Nokia 3360, 3361 Service Manual 03Sys

Programmes After Market Services
NPW-1 Series Transceivers

System Module

Issue 1 10/01 ãNokia Corporation
System Module PAMS Technical Documentation

Table of Contents

System Module ...............................................................................................................1
Abbreviations................................................................................................................. 6
Transceiver NPW-1........................................................................................................ 8
Introduction ..................................................................................................................8
Operational Modes.................................................................................................... 9
Environmental Specifications ......................................................................................9
Normal and extreme voltages.................................................................................... 9
Temperature Conditions............................................................................................ 9
Engine Module............................................................................................................. 11
Baseband Module ......................................................................................................11
UEM ..........................................................................................................................11
Introduction to UEM............................................................................................... 11
Regulators................................................................................................................ 12
RF Interface............................................................................................................. 13
Charging Control..................................................................................................... 13
Digital Interface....................................................................................................... 13
Audio Codec............................................................................................................ 14
UI Drivers................................................................................................................ 14
IR interface.............................................................................................................. 14
AD Converters......................................................................................................... 14
UPP ............................................................................................................................14
Introduction............................................................................................................. 14
Blocks...................................................................................................................... 14
Flash Memory ............................................................................................................15
Introduction............................................................................................................. 15
User Interface Hardware .............................................................................................. 16
LCD ...........................................................................................................................16
Introduction............................................................................................................. 16
Interface................................................................................................................... 16
Keyboard ....................................................................................................................16
Introduction............................................................................................................. 16
Power Key............................................................................................................... 16
Keys......................................................................................................................... 17
Lights .........................................................................................................................17
Introduction............................................................................................................. 17
Interfaces................................................................................................................. 17
Technical Information............................................................................................. 17
Vibra ..........................................................................................................................18
Introduction............................................................................................................. 18
Interfaces................................................................................................................. 18
Audio HW.................................................................................................................... 19
Earpiece .....................................................................................................................19
Introduction............................................................................................................. 19
Microphone ................................................................................................................19
Introduction............................................................................................................. 19
Buzzer ........................................................................................................................19
Introduction............................................................................................................. 19
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Battery.......................................................................................................................... 20
Phone Battery .............................................................................................................20
Introduction............................................................................................................. 20
Interface................................................................................................................... 20
Battery Connector ......................................................................................................21
Accessories Interface ................................................................................................... 22
System connector .......................................................................................................22
Introduction............................................................................................................. 22
Interface................................................................................................................... 22
Technical Information............................................................................................. 23
PPH-1 Handsfree .......................................................................................................23
Introduction............................................................................................................. 23
Interface................................................................................................................... 23
IR module ..................................................................................................................24
Introduction............................................................................................................. 24
Interface................................................................................................................... 24
Technical Information............................................................................................. 24
Charger IF ..................................................................................................................24
Introduction............................................................................................................. 24
Interface................................................................................................................... 25
Test Interfaces.............................................................................................................. 26
Production Test Pattern ..............................................................................................26
Other Test Points .......................................................................................................26
EMC............................................................................................................................. 27
General .......................................................................................................................27
BB Component and Control IO Line Protection .......................................................27
