such condi­tions. See Safety and Operating Instructions for further details for proper operation.
WARNING! Read all instructions
Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. The term “power tool” in all of the warnings listed below refers to your mains operated (corded) power tool and battery operated (cordless) power tool.
Work Area Safety
1) Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.
Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or dust.
Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.
3) Keep children and bystanders away
while operating a power tool.
Distractions can cause you to lose control.
Electrical Safety
1) Power tool plugs must match the
outlet. Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs with earthed (grounded) power tools.
Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock.
2) Avoid body contact with earthed or
grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators.
There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is earthed or grounded.
3) Do not expose power tools to rain or
wet conditions.
Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of electric shock.
4) Do not abuse the cord. Never use
the cord for carrying, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts.
Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock.
When operating a power tool outdoors, use an extension cord suitable for outdoor use.
Use of a cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock.
If operating a power tool in a damp location is unavoidable, use a residual current device (RC D) protected supply.
Use of RCD reduces the risk of electrical shock.
Personal Safety
Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication.
A moment of inattention while operating power tools may result in personal injury .
2) Use safety equipment. Always wear
eye protection.
Safety equipment such as dust mask, non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries.
3) Avoid accidental starting. Ensure the
switch is in the off position before plugging in.
Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or plugging in the power tools that have the switch on invites accidents.
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4) Remove any adjusting key or wrench
before turning the power tool on.
A wrench or a key left attached to a rotating part of the power tool may result in personal injury.
5) Do not overreach. Keep proper
footing and balance at all times.
This enables better control of the power tool in unexpected situations.
6) Dress properly. Do not wear loose
clothing or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts.
Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts.
7) If devices are provided for the
connection of dust extraction and collection facilities, ensure these are connected and properly used.
Use of these devices can reduce dust related hazards.
Power Tool Use and Care
Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application.
The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was designed.
2) Do not use the power tool if the
switch does not turn it on and off.
Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.
3) Disconnect the plug from the power
source and/or the battery pack from the power tool before making any adjustments, changing accessories, or storing power tools.
Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally.
Store idle power tools out of the reach of children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool.
Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.
5) Maintain power tools. Check for
misalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tools operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use.
Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools.
6) Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.
7) Use the power tool, accessories
and tool bits etc. in accordance with these instructions and in the manner intended for the particular type of power tool, taking into account the working conditions and the work to be performed.
Use of the power tool for operations different from those intended could result in a hazardous situation.
Battery Tool Use and Care
1) Ensure the switch is in the off position before inserting battery pack.
Inserting battery pack into power tools that have the switch on invites accidents.
2) Recharge only with the charger
specified by the manufacturer.
A charger that is suitable for one type of battery pack may create a risk of fire when used with another battery pack.
3) Use power tools only with specifically
designated battery packs.
Use of any other battery packs may create a risk of injury and fire.
When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from other metal objects like paper clips, coins, keys, nails, screws, or other small metal objects that can make a connection from one terminal to another.
Shorting the battery terminals together may cause burns, or a fire.
5) Under abusive conditions, liquid may
be ejected from battery; avoid contact. If contact accidentally occurs, flush with water. If liquid contacts eyes, additionally seek medical help.
Liquid ejected from the battery may cause irritation or burns.
1) Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair person using only identical replacement parts.
This will ensure that the safety of power tool is maintained.
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1) Wear ear protection. Exposure to noise can cause hearing loss.
Be aware that this tool is always in an operating condition, since it does not have to be plugged into an electrical outlet.
Hold power tools by insulated grip-
ping sur faces when performing an operation where the cutting tool may contact hid den wiring.
Contact with a “live” wire will make ex-
posed metal parts of the tool “live” and shock the operator.
4) If the bit becomes jammed, immediately turn the trigger switch off to prevent an overload which can damage the battery pack or motor. Use reverse motion to loosen jammed bits.
5) Do NOT operate the Forward/Reverse lever when the trigger switch is on. The battery will discharge rapidly and damage to the unit may occur.
6) When storing or carrying the tool, set the Forward/Reverse lever to the center position (switch lock).
7) Do not strain the tool by holding the speed control trigger halfway (speed control mode) so that the motor stops. The protection circuit will activate and may prevent speed control operation. If this happens, release the speed control trigger and squeeze again for normal operation.
