Nissan Nvpassenger 2018 Owner's Manual

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Wards Light Ve hicle Segmen tation. 201 8 NV® Passe nger V8 vs . 2017 Large Van Cl ass. Base d on Naturally A spirated G as Engine. B ased on manu facture rs websi tes. 2 Wards Light Ve hicle Segmen tation. 201 8
NV® Pas senger wi th availab le V8 engine v s. availa ble V8 2017 Larg e Van Class com petitor s. Based on m anufac turers we bsites .
Wards Ligh t Vehicle Seg mentatio n. 2018 NV® Pa ssenger v s. 2017 Large Van
Class . 12-seat pas senger va ns compared . Based on manuf acturer s websites.
Claim based on years/mileage (whichever occurs first) covered under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty basic coverage. Wards Light Ve hicle Segm entation : 2017/2018 Nissan N V® Cargo, N V® Passeng er v. in-marke t Large Van Cl ass; 2017/2018 Nis san NV200 ® v. in-market Sm all Van Class . Commercial Van s compared on ly. Nissan s New Vehicle Limited Warranty basic coverage excludes tires, corrosion coverage and federal and California emission performance and defect coverage. Other terms and conditions apply. See dealer for complete warran ty detai ls. NV20 0® Taxi is covered under a sepa rate limite d warrant y with a dif ferent leve l of coverage .
Towing capability varies by trim level and configuration. See Nissan Towing Guide and Owners
Manual for additional information.
Wards L ight Vehicl e Segmenta tion. Availab le feature . 2018 NV350 0® Passen ger SV vs. 2017 Large Van Class. Base d on manufa cturer s website s. 7 Available feature. 8 Cargo
and load capacity limited by weight and distribution. Always secure all cargo. Heavy loading of the vehicle with cargo, especially on the roof, will affect the handling and stability of the vehicle.
Vehicl e (s)
shown equipped with third-party accessories.
Owner receives a commercial upfit package designed, manufactured, tested and installed by an independent upfit supplier. All participating upfit suppliers must be N ational Truck Equ ipment A ssociati on member s. Parts s upplied by u pfit sup pliers and a ny damage or f ailures cau sed by inst allation o r use of upfi t parts are not co vered by the N issan New Veh icle Limite d Warrant y. Owner sho uld review t he upfit su pplier s warrant y.
Nissan i s not responsib le for the sa fety or qu ality of t he parts or m odificat ions made by the up fit suppli er. The Nissan Commercial
Incent ive Program i s only avai lable to vali d busines s entitie s. Program n ot availab le to retail consumers . Certain m odel res triction s apply. See dealer for com plete det ails and res trictions.
Never program
while d riving. G PS mapping m ay not be det ailed in all ar eas or refl ect curren t road statu s.
Use the Text Me ssaging f eature af ter stoppi ng your vehi cle in a safe lo cation. I f you have to use t he feature w hile
drivi ng, exerc ise extr eme cautio n at all times s o full att ention may be g iven to vehi cle operation. Compa tible smar tphone requir ed. Text rate s and/or data usa ge may apply.
Parking aid/convenience
featur e. Cannot co mpletel y eliminate b lind spot s. May not de tect ever y object and do es not warn of m oving obj ects. A lways che ck surround ings and turn to look behin d you befor e moving veh icle.
Available s ervice s/feature s may be show n. Compati ble connec ted device m ay be require d. Only us e servic es/featu res and devi ce when saf e and legal to do s o. Subjec t to GPS and wi reless ne twork availability and connection, and system/technology limitations. Text rates/data usage/subscription may apply. Some services/features provided by companies not within Nissan or its partners or agents control a nd may be disco ntinued a t any time. Fo r more infor mation, se e dealer, Own ers Manu al, or t-information.
Extra cos t option. 16 Available on SV and SL trims
onl y.
Driving i s serious bu siness and r equires yo ur full at tention. I f you have to use t he connec ted device w hile driv ing, exercise ext reme cauti on at all time s so full at tention may b e given to veh icle
operation. External device not included.
Air bags are on ly a supple mental re straint s ystem; al ways wear y our seat bel t. All chi ldren 12 and und er should r ide in a seat pro perly sec ured in child r estrain ts,
boost er seats, o r seat belt s according to thei r size. Rear-fac ing child res traints shoul d not be used i n NV® Passe nger vehic les. Air b ags will onl y inflate in cer tain accident s. See Own ers Manu al for deta ils.
VDC, whi ch should rem ain on when d riving ex cept when f reeing the v ehicle fro m mud or snow, ca nnot preve nt acciden ts due to abrup t steerin g, carele ssness , or dangero us drivin g technique s. 20 The Sonar Sy stem is a conv enience, n ot a substi tute for pro per parkin g and/or backin g procedure s. Alway s check that it is sa fe to do so bef ore moving vehicle. M ay not detect every o bject.
Genuine Nissan Access ories are cov ered by Niss ans Limi ted Warrant y on Genuine Nis san Replace ment Par ts, Genui ne NISMO® S -Tune Par ts, and Ge nuine Nis san Accesso ries for th e longer of 12 mo nths/12, 000 miles (whichever occurs first) or the remaining period under the 5-year/100,000-mile (whichever occurs first) Nissan New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Terms and conditions apply. See Warranty Information Booklet for det ails.
