OMRON products are manufactured for use accordin g to proper procedures by a qualified operator
and only for the purposes described in this manual.
The following conventions are used to ind icate and classify pr ecautions in this manual . Always heed
the information provided with them . Failure to heed precautions can result in in jur y to people or damage to property.
!DANGERIndicates an immine ntly hazardous situation whi ch, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious inj ury.
!WARNINGIndicates a potentially hazardous situatio n which, if not avoided, could resu lt in death or
serious inj ury.
!CautionIndicates a potentially hazardous situat ion which, if not avoided, may result in mino r or
moderate injury, or property damage.
OMRON Product References
All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. The word “Unit” is also capitalized when it refers to
an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product.
The abbreviation “Ch,” which appears in some displays and on some OMRON produ cts, often means
“word” and is abbreviated “Wd” in documentation in this sense.
The abbreviation “PC” means Programmable Controller and is not used as an abbreviation for anything
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left co lumn of the manual to help you locate different types of
OMRON, 1993
All rights reserved. No part of this publicatio n may b e repro d uced, sto red in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or
by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without
notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility
for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in
this publication.
Note Indicates information of pa rticular interest for efficient and convenient opera-
tion of the product.
1,2,3...1. Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists, etc.
This manual describe s programming of the CQM1, CPM1, CPM1A, and SRM1 Programmable Controllers, including memo r y s tr ucture, memory contents, lad der- diagram i nstr uctio ns, etc., an d inclu des
the sections described below. Refer to the CQM1 Operation Manual, CPM1 Operation Manual,
CPM1A Operation Manual, a nd SRM1 Master C ontrol Units Operation Manual for hardware informa-
tion and Programming Co nsole operating procedure s. Refer to the SSS Operation Manual: C-seriesPCs for SSS operating procedures.
NoteThe SRM1 is a specialized p rogrammable controll er and is normally called a CompoBus/S
Master Control Unit. The SRM1, however, is programmed in the sa me way as the other Programmable Controllers and it is treated and referred to as a PC in this manual.
Please read this manual carefully and be sure you understand the information provided before
attempting to program and operate the CQM1, CPM1, CPM1A or SRM1.
Section 1 explains the PC Setup and related PC functions, including interrupt processing and communications. The PC Setup can be used to control the operating parameters of the PC.
Section 2 provides an introduction to new PC features, including the new instructions available
through expansion instructions and a new monitoring feature call differential monitoring.
Section 3 describ es the structure of the PC’s memory areas, and explains how to use them. It also
describes Memory Cassette ope rations use d to transfer data between the CQ M1 and a Me mory Cassette.
Section 4 explai ns the ba si c s tep s an d conc e pts involved in writing a basic ladder diag r a m pr ogram. It
introduces the instr uc tions that are used to build the basic st ru cture of the ladder d iagram and control
its execution.
Section 5 individually des cribes the ladder-di agram programming instruct ions that can be used with
the PC.
Section 6 explains the me thod s and pr oced ur es for using h ost link commands, whi ch can b e u sed for
host link communications via the PC ports.
Section 7 explains the internal processing of the PCs, and the time required for processing and execution. Refer to this section to gain an understanding of the precise timing of PC operation.
Section 8 describes how to diagnose and correct the hardware and software errors that can occur during PC operation.
The following appendices are also provided: A Programming Instructions, B Error and Arithmetic
Flag Operation, C Memory Areas, D Using the Clock Function, E I/O Assignment Sheet,
F Program Coding Sheet, G List of FAL Numbers, H Extended ASCII, an d I CPM1A and CPM1
Memory Area Comparison.
!WARNING Failure to read and understand the informati on provided i n this ma nual may result in p er-
sonal injury or death, damage to th e product, or product failure. Please r ea d ea ch section
in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and
related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.
This section provides general precautions for using the Programmable Controller (PC) and related devices.
The information contained in this section is important for the safe and reliable application of the Programmable
Controller. You must read this section and understa nd the information contained before attempting to set up or
operate a PC system.
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have
knowledge of electrical systems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of installing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
2General Precautions
The user must operate t he product according to t he performance specifications described in the operation manuals.
Before using the product under conditions which are not described in the
manual or applying the produ ct to nuclear control s ystems, railroad systems,
aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, me dical equipmen t, amusement machines, safety equipment, and oth er systems, machines, and equi pment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used
improperly, consult your OMRON representative.