8) Be careful not to get dust inside the chuck.
9) Do not touch the rotating parts to avoid injury.
Do not use the tool continuously for a long period of time. Stop using the tool from time to time to avoid temperature rise and heat overload of the motor.
11) Do not drop the tool.
Symbol Meaning
V Volts
Direct current
No load speed
… min
Electrical capacity of battery pack
To reduce the risk of injury user
per minutes
must read and understand
instruction manual.
Revolutions or reciprocations
Some dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Some examples of these chemicals are:
• Lead from lead-based paints
• Crystalline silica from bricks and cement and other masonry products
• Arsenic and chromium from chemically­treated lumber.
To reduce your exposure to these chemicals: work in a well ventilated area, and work with approved safety equipment, such as dust masks that are specially designed to filter out microscopic particles.
Important Safety Instructions
1) SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS -This manual contains important safety and operating instructions for battery charger.
2) Before using battery charger, read all instructions and cautionary markings on battery charger, battery pack, and product using battery pack.
3) CAUTION -To reduce the risk of injury, charge only Panasonic Battery Pack as shown in last page. Other types of batteries may burst causing personal injury and damage.
4) Do not expose charger and battery pack to rain or snow.
5) To reduce risk of damaging the electric plug and cord, pull by plug rather than cord when disconnecting charger.
Make sure cord is located so that it will not be stepped on, tripped over, or otherwise subjected to damage or stress.
7) An extension cord should not be used
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unless absolutely necessary. Use of improper extension cord could result in a risk of fire and electric shock. If extension cord must be used, make sure that:
a. pins on plug of extension cord are
the same number, size and shape as those of plug on charger.
b. extension cord is properly wired and
in good electrical condition.
c. wire size is large enough for ampere
rating of charger as specified below.
AC Input Rating. Amperes Equal to or
greater than 0 2 18 18 18 16
But less than
AWG Size of Cord Length of Cord,
25 50 100 150
8) Do not operate charger with damaged cord or plug-replace them immediately.
9) Do not operate charger if it has received a sharp blow, been dropped, or other­wise damaged in any way; take it to a qualified service personnel.
) Do not disassemble charger; take it
to a qualified service personnel when service or repair is required. Incorrect reassembly may result in a risk of electric shock or fire.
11) To reduce the risk of electric shock, unplug charger from outlet before attempting any maintenance or cleaning.
The charger and battery pack are specifically designed to work together. Do not attempt to charge any other cordless tool or battery pack with this charger.
13) Do not attempt to charge the battery pack with any other charger.
14) Do not attempt to disassemble the battery pack housing.
15) Do not store the tool and battery pack in locations where the temperature may reach or exceed 50°C (122°F) (such as a metal tool shed, or a car in the summer), which can lead to deterioration of the storage battery.
16) Do not charge battery pack when the temperature is BELOW 0°C (32°F) or ABOVE 40°C (104°F). This is very important in order to maintain optimal condition of the battery pack.
17) Do not incinerate the battery pack. It can explode in a fire.
18) Avoid dangerous environment. Do not use charger in damp or wet locations.
19) The charger is designed to operate on standard household electrical power only. Do not attempt to use it on any other voltage!
20) Do not abuse cord. Never carry charger by cord or yank it to disconnect from outlet. Keep cord away from heat, oil and sharp edges.
21) Charge the battery pack in a well ventilated place, do not cover the charger and battery pack with a cloth, etc., while charging.
22) Use of an attachment not recommended may result in a risk of fire, electric shock, or personal injury.
23) Do not short the battery pack. A battery short can cause a large current flow, over heating and create the risk of fire or personal injury.
24) NOTE: If the supply cord of this appliance is damaged, it must only be replaced by a repair shop authorized by the manufacturer, because special purpose tools are required.
This plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to install the proper outlet. Do not change the plug in any way.
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• Do not use other than the Panasonic bat­tery packs that are designed for use with this rechargeable tool.
• Panasonic is not responsible for any dam­age or accident caused by the use of the recycled battery pack and the counterfeit battery pack.