Basic plan is complimentary for firs t three years starting from accessory purchase date; subsequently a paid subscription is required at the then current rate. Terms, conditions, and limitations
Price is Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (MSRP). MSRP excludes tax, title, license, options , and destination charge. Dealer sets actual price. 24 Vehicle Grap hics Packag es do not cove r roof of
vehicl e.
With avail able tow hitc h accessor y for V6 models. 26 With standard factory tow hitch. See Nissan Towing Guide and Owners Manual for additional information. 27 Brake Assis t is only an aid to as sist
the driv er and is not a co llision wa rning or avoi dance devi ce. It is the d rivers r esponsi bility to b e in control of t he vehicle a t all times .
TPMS is not a su bstitute f or regular t ire pressu re checks . The App Store® i s a register ed tradema rk of Apple , Inc. Blu etooth® wor d mark and log os are owned b y Bluetoot h SIG, Inc ., and any us e of such mark s by Nissan i s under lice nse. Facebo ok® is a regi stered tra demark of Facebo ok, Inc . Google Play ™ is a trademar k of Google I nc. Modag rafics® i s a registered tradema rk of Modagr afics, I nc. The Sir ius®, XM®, and S iriusX M® names and al l related ma rks and log os are tradem arks of Siri us XM Radio I nc. Twitte r® is a regis tered trad emark of Twit ter, Inc. YouTube® is a regis tered trademar k of Google I nc. This br ochure is int ended for g eneral des criptiv e and inform ational purpos es only. It is s ubject to c hange and doe s not constitu te an offe r, represent ation or war ranty (ex press or im plied) by Ni ssan Nor th America , Inc. Interes ted parties s hould conf irm the accura cy of any infor mation in thi s brochure as i t relates to a v ehicle dir ectly wi th Nissan N orth Ame rica, Inc . before re lying on it t o make a purchas e decision . Nissan No rth Amer ica, Inc . reserve s the right to make chan ges, at any time, without prior notice, in prices, colors, materials, equipment, specifications, and models and to discontinue models or equipment. Due to continuous product development and other pre- and post-production factors, actual vehicle, materials and specifications may vary from this brochure. Some vehicles shown with optional equipment. See the actual vehicle for complete accuracy. Availability and delivery times for particular models or equipment may vary. Specifications, options and accessories may differ in Hawaii, U.S. territories and other countries. For additional information on availability, option s or accesso ries, see y our Nissa n dealer or con tact Nis san North A merica, Inc . At, youll find virtual product demonstrations, a way tobuild your own Nissan, a dealer locator, and
more inf ormation a bout key Nis san suppor t services . Or if youd pr efer, call
1-800-NISSAN-3 for answe rs to speci fic ques tions abou t NV® Passenger or any o ther Nissa n vehicle . The Nissa n names, lo gos,
product names, feature names, and slogans are trademarks owned by or licensed to Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. and/or its North American subsidiaries. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respe ctive own ers.
Always w ear your seat b elt, and p lease drive r esponsib ly. ©2017 Nissan North Am erica, Inc . ‘18 NV Passe nger 182077 1-NCV-10/17-5 0M-CGI
Nissan Intelligent Mobility guides everything we do. Were using new technologies to transform cars from mere driving machines into assistants. Together the journey is more confident, connected, and exciting. Whether its cars that assist in the driving task, or highways that charge your EV as you go along, its all in the very near future. And its a future already taking shape in the Nissan you drive today.
See NV® Passenger in action at:
TAKE ON CHALLENGES. Defy the definition of whats possible with
room for up to 12 and the versatility of a class-leading 324 seating configurations.
Feel the confidence that comes from rigorously tested components backed up by Americas Best Commercial Van Warranty (see dealer for limited warranty details).
Dont go home,
go big.
The 2018 Nissan NV® Passenger. TAKE ON TODAY.
TAKE ON CHALLENGES. Defy the definition of what’s possible with
room for up to 12 and the versatility of a class-leading 324 seating configurations.
Feel the confidence that comes from rigorously tested components backed up by America’s Best Commercial Van Warranty (see dealer for limited warranty details).
Don’t go home,
go big.
The 2018 Nissan NV® Passenger. TAKE ON TODAY.
When the drivers seat needs to turn into an
office chair, NV
Passenger has you covered.
With a flexible class-exclusive available multi-
tasking center console, fold-down passenger
seat, and plenty of power options, productivity
never has to slow down.
218.9 cu. ft. of
cargo space
6, 7
Six independently
rear seats
Two 120 -vo lt
power outlets
10.6 maximum
cargo length
With 324 seating configurations, NV Passenger
gives you plenty of options for transporting gear.
Remove the fourth-row seats and the volume
jumps to 89.4 cubic feet. Take out the third row as
well, and youve got 151.6 cubic feet of space. And
with all the rows removed, theres a massive 218.9
cubic feet of cargo space ready for you to use.
8, 9, 10
Never miss a beat with the available Navigation Package.
Featuring NissanConnect
with Mobile Apps, you’ve got a
suite of high-tech features ready to give your business a
boost. You’ll also have standard features like Hands-free Text
Messaging Assistant, and a convenient RearView Monitor.
11, 12, 13, 1 4
With room for up to 12 passengers,
and plenty of space between rows,
everyone can stretch out. And with
integrated headrests, slide-out cup
holders, available reading light and
power outlets, the NV Passenger van
takes comfort to the next level.
5.8" touch-screen
Hands-free Text
Messaging Assistant
7, 12
+ 5 hidden pages