This document describes the User Interface Module GU9.
The GU9 module is intended for use in the GSM and PCN version of the
NHE–8/9 product, that is FLAT–J and Simplex versions.
Functional Circuit description
The following sections of circuitry are included on the PCB:
– Power on/off key.
– Keypad switch matrix.
– Liquid Crystal Display Module and peripheral circuitry
– Keyboard & Display back light circuits
– Buzzer driver circuit and connection pads
– Pads for microphone and speaker connection
– A method of connection between the user interface PCB and the main
system board
Uif Module
The functions are described in details below. See
NO TAG for further information.
Power on/off key
The power key, S422, is connected directly to the PSCLD via the line
’XPWRON’ and to ’ROW0’ trough the diode V418. When activated both
lines are pulled low.
Figure 1. Power Distribution
UIF Schematic
on page
When the key is pressed, its row will go low, but the value of the row will
not be changed when the column outputs are set high at the start of the
scanning process. This fact uniquely identifies the key. A diode is
necessary to prevent key presses on any switches connected to ROW0
from turning on/off the phone. This also protect the 3V baseband against
the pull up of XPWRON to VBATT inside PSCLD
The power key,S422, is handled as any other SMD component, and is
placed in the reflow process.
issue 3 12/98
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NHE –8/9
Uif Module
Keypad switch matrix
The keypad consists of a matrix of 20 switch domes,in the keypad array (0