Make sure that the ratings and performan ce charact er is ti cs of the pr od uc t are
sufficient for the systems, machi nes, and equipment, and be sure to provide
the systems, machines, and equipment with double safety mechanisms.
This manual provides informat ion for programming and operat ing the Un it. B e
sure to read this manual before attempting to use the Unit and keep this manual close at hand for reference during operation.
!WARNING It is extremely impor tant th at a PC and all PC Units be u sed for the spe cified
purpose and under the specified conditions, especially in applications that can
directly or indirectly affect human life. You must consult with your OMRON
representative before applying a PC Sy stem to the above-mentioned a pplic ations.
3Safety Precautions
!WARNING Do not attempt to take any Unit apart while the power is being supplied. Doing
so may result in electric shock.
!WARNING Do not touch any of the termi na ls w hil e the power is being sup pl ied . Doing s o
may result in electric shock.
!WARNING Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify any Units. Any attempt to do
so may result in malfunction, fire, or electric shock.
!Caution Tighten the screws on the ter minal block of the AC Power Supply Unit to the
torque specified in th e manual. Loose screws may result in burning or malfunction.
!Caution Execute online edit only after confirming that no adverse effects will be
caused by extending the cycle time. Other wise, the input signals may not be
Operating Environment Precautions4
!Caution Confirm safety at the destination node before transferring a program to
another node or changing t he I/O m emo ry area. Doing eit her of these without
confirming safety may result in injury.
!Caution When connecting the PC t o a personal compute r or other peri pheral device,
either ground the 0-V side of the PC or do not gro und the PC a t all . Alth ough
some grounding method s shor t the 24-V side, as shown in th e following diagram, never do so with the PC.
INCORRECT Grounding: Shorting the 24-V side of the Power Supply
Non-isolated DC power
24 V
0 V0 V
PCPeripheral device
4Operating Environment Precautions
!Caution Do not operate the control system in the following locations:
• Locations subject to direct sunlight.
• Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified
in the specifications.
• Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in temperature.
• Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases.
• Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts.
• Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals.
• Locations subject to shock or vibration.
!Caution Take appropriate and sufficient counter measures when installing systems in
the following locations:
0 V
• Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise.
• Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields.
• Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity.
• Locations close to power supplies.
!Caution The operating environment of the PC System ca n have a large effect on the
longevity and reliability of the sy stem. Improper operating environme nts can
lead to malfunction, failure, and other unforeseeable problems with the PC
System. Be sure that the op erating environment is within the sp ecified cond itions at installation and remai ns within the specifi ed conditions dur ing the life
of the system.
Application Precautions5
5Application Precautions
Observe the following precautions when using the PC System.
!WARNING Always heed these precautions. Failure to abide by the following precautions
could lead to serious or possibly fatal injury.
• Always ground the system to 100 Ω or less when installing the Units. Not
connecting to a ground of 100 Ω or less may result in electric shock.
• Always turn OFF the power supply to the PC before attempting any of the
following. Not turning OFF the power supply may result in mal function or
electric shock.
• Mounting or dismounting Power Supply Units, I/O Units, CPU Units,
Memory Cassettes, or any other Units.
• Assembling the Units.
• Setting DIP switches or rotary switches.
• Connecting or wiring the cables.
• Connecting or disconnecting the connectors.
!Caution Failure to abide by the following precautions could lead to faulty operation of
the PC or the system, or could damage the PC or PC Units. Always heed
these precautions.
• Fail-safe measures must be taken by the customer to ensure safety in the
event of incorrect, missing, or abnorm al signals caused by broken signal
lines, momentary power interruptions, or other causes.
• Interlock circuits, limit circuits, and similar safety measures in external circuits (i.e., not in the Programmable Controller) must b e provided by the
• Always use the power supply voltage sp ecified in the manual. An incorrect voltage may result in malfunction or burning.
• Take appropriate me asures to ensure that the specified power with th e
rated voltage and frequency i s supplied. Be particula rly careful in places
where the power supply is unstable. An incorrect power supply may result
in malfunction.
• Install external breakers and take other safety measures against short-circuiting in exter nal wiring. Insufficient safety measur es against short-circuiting may result in burning.
• Do not apply voltages to the Input Units in excess of the rated input voltage. Excess voltages may result in burning.