• Do not dispose of the battery pack in a fire, or expose it to excessive heat. Do not drive the likes of nails into the battery
• pack, subject it to shocks, dismantle it, or attempt to modify it.
• Do not allow metal objects to touch the battery pack terminals.
• Do not carry or store the battery pack in the same container as nails or similar metal objects.
• Do not charge the battery pack in a high-temperature location, such as next to a fire or in direct sunlight. Otherwise, the battery may overheat, catch fire, or explode.
• Never use other than the dedicated char­ger to charge the battery pack. Otherwise, the battery may leak, overheat, or explode.
• After removing the battery pack from the tool or the charger, always reattach the pack cover. Otherwise, the battery con­tacts could be shorted, leading to a risk of fire.
• When the Battery Pack Has Deteriorated, Replace It with a New One.
Continued use of a damaged battery pack
may result in heat generation, ignition or battery rupture.
Attaching or Removing Bit
When attaching or removing a bit, discon­nect battery pack from tool or place the switch in the center position (switch lock).
1. Hold the collar of quick connect chuck and pull it out from the driver.
2. Insert the bit into the chuck. Release the collar.
3. The collar will return to its original position when it is released.
Pull the bit to make sure it does not come out.
5. To remove the bit, pull out the collar in the same way.
• If the collar does not return to its origi-
nal position or the bit comes out when pulled on, the bit has not been properly attached. Make sure the bit is properly attached before use.
Use 6.35 mm (1/4") hexagonal bits. To ensure proper securement of the bit, use only hexagonal bits with 9.5 mm (3/8") detent.
6.35 mm (1/4")
9.5 mm (3/8")
Attaching or Removing Sock et
1. Attaching Socket Attach the socket by sliding the female
detent on the bottom of the socket to the square drive on the body.
Make sure the
socket is firmly connected to the body.
2. Removing Socket Pull out the socket.
Attaching or Removing Original Options and Sockets Keep the body above freezing point (0°C 32°F) when attach or detach original options and sockets to the square drive on the body. The cushion rubber in the square drive to push up the ball may get hard under freezing point. This requires extra force in detaching and attaching sockets.
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Attaching or Removing Bat tery Pack
1. To connect the battery pack: Line up the alignment marks and attach
the battery pack.
• Slide the battery pack until it locks into position.
Alignment marks
2. To remove the battery pack: Pull the button from the front to release the battery pack.
• Do not inhale any smoke emitted from the tool or battery pack as it may be harmful.
To prevent damage, do not operate Forward/Reverse lever until the bit comes to a complete stop.
Forward Rotation Switch Operation
1. Push the lever for forward rotation.
2. Depress the trigger switch slightly to start the tool slowly.
3. The speed increases with the amount of depression of the trigger for efficient tight­ening of screws. The brake operates and the bit stops immediately when the trigger is released.
4. After use, set the lever to its center posi­tion (switch lock).
Reverse Rotation Switch Operation
Push the lever for reverse rotation. Check direction of rotation before use.
Depress the trigger switch slightly to start the tool slowly.
3. After use, set the lever to its center posi­tion (switch lock).
To eliminate excessive temperature
increase of the tool surface, do not oper­ate the tool continuously using two or more battery packs. Tool needs cool off time before switching to another pack.
[Main Body] Switch and Forward/Reverse
Lever Operation
Forward Reverse
Switch lock
How to Use the Belt Hook
• Be sure to attach the belt hook securely to the main unit with the screw firmly fastened. When the belt hook is not firmly attached to the main unit, the hook may disconnect and the main unit may fall.
This may result in an accident or injury.
• Periodically check screw for tightness. If found to be loose, tighten firmly.
Be sure to attach the belt hook firmly and
• securely onto a waist belt or other belt. Pay attention that the unit does not slip off the
This may result in an accident or injury.
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• When the main unit is held by the belt hook, avoid jumping or running with it. Doing so may cause the hook to slip and the main unit may fall.
This may result in an accident or injury .
• When the belt hook is not used, be sure to return it to the storing position. The belt hook may catch on something.
This may result in an accident or injury.
When the unit is hooked onto the waist belt
• by the belt hook, do not attach driver bits to the unit. A sharp edge object, such as a drill bit, may cause injury or an accident.