Keyboard lines......................................................................................................... 27
C-Cover................................................................................................................... 27
PWB........................................................................................................................ 27
LCD......................................................................................................................... 27
Microphone ............................................................................................................. 27
EARP....................................................................................................................... 27
Buzzer...................................................................................................................... 28
IRDA....................................................................................................................... 28
System Connector Lines.......................................................................................... 28
Battery Connector Lines.......................................................................................... 28
MBUS and FBUS.................................................................................................... 28
Transceiver Interfaces.................................................................................................. 29
BB - RF Interface Connections .................................................................................29
BB Internal Connections ............................................................................................31
UEM Block Signal Description............................................................................... 31
UPP Block signals................................................................................................... 36
MEMORY Block Interfaces.................................................................................... 39
IR Block Interfaces.................................................................................................. 40
Audio Interfaces...................................................................................................... 40
Key/Display blocks................................................................................................. 42
Baseband External Connections.............................................................................. 43
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System Module PAMS Technical Documentation
Test Pattern for Production Tests............................................................................ 44
RF Module ................................................................................................................... 45
Requirements .............................................................................................................45
Design ........................................................................................................................45
Software Compensations ...........................................................................................45
Main Technical Characteristics .................................................................................46
RF Frequency Plan.................................................................................................. 46
DC Characteristics .....................................................................................................47
Power Distribution Diagram ................................................................................... 47
Regulators................................................................................................................ 48
Receiver .....................................................................................................................48
AMPS/TDMA 800 MHz Front End........................................................................ 50
TDMA 1900 MHz Front End.................................................................................. 50
Frequency Synthesizers .............................................................................................52
Transmitter .................................................................................................................53
Common IF ............................................................................................................. 53
Cellular Band........................................................................................................... 53
PCS Band ................................................................................................................ 53
Power Control ......................................................................................................... 54
Antenna Circuit....................................................................................................... 55
RF Performance....................................................................................................... 55
Antenna ......................................................................................................................55
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List of Figures

Fig 1 Interconnecting Diagram............................................................................................8
Fig 2 System Block Diagram (simple) ................................................................................11
Fig 3 Placement of keys.......................................................................................................16
Fig 4 Battery Connection Diagram......................................................................................20
Fig 5 BMC-2 Battery contacts (BMC-3, BLC-2 have same interface). ..............................21
Fig 6 System Connector.......................................................................................................22
Fig 7 Accessory Detection / External Audio. ......................................................................23
Fig 8 4-wire, fully differential headset connector pin layout...............................................24
Fig 9 Top View of Production Test Pattern.........................................................................26
Fig 10 Test points Located Between UEM and UPP...........................................................26
Fig 11 RF Frequency Block Plan.........................................................................................46
Fig 12 Power distribution ....................................................................................................47
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System Module PAMS Technical Documentation
ACCH Analog Control Channel A/D Analog to Digital conversion AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System ANSI American National Standards Institute ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit AVCH Analog V oice Channel BB Base Band CSD Circuit Switched Data CSP Chipped Scale Package. The same as uBGA. CTIA Cellular Telecommunications Industry Associat ion D/A Digital to Analog conversion DCCH Di gi tal Control Channel DSP Digital Signal Processing DTCH Digital Traffic Channel EDMS El ectronic Data Management System EFR Enhanced Full Rate (codec) FCC Federal Communications Commission IR Infrared IrDA Infrared Data Association IrMC Infrared Mobile Communications IrOBEX IrDA Object Exchange Protocol IS Interim Standard ISA Intelligent Software Architecture LED Light Emitting Diode MCU Micro Control Unit / Master Control Unit MO/MT Mobile Originated/Mobile Terminated (SMS) OOR Out Of Range (mode) OTA Over The Air (+ service like Programming etc.) PC Per sonal Computer (PC Suite = PC program for phone memory function support) PWB Printed Wired Board PWM Pulse Width Modulation RF Radio Frequency SAR Specific Absorption Rate SCF Software Component Factory SMD Surface Mount Device SMS Short Message Service SPR Standard Product Requirement TDD Text Device for the Deaf
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TDMA Time Division Multiple Access. Here: US digital cellular system. TIA Telecommunications Industry Association TTY Teletype UEM Universal Energy Management, a Baseband ASIC. UPP Universal Phone Processor, a Baseband ASIC. VCTCXO Vol tage Controlled temperature Compensated Crystal Oscill ator WAP Wireless Application Protocol (Browser)
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System Module PAMS Technical Documentation
Transceiver NPW-1
The NPW-1 is a dual band transceiver unit designed for TDMA800/1900 networks. The transceiver consists of the engine module (WS8) and the various assembly parts.
The transceiver has a full graphic display and the user interface is based o n a jack style UI with two soft keys. An internal antenna is used in the phone, and there is no connec­tion to an external antenna. The transceiver also has a low leakage tolerant earpiece and an omnidirectional microphone that provides excellent audio quality.
An integrated infrared (IR) link provides c onnection betwee n tw o NPW-1 transceiv ers or between a transceiver and a PC (internal da ta), or a transceiver and a printer.