• Do not apply voltages or connect lo ads to the Output Units in exces s of
the maximum swi tching capacity. Excess voltage or loads may r esult in
• Disconnect the functional ground terminal when performing withstand
voltage tests. Not disconnecting the functional ground terminal may result
in burning.
• Install and wire the Unit properly as specified in the manual. Improper
installation of the Unit may result in malfunction.
• Be sure that all the mounting screws , ter min al scre ws, and cable connector screws are tightened to the torque specified in the r elevant manuals.
Incorrect tightening torque may result in malfunction.
Application Precautions5
• Leave the label attached to the Unit when wiring. Removing the label may
result in malfunction.
• Remove the label after the completion of wiring to ensure proper heat dissipation. Leaving the label attached may result in malfunction.
• Use crimp terminals for wiring. Do not connect bare stranded wires
directly to terminals. Connection of bare stranded wires may result in
• Double-check all the wiring before turning ON the power supply. Incorrect
wiring may result in burning.
• Mount the Unit only after checking the terminal block completely.
• Be sure that the terminal bloc ks, Memory Units, expansion cables, an d
other items with locking devices are properly locked into place. Improper
locking may result in malfunction.
• Check the user program for proper execution before actually running it on
the Unit. Not checking the program may result in an unexpected operation.
• Confirm that no adverse effect will occur in the system before attemptin g
any of the following. Not doing so may result in an unexpected operation.
• Changing the operating mode of the PC.
• Force-setting/force-resetting any bit in memory.
• Changing the present value of any word or any set value in memory.
• Resume operation only after trans ferring to the new CPU Un it the contents of the DM and HR Areas required for resuming operation. Not doing
so may result in an unexpected operation.
• Do not place objects on top of the cables. Doing so may break the cables.
• Before touching the Unit, be sure to fir s t to uch a grounded metallic obj ec t
in order to discharge any static built-up. Not doing so may result in malfunction or damage.
• Do not touch the Expansion I/O Unit Connectin g Cable while the power is
being supplied in order to prevent any malfunction due to static electricity.
• When replacing parts, be sure to confirm th at the rating of a new part is
correct. Not doing so may result in malfunction or burning.
!Caution Always clear memory before beginning to program the CPM1, CPM1A or
SRM1. Although me mory is clear ed before the CPU Unit is shippe d (except
for bits with specific functi ons), AR 1314, which tur ns ON when the inter nal
capacitor cannot back up memory, may ha ve turned ON during shipment.
!Caution If the CPM1 or CPM1A will be turned OFF for periods exceeding the data
backup period of the internal capacitor, design the system so that it will not be
influenced if data in the DM, HR, and CNT area s is cleared when power is
turned OFF.
!Caution Either switch the CPM1 or CPM1 A to RUN or MONITOR mode, or turn OFF
and ON power to the CPM1 or CPM1A after chang ing from a Programming
Device any data that is backed up in flas h memory. Thi s data includes the
user program, read-only DM area (DM 6144 to DM 6599), and the PC Setup
(DM 6600 to DM 6655).
Application Precautions5
• The user program and memory area data in the CPM 1 or CPM1A are
backed up either by an inter nal capa citor or in f lash memory as shown i n
the following table.
Backup methodData
Internal capacitorRead/write DM area (DM 0000 to DM 0999, DM 1022, and
Flash memoryUser program
DM 1023)
Error log area (DM 1000 to DM 1021)
HR area (HR 00 to HR 19)
Counter area (CNT 000 to CNT 127)
Read-only DM area (DM 6144 to DM 6599)
PC Setup (DM 6600 to DM 6655)
1. The IR, TR, LR, and ti mer areas are not no rmall y ba cked up when power
is turned OFF and all contents will be cleared the next time power is turned
ON. (The PC Setup s et ting in DM 660 1 c an be us ed t o ba ck up thi s data.
Refer to details on the PC Setup later in this manual for details.)
2. The bits in the AR and SR areas have special functions and are set according to these functions when power is turned ON.
• The capacitor backup time depends on the ambient temperature, as
shown in the following graph. The backup time, however, assumes that
the capacitor is fu lly charged, which requires t hat power be supplied to
the CPU Unit continuously for at least 15 minutes.