To Change the Belt Hook Location Side
The belt hook can be attached to either side of the unit.
1. Removing the hook (1) Remove the nut. (2) Draw out the hook.
2. Attaching the hook to the other side (1) Insert the hook in the other side. (2) Tighten the nut fully so that it securely
V ariable Speed Control T rigger
To set the center of a hole, pull the trigger slightly to start the bit rotation slowly. The more the speed control trigger is pulled, the higher the speed becomes.
When operating the tool by pulling the trigger, there may be a momentary lag before rotation starts. This does not signal a malfunction.
• This lag occurs as the tool’s circuitry starts up when the trigger is pulled for the first time after installing a new bat­tery pack or after the tool has not been used for at least 1 minute (or at least 5 minutes when the LED is on). Rotation will start without any lag during second and subsequent operations.
Control Panel
(4) (3)
(1) Impact Power Mode Select
Selecting the impact power among 3
modes (Soft, Medium, Hard). Press the impact power mode button
to set it. The mode changes to hard, medium, or soft each time the button is
pressed. The driver is preset to “hard” impact mode setting when shipped from the manufac­turer.
Recommended work guideline table
Power mode
0 – 2300 r.p.m./
0 – 2500 r.p.m.
0 – 3000 i.p.m./
0 – 3500 i.p.m.
0 – 1400 r.p.m.
0 – 2800 i.p.m.
0 – 1000 r.p.m.
0 – 2000 i.p.m.
Recommended Application
Jobs requiring a high level of torque where there is no possibility of the screw breaking, its top shearing off, or the bit coming loose. (This setting provides maximum torque.) Suitable applications include:
Tightening M8 and larger
Tightening long screws
during interior finishing work
Jobs requiring limited torque where there is a possibility of the screw breaking or its top shearing off. (This setting limits torque.) Suitable applications include:
Tightening bolts with
smaller diameters (M6)
Tightening metalwork
screws when installing
fixtures Jobs requiring limited torque where there is a possibility of the screw breaking, its top shearing off, or the bit coming loose and damaging a fi nished exterior surface. (This setting limits torque.) Suitable applications include:
Tightening bolts smaller
than M6 that may shear
Tightening screws into
molded plastic
Installing gypsum wallboard
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* i.p.m. = Impact per minute.
Avoid repeatedly depressing the switch when the bolts and screws are securely fastened. Not doing so may cause a delay in rotation starting, or the Impact Power mode display to flash and prevent rotation from starting for circuit protection.
(2) LED light
Pressing the but ton tog­gles the LED light on and off. The light illuminates with very low current, and it does not adversely affect the per-
of the
driver during
use or its battery capacity.
• The built-in LED light is designed to illu­minate the small work area temporarily.
Do not use it as a substitute for a regu­lar
flashlight, since it does not have
enough brightness
This product has the built-in LED light. This product is classified into “Class 1 LED Product” to IEC (EN) 60825-1:2001.
Class 1 LED Product
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specifi ed herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
(3) Overheat warning lamp
• If the overheating protection feature activates, allow the tool to cool thoroughly (at least 30 minutes). The tool is ready for use when the overheat warning lamp goes out.
• Avoid using the tool in a way that causes the overheating protection feature to activate repeatedly.
• If the tool is operated continuously under high-load conditions or if it is used in hot-temperature conditions (such as during summer), the overheating protection feature may activate frequently.
• If the tool is used in cold-temperature conditions (such as during winter) or if it is frequently stopped during use, the overheating protection feature may not activate.
• The performance of the EY9L42 deteriorates significantly at and below 10°C due to work conditions and other factors.
• The ambient temperature range is between 0°C (32°F) and 40°C (104°F). If the battery pack is used when the battery temperature is below 0°C (32°F), the tool may fail to function properly.
• Use the charger at temperatures between 0°C and 40°C, and charge the battery at a temperature similar to that of the battery itself. (There should be no more than a 15°C difference between the temperatures of the battery and the
charging location.)
(4) Battery low warning lamp
Off (normal operation)
Illuminated: Overheat (motor)
Indicates operation has been halted due to motor or battery overheating.
Flashing: Overheat (battery)
To protect the motor or battery, be sure to note the following when carrying out this operation.
