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manual for future use.
Antes de usar este dispositivo, lea completamente estas instrucciones y guarde este
manual para utilizarlo como referencia en el futuro.
Panasonic Oscillometric Diagnostec'^'” Wrist Biood Pressure Monitor
Modei EW3006 is a device intended to measure systoiic and diastoiic
biood pressure and puise rate of an aduit individuai by using a
pressurized cuff on the ieft wrist. The device is not intended for use on
infants and chiidren. The device is designed for home use oniy, not for
ambuiatory measurement (measurement recorded continuousiy during
the day).
Specification of this device inciuding puise rate (30 -160 puise/min. +/5%) are iisted in page 22.
Biood pressure measurements determined with this device are
equivaient to those obtained by a trained observer using the
cuff/stethoscope auscuitation method, within the iimits prescribed by
the American Nationai Standard, Manuai, Eiectronic or automated
If you suffer from disorder of heart rhythm, known as arrhythmia oniy
use this blood pressure monitor in consultation with your doctor. In
certain cases oscillometric measurement method can produce
incorrect readings.
Flash warning system for hypertensive readings is based on blood
pressure values classified in the paper: “JNC 7 Express; The Seventh
Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure; U.S.
Institute of Health; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; National
High Blood Pressure Education Program; NIH Publication No. 03-5233;
May 2003.” The display values are generally known, but not proven, to
be an indicator of your blood pressure.
The EW3006 is not intended to be a diagnostic device. Contact your
physician if prehypertensive or hypertensive values are indicated.
Table of Contents
Basics of Blood Pressure............................................................. 3
Important Instructions Before Use.............................................. 4
Precautions to Ensure Safe, Reliable Operation
Easily Check Your Blood Pressure Readings Against
the JNC 7 Classification
Name and Function of Each Product Part.................................. 8
Preparations prior to taking measurements............................ 9
When to Change Batteries
Positioning the Pressure Cuff
Correct Position for Blood Pressure Measurement
Taking measurements while sitting down
Measuring Your Blood Pressure
Flash warning system for hypertensive readings
Movement detection function.................................................. 18
Product and part specifications are subject to change without
Thank you for purchasing the Panasonic Wrist Biood Pressure Monitor
Measuring your own biood pressure is an important way of monitoring your
heaith. High biood pressure (hypertension) is a major heaith probiem which
can be treated effectiveiy once detected. Measuring your biood pressure
between doctor visits on a reguiar basis in the comfort of your home, and
keeping a record of the measurements, wiii heip you monitor any significant
changes in your biood pressure. Keeping an accurate record of your biood
pressure wiii heip your doctor diagnose and possibiy prevent any heaith
probiems in the future.
Basics of Blood Pressure
Your heart acts iike a pump, sending biood surging through your biood
vesseis each time it contracts. Biood pressure is the pressure exerted by
biood pumped from the heart on the waiis of biood vessels. Systolic
pressure is the pressure exerted when the heart contracts and pumps blood
into the arteries. Diastolic pressure is the pressure exerted when the heart
expands, or relaxes. When you or your doctor take your blood pressure,
both your systolic and diastolic pressures are measured. If your blood
pressure measurement is 120 over 80 (120/80), for example, your systolic
pressure is 120 while your diastolic pressure is 80.
Important Instructions Before Use
1. Do not confuse self-monitoring with self-diagnosis. Blood pressure
measurements should only be interpreted by a health professional who
is familiar with your medical history.
2. If you are taking medication, consult with your physician to determine the
most appropriate time to measure your blood pressure. NEVER change
a prescribed medication without first consulting with your physician.
3. For persons with irregular or unstable circulation resulting from diabetes,
liver disease, arteriosclerosis or other medical conditions, there may be
variations in blood pressure values measured at the wrist versus at the
upper arm. Monitoring the trends in your blood pressure taken at either
the arm or the wrist is nevertheless useful and important.
4. Blood pressure can vary based on many factors, including age, gender,
weight and physical condition. In general, a person’s blood pressure is
lower during sleep and higher when he or she is active. Blood pressure
can change easily in response to physiological changes. The setting in
which a person’s blood pressure is measured can also affect the results.