Backup time (days)
Ambient temperature (°C)
If the power remains OFF for a period exceeding the data backup period,
AR 1314 will turn ON to indicate that the capacitor can no longer back up data
and the data backed up by the capacitor will be cleared. AR 13 14 will rem ain
ON unless it i s tu rned OFF using I/O monitor ope rati ons, us ing m emo ry clear
operations, or from the user program.
If desired, the PC Setu p setting in DM 6604 can be set to cr eate a fatal error
and thus stop the system when AR 1314 goes ON.
• The data stored in flash memory will not be lost even if power remains
OFF for a period exceeding the data backup period, because the data
stored in flash memor y will be read to the CPU Unit when the CPM1 or
CPM1A is turned ON.
• If the power is turned OFF without changing the mode from PROGRAM
mode to RUN or MONITOR mode after having made changes in the data
that is backed up in flash memory, the changes wi ll no t be written to flas h
memory. If the power is then left OFF for more than 20 days (at 25
°C), the
Conformance to EC Directives6
changes (i.e., the contents of the RAM) will be erased and the data values
will become undefined.
!Caution Be sure that the SRM1 syste m is not influe nced by any undefined data if the
data in the DM, HR, or CNT area is c leare d wh en t he S RM1 ha s b een turned
OFF for a period exceeding the data backup period of the internal lithium battery. If the AR 1414 flag is ON, the dat a will be held unles s it is turne d OFF
using the I/O Monito r ope ration, in structions, etc. The s yst em can be stopped
by designating DM 6604 in the PC Setup so that a memory error occurs when
the power interruption hold area is not held (with AR 1314 ON)
• A lithium battery in the C PU Unit is used to back up the counter values
and the contents of the DM area, and HR ar ea. The deterioration of the
lithium batter y capacity depends o n the ambient temperature. T he standard service life is 12 years at an ambient temperature of 40°C when
operating 8 hours a day.
If the power remains off for a per iod exceeding the data backup per iod, the
contents of the Data Memory (DM), Hold Relay (HR), and Counter (CNT)
Areas in the CPU Un it may be cleared and the A R 1314 flag (which t urns ON
when the power interruption hold area is not held) may turn ON.
If the contents of th e CP U Un it’s program area are lo st, the pr ogram sto re d i n
flash memory will be r ead to th e CPU Unit’s program area when the SRM 1 is
started up because the contents in the read-only area (DM 6144 through
DM 6599) and PC Setup (DM 6600 through DM 6655) will be written to flash
• However, if the power is turned OFF without changing the mod e even if
changes are made in the read-only DM area (DM 6144 through DM
6599), or PC Setup (DM 6600 through DM 6655) using a peripheral
device, the contents of changes will not be written to flash memory.
Although the data in thes e areas is backed up by the lithium battery, contents of changes will disappear if the service life of the lithium battery
expires. In this case, programs in the fl ash memor y will be automa tically
read into the user program memory.
The changes can be saved by switching the SRM1 to RUN or MONITOR
mode or turning OFF and restarting the SRM1 soon after the changes are
6Conformance to EC Directives
The CQM1 PCs comp ly with EC Directives. To ensure tha t the machine or
device i n w h ich a C QM1 P C i s us ed c omp li es w i th EC D i re ct ives, the PC must
be installed as follows:
1,2,3...1. The PC must be installed within a control panel.
2. Reinforced insulation or double insulation must be used for the DC power
supplies used for the communications and I/O power supplies.
3. PCs complying with EC Directives also conform to the Common Emission
Standard (EN50081-2). When a PC is built into a machine, however, noise
can be generated by switching devices us in g r el ay outputs and ca us e th e
overall machine to fail to meet the Stan dard. If this occurs, surge kil lers
must be connected or other measures taken external to the PC.
The following methods represent typical met hods for reduc ing noise, and
may not be sufficient in all cases. Required countermeasures will vary de-
Conformance to EC Directives6
pending on the devices connected to the con trol pa nel , wiring, the configuration of the system, and other conditions.
Determining if Countermeasures Are Required
Refer to EN50081-2 for more details.
Countermeasur es are not required if the f requency of load switching for the
whole system including the PC is less than 5 times per minute.
Countermeasures are required if the frequency of load switching for the whole
system including the PC is more than 5 times per minute.
Countermeasure Examples
When switching an inductive load, co nne ct a n su r ge pr ot ec tor, diodes, etc., in
parallel with the load or contact as shown below.
