Ocean Optics SpectroClip User Manual

When analyzing diuse materials in the eld, the SpectroClip is the ideal probe to choose.
SpectroClip allows you to easily measure transmission and reection of materials with a maximum thickness of 1 mm.
Specially designed integrating spheres function as SpectroClip’s collection probe. They can be connected to any Ocean Optics spectrometer for acquiring data. The top integrating sphere also includes an input port for a ber-coupled light source to illuminate the sample.
simple thin materials analysis in lab or eld
SpectroClip can support wavelength ranges from 200-2500 nm – depending on which light source or spectrometer you use. The active illuminated area is 5 mm. SpectroClip’s integrating spheres capture diuse reected or transmitted light more eciently than lens-based collection optics.
SpectroClip’s spring-based clip enables you to place a sample rmly into the probe, ensuring simple and accurate measurements.
The sturdiness of this handheld probe makes it ideal for eld use. Combine with a halogen or xenon light source and one or two spectrometers for a complete, eld-ready alternative for thin materials analysis.
For details and pricing, contact an Ocean Optics Applications Scientist at +1 727-733-2447 or at info@oceanoptics.com.
Which SpectroClip suits you?
Includes one integrating sphere to collected reected light from your sample.
Includes two integrating spheres that collect both transmitted light through your sample and reected light from the sample.
This fully integrated system comprises the SpectroClip sampling optic, a two­channel Jaz spectrometer (each channel covers 350-1000 nm), a VIS-NIR light source, Ethernet and battery modules, three optical bers, a reection standard and a carrying case. Also included is a software script for optimizing the two-channel Jaz spectrometer setup.
www.oceanoptics.com | info@oceanoptics.com +1 727-733-2447