Having one’s blood pressure measured by a healthcare professional in a
hospital or clinic can cause nervousness and may result in a temporarily
elevated reading. Because blood pressure measurements taken in a
clinical setting can vary considerably from those taken at home, a
person’s blood pressure should be measured not only occasionally in the
doctor’s office, but also on a regular basis at home. Also, if you find that
your blood pressure is lower at home, this is not unusual. To accurately
compare with your physician’s reading, take your Panasonic blood pressure
monitor to your doctor’s office and compare readings in this setting.
5. People suffering from cardiac arrhythmia, vascular constriction, liver
disorders or diabetes, people with cardiac pacemakers or a weak pulse,
and women who are pregnant should consult their physician before
measuring their blood pressure themselves. Different values may be
obtained due to their condition.
6. Try to take your blood pressure measurements at the same time and
under the same conditions every day.
• The ideal time to measure your blood pressure (to obtain your so-called
“base blood pressure”) is in the morning just after waking up, before
having breakfast and before any major activity or exercise. If this is not
possible, however, try to take measurements at a specified time prior to
breakfast, and before you have become active. You should relax for
about 5 minutes before taking the measurement.
• The foiiowing situations may cause substantial variations in blood
pressure readings and should therefore be avoided at least 30 minutes
prior to taking your blood pressure.
Blood pressure will be higher than usual:
- when you are excited or tense
- when you are taking a bath
- during exercising or soon after exercising
- when it is cold
- within one hour after eating
- after drinking coffee, tea or other beverages containing caffeine
- after smoking tobacco
- when your bladder is full
- when in a moving vehicle
Blood pressure will be lower than usual:
- after taking a bath
- after drinking alcohol
7. Measurements may be impaired if this unit is used near a television,
microwave oven. X-ray equipment or other devices with strong electrical
fields. To prevent such interference, use the unit at a sufficient distance
from such devices or turn the devices off.
8. This unit is designed for use by adults. Consult with your physician
before using this unit on a child. Do not use on infants or toddlers.
9. This unit is not suitable for continuous monitoring during medical
emergencies or operations.
10. Do not use the unit for any purpose other than measuring blood
pressure. Do not use the unit together with other devices.
11. Improper handling of batteries may result in battery rupture or in
corrosion from battery leakage. Please observe the following to ensure
proper use of batteries.
a. Be sure to turn off the power after use.
b. Do not mix different types or sizes of batteries.
c. Change all batteries at the same time. Do not mix old and new batteries.
d. Be sure to insert batteries with correct polarity, as instructed.
e. Remove batteries when they are worn out, and dispose of them
properly according to all applicable environmental regulations.
f. Do not disassemble batteries or throw them into a fire.
g. Do not short-circuit batteries.
h. Do not attempt to recharge the batteries included with the unit.
Differences in Biood Pressure Vaiues Measured at the Wrist Versus at
the Upper Arm
For persons with peripheral circulatory disorders* resulting from
diabetes, liver or kidney disease, arteriosclerosis or hypertension, etc.,
there may be variations in blood pressure values measured at the wrist
versus at the upper arm.
Therefore, always consult with a health professional rather than
attempting to interpret blood pressure measurements yourself.
* Persons with underlying medical conditions with bad circulation in their
hands and feet.
Precautions to Ensure Safe, Reliable Operation
1. Do not drop the unit. Protect it from sudden jars or shocks.
2. Do not insert foreign objects into any openings.
3. Do not attempt to disassemble the unit.
4. Do not crush the pressure cuff.
5. If the unit has been stored at temperatures below 0°C (32°F), leave it in
a warm place for about 15 minutes before using it. Otherwise, the cuff
may not inflate properly.
6. Do not store the unit in direct sunlight, high humidity or dust.
Easily Check Your Blood Pressure Readings
Against the JNC 7* Classification
Blood Pressure Categories
If the two blood pressure measurements (systolic, diastolic) fall into
separate categories, your level Is classified In the higher of the two
categories. For example, a Stage 2 systolic reading, but a diastolic pressure
reading In the normal range.