CircuitCurrentCharacteristicRequired element
CR method
Diode method
Varistor method
YesYesIf the load is a relay or solenoid, there
is a time lag between the moment the
circuit is opened and the moment the
load is reset.
If the supply voltage is 24 or 48 V,
NoYesThe diode connected in parallel with
YesYesThe varistor method prevents the impo-
insert the surge protector in parallel
with the load. If the supply voltage is
100 to 200 V, insert the surge protector
between the contacts.
the load changes energy accumulated
by the coil into a current, which then
flows into the coil so that the current
will be converted into Joule heat by the
resistance of the inductive load.
This time lag, b etw een the moment the
circuit is opened and the moment the
load is reset, caused by this method is
longer than that caused by the CR
sition of high voltage between the contacts by using the constant voltage
characteristic of the varistor. There is
time lag between the moment the circuit is opened an d the moment the load
is reset.
If the supply voltage is 24 or 48 V,
insert the varistor in parallel with the
load. If the supply v o ltage is 100 to 2 00
V, insert the varistor between the contacts.
The capacitance of the capacitor must
be 1 to 0.5 µF per contact current of
1 A and resistance of the resistor must
be 0.5 to 1 Ω per c ontact v ol tage of 1V.
These values, however, vary with the
load and the characteristics of the
relay. Decide these values from tes ting,
and take into consideration that the
capacitance suppresses spark discharge when the contacts are separated and the resistance limits the
current that flows into the load when
the circuit is closed again.
The dielectric strength of the capacitor
must be 200 to 300 V. If the circuit is an
AC circuit, use a capacitor with no
The reversed dielectric strength value
of the diode must be at least 10 times
as large as the circuit voltage value.
The forward current of the diode must
be the same as or larger than the load
The reversed dielectric strength value
of the diode may be two to three times
larger than the supply voltage if the
surge protector is applied to electronic
circuits with low circuit voltages.
When switching a load with a high inr ush current, such as an incandes cent
lamp, suppress the inrush current as shown below.
Conformance to EC Directives6
Countermeasure 1
Providing a dark current of approx.
one-third of the rated value
h an incandescent lamp
Countermeasure 2
Providing a limiting resisto
Conformance to EC Directives6
PC Setup and Other Features
This section explains the PC Setup and other CQM1 /CPM1/CPM1A/SRM1 featur es, including interrupt processing and
communications. The PC Setup can be used to control the operating parameters of the CQM1/CPM1/CPM1A/SRM1. To
change the PC Setup, refer to the CQM1 Operation Manual, CPM1 Operation Manual, CPM1A Operation Manual or
SRM1 Master Control Units Operation Manual for Programming Console procedu res. Refer to the SSS O peration M anual:
C-series PCs for SSS procedures.
If you are not familiar with OMRON PCs or ladder diagram program, you can read 1-5 PC Setup as an overview of the
operating parameters available for the CQM1/CPM1/CPM1A/SRM1, but may then want to read SECTION 3 M emoryAreas, SECTION 4 Ladder-diagram Programming, and related instructions in Section SECTION 5 Instruction Set before
completing this section.
1-10-5 Application Example Using Signed Binary Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
PC SetupSection 1-1
1-1PC Setup
The PC Setup compr ises various operating parameters that contro l CQM1/
CPM1/CPM1A/SRM1 operation. In order to make the maximum use of
CQM1/CPM1/CPM1A/SRM1 functionality when using interrupt processing
and communications fu nctions, the PC Setup may be customized accor ding
to operating conditions.
At the time of shipping, the defaults are set for general operating conditions,
so that the CQM1/CPM1/CPM1A/SRM1 can be used without having to
change the settings. You are, however, advised to check the default values
before operation.
Default ValuesThe default values for the PC Setup are 0000 for all words. The default values
can be reset at any time by turning ON SR 25210.
!Caution When data memory (DM) is cleared from a Programming Device, the PC
Setup settings will also be cleared to all zeros.
1-1-1Changing the PC Setup
PC Setup settings are accessed at various times depending on the setting, as
described below.
• DM 6600 to DM 6614:Accessed only when PC’s power supply is turned
• DM 6615 to DM 6644:Accessed only when program execution begins.
• DM 6645 to DM 6655:Accessed regularly when the power is on.