• If the motor or battery becomes hot, the protection function will be activated and the motor or battery will stop operating. The overheat warning lamp on the control panel illuminates or ashes when this feature is active.
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Off (normal operation)
Flashing (No charge) Battery protection
feature active
Excessive (complete) discharging of lithium ion batteries shortens their service life dramatically. The driver includes a battery protection feature designed to prevent excessive discharging of the battery pack.
• The battery protection feature activates immediately before the battery loses its
charge, causing the battery low warning lamp to flash.
• If you notice the battery low warning lamp flashing, charge the battery pack immediately.
• If it is started with too little battery power remaining, the tool may stop operating without the battery low warning lamp flashing first. This indicates that there is too little battery power remaining to use the tool, and the battery pack should be charged before further use.
• If the tool is subject to a sudden load during use that causes the motor to lock up, the over current prevention sensor may be triggered, and the impact power select display may flash. The lamp will stop flashing once you address the cause of the motor’s locking up and cycle the trigger.
Recommended Grip
Use the grip to hold and operate the driver with one hand. If the job requires additional force, you can push against the rear end of the driver with your other hand.
[Battery Pack] For Appropriate Use of Bat-
tery Pack
Li-ion Battery Pack
For optimum battery life, store the Li-ion bat­tery pack following use without charging it.
• When charging the battery pack, confirm that the terminals on the battery charger are free of foreign substances such as dust and water etc. Clean the terminals before charging the battery pack if any foreign substances are found on the ter­minals.
The life of the battery pack terminals may
be affected by foreign substances such as dust and water etc. during operation.
• When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from other metal objects like: paper clips, coins, keys, nails, screws, or other small metal objects that can make a con­nection from one terminal to another.
Shorting the battery terminals together
may cause sparks, burns or a fire.
• When operating the battery pack, make sure the work place is well ventilated.
• When the battery pack is removed from the main body of the tool, replace the bat­tery pack cover immediately in order to prevent dust or dirt from contaminating the battery terminals and causing a short cir­cuit.
Battery Pack Life
The rechargeable batteries have a lim­ited life. If the operation time becomes extremely short after recharging, replace the battery pack with a new one.
Battery Recycling
FOR Li-ion Battery Pack
A Li-ion battery that is recyclable powers the product you have purchased. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for information on how to recycle this battery.
[Battery Charger] Charging
• If the temperature of the battery pack falls approximately below 10°C (14°F), charging will automatically stop to prevent degradation of the battery.
• The ambient temperature range is between 0°C (32°F) and 40°C (104°F). If the battery pack is used when the battery temperature is below 0°C (32°F), the tool may fail to function properly.
• Use the charger at temperatures between 0°C and 40°C, and charge the battery at a temperature similar to that of the battery itself. (There should be no more than a 15°C difference between the temperatures of the battery and the charging location.)
• When charging a cool battery pack (below 0°C (32°F)) in a warm place, leave the battery pack at the place and wait for more than one hour to warm up the battery to the level of the ambient temperature.
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• Cool down the charger when charging more than two battery packs consecutively.
• Do not insert your fingers into contact hole, when holding charger or any other occasions.
To prevent the risk of fire or damage to the battery charger.
• Do not use power source from an engine generator.
• Do not cover vent holes on the charger and the battery pack.
• Unplug the charger when not in use.
Li-ion Battery Pack
Your battery pack is not fully charged at the time of purchase. Be sure to charge the battery before use.
Battery charger
1. Plug the charger into the AC outlet.
Insert the battery pack firmly into the charger. 1 Line up the alignment marks and place the
battery onto the dock on the charger.
2 Slide forward in the direction of the arrow.
Alignment marks
ing temperature. Consult an authorized dealer if the charging
7. lamp (green) does not turn off.
8. If a fully charged battery pack is inserted into the charger again, the charging lamp lights up. After several minutes, the charg­ing lamp in green color will turn off.
9. Remove the battery pack while the battery pack release button is held up.
Battery pack release button
During charging, the charging lamp will be lit. When charging is completed, an internal electronic switch will automatically be trig­gered to prevent overcharging.
• Charging will not start if the battery pack is warm (for example, immediately after heavy-duty operation).