* JNC 7: The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention,
Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
National Institute of Health (NIH) Publication; No. 03-5233, May 2003
• Do not be alarmed by temporarily high or low readings because
fluctuations in a person’s blood pressure are not uncommon. If possible,
measure and record your blood pressure at the same time every day, and
consult your physician If you have questions or concerns.
• If abnormal variations In blood pressure are observed In measurement,
please consult your physician.
Stage 2 Hypertension e.g.: SBP 165
Stage 1 Hypertension e.g.: SBP 150
Prehypertension e.g.: SBP 130
Normal e.g.:SBP115
DBP 75
Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)
DBP 105
DBP 95
DBP 85
120 140 160 (mmHg)
Name and Function of Each Product Part
• Panasonic alkaline batteries (LR03/AAA/Micro) can be used for approxi
mately 300 measurements (approximately 3 months, 3 times a day), at an
ambient temperature of 23°C (73.4°F) at 170 mmHg for a wrist circumfer
ence of 17 cm (6-3/4").
(The batteries included are not guaranteed for the full life of brand new
alkaline batteries as specified.)
• Battery life may be shortened if the ambient temperature is low.
• The number of measurements that can be taken with a set of batteries will
be drastically reduced if batteries other than alkaline batteries are used.
Use only alkaline batteries.
• Please replace both batteries at the same time and ensure that they are of
the same type and make.
Preparations prior to taking measurements
Remove the unit from its storage case,
inserting dry ceii batteries.
(1) Remove the battery case by pushing
it in the direction of the arrow.
(2) insert the batteries, ensuring the
correct poiarity (Fig. 2-a).
Siide the battery case back into piace on
the main body untii it ciicks into piace
(Fig. 2-b).
Fig. 2-b
When to Change Batteries
Change the batteries when the battery symboi (Fig.
3) appears on the display or when no data is
displayed even when the On/Off button is pressed.
NOTES: • Batteries are included only for testing purposes and with no
guarantee of battery life.
• Do not mix old and new batteries.
• The batteries’ power output is impaired at low temperatures.
Caution: Do not throw batteries into a fire. Doing so may result in an
accident or explosion.
Positioning the Pressure Cuff
• Do not use the unit for any purpose other than measuring biood
pressure. Aiso, do not use the unit in conjunction with other devices,
improper use may cause a maifunction or personai injury.
• Keep the unit out of the reach of chiidren.
1. Remove your watch and any
jeweiry from your ieft hand.
2. Wrap the cuff around the wrist
and secure it with hook-and-ioop
The unit can be used by persons
with a wrist circumference of 12.5
~ 22.0 cm (5" ~ 8-3/4") (Fig. 4-a).
Wrap the pressure cuff around the
wrist in such a way that the
positioning mark is aligned with
the center of the wrist with your
wrist bent outwards.
3. In order to secure the blood
pressure cuff in the proper position
on the wrist, place your right thumb
on the shorter side of the cuff
(Hook fastener) pressing firmly
while attaching to it the longer side
of the cuff (Loop fastener). The
pressure cuff should be fastened
snugly with the display facing
outward from your inner wrist
(palm side).
Make sure that the pressure cuff is
fixed firmly against your wrist, while
also assuring it is centered on your
wrist. If the pressure cuff is too
loose, this will result in a false
blood pressure measurement.
Fig. 4-a
■To remove the unit from
your wrist, puii up on the
ionger side of the cuff
without twisting it.
When taking blood pressure measurements using the right hand,
position the pressure cuff as shown in the diagram.
The unit can be used on either the ieft or the
right wrist.
However, as it is said that there can be a
difference of up to lOmmHg between the ieft
and the right wrists, piease ensure that you
always use the same wrist.
Correct Position for Biood Pressure Measurement
When measuring your blood pressure at your wrist, the pressure cuff must
be at heart level to ensure consistent, accurate readings.
Always rest for about four to five minutes before taking measurements.