Since changes in the PC Setup become effective only at the times given
above, the CQM1/CPM1/CPM1A/SRM1 will have to be restarted to make
changes in DM 6600 to DM 6614 effective, and program execution will have to
be restarted to make changes in DM 6615 to DM 6644 effective.
When DM 6602 bits 00 to 03 are set to protect the program memory , DM 6602
cannot be changed using the PC Setup operation of the Support Software. To
change DM 6602, use the I/O Monitor or DM Edit operation.
Making Changes from a
Peripheral Device
The PC Setup can be read, but not wr itten into, from the user program. Writing can be done only by using a Programming Device.
Although the PC Se tup is stored in DM 6600 to DM 665 5, settings can be
made and changed only from a Programming Device (e.g., SSS, or Programming Console). DM 6600 to DM 6644 can be set or changed only while in
PROGRAM mode. DM 6645 to DM 6655 can be set or changed while in either
PROGRAM mode or MONITOR mode.
The following settings can be made in PROGRAM mode from the SSS us ing
menu operations. All other se ttin gs must b e ma de u sing th e hexadeci ma l s etting operation.
• Startup Mode (DM 6600)
• I/O Hold Bit Status and Forced Status Hold Bit Status (DM 6601)
• Cycle Monitor Time (DM 6618)
• Cycle Time (DM 6619)
• RS-232C Port Settings (DM 6645 to DM 6649)
Note The RS-232C Port Setti ngs (DM 6645 to DM 6649) are no t used in CPM1/
CPM1A PCs because these PCs aren’t equipped with an RS-232C port.
PC SetupSection 1-1
Errors in the PC SetupIf an incorrect PC Setup settin g is acc essed, a non-fatal error (er ror code 9B)
will be generated, the c orresponding error flag (AR 2400 to AR 2402 in th e
CQM1, AR 1300 to AR 1302 in the CPM1/ CPM1A/SRM1) wil l be turned ON ,
and the default setting will be used instead of the incorrect setting.
1-1-2CQM1 PC Setup Settings
The PC Setup is broadly divided into four categories: 1) Settings rela ted to
basic CQM1 operation and I/O proces ses, 2) Settin gs related to pulse o utput
functions, 3) Settings re lated to in terr upts, and 4) Set tings related t o communications. This section wi ll explain the settings according to these classifications.
The following table shows the setting in order in the DM area. For details, refer
to the page numbers shown.
Startu p Processing (DM 6600 to DM 6614)
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC only after the PC is restarted.
DM 660000 to 07Startup mode (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 02).
08 to 15Startup mode designation
00: Programming Console switch
01: Continue operating mode last used before power was turned off
02: Setting in 00 to 07
DM 660100 to 07 Not used.
08 to 11IOM Hold Bit (SR 25212) Status
0: Reset; 1: Maintain
12 to 15Forced Status Hold Bit (SR 25211) Status
DM 6602 to
DM 6610
DM 661100 to 15CQM1-CPU43-EV1: Mode setting for ports 1 and 2
DM 661200 to 15 CQM1-CPU44-EV1: Origin compensation setting for port 2 (4-digit BCD)63
Pulse Output and Cycle Time Settings (DM 6615 to DM 6619)
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC the next time operation is started.
DM 661500 to 07 Word for pulse output.
DM 661600 to 07Servicing time for RS-232C port (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01)
DM 661700 to 07Servicing time for peripheral port (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01)
DM 661800 to 07Cycle monitor time (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01, 02, or 03)
00 to 15Not used.
08 to 15Not used.
08 to 15RS-232C port servicing setting enable
08 to 15Peripheral port servicing setting enable
08 to 15Cycle monitor enable (Setting in 00 to 07 x unit; 99 s max.)
0: Reset; 1: Maintain
0000: High-speed counter mode; 0001: Pulse output mode
CQM1-CPU44-EV1: Origin compensation setting for port 1 (4-digit BCD)
00: IR 100; 01: IR101; 02: IR 102... 15: IR 115
00 to 99 (BCD): Percentage of cycle time used to service RS-232C port.
00: 5% of the cycle time
01: Use time in 00 to 07.
00 to 99 (BCD): Percentage of cycle time used to service peripheral.
00: 5% of the cycle time
01: Use time in 00 to 07.
