Nero WaveEditor
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Nero AG, Im Stoeckmaedle 13, D-76307 Karlsbad, Germany
Nero WaveEditor
Start Successfully
About the Manual
About This Application
Starting the Program
Device Settings
Editor Options
Audio Format Settings
User Interface
Main Window
Menu Bar
Toolbar Area
Display Area
Sample Format Settings Window
Pause Detection Window
Test Tone Generator Window
Playing Audio File
Recording Audio File
Recording Console Window
Recording Audio File
Editing Audio File
Editing Audio File Structure
Editing Audio File Volume
Applying Other Enhancement Options
Technical Information
System Requirements
Supported Formats and Codecs
Audio Formats and Codecs
Table of contents
Table of contents
Nero WaveEditor
1 Start Successfully
1.1 About the Manual
This manual is intended for all users who want to learn how to use Nero WaveEditor. It is process-based and explains how to achieve a specific objective on a step-by-step basis.
To make best use of this documentation, please note the following conventions:
Start Successfully
Indicates warnings, preconditions or instructions that have to be precisely followed.
1. Start …
Indicates additional information or advice.
The number at the beginning of a line indicates a prompt for action. Carry out these actions in the order specified.
Indicates an intermediate result. Indicates a result.
Indicates text passages or buttons that appear in the p r ogram interface. They are shown in boldface.
Indicates references to other chapters. They are executed as links and are shown in red and underlined.
Indicates keyboard shortcuts for entering commands.
1.2 About This Application
Nero WaveEditor allows you to record music, and edit the respective audio files using various filters and sound enhancement methods. You can then burn these optimized audio files using Nero Burning ROM or Nero Express.
Nero WaveEditor allows you to edit the audio files in real time without damaging the original file. Thanks to an internal reference-bas ed audio format, the editing history is also saved so that changes can be undone. Various effects (e.g. chorus, delay, flanger, reverb), numerous tools (e.g. stereo processor, equalizer, noise gate), sophisticated improvement algorithms (band extrapolation, noise suppression, declicker) as well as various filters and tools in Nero WaveEditor assist you in editing your files.
Nero WaveEditor
2 Starting the Program
To start Nero WaveEditor via Nero StartSmart, proceed as follows:
1. Click the Nero StartSmart icon.
The Nero StartSmart window is opened.
2. Click the button.
The list of Nero applications is displayed.
Starting the Program
3. Select the Nero WaveEditor entry in the selection list.
The Nero WaveEditor window is opened.
You have started Nero WaveEditor via Nero StartSm art.
2.1 Configuration
You can configure Nero WaveEditor to suit your needs. For this purpose the Device Settings, Editor Options and Audio Format Settings are available to you.
You reach the different setting windows via the Options entry in the menu bar.
Nero WaveEditor
Nero StartSmart window
2.1.1 Device Settings
In the Device Settings window of Nero WaveEditor it is possible to make determinations for the audio input and output.
You reach this window via Options > Device Settings entry in the menu bar.
The following drop-down menus are available in the Device Settings window:
Starting the Program
Device Settings window
Input device
Output device
2.1.2 Editor Options
In the Nero WaveEditor Editor Options window, it is possible to make output and saving settings as well as determine aspects of display and plug-ins on various tabs.
You reach this window via Options > Editor Options in the menu bar. View Tab
Specifies the audio device for the audio input (e.g. a microphone). Specifies the audio device for the audio output (e.g. speakers).
Nero WaveEditor
View tab
The following check boxes are available on the View tab:
Starting the Program
Show axis to the left of the
audio visualization
Show time rules above the
audio visualization
Trace playback position
line while playing
Use green on black color Directories Tab
Displays a percentage axis to the left of the peak file of the audio file. The percentage axis shows the alignment of the frequency in the positive as well as the negative percentage area.
Displays a time axis above the peak file of the audio file. The time axis shows the duration of the audio file in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
Uses a black line to show the position of the playback in the audio file.
Displays the peak file in green and the background in black. The default is for the peak file to be shown in blue and the background in white.
The following setting options are available on the Directories tab:
Input field
Temporary directory
Defines the folder in which temporary files are stored. The folder should be located on a drive with plenty of storage space.
Nero WaveEditor
Directories tab
Starting the Program
Input field
Peak File Directory
Check box
Always recreate peak files
Input field
My Music Directory
Check box
Always start file open dialog in My
Music directory
Specifies the folder where peak files are stored. Peak files are cache files that Nero WaveEditor uses to open audio files more quickly. The folder should be located on a drive with ample storage space.
Always creates a new peak file when an audio file is opened. Otherwise, the peak files are stored temporarily in a directory and are called up aga in there.
Specifies the default folder where files are stored.
When calling the Open window, the system will always first show the folder that is specified in the My Music direcory text box.
Opens a window where the folder can be selected for the respective files. Save/Output Settings Tab
Save/Output Settings tab
Nero WaveEditor
Starting the Program
The following setting options are available on the Save/Output Settings tab:
Check box
Use dithering when
converting to lower bit
Drop-down menu
Noise shaping filter
Check box
Restore wave output
volume when closing
Nero WaveEditor
Drop-down menu
Bit depth during
Overlays sound errors that arise when converting to a lower
depth with a white noise that is hardly noticed by human
hearing. If there is no dithering, clearly audible interference can be heard when converting to lower bit depths.
Specifies the type of noise shaping. IIR filter (2nd order): Infinite Duration Impulse Response.