The orange standby lamp will be flash-
ing until the battery cools down.
Charging will then begin automatically.
4. The charge lamp (green) will flash slowly once the battery is approximately 80% charged.
When charging is completed, the charging
5. lamp in green color will turn off.
6. If the temperature of the batter pack is 0°C or less, charging takes longer to fully charge the battery pack than the standard charging time.
Even when the battery is fully charged, it
will have approximately 50% of the power of a fully charged battery at normal operat-
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Charging is completed. (Full charge.)
Battery is approximately 80% charged.
Now charging.
Charger is plugged into the AC outlet. Ready to charge.
(Green) (Orange)
Turn off Lit Flashing
Charging Status Lamp. Left: green Right: orange will be displayed.
Battery pack is cool. The battery pack is being charged slowly to reduce the load on the battery.
Battery pack is warm. Charging will begin when temperature of battery pack drops. If the temperature of the battery pack is -10° or less, the charging status lamp (orange) will also start flashing . Charging will begin when the temperature of the battery pack goes up"
Charging is not possible. Clogged with dust or malfunction of the bat­tery pack.
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• Use only a dry, soft cloth for wiping the unit. Do not use a damp cloth, thinner, benzine, or other volatile solvents for cleaning.
• In the event that the inside of the tool or battery pack is exposed to water, drain and allow to dry as soon as possible. Carefully remove any dust or iron filings that collect inside the tool. If you experi­ence any problems operating the tool, consult with a repair shop.
The power required for tightening a bolt will vary, according to bolt material and size, as well as the material being bolted. Choose the length of tightening time accordingly. Reference values are provided below. (They may vary according to tightening conditions.)
Factors Affecting Tighten­ing Torque
The tightening torque is affected by a wide variety of factors including the followings. After tightening, always check the torque with a torque wrench.
1) Voltage When the battery pack becomes near-
ly discharged, the voltage decreases and the tightening torque drops.
Bolt Tightening Conditions
EY75A1 14.4 V
M10 x 35 mm M12, M14, M16 x 45 mm
N s m
Tightening torque
Standard bolt
EY75A1 14.4 V
N s m
Tightening torque
M8, M10 x 35 mm. M12 x 45 mm
0.50.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
EY75A2 14.4 V
M10 x 35 mm M12, M14, M16 x 45 mm
N s m
Tightening torque
0.50.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
EY75A2 14.4 V
N s m
Tightening torque
M8, M10 x 35 mm. M12 x 45 mm
High tensile bolt
Tightening time (Sec.)
Standard bolt
Tightening time (Sec.)
High tensile bolt
0.50.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Tightening time (Sec.)
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0.50.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Tightening time (Sec.)
EY75A1 18 V
M10 x 35 mm M12, M14, M16 x 45 mm
N s m
Tightening torque
Standard bolt
EY75A2 18 V
N s m
Tightening torque
M8, M10 x 35 mm. M12 x 45 mm
High tensile bolt
EY75A1 18 V
N s m
Tightening torque
EY75A2 18 V
M10 x 35 mm M12, M14, M16 x 45 mm
N s m
Tightening torque
0.50.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Tightening time (Sec.)
M8, M10 x 35 mm. M12 x 45 mm
High tensile bolt
0.50.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Tightening time (Sec.)
Standard bolt
0.50.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Tightening time (Sec.)
Steel plate thickness 10 mm (3/8")
Washer Spring washer
Tightening conditions
• The following bolts are used. Standard bolts: Strength type 4.8 High tensile type 12.9
Explanation of the strength type
Bolt yield point (
80% of tensile strength)
32 kgf/mm
Bolt tensile strength
40 kgf/mm
(45000 psi)
(56000 psi)
2) Tightening time Longer tightening time results in increased
tightening torque. Excessive tightening, how ever, adds no value and reduces the life of the tool.
3) Different bolt diameters The size of the bolt diameter affects the
tight ening torque. Generally, as the bolt diameter increases, tightening torque rises.
4) Tightening conditions
Tightening torque will vary, even with the same bolt, according to grade, length, and torque coefficient (the fixed coefficient indi­cated by the manufacturer upon produc­tion).
0.50.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Tightening time (Sec.)
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