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Every effort has been made to make thi s m anual as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided is
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the information contained in this manual.
Table of Contents
About This Manual ......................................................................................................... iii
Document Purpose and Intended Audience .............................................................................. iii
Document Summary .................................................................................................................. iii
Product-Related Documentation ............................................................................................... iii
Upgrades ....................................................................................................................... iv
30-Pin Accessory Connector – Pin Definitions and Descriptions .............................................. 22
30-Pin J2 Accessory Connector - Part Num ber s....................................................................... 24
QE65 Pro 15-Pin Accessory Cable Pinout ..................................................................... 24
Index ................................................................................................... 25
About This Manual
Document Purpose and Intended Audience
This document provides the user of the QE65 Pro Spectrometer with instructions for setting up,
calibrating and performing experiments with their spectrometer.
What’s New in this Document
This version of the QE65 Pro Scientific-grade SpectrometerInstallation and Operation Manual
specification information.
Document Summary
Chapter Description
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Installing the QE65 Pro
Chapter 3: Troubleshooting
Appendix A: Calibrating the
Wavelength of the QE65 Pro
Appendix B: Specifications
Contains descriptive information about the QE65 Pro
Spectrometer and how sampling works. It also provides a list of
system requirements, interface options, and shipment
Provides installation and configuration instructions.
Contains recommended steps to isolate and correct common
Provides instructions for calibrating the QE65 Pro Spectrometer.
Contains technical specifications and connector pinouts for the
QE65 Pro Spectrometer.
Product-Related Documentation
You can access documentation for Ocean Optics products by visiting our website at
document from the available drop-down lists. Or, use the Search by Model Number field at the bottom
of the web page.
. Select Technical → Operating Instructions, then choose the appropriate
• Detailed instructions for SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software is located at:
You can also access operating instructions for Ocean Optics products from the Software and Technical
Resources CD that ships with the product.
Occasionally, you may find that you need Ocean Optics to make a change or an upgrade to your system.
To facilitate these changes, you must first contact Customer Support and obtain a Return Merchandise
Authorization (RMA) number. Please contact Ocean Optics for specific instructions when returning a
Chapter 1
Product Overview
Ocean Optics has taken its best scientific-grade spectrometer, the QE65000, and enhanced its optical
bench to provide unmatched performance to improve response in the UV and shortwave NIR regions. The
Ocean Optics QE65 Pro Spectrometer produces lower stray light and provides superior dynamic range
and high sensitivity for low-light level applications such as fluorescence, Raman analysis and DNA
Ocean Optics QE65 Pro High-Sensitivity Fiber Optic Spectrometer
The QE65 Pro features a Hamamatsu low-etaloning, back-thinned FFT-CCD detector with a 2-D
arrangement of pixels (1044 horizontal x 64 vertical) that is responsive from 200-1100 nm and has a peak
quantum efficiency of ~90% (with a QE of 65% at 250 nm). The detector’s columns are binned, or
summed, inside the detector prior to the readout process, thereby minimizing readout noise. Additionally,
the detector can be cooled down to –15 ºC with the onboard TE-Cooler to reduce dark noise. The
reduction of noise and dark signal allows integration times of the spectrometer (analogous to the shutter
speed of a camera) of up to 15 minutes, which greatly enhances the detection limit in low-light level
applications. The back-illuminated detector has great response in the UV. The inherent UV response
eliminates the need for UV-sensitive detector coatings that can be difficult to apply consistently from
batch to batch.
The combination of the spectrometer’s low-noise detector and 16-bit A/D Converter delivers a dynamic
range of 25000:1 (for a single acquisition) and a signal-to-noise ratio of 1000:1 (at full sign al ).
Replaceable slits are offered for added convenience.
220-12200-000-02-201303 1
1: Introduction
The QE65 Pro’s onboard module has 10 user-programmable digital I/O lines for interfacing to other
equipment; and a pulse generator for triggering other devices. You can use the I/Os to flash a lamp,
stop/start a process, and send a message/alarm during the spectrometer’s integration period. The
spectrometer’s operating parameters can be controlled through software. In fact, wavelength calibration
coefficients unique to each spectrometer are programmed into a memory chip right on the spectrometer.
TheQE65 Pro’s high-speed electronics have been designed for considerable flexibility in connecting to
various modules and external interfaces, including PCs, PLCs and other embedded controllers, through
USB 2.0 or RS-232 communications. Its USB 2.0 interface enables full spectral scans into memory every
7 milliseconds.
The QE65 Pro operates via USB interface. A +5 VDC external power supply is required for the TE
Cooler (TEC) and to operate the spectrometer via an RS-232 interface. This power supply is included
with your spectrometer.