IIR filter. IIR filters can provide an infinitely long and
Uses continuous impulse response. In general they achieve a better
subjective audio quality than FIR filters do, however they have higher levels of interference energy outside of the audible range. 2nd order means that sound is attenuated by 12 dB.
FIR filter (3 taps): Finite Impulse Response filter. Uses
filters. FIR filters possess a pulse response with guaranteed
finite length. This entry is selected by default. Restores the volume of the audio file when Nero WaveEditor
is closed.
Specifies the bit depth during the playback of the loaded audio file.
Drop-down menu
Play surround audio as
Specifies how surround audio is played. Multichannel audio: Plays back surround audio with all
channels. Stereo using Nero HeadPhone (Virtu al Surround): Pla ys
back surround audio filtered down as stereo, with a virtual surround effect generated for headphones.
Stereo with Nero VirtualSpeakers (virtual surround): Plays surround audio filtered down as stereo, whereby a virtual sound effect is generated for speakers.
Nero WaveEditor
9 VST Plug-ins Tab
Starting the Program
The following setting options are available on the VST Plug-ins tab:
Display area
Shows the currently installed VST plug-ins.
Installed VST Plug-ins
Deletes the selected VST plug-in.
Opens the Open dialog box. Installs a new VST plug-in.
Add Plug-in
Check box
Include sub folders
Scan Folder
Searches for new VST plug-ins in the specified folder and sub folders.
Opens the Open dialog box. Searches for new VST plug-ins in the specified folder.
VST Plug-ins tab
Nero WaveEditor
10 DirectX Plug-ins Tab
Starting the Program
The following setting options are available on the DirectX Plug-ins tab:
Display area
Installed DirectX Plug-ins
Disable Plug-in
Scan DirectX Plug-ins
2.1.3 Audio Format Settings
In the Audio Format Settings window from Nero WaveEditor it is possible to undertake various definitions for decoder, encoder and converters on different tabs.
You reach this window via Options > Audio Format Settings in the menu bar.
DirectX Plug-ins tab
Shows the currently installed DirectX Plug-ins.
Disables the marked DirectX Plug-in.
Carries out an intensive search for DirectX Plug-ins.
Nero WaveEditor
11 Decoders Tab
Starting the Program
Decoders tab
The following setting options are available on the Decoders tab:
Display area
Shows the available decoders .
Decoder Plug-ins
Opens a window where additional settings can be made for the selected decoder.
This button is not available for all decoders.
Opens the About window where information about the selected decoder is displayed.
This button is not available for all decoders.
Moves the decoder up one entry.
Move Up
Moves the decoder down one entry.
Move Down
Artist/Title Information
Opens the Get Artist / Title Information window where you can specify the source from which information relative to artist and title will be read.
Nero WaveEditor
12 Encoders Tab
Starting the Program
Encoders tab
The following setting options are available on the Encoders tab:
Display area
Shows the available encoders .
Encoder Plug-
Opens a window where additional settings can be made for the selected encoder.
This button is not available for all encoders.
Opens the About window where you can view information about the selected encoder.
This button is not available for all encoders.
Opens the Get Artist / Title Information window where you can specify the source from which information about artist and title will be read.
Nero WaveEditor
13 Converters Tab
Starting the Program
Converters tab
The following setting options are available on the Converters tab:
Display area
Shows the available converters.
Opens a window where you can make additional settings for the selected converter.
This button is not available for all converters.
Opens the About window where you can view information about the selected converter.
This button is not available for all converters.
Opens the Get Artist / Title Information window where you can specify the source from which information about artist and title will be read.
Nero WaveEditor
3 User Interface
3.1 Main Window
The main window is displayed when Nero WaveEditor is started. It is divided into a menu bar and toolbar and various displays at the bottom of the window.
An opened file is displayed in the file display as a peak file with the wave display as standard. It is also possible to change the display to spectrogram display or wavelet display.
User Interface
3.1.1 Menu Bar
The following menus are available in the menu bar:
Main window
File Opens the File menu, containing file functions such as opening, saving
and closing that you are already familiar with from Windows.
Edit Opens the Edit menu, containing editing functions for the files in the
selection screen such as cutting, copying and deleting that you are already familiar with from Windows. You can also change the audio file in different ways, insert files and track splits and activate automatic pause detection.
Nero WaveEditor
User Interface
View Opens the View menu offering the possibilty of individu ally adjusting the
menu bar and toolbar, and enlarging or reducing the view of the project. In addition, you can change the view of the audio file, show and hide windows and display information about the loaded audio file.
Audio Opens the Audio menu that offers the possibility of recording, playing
and stopping audio files.
Volume Opens the Volume menu with the option of changing the volume of the
opened audio file. You can also choose from different Fade In and Fade
Out methods.
Tools Opens the Tools menu that offers the possibility of editing the opened
audio file using a variety of tools.
Effects Opens the Effects menu with the option to edit the opened audio file
using a variety of effects.
Enhancement Opens the Enhancement menu with the option to edit the sound of the
opened audio file.
Plug-ins Opens the Plug-ins menu with the option to carry out settings for DirectX
as well as for VST plug-ins.
Windows Opens the Windows menu, which allows all windows to be closed at
Options Opens the Options menu with the option to configure the program.
Help Opens the Help menu that offers the possibility of calling up online help
and viewing the version number and other registration data. Fade Out And Fade In Methods
The following setting options are available in the Volume > Fade Out entry in the menu bar:
Fade out Sinusoidal .
Fade out Exponential .
Fade out Linear .
Fade out Logarithmic .
Nero WaveEditor
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