Figure 1: Interconnect ing Diagram
RF Switch
B & W
6 9
E xt. Aud io Accesso ries
Pr o d .T E ST I/F
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PAMS Technical Documentation System Module
Operational Modes
Below is a list of the phone’s different ope rational modes:
1 Power Off mode 2 Normal Mode (Power controlled by cellular SW, includes various Active and Idle
Analog Modes (800 MHz only):
•Analog Control Channel, ACCH
•Analog Voice Channel, AVCH
Digital Modes (800 and 1900 MHz):
•Control Channel, DCCH
•Digital Voice Channel, DTCH (Digital Traffic Channel)
•Digital Data Channel, DDCH
Both the analog and digital modes have different states c ontrolled by the Cellular SW. Some examples are Idle State (on ACCH), Camping (on DCCH), Scanning, Con-
versation, NSPS (No Service Power Save, previously OOR = Out of Range). 3 Local mode (both Cellular SW and UI SW non active) 4 Test mode (Cellular SW active but UI SW non active)
Environmental Specifications
Normal and extreme voltages
Voltage range:
nominal battery voltage: 3.6 V
maximum battery voltage: 5.0 V
minimum battery voltage: 3.1 V
Temperature Conditions
Temperature range:
ambient temperature: -30...+ 60 ×C
PWB temperature: -30...+85 ×C
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storage temperature range: -40 to + 85 ×C
All of the EIA/TIA-136-270A requirements are not exactly specified over the temperature range. For example, the RX sensitivity requirement is 3dB lower over the –30 - +60 °C range.
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PAMS Technical Documentation System Module
Engine Module
Baseband Module
The core part of the transceiver’s baseband (see the figure below) consists of 2 ASICs, the UEM and UPP, and flash memory. The following sections illustrate and explain these parts in detail.
Figure 2: System Block Diagram (simple)
PA suppl
RF Supplies
BB Supplies
System Connector
Introduction to UEM
UEM is the Universal Energy Management IC for digital hand portable phones. In addi­tion to energy management, it performs all the base band’s mixed-signal functions.
Most UEM pins have 2kV ESD protection, and those signals considered to be more easily exposed to ESD, have 8kV protection within the UEM. These kinds of signals are (1) all audio signals, (2) headset signals, (3) BSI, (4) Btemp, (5) Fbus and (6) Mbus signals.
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The UEM has six regulators for baseband power supplies and seven regulators for RF power supplies. The VR1 regulator has two outputs: (1) VR1a and (2) VR1b. In addition to these, there are two current generators - IPA1 and IPA2 - for biasing purposes.
A bypass capacitor (1uF) is required for each regulator output to ensure stability. Reference voltages for regulat ors require exter nal 1uF capacitors. Vref25RF is the refer-
ence voltage for the VR2 regulator, Vref25BB is the reference voltage for the VANA, VFLASH1, VFLASH2, VR1 regulators, Vref278 is the re ference voltage for the VR3, VR4, VR5, VR6, VR7 regulators, and VrefRF01 is the reference voltage for the VIO, VCORE reg­ulators and for the radio frequency (RF).
Table 1: UEM Regulators
BB RF Current
VANA: 2.78Vtyp 80mAmax VR1a:4.75V 10mAmax
VR1b:4.75V Vflash1: 2.78Vtyp 70mAmax IPA2: 0-5mA Vflash2: 2.78Vtyp
40mAmax VSim: 1.8/3.0V 25mAmax VR3:2.78V 20mA VIO: 1.8Vtyp
150mAmax Vcore: 1.0-1.8V
VR2:2.78V 100mAmax
VR4: 2.78V 50mAmax
VR5: 2.78V 50mAmax
VR6: 2.78V 50mAmax VR7: 2.78V 45mAmax
IPA1: 0-5mA
The VANA regulator supplies the baseband’s (BB) internal and external analog cir cuitry. It is disabled in the Sleep mode.
The Vflash1 regulator supplie s the LCD, the IR-module and the digital parts of th e UEM and Safari asic. It is enabled during startup an d goes into the low Iq-mode when in the Sleep mode.
The VIO regulator supplies both the e xternal and internal logic circuit ries. It is used by the LCD, flash, bluetooth and UPP. The regulator goes into the low Iq-mode when in the Sleep mode.
The VCORE regulator supplies the DSP and the core part of the UPP. The voltage is pro­grammable and the startup default is 1.5V. The regulator goes into the low Iq-mode when in the Sleep mode.