00 to 99 (BCD): Setting (see 08 to 15)
00: 120 ms (setting in bits 00 to 07 disabled)
01: Setting unit: 10 ms
02: Setting unit: 100 ms
03: Setting unit: 1 s
25, 63
PC SetupSection 1-1
DM 661900 to 15 Cycle time
0000: Variable (no minimum)
0001 to 9999 (BCD): Minimum time in ms
Interrupt Processing (DM 6620 to DM 6639)
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC the next time operation is started.
DM 662000 to 03Input constant for IR 00000 to IR 00007
0: 8 ms; 1: 1 ms; 2: 2 ms; 3: 4 ms; 4: 8 ms; 5: 16 ms; 6: 32 ms; 7: 64 ms; 8: 128 ms
04 to 07Input constant for IR 00008 to IR 00015 (Setting same as bits 00 to 03)
08 to 15Input constant for IR 001
DM 662100 to 07Input constant for IR 002 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15Input constant for IR 003 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 662200 to 07Input constant for IR 004 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15Input constant for IR 005 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 662300 to 07Input constant for IR 006 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15Input constant for IR 007 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 662400 to 07Input constant for IR 008 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15Input constant for IR 009 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 662500 to 07Input constant for IR 010 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15Input constant for IR 011 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 662600 to 07Input constant for IR 012 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15Input constant for IR 013 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 662700 to 07Input constant for IR 014 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
08 to 15Input constant for IR 015 (Setting same as for IR 001.)
DM 662800 to 03Interrupt enable for IR 00000 (0: Normal input; 1: Interrupt input)40
04 to 07Interrupt enable for IR 00001 (0: Normal input; 1: Interrupt input)
08 to 11Interrupt enable for IR 00002 (0: Normal input; 1: Interrupt input)
12 to 15Interrupt enable for IR 00003 (0: Normal input; 1: Interrupt input)
DM 662900 to 07Number of high-speed timers for interrupt refreshing
00 to 15 (BCD; e.g., set 15 for 00 to 14)
08 to 15High-speed timer interrupt refresh enable
00: 16 timers (setting in bits 00 to 07 disabled)
01: Use setting in 00 to 07
DM 6630 00 to 07First input refresh word for I/O interrupt 0: 00 to 11 (BCD)40
08 to 15Number of input refresh words for I/O interrupt 0: 00 to 12 (BCD)
DM 663100 to 07First input refresh word for I/O interrupt 1: 00 to 11 (BCD)
08 to 15Number of input refresh words for I/O interrupt 1: 00 to 12 (BCD)
DM 663200 to 07First input refresh word for I/O interrupt 2: 00 to 11 (BCD)
08 to 15Number of input refresh words for I/O interrupt 2: 00 to 12 (BCD)
DM 663300 to 07First input refresh word for I/O interrupt 3: 00 to 11 (BCD)
08 to 15Number of input refresh words for I/O interrupt 3: 00 to 12 (BCD)
DM 663400 to 07First input refresh word for high-speed counter 1: 00 to 11 (BCD)40
08 to 15Number of input refresh words for high-speed counter 1: 00 to 12 (BCD)
DM 663500 to 07First input refresh word for high-speed counter 1: 00 to 11 (BCD)40
08 to 15Number of input refresh words for high-speed counter 1: 00 to 12 (BCD)
PC SetupSection 1-1
DM 663600 to 07First input refresh word for interval timer 0: 00 to 07 (BCD)45, 50
08 to 15Number of input refresh words for interval timer 0: 00 to 08 (BCD)
DM 663700 to 07First input refresh word for interval timer 1: 00 to 07 (BCD)
08 to 15Number of input refresh words for interval timer 1: 00 to 08 (BCD)
DM 663800 to 07First input refresh word for interval timer 2 (also used for high-speed counter 0): 00 to
08 to 15Number of input refresh words for interval timer 2: 00 to 08 (BCD)
DM 663900 to 07Output refresh method
08 to 15Number of digits for DIGITAL SWITCH (DSW(87)) instruction
High-speed Counter Settings (DM 6640 to DM 6644)
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC the next time operation is started.
DM 6640,
DM 6641
DM 664200 to 03High-speed counter 0 mode
DM 664300 to 03CQM1-CPU43-EV1: Port 1 input setting
DM 664400 to 15Port 2 settings (Identical to the port 1 settings in DM 6643.)