• Hamamatsu S7031-1006S Detector
• Peak QE: 90% at peak; 65% at @ 250 nm
• Back-thinned for good UV sensitivity
• MPP operation for low noise
• TE Cooled
• Spectrometer Design
• Symmetrical Crossed Czerny Turner
• 101mm focal length
• 14 gratings across UV-NIR; HC-1 composite grating for broad wavelength coverage
• 6 slit widths ranging from 50 to 200 µm
• Electrical Performance
• 16 bit, 500KHz A/D converter
• Integration times from 8ms to ~15min
• Embedded microcontroller allows programmatic control of all operating parameters and
standalone operation
• USB 2.0 480Mbps (high-speed) & 12Mbps (full speed)
• RS232 115Kbaud
• Multiple communication standards for digital accessories (SPI, I2C)
• Onboard Pulse Generator
• 2 programmable strobe signals for triggering other devices
• Software control of nearly all pulse parameters
• Onboard GPIO
• 10 user-programmable digital I/Os
1: Introduction
• EEPROM storage for
• Wavelength Calibration Coefficients
• Linearity Correction Coefficients
• Absolute Irradiance Calibration (optional)
• Plug-n-play interface for PC applications
• 30-pin connector for interfacing to external products
System Requirements
You can use the QE65 Pro’s USB connectiv ity with any computer that meets the requirements for the
spectrometer operating software being used (W indow s XP/Vista/Windows 7, Mac OS X and Linux). See
About Ocean Optics Software
Alternately, the QE65 Pro has a serial port for connecting to PCs, PLCs, and other devices w ith a
Windows 32-bit operating system that support the RS-232 communication protocol. However, this
connection method requires an external power supply to power the QE65 Pro, the Breakout Box, and a
serial cable.
EEPROM Utilization
An EEPROM memory chip in each QE65 Pro contain s w avelength calibration coefficients, linearity
coefficients, and a serial number unique to each individual spectrometer. The OOI software application
reads these values directly from the spectrometer, enabling the ability to “hot-swap” spectrometers
between computers without entering the spectrometer coefficients manually on each computer.
About Ocean Optics Software
SpectraSuite is the latest generation of operating software for all Ocean Optics spectrometers. It is a
completely modular, Java-based spectroscopy software platform that operates on Windows, Macintosh
and Linux operating systems. The software can control any Ocean Optics USB spectrometer and device,
as well as any other manufacturer’s USB instrumentation using the appropriate drivers.
SpectraSuite is a user-customizable, advanced acquisition and display program that provides a real-time
interface to a variety of signal-processing functions. With SpectraSuite, you have the ability to perform
spectroscopic measurements (such as absorbance, reflectance, and emission), control all system
parameters, collect and display data in real time, and perform reference monitoring and time acquisition
experiments. Consult the SpectraSuite manual for hardware requirements when using SpectraSuite (see
Product-Related Documentation
Overture software is available for free for limited spectroscopy operating functionality such as absorbance
and transmission measurements (see Product-Related Documentation
OOIBase32 software has been discontinued, but still functions with the QE65 Pro Spectrometer. Consult
the OOIBase32 manual for hardware requirements when using OOIBase32 (see
1: Introduction
Sampling System Overview
How Sampling Work s
Ocean Optics components function in a sampling system as follows:
1. The user stores reference and dark measurements to correct for instrument response variables.
2. The light transmits through an optical fiber to the sample.
3. The light interacts with the sample.
4. Another optical fiber collects and transmits the result of the interaction to the spectrometer.
5. The spectrometer measures the amount of light and transforms the data collected by the
spectrometer into digital information.
6. The spectrometer passes the sample information to OOI software.
7. OOI software compares the sample to the reference measurement and displays processed spectral
Modular Sampling Accessories
Ocean Optics offers a complete line of spectro scop ic ac cesso ri es for use with the QE65 Pro. Most of our
spectroscopic accessories have SMA connectors for application flexibility. Accordingly, changing the
sampling system components is as easy as unscrewing a connector and replacing an accessory.
Interface Options
The QE65 Pro has both USB and serial port connectors (with the use of an adapter), enabling you to
connect the spectrometer to a desktop or notebook computer via a USB port or serial port. However, you
must create custom software if using the serial port. SpectraSuite software is available if you are
connecting via the USB port.
Computer via
USB Port
Desktop or
Notebook PC
via Serial
Operating System Requirements Part Needed Description of Part
SpectraSuite: Windows 2000/XP for
PC; OS X version 10.0 or later for
Mac, or Red Hat 9 or later, Fedora
(any version), Debian 3.1 or later
(Sarge), and SUSE (9.0 or later);
Centos and Ubuntu for Linux
Any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows
operating system
(not included)
Cable that connects from USB port on
QE65 Pro to USB port on desktop or
notebook PC
Adapter block that enables connection
from serial port on QE 65 Pr o to serial
port on desktop or notebook PC; comes
with 5 VDC power supply (required
when connecting to serial port)
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