The VSIM regulator supplies the SIM card. NOT USED IN NPW-1.
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The VR1 regulator uses tw o LDOs and a charge pump. The charge pump requires one external 1uF capacitor in the Vpump pin and a 220nF flying capacitor between the CCP and CCN pins. In practice, the 220nF flying capacitor is f ormed by 2 x 100nF capacitors that are parallel to each other. The VR1 regulator is used by the Safari RF ASIC.
The VR2 regulator is used to supply the (1) external RF parts, (2) lower band up con­verter, (3) TX power detector module and (4) Safari. In light load situatio ns, the VR2 reg­ulator can be set to the low Iq-mode.
The VR3 regulator supplies the VCTCXO and Safari in the RF. It is always enabled when the UEM is active. When the UEM is in the Sleep mode, the VR3 is disabled.
The VR4 regulator supplies the RX frontends (LNA and RX mixers). The VR5 regulator supplies the lower band PA. In light load situations, the VR5 regulator
can be set to the low Iq-mode. The VR6 regulator supplies the higher band PA and TX amplifier. In light load situations,
the VR6 regulator can be set to the low Iq-mode. The VR7 regulator supplies the VCO and Safari. In light load situations, the VR7 regulator
can be set to the low Iq-mode. The IPA1 and IPA2 are programmable current generators. A 27kW/1%/100ppm external
resistor is used to improve the accuracy of the output current. The IPA1 is used by the lower PA band and IPA2 is used by the higher PA band.
RF Interface
The interface between the baseband and the RF section is also handled by the UEM. It provides A/D and D/A conversion of the in-pha se and quadrature receive and transmit signal paths. It also provides A/D and D/ A conve rsions of receiv ed and transmitte d audio signals to and from the UI section. The UEM supplies the analog AFC signal to the RF sec­tion, according to the UPP DSP digital control.
Charging Control
The CHACON block of the UEM asics controls charging. The needed functions for the charging controls are the (1) pwm-controlled battery charging switch, (2) charger-moni­toring circuitry, (3) battery voltage monitori ng circuitry and (4) RTC supply circuitry for backup battery charging (Not used in NPW-1). In addition to these, external components are needed for EMC protection of the charger input to the baseband module.
Digital Interface
Data transmission between the U EM and the UPP is impleme nted using two seri al con­nections, DBUS (programmable clock) for DSP and CBUS (1.0MHz GSM and 1.08MHz TDMA) for MCU. The UEM is a dual voltage circuit: the digital parts are run from 1.8V and the analog parts are run from 2.78V. The Vbat (3,6V) voltage regulators's input is also used.
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System Module PAMS Technical Documentation
Audio Codec
The baseband supports two external microphone input ar eas and one external ea rphone output. The input can be taken from an internal microphone, a headset microphone or from an external microphone signal source through a headset connector. The output for the internal earpiece is a dual-ended type output, and the dif ferential output is capable of driving 4Vpp to the earpiece with a 60 dB minimum signal as the total distortion ratio. The input and output signal source se lection and gain control is performed inside the UEM Asic, according to the c ontrol messages from the UPP. A buzzer a nd an external vibra alert control signal are gener ated by the UEM with separate PWM outputs.
UI Drivers
There is a single output driver for the buzzer, vibra, display and keyboard LEDs and the IR in the side of the UEM. These generate PWM square wave for the various devices.
IR interface
The IR interface is designed and implemented into th e UEM. The low frequency mode of the IR module covers speeds up to 115.2 kbit/s. The device (Vis hay) tr ansc eiv ers inte gra te a sensitive receiver and a built-in power driver. The combination of a thin, long resistive and inductive wiring should be avoided. The input (Txd, SD/M ode) and the output Rxd should be directly coupled to the I/O circuit. The VBAT regulator supplies the power to transmit the LED and serial resistor limits’ current. Upon receiving infrared data to IR LED, it goes straight to the UEM via the RXD line. The Vflash1 is the power supply for the IR module, except for transmission.The IR module has one control pin to control the shut down. The control lever shifter is used to change the proper voltage for shutdown to the IR module from the UPP.
AD Converters
The UEM is equipped with a 11-channel analog to digital converter. Some AD converter channels (LS, KEYB1-2) are not used in NPW-1. The AD converters are calibrated in the production line.