Press the On/Off and Start button to start a measurement. The cuff will
automatically inflate and then deflate when the measurement Is complete.
Taking measurements whiie sitting down
Fig. 5-a
When taking blood pressure measurements while
seated, please place your arm on top of the storage
case once you have attached the pressure cuff.
If measurements are taken with the wrist or hand In the following positions,
accurate measurements may not be possible.
Wrist Is bent Inwards.Wrist is tense and
1. Rest your elbows on a table or
other level surface.
2. Hold the arm so that the cuff Is at
heart level.
3. With the palm of the hand facing
up, release any tenseness In
your muscles.
fist Is being made.
If the blood pressure monitor Is
positioned lower than the heart, the
measured blood pressure value
If the blood pressure monitor Is
positioned higher than the heart,
the measured blood pressure value
If the posture applies pressure to
the stomach (leaning fon/vard),
accurate measurements may not
Do not move your body, your arm,
or your fingers while taking
Do not touch the blood pressure
monitor while taking
Do not talk while taking
Do not use close to cellular phones or other devices which emit
electromagnetic waves. Doing so may result in malfunction.
• Measure your blood pressure at the same time and under the same
conditions every day if possible. The ideal time to measure your blood
pressure is in the morning immediately after waking up, while you are still
relatively calm. If this is not possible, try to take your blood pressure prior
to brealdast, before you become active.
• Relax and take measurements in a comfortable position.
• Rest for at least 5 minutes before taking a measurement.
• Keep still and do not speak during measurement. Blood pressure can
fluctuate with the slightest change, such as tensing your muscles or
changing your posture.
Measuring Your Blood Pressure
Fig. 6-a
Fig. 6-c
Fig. 6-d
mmHg I
Fig. 6-e
Pulse np
/min. A it
Relax during measurements.
1. Place the storage case under your arm. (Please see
correct position for measurement on pages 12-14.)
2. Press the On/Off and Start button (Fig. 6-a).
• Everything on the display will be shown for approx. 2
seconds, apart from the battery symbol (Fig. 6-b).
• The cuff will begin to inflate automatically.
Changing inflation speeds and operating sounds
occur during inflation and are a normal part of the
measurements that are being performed at this time.
• Once your pulse rate is detected, the V mark will flash
on the display (Fig. 6-c).
3. Blood pressure values together with pulse rate are
displayed when the measurement Is complete (Fig. 6-d).
• The air in the pressure cuff is released automatically.
• Displayed readings will flash (for approx. 6 seconds)
when in the high blood pressure range.
• The (E) mark will flash on the screen to Indicate that
readings may be recorded.
(See page 20 for Information on how to record blood
pressure readings.)
• The displayed pulse rate indicates the number of
heartbeats per minute as calculated from the number
of heartbeats recorded during the measurement.
4. Press the On/Off and Start button to switch off the unit
(Fig. 6-e).
• If you forget to switch the unit off. It will do so
automatically after approx. 5 minutes.
Flash warning system for hypertensive readings
If the measured values fall within the hypertension range, the reading
dispiayed on screen fiashes on and off to aiert user.
According to JNC 7 Ciassification, vaiues consistentiy in excess of 140 mmHg
(Sys.) and/or 90 mmHg (Dia.) are considered to constitute high biood pressure.
Fig. 7
mmHg "
’ 120 140 (mmHg)
' Blood pressure readings wiii fiash for approx. 6 seconds when in the high
biood pressure range (Fig. 7).
Systoiic biood pressure: 140 mmHg and over
Diastoiic biood pressure: 90 mmHg and over
(Only when measurement is compiete)
(Stage 1, Stage 2)
When an Error Occurs During Measurement
Fig. 8
An E will appear on the display to indicate that measure
ment was unsuccessful and should be performed again
(Fig. 8).
Before performing another measurement, always press the
On/Off and Start button to turn off the unit and make sure to
allow a rest period of 4 to 5 minutes betbre starting again.
Please consult your doctor without delay if the blood
pressure indicator repeatedly draws attention to elevated
blood pressure values.
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