3500 C O R P O R A T E P a r k wa y
Center Valley, PA 18034
(888) 553-4448
DSS Player Pro Release 4 Update Version 4.8.5
This update (P4UP85EN.EXE) applies to Release 4.x only of the DSS Player Pro Dictation and
Transcription Modules. To check the current version of your DSS Player Pro software, start your
DSS Player Pro application then click on the Help menuÆAbout…
If your application version is not 4.8.5, it is recommended you download and install this software
update. Check the table shown below for CD release and corresponding version of the DSS
Player Pro module installed on your PC.
Release Current Program Version
Release 4.0 Version 4.0.0
Release 4.1 Version 4.1.0 and Version 4.2.0
Release 4.2 Version 4.4.0 and version 4.5.2
Release 4.7 Version 4.7.0
Release 4.8.2 Version 4.8.2
Release 4.8.5 Version 4.8.5
Note: This update will not upgrade DSS Player Pro pre-release 4. For customers who would like
to upgrade their DSS Player Pro pre-release 4 software to Release 4 software, please contact your
Olympus Authorized Audio Dealer.
Software bugs fixes and/or enhancements:
OS Change
In the DSS Player Pro, if the MAPI email profile is used with
Both All Bug
Microsoft Exchange Server, the DSS Player Pro process does
not terminate after the program is closed. This result in an
OdiOlDVR error message when shutting down the PC.
In the DSS Player Pro, If the MAPI email profile is used with
Microsoft Exchange Server and the option "Support for using
Both All Bug
email dictations with MS Outlook XP/2003" is checked,
Microsoft Outlook "Outlook Send/Receive Progress" dialog
display the progress but the process will not complete.
All Bug
If a user edits a DSS file and record close to the EOF using the
Remote Edit window, The Dictation Module crash.
Device Detector 3 couldn't display all devices as "Supported
Both All Bug
devices" in the Setting dialog, when the Dictation Module was
selected in the dialog.
Olympus Imaging America Inc. Page 1 of 3

3500 C O R P O R A T E P a r k wa y
Center Valley, PA 18034
(888) 553-4448
If the "Documents" folder in enabled in the Options ->
Both All Bug
General tab ->Transcription Tree View, ‘drag and drop’ files
between the Download Tray folders and other folders become
Both All Bug
The DSS Player Pro installer fails to register DM1Service.exe
in some rare cases.
When a folder was mapped to the root of a network drive and
Both All Bug
a user downloaded a large DSS file to that folder, the DSS
Player crash.
When a folder was mapped to the root of a network drive and
Both All Bug
a user change the status of a large DSS file in that folder, DSS
Player crash.
Dictation All Bug
All Bug
In the Remote Edit window, the saving location reset to its
previous setting on next startup.
If none Olympus DSS file status changed to "Unfinished", the
actual status in the file header is changed to "Finished" and
therefore the file couldn't be transcribe afterward.
If a download folder name is different from the physical folder
name, the auto-send function will not process the downloaded
Dictation All Bug
files to be sent automatically. No messages found in the
After the DSS Player Pro has been opened once after
installation and later on the "My Documents" folder on the PC
Both All Bug
is redirected to another location, user might experience a
problem with downloading files and error message "An error
occurred while downloading" pop up.
If a DSS Player Pro MAPI profile selected is different from
the default profile used in MS Outlook, The DSS Player Pro
Both All Change
will display a warning message "Profiles in DSS Player and
Outlook are different. Select the same profile.". The warning
message has a checkbox to disable such warning in the future.
Both All Change
When the "Remote Edit" window is open, the DSS Player Pro
couldn't recognize the connected recorder/directrec.
DSS Player Pro couldn't recognize Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Installation Instructions:
NOTE: It is recommended that you logon to the PC as an administrator when installing this
software update.
1. Click the DSS Player Pro Release 4.x Update Version 4.8.5 link to start the download.
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