NPW-1 uses the UPPv4M ASIC. The RAM size is 4M. The processor architecture consists of both the DSP and the MCU processors.
The UPP is internally partitioned into two main parts: (1) the Brain and (2) the Body.
1 The Processor and Memory System (that is, the Processor cores, Mega-cells,
internal memories, perip herals and external memory inter face) is known as the Brain.
The Brain consists of the following blocks: (1) the DSP Subsystem (DSPSS), (2) the MCU Subsystem (MCUSS), (3) the emulation control EMUCtl, (4) the program/ data RAM PDRAM and (5) the Brain Peripherals–subsystem (BrainPer).
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PAMS Technical Documentation System Module
2 The NMP custom cellular logic functions are known as the Body.
The Body contains interfaces and functions needed fo r interfacing other base­band and RF parts. The body consists of, fo r example, the following sub-blocks: (1) MFI, (2) SCU, (3) CTSI , (4) RxModem, ( 5) Acc IF, (6) UIF, (7) C oder, (8) BodyIF, (9) PUP.
Flash Memory
The NPW-1 transceiver uses a 32 Mbit flash as its e xte rnal memor y. The VIO regulator is used as a power supply for normal in-system op eration. An accelerated program/erase operation can be obtained by supplying Vpp of 12 volt to the flash device.
The device has two read modes: asynchronous and burst. The Burst read mode is utilized in NPW-1, except for the start-up, when the asynchronous read mode is used for a short time.
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System Module PAMS Technical Documentation
User Interface Hardware
NPW-1 uses a black & white GD46 84x48 full dot matrix graphical display . There are two suppliers for this LCD: Seiko Epson and Philips. The LCD module includes the LCD glass, the LCD COG-driver, an elastomer connector and a metal frame. The LCD module is included in the lightguide assembly module.
The LCD is controlled by the UI SW and the control signals are from the UPP asic. The VIO and Vflash1 regulators supply the LCD with power.
The LCD has an internal voltage booster and a booster capacitor is required between Vout and GND.
Pin 3 (Vss9) is the LCD driver’s ground and Pin 9 (GND) is used to ground the metal frame.
The NPW-1 keyboard style follows the Nokia Jack style, without side keys for volume control. The PWR key is integrated so that it is part of the IR window and located on top of the phone.
Figure 3: Placement of keys.
Power Key
All signals for the keyboard come from the UPP asic, except PWRONX line for the power key signal which is connect ed dir ectly to t he U EM. The pr essing o f the PWR k ey gro und s the PWRONX line and the UEM generate s an inter rupt to U OO, which is then re cognized as a PWR key press.
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Other keys are detected so that w hen a key is pressed down, the metal dome connects one S-line and one R-line of the UPP to the GND and creat es an interrupt for the SW. This kind of detection is also known as metaldome detection. The matrix of how lines are connected and which lines are used for differen t keys is described in the Table 1. The S­line S0 and R-line R5 are not used at all.
Table 2: Matrix of Key Detection Lines
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4
Returns /
R0 NC NC Send End NC R1 NC Soft left Up Down Soft right R2 NC 1 4 7 * R3 NC 2 5 8 0
where NC = Not Connected
NPW-1 has 10 LEDs for lighting purposes. Six of them are for the keyboard and four for the display. The LED type is Osram LGM470, green light emitting and SMD through hole mounted.
The display lights are controlled by a Dlight signal from the UEM. The Dlight output is the PWM signal, which is used to control the average current going through the LEDs. When the battery voltage changes, the new PWM v alue is written onto the PWM register. In this way, the brightness of the lights remains the same with all battery voltages within range. The frequency of the signal is fixed at 128Hz.
The keyboard lights are controlled by the Klight signal from the UEM. The Klight output is also a PWM signal and is used in the same way as Dlight.
R4 NC 3 6 9 # R5 NC NC NC NC NC
Technical Information
Each LED requires a hole in t he PWB, in which the body of the LED locates in hole and terminals are soldered on the component side of the module PWB. The LEDs have a white plastic body around the diode, and this directs the emitted light better to the UI-side. The current for the LCD lights is limited by the resistor between the Vbatt and LEDs. For the keyboard lights there are resistors in parallel.
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