6.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The instruction set permits any bitin memory to beset, reset
or tested. All I/O and registers (except A and PC) are
memory mapped; therefore,I/O bits and register bitscan be
directly and individually set, reset and tested. The accumulator (A) bits can also be directly and individually tested.
RAM contents are undefined upon power-up.
TABLE 1. Program/Data Memory Sizes
Program Data User
Device Memory Memory Storage
(Bytes) (Bytes) (Bytes)
COP8SAA7 1024 64 8
COP8SAB7 2048 128 8
COP8SAC7 4096 128 8
The ECON register is used to configure the user selectable
clock, security, power-on reset, WATCHDOG, and HALT options. The register can be programmed and read only in
EPROM programming mode. Therefore, the register should
be programmed at the same time as the program memory.
The contents of the ECON register shipped from the factory
read 00 Hex (windowed device), 80 Hex (OTP device) or as
specified by the customer (ROM device).
The format of the ECON register is as follows:
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Bit 7=x This is for factory test. The polarity is al-
ways 0.
Bit 6=1 Power-on reset enabled.
0 Power-on reset disabled.
Bit 5=1 Security enabled. EPROM read and write
are not allowed.
0 Security disabled. EPROM read and write
are allowed.
Bits 4, 3=0, 0 External CKI option selected. G7 is avail-
able as a HALT restart and/or general purpose input. CKI is clock input.
0, 1 R/C oscillator option selected. G7 is avail-
able as a HALT restart and/or general purpose input. CKI clock input. Internal R/C
components are supplied for maximum
R/C frequency.
1, 0 Crystal oscillator with on-chip crystal bias
resistor disabled. G7 (CKO) is the clock
generator output to crystal/resonator.
1, 1 Crystal oscillator with on-chip crystal bias
resistor enabled. G7 (CKO) is the clock
generator output to crystal/resonator.
Bit 2=1 WATCHDOG feature disabled. G1 is a
general purpose I/O.
0 WATCHDOG feature enabled. G1 pin is
WATCHDOG output with waek pullup.
Bit 1
Bit 0=1 HALT mode disabled.
0 HALT mode enabled.
In addition to the ECON register, there are 8 bytes of
EPROM available for “user information”. ECON and these 8
bytes are outside of the code area and are not protected by
the security bit of the ECON register. Even when security is
set, information in the 8-byte USER area is both read and
write enabled allowing the user to read from and write into
the area at all times while still protecting the code fromunauthorized access.
Both ECON and USER area,9 bytes total,are outside of the
normal address range of the EPROM and can not be accessed by the executing software. This allows for the storage of non-secured information. Typical uses arefor storage
of serial numbers, data codes, version numbers, copyright
information, lot numbers, etc.
The COP8 assembler defines a special ROM section type,
CONF, into which theECON and USER data may be coded.
Both ECON and User Data are programmed automatically
by programmers that are certified by National.
The following examples illustrate the declaration of ECON
and the User information.
[label:] .sect econ, conf
.db value ;1 byte,
;configures options
.endsect<user information>
;up to 8 bytes
Example: The following sets a value in the ECON register
and User Identification for a COP8SAC728M7. The ECON
bit values shown selectoptions: Power-on enabled,Security
disabled, Crystal oscillator with on-chip bias disabled,
WATCHDOG enabled and HALT mode enabled.
.chip 8SAC
.sect econ, conf
.db 0x55 ;por, extal, wd, halt
.db 'my v1.00' ;user data declaration
.end start
Note: All programmers certified for programming this family of parts will sup-
port programming of the CONFiguration section. Please contact National or your device programmer supplier for more information.
The device has a security feature that, when enabled, prevents external reading of theOTP program memory.The security bit in the ECON register determines, whether security
is enabled or disabled. If the security feature is disabled, the
contents of the internal EPROM may be read.
If the security feature is enabled, thenany attempt to externally read the contents of the EPROM will result in the
value FF Hex beingread fromall program locations. Under no circumstances can a secured part be read. In ad-
dition, with the security feature enabled, the write operation
to the EPROM program memory and ECONregister is inhibited. The ECON register is readable regardless of the state
of the security bit. The security bit, when set, cannot be
erased, even in windowed packages. If the security bit is
set in a device in a windowed package, that device may be
erased but will not be further programmable.
If security is being used, itis recommended that allother bits
in the ECON register beprogrammed first.Then the security
bit can be programmed.
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