00 to 15Not used.
04 to 07High-speed counter 0 reset mode
08 to 15High-speed counter 0 enable
04 to 07CQM1-CPU43-EV1: Por t 1 reset setting
08 to 11CQM1-CPU43-EV1: Por t 1 counting mode setting
12 to 15CQM1-CPU43-EV1: Por t 1 pulse type setting
DM 665300 to 07Node number (Host link, effective when bits 12 to 15 of DM 6650 are set to 0.)
00 to 31 (BCD)
08 to 11Start code enable (RS-232C, effective when bits 12 to 15 of DM 6650 are set to 1.)
0: Disable; 1: Set
12 to 15End code enable (RS-232C, effective when bits 12 to 15 of DM 6650 are set to 1.)
0: Disable (number of bytes received)
1: Set (specified end code)
2: CR, LF
DM 665400 to 07Start code (RS-232C, effective when bits 08 to 11 of DM 6653 are set to 1.)
00 to FF (binary)
08 to 15When bits 12 to 15 of DM 6653 are set to 0:
Number of bytes received
00: Default setting (256 bytes)
01 to FF: 1 to 255 bytes
When bits 12 to 15 of DM 6653 are set to 1:
End code (RS-232C)
00 to FF (binary)
Error Log Settings (DM 6655)
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC.
DM 665500 to 03Style
0: Shift after 10 records have been stored
1: Store only first 10 records (no shifting)
2 to F: Do not store records
04 to 07Not used.
08 to 11Cycle time monitor enable
0: Detect long cycles as non-fatal err ors
1: Do not detect long cycles
12 to 15Low battery error enable
0: Detect low battery voltage as non-fatal error
1: Do not detect low batter voltage
PC SetupSection 1-1
1-1-3CPM1/CPM1A PC Setup Settings
The PC Setup is broadly divided into four categories: 1) Settings rela ted to
basic PC operation and I/O processes, 2) Settings related to the cycle time, 3)
Settings related to inter r upt s, and 4) S ettings re la ted to c ommun icati ons. This
section will explain the settings according to these classifications.
The following table shows the settings for CPM1/CPM1A PCs in o rder. Refer
to the page number in the last column for more details on that setting.
Startu p Processing (DM 6600 to DM 6614)
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC only after the PC is restarted.
DM 660000 to 07Startup mode (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 02).
08 to 15Startup mode designation
DM 660100 to 07Not used.17
08 to 11IOM Hold Bit (SR 25212) Status at Startup
12 to 15Forced Status Hold Bit (SR 25211) Status at Startup
DM 660200 to 03Program memory write-protection
04 to 07Programming Console display language
08 to 15Not used.
DM 660300 to 15Not used.
DM 660400 to 0700: If data could not be saved with the built-in capacitor (AR 1314 ON), a memory error will not
08 to 15Not used.
DM 6605 to
DM 6614
Cycle Time Settings (DM 6615 to DM 6619)
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC the next time operation is started.
DM 6615,
DM 6616
DM 661700 to 07Servicing time for peripheral port (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01)
DM 661800 to 07Cycle monitor time (effective when bits 08 to 15 are set to 01, 02, or 03)
DM 661900 to 15Cycle time
00 to 15Not used.
00 to 15Not used.
08 to 15Peripheral port servicing setting enable
08 to 15Cycle monitor enable (Setting in 00 to 07 x unit; 99 s max.)
00: Programming Console switch
01: Continue operating mode last used before power was turned off. (See note 1.)
02: Setting in 00 to 07
0: Reset; 1: Maintain (See note 3.)
0: Reset; 1: Maintain (See note 3.)
0: Program memory unprotected
1: Program memory write-protected (except DM 6602 itself)
0: English; 1: Japanese
be generated.
01: If data could not be saved with the built-in capacitor (AR 1314 ON), a memory error will be
00 to 99 (BCD): Percentage of cycle time used to service peripheral.
00: 5% of the cycle time
01: Use time in 00 to 07.
00 to 99 (BCD): Setting (see 08 to 15)
00: 120 ms (setting in bits 00 to 07 disabled)
01: Setting unit: 10 ms
02: Setting unit: 100 ms
03: Setting unit: 1 s
0000: Variable (no minimum)
0001 to 9999 (BCD): Minimum time in ms
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